
Nine Nether opened his savage mouth and let out a low roar, moved towards Chu Bei, which was so fierce that it was terrifying and so fierce!

It reveals breath too terrifying. Even in the eight domains, as powerful as the giants of the upper realm, they can’t help shiver coldly and worship.

Perceiving the breath revealed by the Nether Nether, Chu Bei's face became serious.

The other party is also Supreme, but it is different from the bottom of his Supreme. Looking at all Supremes, it is also an extremely powerful existence.

If you use Shrouding The Heavens plane battle strength to convert, the opponent is already infinitely close to the owner of the self-slashing life forbidden zone, above the Ninth Rank Zhun Emperor and below the Great Emperor!

And the little black power he can mobilize at present is probably equivalent to Sixth Rank Zhundi.

"It turns out that the owner of this Supreme battle clothes turned out to be one of the ten Immemorial fiends, Nine Nether!"

All the cultivators of the Eight Domains looked at the Nether Nether in the Foreign Domain battlefield in horror. Unbelievably not old, Heavenly Venerate has resurrected the legendary existence!


Nine Nether roared, his eyes were fierce, and he began to merge with the Supreme battle clothes.

Wolf head, gray horns, ebony-like scales, red hair, and nine strange tails, these all are its distinctive features.

"This king just promised him, so you have to die!"

After fusing Supreme battle clothes, Nine Nether's eyes suddenly looked towards Chu Bei and his eyes shot out blood light , The killing intent carried in the cold voice makes people scary.

Chu Bei's face is dignified, and his breath has risen to the extreme, ready for the battle.


The sound of the word "Senhan" is filled, and the Nine Nether scorpion pounces on Chu Bei, and it arrives in no time.


Chu Bei's expression is serious, five fingers open simultaneously, tear the sky with Power of Primal Chaos, and detain Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five from it Elements Divine Lightning, focused on this fierce ten fierce, full strength attack, thunder flaming.


Faced with Five Elements Divine Lightning, Nine Nether didn’t dodge, I saw the red hair rooted upside down, and then shot out, actually shooting all the lightning flashes. Open, destroy the Five Elements Divine Lightning.

"It is worthy of the Immemorial ten fierce!"

A group of giants from the upper world watching the battle were shocked. The Five Elements Divine Lightning played by Boss Chu was terrifying enough, as if it were on Heavenly God. Punishment, if they are facing each other, I'm afraid undying will be seriously injured.

But this Nine Nether dog can easily resolve the crisis just by shooting out the hair.

“roar! ”

Nine Nether still screams, countless stars are trembling, and the ancient Arena swayed too much, cracking one after another long crack from it.

It's too mad, its sharp teeth shimmering cold light, like a dagger after another, the wolf’s mouth emits azure ripples, no stronghold one cannot overcome, the sky crumbles.

All the cultivators in the eight domains were horrified, and the roar of the Nine Nether was too terrifying. Even if the opponent was on the Foreign Domain battlefield, there were still countless ears hemorrhages and almost passed out due to the shock.

They dare not imagine the consequences of such a sound wave if it appeared directly in the eight domains. I am afraid that it will be immediately shattered if it is stronger than Venerable, just like an ant!


Chu Bei emits shouting loudly, behind the chaos whirls frantically, and one sky becomes distorted.

Next moment, Chu Bei clenched his fists with both hands, crossed his momentum, and suddenly hammered into the void beside him.


At the moment when Chu Bei's fists blasted, Heaven and Earth suddenly stood still. After the dead silence, the sky seemed to have turned into glass. Shattered one after another, divided into tens of thousands of pieces.

The fragments of the sky are surging together, like a billowing river, colliding with the roar of the roar, and an incomparable terrifying explosion occurs between the two.

The sonic ripples are hitting, the horror energy is intertwined, and it can't stop for a long time, and the Foreign Domain stars burst one after another.

At this moment, the little black power mobilized by Chu Bei is evolving, such as True Dragon in the sky, crossing the explosion zone, pinching the Supreme fist, moved towards Nine Nether, and attacking.

His double fists wrapped in chaotic ripples, like two rounds of small suns, emitting the brightest rays of light, blasting down, and only the fist wind has torn the sky away!

"But Supreme initial mastery, you are too confident!"

Nine Nether roars, covered in red hair like steel pins, and a pair of huge ones on the head The gray horns glowed, and it jumped up to meet Chu Bei.


Chu Bei's double fists collided with the horns of the Nine Nether scorpion, the sound cracked, the aftermath of the sound ripped through the sky, and the breathtaking brilliance splashed across the sky like one after another.


During the collision, the chaotic light outside Chu Bei's body was pierced through a gap by the horns of the Nether horns, and the sharp horns with cold glow pierced Chu Bei's fists.

At this moment, Chu Bei only felt a tingling pain on the face of his fist and blood dripping down.

The Power of Slaughter contained in the horns was too terrifying, so that his fist was injured in a reckless fight.


Nine Nether roared, releasing dazzling Golden rays of light all over the body. With a roar, Chu Bei retreated.

Look at the Nine Nether scorpion again, its horns are unharmed, that is the hardest part of its body.

"How is it possible! Senior him, he seems to be bleeding!"

"Is this the ten evil? It's too terrifying!"

Imperial Shiguo Palace, a group of Venerable eyes stared at the battlefield in the sky without blinking. When they saw Chu Bei’s fist dripping with blood, the complexion was greatly changed one by one.

Even Shi Hao has a look of worry on his face, and he is very nervous when he pinches the corner of his clothes.

"Nine Nether, who deserves to be the evil name shaking the old illuminating the new! Really terrifying!"

On the top of the medicine, the five great big shots looked at each other and looked at each other. They were not too shocked by the battlefield situation.

After all, this Boss Chu is also Supreme, but there is no record in the long history.

In their opinion, there must be a more terrifying Supreme in the age of the other party, which overwhelmed his limelight, so that he has no record.

Immemorial ten fierce, every time they are born, they will become the most powerful powerhouse of that time, and their reputation has been passed down since ancient times.

At the moment, this Boss Chu is at a disadvantage, which is reasonable.

The ancient double pupil girl glanced at Nether Nether and looked towards Chu Bei, her eyes flowed in the sea of ​​stars, and she was silent.

"I'll help you!"

At this moment, Desolate Pagoda made a sound, and disappeared from the top of the medicine in an instant. When it reappeared, it was already beside Chu Bei. .

"Falling to escape, you still want to intervene and help with your current state? It's ridiculous!"

Nine Nether glanced at Desolate Pagoda, seeming to know the origin of the other party, disdain The issue is coldly snorted.

"I don't need someone else to help me in this matter."

Chu Bei's voice is calm, little ripples are attached to the surface of his fist, and the wound on it heals at a speed visible by naked eye. .

"Which comes from the letter!"

Nine Nether 獓eye shows the ominous light, double horns like heavenly blade, attacking Chu Bei again.

"Nine Nether cut!"

Nine Nether roared and appeared in front of Chu Bei, all nine tails stabbed forward, like a scorpion tail hook, quickly and sinister. But it is far more terrifying than a scorpion tail, because each tail has a dragon head at the end, which is hideous and scary.

At this moment, all the nine dragon heads opened their mouths, spouting a cold light flashed sharp blade, and swept towards Chu Bei's body.

The two are so close to each other, the nine great cold blades are coming in an instant, it is inevitable!

Chu Bei brows slightly wrinkle, immediately mobilize the power of Xiao Hei to form a huge chaos defense cover outside the body.

Boom, boom, boom!

The cold blades ejected from the nine dragon heads hit the Chaos Cover from different directions.

In the clanging sound, dragon roar bursts, and the sky collapses!


With the sound of crisp cracking, the chaos mask in front of Chu Bei finally shattered under the nine cold blades.

But perhaps because it consumed too much energy to break through the Chaos Mantle, the nine cold blades were then shattered by Chu Bei's fist.

"Your power breath is a bit weird."

Nine Nether stubbornly glanced at the surging chaos of Chu Bei all around, the cold voice fell, and the nine tails flicked.

I saw the nine tail-end dragons open their huge mouths again, and a dark light sphere condensed in the mouths this time.

"My God! It is rumored that the nine tails of Nine Nether will cause all Supreme to retreat. Now it seems that it is true! These nine tails have the power of Nine Dragons! "

In the eight domains, all the giants of the upper realm looked at the Nether Nether in horror, especially the dragon heads on the other's nine tails. The condensed dark light sphere seemed to swallow the stars and eat the Supreme. expert.

At the top of the medicine city, the ancient double pupil girl, the black golden sparrow, and the chaotic daoist all showed horror. If they were any of them, I am afraid that they will not be able to escape from these nine dragon heads. They will definitely be torn apart. up and in pieces.

"Senior can he withstand this blow."

Imperial Palace in Shiguo, the Venerable faces are heavy, looking at Chu Bei in the projection with great concern.

Although the Supreme level of battle is not what they can predict, they can imagine that the Nether Nether has already used the strongest attack.

Shi Hao also tightened his fists, and his face became more tense.


Foreign Domain battlefield, the nine tail-end dragon heads of the Nether Nether are close to each other, and the nine black light spheres fit together, and they begin to blend in with the breathtaking and strange sound.

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