High in the sky, in the rippling prison, indifferent voices rang in the ears of a group of giants including Chaos Daoist and Black Sparrow. They looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with confusion.

"The truth of what happened back then?"

The giants were astonished. Since they have the memory of hitting them, the lower realm is a cage for sinners, and this idea is deeply rooted.

"This seat will go to the upper realm soon, and you will know some things when the time comes. Whether it is the eight regions of the lower realm or the three thousand Dao Province, in fact, it is one body and all have common enemies. "

Chu Bei held his hands behind, raised his head to look up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle: "Remember what I said before, don't come later."

The voice fell, Chu Bei Without giving the giants time to react, with a wave of their sleeves, the rippling cage squeaked and the giants moved towards the portal in the sky far away.

For a few breaths, the giants from the upper realm were squeezed back into the door and disappeared.

The countless cultivators of the eight domains were taken aback for a while, and it took a long time before they came back to his senses from the consternation.

"Then...the giants were all sent back by Boss Chu!"

"The catastrophe has disappeared! Moreover, with the awe of Boss Chu, these giants must never dare to follow The upper bound is down!"

"In this way, we will not experience this kind of catastrophe again in the future! With the increase of cultivation years, we will also have the opportunity to spy on the realm above Venerable!"

"Savior, Boss Chu is the Savior of our eight domains!"


The cultivators from all corners of the eight domains are cheering and watching one by one The dissipated picture in the distant sky, shouting excitedly.

"senior, many thanks life-saving grace!"

In the Imperial Palace, after a crowd of Venerable eye contact, they knelt down towards Chu Bei at the same time, with their eyes sincere.

"Your road will still be long in the future." Chu Bei held up a crowd of Venerable.

"Senior, what realm is on top of Venerable?" Shi Huang hesitated a little, but after all he opened his mouth.

"You have now stepped into the Venerable realm. Among these eight realms, you are already a Peak cultivator. When you arrive at this realm, you can already be said to be detached from the world and have the possibility of becoming a god. This next realm is the initial ignition Divine Flame, detached from mortals, planted Dao seeds in the body, that is, Divine Flame Realm."

"Divine Flame Realm is followed by True Oneness Realm, which completely ignites the divine fire. Only when the divine fire is extinguished can it be regarded as death. Afterwards is the Heavenly God Realm, where the limbs are regenerated, and a drop of blood can collapse the mountain range. Second, the Void Dao Realm, blending with the Tao, can feel the magic between Heaven and Earth. The upper world giants you have seen before are the most The weak are in this realm."

"Following is the Self Severing Realm, also known as the Dao Realm, to cut off the clear comprehension of one’s own Tao and Dharma, most of the upper realm giants stay In this realm."

"As for the next realm, it is the Evading Oneness Realm. You have seen the immortal Heavenly Venerate and the people who competed for the first spirit root on top of the medicine. They are located This realm is the overlord of the giants."

"Next is the Supreme Realm, standing on the top of humanity, just exuding coercion can deter all souls and easily live millions. Years."


Chu Bei floated on a chair, glanced across the Venerable, and after explaining the division of realm, he took a sip of tea.

"It turns out that the road to cultivation is halfway, but in fact it has just begun!"

After listening to Chu Bei's words, Shi Huang, Huo Huang and other Venerable sighed with emotion.

"Senior, Supreme should be the end of cultivation, right? Also, are you Peak Supreme?" Nine-Headed Lion asked.

"Supreme is nothing but the Peak that's all of the humane realm. Above this there is the immortal dao realm, which is farther away from you. As for the realm of this seat, you will have a chance to know. "The corner of Chu Bei's mouth was smiling, and he stopped talking to these Venerable's questions.

Two days passed in a flash.

Universe Great Desolate Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, the eight regions of the lower realm are gradually restoring calm, but the major Sect, heavenly paradise, and even the pubs on the streets are still very fiercely discussing the topic of this war, some of them The ancient country even built a new stone statue for Chu Bei for worship.

At this moment, in Martial King's mansion, Chu Bei is lying on the exquisite sandalwood chair, his eyes falling forward.

I saw Shi Hao tempering himself in a great cauldron. This is an amazing picture.

He sits there, the juice in the cauldron is brilliant, and one plant after another is floating around, black canine leaf vine, shining star grass, golden old ginseng, spraying flame From the Fire Spirit flower...

Undoubtedly, these spirit plants are rare treasures, too extravagant and amazing!

Even if the giants in the upper world see it, they are shocked, because there are many of these spirit plants that even they desire.

In medicinal cauldron, in addition to various treasures, there are some minerals and medicinal insects, such as scarlet centipede with long arms, silver Pangolin with large palms, golden scorpions all over... all kinds of strange insects Ups and downs.

Of course, the most precious one is a Divine Insect, which is silvery white with a Qilin picture on the body surface, which contains amazing medicine efficacy. This is the Insect of the Black-scaled Insect family that Chu Bei arrested for Shi Hao. King.

gradually, medicinal cauldron sap is boiling, the mist is evaporating, and it is misty, just like Immortal Realm, and all kinds of rays are gushing.

Shi Hao is boiled by medicinal liquid, and the fleshy body is red, as if it is about to be cooked through. In fact, the blood is impacting, baptism is everywhere in the body.

"Hold it, and do as the teacher said."

Looking at Shi Hao and Chu Bei who clenched their teeth, frowned, and looked painful. Speak at the right time.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Shi Hao nodded, the Void Pill in his body rotates to release the Void Power, and with the help of medicinal power, he constantly refines his body, using the drug as a guide, baptism flesh and blood and skeleton for breakthrough.

hong long!

Finally, with a muffled sound, Shi Hao's breath rose sharply!

Around it, rune is densely covered and brilliant, reflecting the void, ten Celestial Grotto appear!

"It's now!"

With the sound of Chu Bei's voice, Shi Hao made an amazing move.

Ten Celestial Grotto are burning at the same time, he is living sacrifice to himself!

If others see this, they will be shocked, they will think that Shi Hao is crazy, and even more that Chu Bei is a mediocre teacher, even the life of the discipline is not!

However, just as Shi Hao's ten Celestial Grotto burned, the Void Pill in his body penetrated into the ten Celestial Grotto successively, stringing them together as a whole.

Time passes by minute by minute.

Shi Hao's top ten Celestial Grotto was broken, and he himself suffered heavy losses, the blood energy was dry, and the divine essence was severely lost.

However, if you look closely, you can find that there is a small Celestial Grotto below the Void Pill. And the energy in the broken ten Celestial Grotto, under the traction of the shock, all merged into the newly opened small Celestial Grotto.


Shi Hao uses Void Power as a needle and thread to penetrate these ten broken Celestial Grotto, connect them, and finally fuse into the new Celestial Grotto. .

hong long!

Finally, in its loud shouted, the top ten Celestial Grotto were completely integrated into the new Celestial Grotto.

That Celestial Grotto is glowing, with various unusual forms inside, which is hazy and mysterious to the extreme!

The only Celestial Grotto, just one bite!

"Master, I succeeded!"

Shi Hao opened his eyes quickly and looked at Chu Bei with excitement.

At this moment, the medicinal cauldron dries up, and Shi Hao has absorbed all the medicinal properties, leaving only a small amount of medicinal residue.

"Let’s be a teacher to try the power of your only Celestial Grotto."

Chu Bei looked at Shi Hao with relief, and then right hand moves, I don’t know where to go through the void A bird of prey was arrested.

The bird of prey froze for a moment, and then screamed, and moved towards Shi Hao dived away, its wings exuding black light, like metal casting, with a fierce air force.

From the perspective of breath, the strength of this raptor is at least equivalent to Human Race’s Celestial Grotto Peak

Shi Hao looked up at this very ferocious raptor, remaining unmoved, let it be culled.

I saw his only Celestial Grotto glow, shrouded him, the celestial clouds are brilliant, the rays of light are flowing, making him look sacred and detached, his eyes are clear, and his black hair is dancing with the wind.

weng weng!

Just when this raptor was about to hit Shi Hao with the power to break the mountains, its body fell into the glowing Celestial Grotto, like Drowning in the mud, unable to escape, breathing hard, was immediately restrained and imprisoned.

crack crack!

The bird of prey black feathers exploded and wailed softly, and there was panic in his eyes, trembling. The wailing sound has not yet drifted away, and his frozen body is inexplicably torn into several pieces by a power of space.

Until the bird of prey died, Shi Hao did not move, relying on the power of the only Celestial Grotto combined with the power of Gura Gura no Mi to kill the former.

[Shi Hao stepping into the Heaven Stage]

[Host task is completed, rewarding Level 19 merchandise use once]

Listen to the system sounding in your ears Tone, Chu Bei smiled with satisfaction.

Yes, the task after obtaining the first spirit root is to help Shi Hao enter the Heaven Stage. As for the task reward, it is still the right to use Level 19 products!

[Mission 5 is released, the host digs out Immortal Grave to obtain the air of Hong Meng]

[Before the mission is completed, the host can call ten Level 8 powers of the black]

[Complete the reward, you can use the power of the prestige points of the heavens once]

After a while, the system tone sounded again.

Chu Bei was stunned, came back to his senses and looked at the red dot marked on the system map, and then his gaze fell on Shi Hao's body.

"Master, what are you thinking about." To Chu Bei's gaze, Shi Hao looked confused.

Chu Bei moved towards Shi Hao beckoned: "Let’s go, follow and embark on a new journey as a teacher."

"A new journey? Master, you want to take the discipline Where?" Shi Hao stared wide, looking at Chu Bei curiously.

"Don't you want to see the three thousand Dao Province where the giants are located?" Chu Bei lightly patted Shi Hao's head.

"Master, are you going to take me to the upper realm!" Shi Hao was taken aback for a moment, and after reacting, his expression was extremely excited.

Looking at Shi Hao's expectant expression, Chu Bei smiled knowingly, then waved his sleeves, and a seven-color passage appeared in front of him.

This passage looks very long. It runs through the space and is hazy, with stars flickering from time to time, the Milky Way rotating, and the scene is misty.

In a trance, Shi Hao followed Chu Bei onto the seven-color passage.

"Master, can you tell me something about the Upper Realm?"

In the Seven Color Passage, Shi Hao held Chu Bei's big hand tightly for fear of passing through the space The energy in it is brought to an unknown mysterious place.

"This so-called upper bound is actually just a place in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths that's all. This realm, also known as Three Thousand Dao Province, so speaking, even one of the states , It's bigger than the total area of ​​the eight regions of the lower realm..." Chu Bei didn't rush to instill the three thousand Dao Province information he knew about Shi Hao.

"What? The Land of a Province in the upper realm is bigger than the eight realms in the lower realm combined! Master, then these three thousand states must be such a vast territory! If you add your words The more extensive mysterious no-man’s land, I can’t even imagine the discipline!"

After listening to Chu Bei, Shi Hao's shocked mouth opened wide, dumbfounded, and numb like a wooden man. same.

Others, he didn't understand much, so he knew a little bit, big!

This so-called three thousand Dao Province is infinite!

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