
In the Foreign Domain battlefield, a cold voice came from the mouth of Nine Nether and spread throughout the eight domains.

next moment, nine black light spheres condensed into a beam of light, traversing the sky, and strikes on the defensive cover that Chu Bei evolved with the power of black.


The ripples shattered, and Chu Bei was shaken off, directly smashing a star, and the blood in his chest rolled.

"Don't try to be strong, you are not his opponent. I can sublimate for a short period of time, with the power of Supreme, I can only fight with him if I work together!"

This At that time, Desolate Pagoda flew to Chu Bei's side and spoke again.

"Senior is really not the opponent of Nine Nether."

"Senior will he fall?"

"Damn! I really want to fight with senior." ."


Looking at the battlefield in the projection, the Venerable faces are unwilling, and their eyes are full of hatred for Nine Nether.

"Boss Chu, a generation of Supreme, is this also going to come to an end." A group of upper bound giants sighed and regretted Chu Bei.

In the battlefield of Foreign Domain, Chu Bei at this moment, the inner world is complicated, which can be described as mixed feelings.

The Immemorial Ten Fiends are too powerful, so powerful that even if he mobilizes the current power of Xiaohei, he is no longer an opponent of the opponent.

In other words, the little black power he mobilized this time was not borrowed when facing this Nether Nether.

According to the system, the use of Xiao Hei’s power is stronger than the opponent’s great realm every time.

He used the power of Xiaohei this time to use it when facing the giants of the upper realm, and this Nether Nether is stronger than the two great realms of those giants!

Thinking of this, Chu Bei shook the head, could not help but let out a sigh.

Fortunately, he still has the right to use Level 19 products!

"This time depends on what block you use!"

The defensive cover outside Chu Bei's body is still being slowly repaired, and at this moment, Nine Nether has successfully gained momentum again, and his body has scales. The flicker forms a black light barrier, and the nine tail faucets are attached to the black light barrier at the same time.

After that, the nine dragon mouths were wide open, and the jet-black light sphere was once again intertwined and fused together, compressed into a frightening beam.

"Is this seat underestimated."

The dignity on Chu Bei's face suddenly disappeared, and his faint gaze swept across the proud Nine Nether and preparations Desolate Pagoda helped.

When Chu Bei's calm voice fell, a blue long sword appeared in his hand.

The long sword trembled, and densely packed blue light spots appeared in the void battlefield inexplicably.

At the same time, a lot of weird phenomena occurred on each cultivator of the eight domains.

"Senior what did he do!"

"What are these blue-green rays of light? Why did they fly from our body to senior?"

"To be more precise, it flew to the sword in the hands of the senior!"

"I don't know! The first time I encountered such a situation, I didn't see the record in the ancient book. !"

"I don’t think the power within the body is reduced, I really don’t understand."


A crowd in the Imperial Palace in Shiguo Venerable glanced at each other, looking at the strange light spots flying out of the body, looked at each other in blank dismay, with a confused expression.

"That sword..."

"What means is this!"

"Will the situation still change?"

Above the medicine city, the five Overlord level giants looked at themselves and the blue light spots flying out of the countless cultivators of the Eight Domains, frowning, at a loss.

"It is rumored that there were immortals in ancient times who could mobilize life power for their own use. Does this Boss Chu possess such means!"

The ancient double pupil Goddess is sluggish, like He remembered some ancient secrets, and an incredible color appeared in his eyes.

"My God, who the hell are you! Have you been hiding before?" On the battlefield of Foreign Domain, Desolate Pagoda floated beside Chu Bei, making a surprised voice.

At this moment, the blue long sword in Chu Bei's hands is wrapped in blue-green rays of light from all directions along with his whole body. In the long sword in his hand, a blue-green beam of light gushes from the tip of the sword, like a galaxy hanging upside down.

This is a Level 19 killer commodity that he has redeemed from the system. It is a sword that can mobilize the strength of faith!


Looking at the weird scene ahead, Nine Nether's eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body, and after being frowned, a long whistle.

next moment, the terrifying black beam formed by the interweaving of light spheres gushing out of nine dragon mouths penetrated the sky and fiercely shot towards Chu Bei.

hong long!

However, just when the terrifying beam was about to penetrate Chu Bei's body, Chu Bei opened his eyes, and the long sword in his hand shook, and a ray of blue-green sword The light shot out, directly facing the beam of Nine Nether.

A terrible roar!

The blue-green sword light uses Supreme power to directly crush dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to annihilate the stunning beam.

"This...this is impossible!" Nine Nether was shocked, complexion greatly changed.

It can't believe that its powerful blow was easily destroyed by the opponent's a sword light!

"ao ——!"

Nine Nether roars, the outer scales glow, nine tails shake, bursting out infinite divine glow.

"Nine Nether Tiangong!"

Nine Nether screamed, and as it fell, the nine dragon heads swayed and turned into a True Dragon. From nine The direction trapped Chu Bei in it, and at the same time, a black purple flame sprayed out of his mouth, burning Chu Bei in the blue-green light beam, and wanted to refining it with the power of Nine Nether.

Nine Nether's heavenly power, obliterates everything, crushes everything, this is a lore!

However, what frightens the Nether Nether is that if it is burned by the fire of Nether in every way, it will not be able to burn through the blue-green mask outside the opponent's body.

"This battle is meaningless."

The extremely indifferent voice sounded from the Foreign Domain battlefield, and then drifted to the eight domains. Although the voice was calm, it shook each other. Personal mind.

In the buzzing sound, the blue-green rays of light outside Chu Bei's body and the blue-green beam of light hanging down from the long sword in his hand shrank instantly into his body.

next moment, Chu Bei stepped forward, all around all the blue and green rays of light disappeared, but the breath that changed along with him.

If the Chu Bei before was powerful, then Chu Bei at the moment gives people a very ordinary feeling, and there is not even the slightest coercion on the body.

But if you really treat him as an ordinary person, you will find that there is a strange breath on his body, and you want to kneel down and bow down inexplicably.

Foreign Domain battlefield, Chu Bei's robe moves without wind, his hair is slightly raised, holding a long sword in one hand and behind his back, striding in the sky.

Every time it takes a step, its behind will tear out a very huge pitch-black gap. The black thunder is densely covered in the gap, and the stars flow around, releasing the mighty power of Supreme.

"ao ——!"

Nine Nether roared, urging the fire of Nine Nether to continue burning Chu Bei.

But now, these Nether fires can't help Chu Bei at all, and they don't have the slightest effect.


Chu Bei raised his hand and waved his sword lightly, and the fire of Nine Nether dissipated instantly.

Densely packed cracks like spider webs spread in the flame, and within a moment, these Nine Nether fires disappeared in the empty space.


Looking at the silhouette that floated slowly, the face of Nine Nether finally showed fear.

It is puzzled. The other party was still Initial Phase Supreme a moment ago, but this next moment has already surpassed it, like standing on the top of Supreme, and even breaking through Supreme Realm!

"You have done a good job."

Chu Bei calmly looked at the Nine Nether Snake, without the slightest emotional voice falling, a finger pointed.

next moment, Nine Nether screamed sternly.

In an instant, its whole body was invaded by a terrifying invisible force, which directly penetrated its hard scale armor, penetrated into the body, and tore its internal organs.

While crying in pain, Nine Nether twisted his body, roared in his mouth, behind nine tails flicked wildly, and the black light sphere was condensed in the mouth of nine huge dragon heads.

However, these terrifying light spheres that were able to penetrate the system Absolute Defense before, have not strikes on Chu Bei's body at this moment, they are easily shot out without any effort.

"Is there any other means? Let's show it while I have no killer yet." Chu Bei looked casual.

Since holding the sword of faith, the strength in his body has suddenly risen to several levels.

Level 19, not to mention Supreme, this is already above Immortal, ranking Immortal King!

In short, he is a perfect Immortal King!

"Nine Nether is one!"

In the face of Chu Bei today, Nine Nether no longer has the slightest contempt on his face.

In the roar, the nine huge tails flicked with frequency, emitting an ancient strange syllable, rumbling like a heavenly thunder.

In the desperate situation, it is performing ancient methods, forming nine kinds of seals in one breath. Each Dharma seal corresponds to a divine ability, the nine tails are close together, and the nine Great Divine Ability blends here, blooming with dazzling light, just like splitting heaven and earth apart, incomparable!


Nine Nether masters nine treasures into one.

This is its most powerful blow, and it has beaten countless Supreme!

Facing the attacking Nether Nether, Chu Bei calmed and composed, raised his hand, swung a blue sword glow to greet him, and in the sword glow, countless blue light spots were faintly visible rotating.

hong long!

With a blast, the Foreign Domain battlefield was completely shattered and turned into a white glow, with nothing to see!

Everyone closed their eyes subconsciously. For a long time, when they opened their eyes again, the projection of the void battlefield had disappeared.

"How did the battle end?"

"Where are they!"



came back to his senses, and a group of giants immediately looked for the silhouettes of Chu Bei and Nine Nether, until they finally cast their eyes on the direction of the Imperial Palace in Shiguo.

At this moment, above the Imperial Palace, Chu Bei is holding his hands behind, on his shoulders, Desolate Pagoda is floating, swinging back and forth.

On his right side, there is a piece of Golden battle clothes floating, which is the Supreme battle clothes. As for the left side, an extremely huge energy sword glow traverses the sky and penetrates a group of translucent objects.

Look carefully, the so-called translucent object is the soul body of Nether Nether. As for its fleshy body, it has been destroyed in the previous collision.

"Master won, Master he won!"

In the Imperial Palace in Shiguo, a crowd of people stared at Chu Bei in the sky with dull expressions. Shi Hao was the first to react. Coming over, exclaimed, with excitement and joy in the immature childish voice.

"senior, congratulations...congratulations..."

After Shi Hao, Venerable such as Shi Huang, Huo Huang, You Wang, Heavenly Demon Butterfly, Nine-Headed Lion came back one after another to his senses, moved towards Chu Bei bowed, with vibrato in the words.

"How did he do it?"

"What kind of power is that! Or, this is his true strength!"


"Even if they are both Supreme, the disparity in this great realm is too big!"


The medicine is above, the chaotic daoist, the black jinque The five Overlord level giants are in a trance, and have not yet come back to his senses from the previous Supreme battle.

The ups and downs of the situation turned too fast, especially the soaring strength of the Boss Chu at the end, it was even more confusing to see them.

"Will it really be an ancient fairy?"

The ancient double pupil female expression somewhat numb, staring at Chu Bei's back in a daze, muttering to herself.

"ao ——"

Above the Imperial Palace in Shiguo, the soul body of the Nether Nether is struggling and twisting, and it keeps moving towards Chu Bei with unwilling roar noises.

Chu Bei faintly glanced at the Nether Nether, then his gaze fell on Desolate Pagoda: "It will be your nourishment."

"Such an item of great nourishment , You... Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

Desolate Pagoda revolved around Chu Bei, and even made the sound of swallowed saliva, asking uncertainly and tentatively.

"What? You don't want it?" Chu Bei smiled.

"Yes, of course! Your great kindness, I will remember it, I will repay if I have the opportunity!" Once again, Desolate Pagoda flew to the top of Nine Nether.

Next, a huge mouth full of sharp teeth appeared from the bottom of the tower, which directly swallowed the soul of Nine Nether.


Nine Nether screamed in pain, and the screams were full of strong killing intents, but at this moment, it was already weak to the extreme, and there was no resistance to it. Force, can only be unwilling to become the nourishment of Desolate Pagoda.

"It's cruel!"

Seeing this scene, the black siskin above the drug city couldn't help but mutter, as if recalling the pain of being chased and gnawed by Desolate Pagoda. memory.

After successfully swallowing the Nether Nether, the mysterious bone tower releases the dim dazzling light all over the body, and then slowly falls to the top of Shi Hao's head, as if he fell into a deep sleep after eating and drinking.

"You little fellows come down from the upper realm, how long are you going to stay?"

Suddenly, a voice full of Supreme majesty came out from Chu Bei's mouth, resounding Every corner of the eight domains.

next moment, in the eight domains, all the giants, including the five Overlord levels above Yaodu, seemed to have received an irresistible traction, and were dragged away from the spot in an instant.

Imperial Palace in Shiguo, above the square, Chu Bei right hand lifted it, and then moved towards the void in front of him a finger pointed.

Suddenly, a huge rippled cage appeared in the sky.

Under the horrified gaze of numerous cultivators below, halo after halo floated from the gap in the cage, and the number was nearly thirty.

"Are they the giants from the upper realm!"

"The chief culprit in the past great disasters in the wasteland!"

"These giants seem to have just come to the lower realm Those looking for opportunities, those giants who harvested us have all been killed by seniors."


The fire emperor, the stone emperor, the Nine-Headed Lion and other Venerable faces are full of faces. Looking at the upper bound giant in the prison in surprise, he whispered.

"In your eyes, the eight regions of the lower realm are the land of sin and blood, and the people in the lower realm are sinners?"

Chu Bei calmly looked at the upper realm in the prison Giant: "How much did you juniors know about what happened back then? How much do you know about the truth of the matter? Since you didn't start with the eight-domain cultivator, this seat let you go. From now on, you will not be allowed to step into the eight-domain. Otherwise kill without mercy!"

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