"It's coming!"

With a clang, the Palace Master waved the battle halberd in his hand, moving towards the rear and cut it away.

This is an instinct, because his back is frizzy and he perceives that danger is approaching.

sparks flying in all directions, a piece of bone writing was wiped out, a beam of light from that creature blocked the sword fetus, and a scorching heat surged to the surface of the Palace Master.

"Moque, what the hell is this!"

Xiandian Palace Master questioned the Moque, the battle halberd under his full strength attack can break the sky and break the world. Heavenly Secret Treasure, but it was blocked just now, and it was almost attacked by the other party's terrifying power.

The King Mokui did not make a sound, but thousands of runes were born under his feet, Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, quickly moved horizontally, and shot straight towards the front with a palm.

chi chi!

In the sound of burning, a huge mountain melted into lava and exploded there.

In the sky, a cloud of dark things disappear.

At this time, Gu Jinluan Clan Leader's eyebrows were upside down, a long whistle, Golden markings appeared all over his body, and 100,000 Golden Feathers flew out, all of which were transformed by rune, turning that piece of void into the sky. Submerged.

The area exploded directly, and one hundred thousand god feathers resembled one hundred thousand Heavenly Sword, shattering the Cutting Void.

Under the combined attack of several overlords, the strange creature finally rose into the sky, revealing its body.

It is as round as a ball, with a diameter of one meter, and it is dark with charred and blood stains.

This turned out to be an eyeball!

When it is closed, it is hidden in the sky and hard to find.

When it opened slightly, the eyes glowed with red light, like a flame or lightning, which could destroy the tangible matter blocking in front of it.

At this moment, it suddenly opened wide, and then this mountain forest was filled with red clouds, filled with blood-colored beams, with a murderous intention, as if falling into a blood-colored hell.


"Is it possible that foreign creatures are all these stumps?"

"Are all the dead bodies caused by it? !"


Seeing the appearance of the creatures, the great Great Cultivator suddenly showed a terrified look. From this eyeball, they felt a breath that made their heart palpitations.

"Magic Eye! You weren't dead!"

If you say that the most shocking person in the field is the Demon King.

"hmph, because of the Wang Family bug, I want to kill the emperor. It's crazy dreaming!" The eyeballs went up and down, sending out a wisp of Divine Sense.

"Devil King, what is the origin of it!" God frowned tightly.

"Supreme, the eye pupil of a foreign Supreme! Also the king of the foreign land in this mountain forest!" The demon king took a deep breath, his face became heavy, and his eyebrows became heavier.

"What? Supreme eye pupils!"

Hearing what the King Moque said, the body of a numerous cultivators in the court visibly trembled.

As long as there is a slight relationship with Supreme, it is not what they can match, even if the other party is just one of Supreme's eye pupils.

In an instant, fear rose in the eyes of numerous cultivators.

"So many delicious foods, it's a great tonic!"

Supreme's pupils are open and closed, and cold eyes swept across a number of cultivators, you can clearly hear the greedy Swallowing sound.

"It's just the residual limb of Supreme, what are you afraid of!"

Battle Clan Clan Leader shouting loudly, there is a flash of lightning between raising his hand, spraying out from the palm of his palm, blue rainbow light Turbulent, like a long river ran out.

"Trifling escapes a child, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth!"

The eyes are shining, and there is a joke of divine sense.

Immediately, a bloody mist rose from his eyes, which blocked the lightning.

Not only that, at the moment when the light of this square emptied, it began to ooze blood of unfathomable mystery, terrifying matchless.

Battle Clan Clan Leader's body trembled slightly, and the blood corroded everything and trapped him in it. Some of the blood splashed and landed on its Battle Armor, instantly bringing out the sound of chi chi.

"Blood pools appear, disappear!"

Supreme's pupils fell again a wisp of Divine Sense.

I saw the void distorted, and a blood pool appeared. It was full of dirty blood and possessed a strange power to swallow the Battle Clan Clan Leader.

Looking at this pool of blood, not only the Overlord level Powerhouse like the gluttonous king, but also the Self Severing Realm Sect Lords finally know why those people only left a piece of skin before, it was because of this blood. The pool swallowed it!

"Lei Xiao!"

Battle Clan Clan Leader shouted, both hands forming seals, in the sky, various treasures emerged, and then the lightning between Heaven and Earth was surging, like a pouring rain Like pouring down.

Afterwards, a perimeter appeared in front of him, which contained various lightning flashes, including lunar arc, Five Elements Divine Lightning, and chaotic lightning glow.

This is the Thunder Dao Dafa handed down from the ancestors of Battle Clan. It is a perimeter!


Electric light, Thunderbolt, the lightning glow splashed randomly from it forms a terrifying power to fight against that pool of blood.

The last two pools collided together.

Peerless rays of light broke out in the battlefield.


With a deep roar, the rays of light dissipated.

The scene in the battlefield became clear. At this moment, the Battle Clan Clan Leader was all in a panic. The Golden Battle Armor was blown to pieces, and his body was wounded. The whole person flew out and smashed several mountain peaks, and the woodland in the distance was even worse. It was ruined.

"Zhan Yuan was actually defeated!"

"He is one of the top ten Powerhouses in the 3000 Dao Province, is he not even the opponent of this eye pupil?"

Looking at the pale Battle Clan Clan Leader who returned to the side of King Mokui, a surrounding Sects master appeared in horror, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

"If the emperor had only one eye, you would wait for thousands of this kind of ants to kill in seconds."

Supreme's pupils turned, and his eyes were cold. The killing intent is very clear. I feel that even an Evading Oneness Realm's cultivator could not be killed instantly, which is a shame.

"This guy has an extraordinary position in a foreign land. Although what we are facing is just one of his eye pupils, we can't be careless. Let's go together!" The king of Moque was very serious, and he took the lead in several shots. terrifying light beam.

The gluttonous king, the gods, the Gu Jinluan Clan Leader, and the Self Severing Realm Sect Lord looked at each other. At the same time, nodded decided to strike out the strongest attacks immediately.

In an instant, hundreds of terrifying attacks converged and intertwined, killing them all towards Supreme's eyes.

"The ants are still ants after all. What's the use of more!"

The divine sense of Supreme's eye pupils fell, with a scream, his eyes turned from black to red, like blood The sea is rolling, and the strong murderous aura rushes out like a big river, sweeping across the sky.

crash-bang ——

A sea of ​​blood gushed out from the pupils of the eyes, and the void distorted and collapsed wherever it passed.


In an instant, the sea of ​​blood was intertwined with the attacks of countless cultivators.

The two are at a stalemate!

"How is it possible? The power of all of us is not his opponent!"

"Is Supreme already terrifying to such a degree? Even with an eyeball, we are all Can’t fight it!"

"Damn! Isn’t he going to fall here before he gets to the edge to kill the enemy?"


Countless cultivator's The divine force smashed into the divine glow above, but even so, they could only slow the speed of the blood sea approaching.

As time goes by, the divine force continues to be consumed, the complexion of numerous cultivators gradually turns pale, and the breath becomes obviously disordered.

hong long!

There was another loud noise.

Under the yelling of Supreme's pupils, the sea of ​​blood is boiling, and the terrifying energy contained in it rises to a higher level.

In this brief moment, a sea of ​​blood crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like an annihilation of countless powerhouse joint attacks.

"pu, pu!"

A number of cultivators, including Powerhouse such as Mo Kui Wang, are bleeding, looking at the rushing sea of ​​blood, one by one the pupils shrink inexplicably, and their hearts A sense of fear surged.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

But when they were about to be swallowed up by a sea of ​​blood, when a number of cultivators felt unwilling, the sea of ​​blood suddenly stopped.

After that, the sea of ​​blood was like frozen ice and suffered a terrifying blow. It broke into pieces and turned into pieces moved towards the ground below and fell naturally.

"What's going on?"

"Is it possible that the ancestor in the Imperial Pass has taken action!"

A surrounding Sects God Sovereign love startled, Looking at the blood clot below, he came back to his senses with joy.


Supreme's pupils stared, his black eyes swept all around, and finally froze in one direction.

There, a youth man came with two dolls and a glamorous woman walking on the ripples of the void.

"It turned out to be Boss Chu!"

"He also came to the wasteland!"

"He saved us! With him, we It's safe!"


Seeing the appearance of the people clearly, part of the Self Severing Realm Sect Lord from Immortal Grave was first taken aback, and then cheered.

The Overlord level Powerhouse, such as the king of gluttons, the gods, and the Battle Clan Clan Leader, looked at each other. After the surprise, they exhaled at the same time. The stone hanging in my heart seemed to have settled, as if watching Here comes the life-saving straw.

"What is his origin! Why have I never seen him!"

I perceive the expressions of the Palace Master, Clan Leader and the others of the ancient Jinluan clan, King Moque Confused, puzzled in his eyes.

"An ancient existence standing on Supreme Peak."

"No, it should be said that it surpasses the terrifying existence of Supreme!"

The god patted the demon On the shoulders of King Kui, there was a respect for Chu Bei on his face.

"It was you just now?"

Supreme's pupils were locked on Chu Bei, the voice of Sen Han fell, and a lot of blood gushed out before him again, crash-bang Flocked to Chu Bei.

Chu Bei glanced at his pupils faintly, without giving any answer, just raised his hand a finger pointed, and a translucent war spear made of chaotic ripples shot straight out.


The war spear pierced the sea of ​​blood and plunged into Supreme's eyes for an instant.


Supreme's eyes screamed, bleeding constantly, and his body became more black, as if he had suffered a heavy blow.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the seemingly unremarkable Chaos War Spear could shoot through its blood sea so easily, so without any defense, it was stabbed by the War Spear like this.

"This impossible!"

It didn't take long for Supreme's eyeballs to notice something more terrifying. With his divine force, he couldn't force this Chaos War Spear out. Pierced deep in the pupil.

Furthermore, this war spear trembles constantly, and the tip of the spear carries a blazing light, carrying the terrifying force of destruction and tearing, which is quickly wiping out its vitality.


Under the tear of the Chaos War Spear, Supreme's pupils began to dissipate, and the pupils that were originally black became white, making a miserable cry.

"Damn! We will meet one day! At that time, the emperor will smash you into thousands of pieces, thwart your bones and turn your ashes, so that you will suffer all kinds of torture, and you will never be reincarnated!"

Supreme's eyes were distorted, staring at Chu Bei, full of the divine sense of killing intent falling, peng sound exploded, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and the sky shattered.

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