"fatty, see if you dare to overly pit peoples in the future!"

In front of the deep pit, Shi Hao put his hands on his waist, looking like a pig's head Cao Yusheng felt extremely comfortable.

"What's the matter with your Celestial Grotto!"

Cao Yusheng looked at Shi Hao unwillingly, but was helpless.

Three thousand Dao Province, people of the same age, he is the most enchanting group of innate talent, but at the age of four, he has developed the top ten Celestial Grotto.

But right now, the guy I met directly knocked out his arrogance. The only Celestial Grotto is really mysterious!

"Don't say it, don't say it!"

Learning from Chu Bei's pretending to be profound, Shi Hao moved towards Cao Yusheng proudly and raised his fist.

"Where is that big flood?"

Cao Yusheng seemed to have thought of something and asked.

"Of course I was beaten away by the Master." Shi Hao replied.

Hearing this, Cao Yusheng turned his head and looked towards Chu Bei, and found that the other party was looking at him jokingly, his face full of playfulness.

"Brother, you are also out of anger, we will be indefinitely!"

Cao Yusheng wiped the dust off his body, stared at Shi Hao, and left after speaking.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly realized that his waist was wrapped by a layer of rippling silk thread, and he could only move within a certain range.

"What do you want to do to me? I also have a Master! He is so powerful, even those Sect Lords must be polite to three points when they see him!" Cao Yusheng was cold-hearted when he met Chu Bei's gaze. There was a shiver.

"At a young age, I have such a temperament. It really deserves to be the past life of an unscrupulous Taoist!"

Chu Bei let out a sigh, watching this Cao Yusheng think of Shrouding The Heavens plane Fat Daoist Priest Duan De seen in.

"Before your Master finds you, follow this seat."

Indifferent words floated from the air, Cao Yusheng was too late to refuse, he has been Chu Bei disappeared in this mountain forest with him.


Five Elements state, peripheral zone.

Because there is no sunshine all year round, the sky is gray and slightly depressed, and it has been shrouded in haze all the time.

Alcatraz, although it has the word island, it is not in the sea, nor in the ordinary water, but suspended in the void.

Once the island is present, it will never fall until it disappears next time.

If Alcatraz Island appeared in the territory of Five Elements State in the past, Ageless Mountain would inevitably block Alcatraz Island immediately and prohibit other forces from participating.

But right now, the ageless Heavenly Venerate is dead, and Ageless Mountain doesn't even care about Alcatraz.

"Fellow Daoist, come and see me! A high grade spiritual medicine can take my space shuttle, which can hide your breath 100% and ensure that you are safely sent to the devil Island."

Outside the fog of Alcatraz Island, several cultivators are wooing business and wanting people to enter the island.

"The trifling is only a few miles away. It's not enough to fly directly over, but I need some space shuttle."

Someone sneered, rose into the air after talking, and went away quickly.

But before that person flew into the mist hundred meters away, he made a mournful scream.

next moment, I saw a pair of lantern-like scarlet eyes appeared in the fog outside the hundred zhang, flashing cold rays of light, with heavy murderous intention.

Looking intently, this is a huge creature hidden in the mist, specializing in hunting cultivators preparing to enter Alcatraz Island.

"An arrogant and conceited pitiful person again."

A number of cultivators sighed, and then one after another searched for space, Treasure Item, hidden breath moved towards Alcatraz and flew away.

"Look, there are still people in the fog!"

"My God! He even raised his hand to destroy the terrifying creatures in the fog!"

"He came to Alcatraz with two dolls! What is he coming from?"

"Is it possible that, he is a certain Sect Lord? Now he is coming to Alcatraz with a discipline Experienced?"


At this time, the eyes of the cultivator on several Treasure Items in the space were projected into the fog at the same time, with amazement in their eyes.

"really strong!"

In the mist, Cao Yusheng opened his mouth wide, staring at Chu Bei in shock, as if he was watching a monster.

"This is just the tip of the Master's strength, make a fuss about nothing." Shi Hao looked at Cao Yusheng with contempt.

In a short while, Chu Bei brought Shi Hao and Cao Yusheng to the top of Alcatraz Island.

This is a huge island, like a continent, it entangles one side like a black cloud, which makes people feel a long-lasting breath, in which a mysterious power is faintly flowing.

"Master, look over there!"

Suddenly, Shi Hao screamed and looked at the east in an incredible way. The scene in front of him shocked him.

"Is there a river floating in the sky? What kind of river is this!"

Before Chu Bei could speak, Cao Yusheng on the side could not help but yell.

On the dim sky, there is a long river emitting rays of light, accompanied by lightning, flowing into the distance.

The long river is very wide, silver white, and it also carries a little golden light.

For an instant.

Chu Bei appeared above the long river with two dolls. The surface of the river was very wide and the water was very gentle. You could not see the end at a glance.

"Lots of corpses!"

Seeing the floating objects in the long river, Shi Hao shuddered.

Slices of corpses are ups and downs. Although they have been dead for many years, they are not decayed. Obviously they were the terrifying Powerhouse.

At this moment, some creatures are talking in front, some from Human Race, and others from other powerful races, all for opportunities.

"Who knows the origin of this river!"

"According to the news I have heard, there are different versions of the origin of this river. Some people say it is the immortal dao thunder back then. Some people say that the blood of a generation of Supreme is flowing, and it has not dried up for so many years."

"Where is its source?"

"It is an Immortal Grave, This long river flows out of the grave!"

"How did these corpses in the river die?"

"Who knows! Maybe only the Immortal Grave, So we can solve this mystery."

"Let’s go, don’t look, there have been countless cultivators before us."


There was noisy discussion in his ears, and Chu Bei raised his hand to cut a gorgeous passage on the surface of the river, and the passage was in the direction that went along the source of the long river.

"Let's go."

After that, Chu Bei took Shi Hao and Cao Yusheng into the gorgeous passage.

In an instant, the scene in front of me changed.

"Is that the Immortal Grave? Have we already arrived!"

As soon as the gorgeous passage appeared, Cao Yusheng couldn't help exclaiming.

At the moment, they have stood at the source of the river, and the front is hazy, the Holy Splendor is shining, the lightning flash is surging, and there are layers of mist, making it fuzzy and mysterious.

Vaguely, you can see a huge grave head, which can be several ten zhang high, sitting there, and the Billowing Tianhe below them is flowing out of it, and then extends far away.

Of course, the scene is very vague and it is not real.

Because there are various strange rune flashes, Holy Splendor and thunder all around the tomb, blocking the line of sight.

At this moment, a large number of cultivators have been gathered all around the tomb head, among which there are some extremely powerful giants.

"The Immortal Grave is clearly in front, but why does no one come forward to look for opportunities?"

"How come there are no people, but those who went to the grave before People are dead, and they all drifted away with the river that day!"

"What! Could it be that among the corpses we saw in the river before, the person who went to the grave before Nine Nether?"

"It's like a kind of Heavenly Tribulation, with thunder and fire, very terrifying, even the Powerhouse of Heavenly God Realm can't live for three seconds!"


A crowd of peripherals The cultivator’s gaze is cast on the Immortal Grave at the source of the Tianhe River, discussing spiritedly.

Chu Bei did not rush to dig a grave to find the Hong Meng Qi described by the system, but first took Shi Hao and Cao Yusheng to stand aside, watching Immortal Grave.

Vaguely, there seems to be a kind of magical power circulating in this Immortal Grave.

"haha...something has been delayed on my way, I thought this Immortal Grave opportunity has been given by other old fellows, now it seems that Immortal Grave opportunity is still there!"

"Dangerous land is also a place of good fortune. This king wants to enter Immortal Grave, and he will create an invincible body with immortal blood."

Just as a number of cultivators looked at Immortal Grave and hesitated, there was a laugh in the distance. Come, and then a rays of light swiftly swept over.

It was a man in a purple robe.

"It's really arrogant, and he's not afraid of death."

A numerous cultivators turned his head, and people who didn't know the purple robed man were coldly snorted to him, and were dissatisfied with his publicity.

"Although the king is closed all year round, he still can't tolerate discussions among you little fellows!"

The purple robed man suddenly roared, and the huge blood energy permeated his body, showing its behind A gigantic beast phantom, ferocious and ferocious.

The extremely violent breath directly shook the muttering cultivator back again and again, and the blood rolled.

"That phantom, he is the king of gluttons!"

Someone recognized the gigantic beast phantom behind the purple robed man behind, and seemed to think of something, came back to his senses from the shock Later, involuntarily regressed, a chill inexplicably rose.

The king of gluttonous gluttons, born eight thousand years ago, began to retreat all the year round after 3,000 Dao Province's fierce fame, and it is because of this that he gradually disappeared from the sight of everyone.

Gluttonous, this is one of the most powerful races in the world, swallowing Heaven and Earth, cultivation to the extreme, and can swallow all kinds of laws.

"Old glutton, congratulations on stepping into this realm! From now on, these three thousand Dao Provinces have one more overlord."

Just one numerous cultivators. When looking at the purple robed man with trepidation, a vigorous voice came from the river, with a smile in his voice.

That is a middle-aged man wearing a golden feather coat, shrouded yellow golden light outside, very brilliant.

"Gu Jinluan Clan Leader!"

"I didn't expect him to come too!"

After someone recognized the man in Golden Yuyi, he whispered in exclamation, his face Confounded.

Gu Jinluan, this is also a powerful race, not weaker than gluttonous.

"This time there are a lot of great characters! I don't know what is in Immortal Grave." There was a little expectation on the face of numerous cultivators.

"Master, those few look very strong!"

Shi Hao tugged at the corner of Chu Bei's clothes, pointed a few silhouettes, and said in a low voice.

Looking all around, the cultivators of the overwhelming majority are all gathered together, watching Immortal Grave from a distance; but there are also a few silhouettes, and one person occupies a space, from the breath of these people. Look, they are all other existences at Giant level.

Immortal Grave over the western sky, a silhouette wearing a golden robe and a crown on his head, his eyes open and close as if two rounds of the sun are flashing out, the terrifying breath is overwhelming, and the chaotic mist shrouded outside the body.

He faintly glanced at the later Gourmet King and Gu Jinluan Clan Leader, and then he held the void battle halberd in the sky and stroked it with a bang, the space was broken, and a passage appeared in an instant, the scene was terrifying. Soul-stirring.

The formidable power of this euphorbia is superb. Holding it in its hand is like the birth of a generation of Supreme, and every inch of its body is sprayed with sacred rune.

"Xiandian old man, don't put on airs to this king, don't think that this king will lose again!" The gluttonous king is coldly snorted.

Xiandian Palace Master's long hair fluttered, and there was no answer, just a vague pressure sweeping through the audience, making people throbbing.

Over the east of Immortal Grave, a silhouette is covered by mist. He sits in the void, and big stars appear in all around unusual form in his body, all revolving around him.

This is the god of Human Race, and a veteran giant who retreats all year round, extremely powerful.

Over the south of Immortal Grave, there is also a silhouette floating. However, because the rays of light outside his body are too bright and dazzling, he can't see his true face clearly, and can only tell that he is covered with armor all over his body.

Its breath is like a tsunami, and if the Star River is rolling, between Heaven and Earth.

This is the Battle Clan Clan Leader of the Ten Great Imperial Families, who dominated the upper realm ten thousand years ago, and was called the Battle Sovereign in 3000 Dao Province.


Compared with the five of the Taotie King, Gu Jinluan Clan Leader, Xiandian Palace Master, Tian Human Race Lao Tian Ren, Battle Clan Clan Leader, these five have attracted much attention. The Evading Oneness Realm dominates the giants, and the Chu Bei trio are too inconspicuous, and they are not paid attention to at all.

"You guys, the longer you live, the less courage you will be."

"Since you dare not go, then this Immortal Grave opportunity can only go back to the original. King!"

The king of Gourmet swept across the Heavenly Man and the Palace Master with contempt, and then laughed heartily, moving towards Immortal Grave.

He is extraordinary and refined, stepping out in one step, and is already less than ten meters away from Immortal Grave.

It can be seen from his frowning brows, it is obvious that at this distance, he has already begun to bear great pressure, and can only slowly continue moving towards Immortal Grave.

dong, dong, dong!

Above the Changhe, the body of the King Gourmet is like jade stone, and the whole person has a brilliant brilliance. Every time he fell, the land would tremble violently, resonating with him, and the dazzling Holy Splendor bloomed on him.

Nine meters, eight meters, seven meters...

The King of Gourmet is getting closer and closer to Immortal Grave. Not far away are the palace masters, the gods and other overlords. The giants wait and see, as if waiting for something.

weng weng weng!

Under the line of sight, King Gourmet continued to move forward, but when he was about five meters away from Immortal Grave, his body suddenly Trembling, it was like being struck by an invisible force inexplicably.

Afterwards, a huge pitch-black gap appeared out of thin air above its head, and a strange black rune emerged in the gap, intertwined to form a thick lightning.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the black lightning moved towards the king of gluttony.


The gluttonous king roared to the sky, his hair rose instantly, and his face turned pale.

In the screaming and wailing sound, the king of gluttonous creatures turned into the body, a huge and ferocious gluttonous roaring above the Tianhe.

Finally, King Gourmet opened his huge mouth and rushed to the black lightning in the gap, and the horrible Devouring Power gushed out from his mouth.

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