"Hao'er, take a long-term view, Sanqian Dao Province is just one place in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths that's all. Even more how, what Supreme Powerhouse really yearns for It is the immortal domain of the sea adjacent to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths! There is your future!" Chu Bei picked up Shi Hao and squeezed his white cheek.

"immortal domain? What's that place! But since the Master said, then the discipline will definitely go! Master, did you come from there?" Shi Hao clenched his fists and looked into his eyes Full of longing for immortal domain, afterwards he looked at Chu Bei curiously and asked.

Chu Bei shook the head: "Being a teacher comes from a place called Heaven Above, which is the place where the real chaos has begun."

"Heaven Above? The discipline must be a good cultivation , Not only go to the immortal domain, but also go to Master where you live!" Shi Hao raised his fist, fighting spirit high.

"Hao'er, 3000 Dao Province is coming soon." Chu Bei said lightly.


Hearing this, Shi Hao is heavily complied, and his head is like a chicken pecking at rice.

In this seven-color passage, Shi Hao feels as if he is wandering in a long river of time, as if he has traveled through endless years. Finally, the rays of light flashed and flew out of the space passage.

"Master, it's so refreshing!"

The majestic spiritual qi rushed towards him, Shi Hao couldn't help but yell.

This is a beautiful dwarf mountain, covering the mountains and plains is full of flowers, and the air is full of intoxicating fragrance.

The hot springs flowing down from the top of the peak form dozens of connected spring pools halfway up the mountain. Each hot spring pool is like one after another pearl, dotted with flowers all over the mountains, it is really A Holy Land.

"Master, the spiritual qi of the upper realm is really richer than the wasteland! The cultivation speed here must be many times faster than the lower realm!"

Shi Hao Smelling the fragrance of flowers in the air, he clenched his small fist and looked intoxicated.

Looking at the excited Shi Hao, Chu Bei smiled and shook the head, and then let go of Divine Consciousness, first glanced all around.

"Have you heard about what happened the other day?"

"Nonsense! Such a sensational major event, I don’t want to know it!"

"For tens of thousands of years, those Great Sect Sect Lords have been to the lower realm every millennium, and there has never been any problem. Who would have thought that there would be such a big change this time!"

"Unexpectedly, even the immortal Heavenly Venerate is dead. It's too terrifying! Doesn't it mean that in the lower realm, the highest cultivation base is only the Venerable realm? Why is it so terrifying all of a sudden!"

" As far as I know from the Dadao news, there is a Supreme in the Lower Realm! It seems like a boss called Chu, who killed several Sect Lords. Even in the end, the immortal Heavenly Venerate blood sacrifice revived the Nether Nether, and the ending remained unchanged. Nine Nether Lord, that's the ten fiends of Immemorial!"

"Hehe, but think about it, if the old Heavenly Venerate is not dead, how could Ageless Mountain be messed up like it is now? Alcatraz was born, again How can we have the chance!"

"Haha, so to speak. But among the forces that came to the island this time, Battle Clan, Tian Human Race, and Xiandian are all here! It seems to be for the island. An Immortal Grave above!"


"Master, they are discussing you."

Shi Hao points to a line of cultivator not far away , Stared at Chu Bei and said.

Chu Bei glanced at Shi Hao and gestured slightly.

"Master, what are the Immortal Grave and Hong Meng breaths they just mentioned?" Shi Hao looked towards Chu Bei, muttering.

Shi Hao captured some information from the conversation of all around people. Their current location is a corner of the Five Elements state.

The most Major Sect in Five Elements State is Ageless Mountain. However, because the Sect Lord of Ageless Mountain’s Sect Lord, Heavenly Venerate, died in the lower realm a few days ago, Ageless Mountain has been immersed in grief in recent days. in.

Not far from here, there is an island, and at this moment, countless cultivators are moving towards this island.

"Did you hear the Alcatraz island they just said? That was our first stop." Chu Bei lightly patted Shi Hao's head, and then waved his sleeves, master and disciple two The silhouette of the person disappeared.


This is a vast mountain forest. Some vigorous old trees are as high as thousands of meters, and some ancient vines are more like Titan snakes. The whole mountain is wrapped around, emitting a bright green light.

In the dense mountain forest, the fallen leaves are several feet thick, and there are various poison insects and beasts, and there is a sacrificial breath.

"Master, didn't you mean to go to Alcatraz Island?" Shi Hao looked up at Chu Bei, with puzzlement in his big eyes.

Chu Bei laughed did not speak, but pointed his fingers forward.

The mountains are majestic, with a lot of spiritual trees growing, exuding shining and shining light, and the silver waterfall is like a practice, falling down, and the white mist is misty, magnificent like Immortal Realm.

It's just a four or five-year-old fat boy who spoiled this beauty. He was lying on the ground, his whole body was covered with mud, and his two fat little hands were digging through the soil.

"Hey, what is he doing?!"

Shi Hao looked at the fat boy in surprise, not to mention that the speed of this fatty boy is so fast that he can dig the dirt quickly, just a few breaths away. A deep hole was dug out.

The fat boy's face is very round, like a big apple, looks very simple, but his big eyes are a bit bright, giving people a slippery feeling.

Shi Hao took Chu Bei's hand and walked quickly to the deep pit with curiosity.

"Who are you guys?"

The fat boy was very alert and immediately discovered Shi Hao and Chu Bei.

"Master and I passed by here, what are you doing?" Shi Hao squatted by the pit, looking at the fat boy with big eyes.

"Cultivation." The fat boy seemed to think for a while, and then replied very simply.

"Is there any cultivation of soil?"

Shi Hao became interested and asked: "What is your name?"

"I, famous , Is destined to be famous throughout the world. In this era of Megatron, my name is Cao Yusheng."

The fat boy wiped the dust off his face, then got up and straightened the corners of his clothes, his brows were flying.

After introducing himself, Fat Tong seemed to think of business again, moved towards Shi Hao, and said: "You and your Master will wait for me here. Soon, don't leave. "

After that, the fat boy fell on his stomach again and quickly dug in the deep pit. His silhouette quickly disappeared from Shi Hao’s sight, leaving behind a bottomless It's like a pit that goes straight to the center of the earth.

A quarter of an hour later.

The mud is flying, and the fat boy swishes out.

"haha, got it!"

The fatty boy danced and laughed with a smug face.

Looking intently, I saw a golden water chestnut in the hand of Fatty Tong, emitting a dazzling golden light, dyeing his entire arm and fat face into Golden, exuding a delicate fragrance.

"This is a holy medicine!"

Looking at the water chestnut in the fat boy's hand, Shi Hao cried out in surprise, then immediately turned his head and looked towards Chu Bei: "Master, you Do you know what he came from? You can actually find rare treasures in the ground!"

"We know each other by fate, let us divide you a little!"

Fatty Tong is unusually generous, from the water chestnut Tear off one-fifth and threw it to Shi Hao. The golden sap was flowing, and the rich aroma made the pores relax all over the body, as if to feather and soar.


Shi Hao took the corner of the spirit plant, hesitated in his mouth, and seemed to hesitate whether he should take it or not.

"Brother, Qing Shan does not change the long green water, we we'll meet again some day."

Fatty has a small childhood, but his behavior is inverted. He is a little adult. After holding cup one fist in the other hand with Shi Hao, he smiled honestly, then twisted his hips and ran wildly.

"Hey, why did you run away, I haven't thanked you yet."

Shi Hao moved towards Fat Boy's back and beckoned, but his anxious tone barely fell down, booming With a sound, an astonishing breath erupted from the deep pit.

next moment, in the deep hole dug out by the fatty boy, the fire is blazing, and the earth and gravel are splashing.

"Master, there are powerful creatures down here!"

Shi Hao quickly reacted. The previous fat boy was not in cultivation at all, he was just collecting medicine. Moreover, this holy medicine has a master, but it was secretly picked by the fat boy silently.

At the moment, the creature in the ground clearly found that the holy medicine had been lost, and was furious!


This is a blue dragon, shaped like a True Dragon, and huge in size. It immediately soars into the sky, call the wind and summon the rain, around Lightning and thunder, the scene is amazing.

Around it, there is a blue fire surging into the sky, and the sky covered by the flames of Spiritual God is all blue, terrifying to the extreme.

At this moment, this terrifying creature is glaring at Shi Hao. To be precise, it should be the small half of the spirit plant in his hand.

"Master, that fat boy actually plots against us!"

For Shang Bi Jiao's gaze full of killing intents, Shi Hao finally reacted, squeezing his fists tightly At that, there was resentment on his little face.

"You thieves, you really deserve to kill!"

Bi Jiao yelled up to the sky, with utter anger in his roar. When it comes to breath, it has surpassed ignition Surefire's cultivator.


But when Bi Jiao opened his huge mouth and watched as he was about to swallow Shi Hao, Chu Bei raised his hand a finger pointed.

Suddenly, Bi Jiao's body was pierced by a bunch of white light, and a scream of sorrow was heard in his mouth, and then an invisible and difficult to capture terrifying force directly shot it flying, and disappeared far away at the end of the sky.

"Master, that fat boy, he simply didn't kindly give me the spirit plant, he just wanted to trick us to divert the attention of the Bi Jiao for him." Shi Hao pouted, with a look on his face. The look of panting with rage.

"Since you are not angry, then you can teach him something."

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, and then raised his right hand, palm moved towards fatty Tong who had left before. The directions spread out.

In an instant, a wave of ripples swayed in front of the palm, and a silhouette slowly formed in the ripples. It was the fat boy with a fat face.

"Huh? Why am I back!"

Fatty boy landed and looked all around the familiar trees, his mouth wide open, full of surprise.

However, before he could react, a white and tender fist kept magnifying in his sight.


Shi Hao's furious punch fell on the fat boy's fat face. The latter wailed directly, and rolled and howled in pain.

"Fatty, you actually plot against me and Master, you have to teach you a lesson!"

Just a punch, obviously can't relieve Shi Hao, swish, He squeezed his fist and slammed at the fat boy again.

Seeing this, the fat boy quickly got up from the ground, both hands forming seals, and greeted Shi Hao.

But what made Fat Tong horrified was that when his attack was about to fall on the opponent's body, the opponent's Celestial Grotto glowed, and the sky was brilliant and brilliant.

next moment, the fat boy just felt like he was plunged into the mud all of a sudden, the attack stopped, his body was unable to move, and he was restrained and imprisoned all of a sudden. In the end, he could only watch the other party's fists getting bigger and bigger.

Boom, boom, bang!

Shi Hao continuously moved towards Fat Tong with ten punches before he could stop his hand, patted his palm, and the anger on his face dissipated.

"monster! You are a monster!"

The fat boy rolled back and forth on the ground, moved towards Shi Hao and howled.

After Shi Hao's thumping, the fat boy's face was swollen like a pig's head at this moment. It was blue and purple, not to mention much miserable.

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