"It's dead, it's dead!"

"No, this is just the eye pupil of the invincible Supreme in the foreign land. He himself is still alive, and he is still alive in the wilderness. One side!"

"But even so, at least we have a big trouble in the mountains and forests!"


A main glimpse of surrounding Sects After looking at the direction where Supreme's pupils had exploded, his eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, his eyes filled with respect.

"Thanks Senior to help! Do you want to go to the border together?"

The god hesitated a bit and moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other After being grateful, hand asked tentatively.

"I have nothing to do, walk up and see." Chu Bei put his hands behind, very said in a tranquil voice.

"Senior, if our side is defeated, will you take action?" King Moque asked.

"Perhaps." Chu Bei responded indifferently, without the slightest emotional fluctuation in his voice.

Hearing the sound, the main face of surrounding Sects shows the color of joy. This is a possible immortal existence. Equivalent to a cream of the crop battle strength, it can even affect the balance of the situation. what!

A quarter of an hour later.

"Is this the city guarding the borderland?"

"My God! Is it still a city!"

"These buildings, It's too big!"

It's better than the old giants such as the gods. They stared at the front in a dazed manner. They were also dizzy with formation eyes, and their expressions were dull.

I saw a cloud of gray at the end of the horizon, connected to Heaven and Earth, occupying all the space, and standing in the Foreign Domain for eternity, so large that people can't distinguish between reality and illusion.

This city is too big, even if you use Heavenly Eye, you can’t clearly understand its origin.

It can only be seen that it is a huge city, extremely vast, tall with the sky, towering into the sky.

If it is the naked eye of an ordinary person, you can only see a gray wall, one after another, endless.

Coming here, it really makes people feel insignificant, because it is so vast.

Around the city, one after another big stars revolve around it. The city doesn't know that it is tens of thousands of miles away. It is just like that, standing in front of it, standing forever.

Looking around, it seemed that I had come before the opening of the sky and felt the grandeur and magnificence.

"Master, this city is so big!" Shi Hao grabbed Chu Bei's big hand, eyes opened round as a ball, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Even the stars revolve around it. I really don't know how it was built back then."

"Look carefully, even the city masonry is unusual!"

"It's stars, meteorites!"

"This kind of handiwork, what kind of cultivation base can do it!"

The more you look at the surrounding Sects, the more frightened you are. , This huge city is not made of ordinary bricks and stones, but is refined by big stars, and finally put together to form such a majestic imperial city.

"Let's enter the city."

The Demon King's voice fell and flew into the imperial city first.

A surrounding Sects came back to his senses, follow closely from behind.

hong long long!

Chu Bei entire group was attracted by a burst of rumbling sound as soon as he entered the imperial city. Looking down, it was a small tribe in the city.

At present, there are several Warriors wearing armors in the tribe who are fighting fiercely with a middle-aged man wearing animal skins. You can faintly hear the shouts and threats of these Warriors. .

"Senior, this is the sin blood tribe. They do not listen to the call and are forced to arrange it. This is a common thing." Seeing Chu Bei stop, the Moque King said, With respect.

"Criminal blood?"

Hearing the call from King Mokui's mouth, Chu Bei squinted his eyes, his face slightly ugly.

"senior, they were sent from the Sin State. As you know, in the 3000 Dao Province, those people in Sin State are the descendants of the mutineers. So, usually, they will rush in The forefront of the battlefield." King Mo Kui continued.

"What is their last name." Chu Bei pointed down and looked at King Mokui calmly.

"The surname is Shi, the surname of the deadly sin!" King Moque said truthfully.

"Why do you conclude that they are descendants of sin and blood?"

When he heard Shi's name, Chu Bei's face became more heavy, and he looked at King Moque coldly.

"Senior, do you have something to do with Shi Clan?"

The Mo Kui naturally heard Chu Bei's tone, and immediately changed his tone and asked, the gluttonous king behind him , Xiandian Palace Master and the others also showed curious eyes.

Chu Bei did not answer the King Mokui, and directly flew away with Shi Hao moved towards the tribe below.


In the battlefield, the middle-aged man yelled and climbed continuously in an imposing manner. Between the eyebrows, there was an ancient word rune, rune all around blood energy.

The middle-aged man has ignited the sacred fire, and the cultivation base has reached the True Oneness Realm Peak.

However, the six Warriors who besieged him were also True Oneness Realm cultivators. Therefore, as time went on, the middle-aged man gradually became weaker, and the situation was a bit unsatisfactory.

"Shi Tian, ​​are you going to defy your will openly?" A Warrior shouted, his voice extremely sharp.

"Let me go to the battlefield, I have nothing to say! But, my child is only ten years old, is it too much for you to want him on the battlefield together!"

"Shi Yu's innate talent, you have all seen it, ten-year-old inscription! Not to mention three thousand Dao Province, even if you look at the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, whose innate talent can mention on equal terms with him? Just give him time and let him grow up. It doesn't take a thousand years, maybe he can aspire to the Supreme position in a hundred years! At that time, didn't my Human Race have another Supreme Powerhouse sitting on the sidelines?"

"But now, you want him to go to the battlefield now. Isn't this pretending to ruin a future Supreme? I don't agree with the above decision!"

middle-aged man hair stands up in anger, The word'sin' between the eyebrows became more and more diffused, and its breath became more violent.

"My lord, Shi Yu is really still a child. If you let him go to the battlefield like this, you are sending him to death. For tens of thousands of years, he has been the most innate talent in our tribe, please Go up to report and give him time to grow up."

In the tribe, one after another men in animal skins came forward to ask for each other, and there were some elderly people among them.

"Bold! Defeating the decree openly, do your tribe want a collective rebellion!" The Warrior coldly snorted, Sen Han's eyes swept over the tribe people who came up in turn.

"Daddy, let me go with them! I won't die on the battlefield!"

At this time, a boy in gray, about ten years old, walked out of the crowd. , Facing the Warrior without fear at all, his small face was filled with determination.

"Take it away!"

The warrior named the leader glanced at the black clothed boy, then moved towards the other Warriors and waved.

"With me here, you guys don't want to take my child away!"

The middle-aged man yelled, but before he shot, a terrifying attack fell faster than him On those Warriors who shot.


In the loud noise, the three imposing manner warriors who had reached out to grab the ten-year-old boy were suddenly knocked into the air by a terrifying energy.

Pu chi!

Three Warriors from True Oneness Realm directly a mouthful of blood spurted, their bodies traverse a long rainbow thread from the sky like a cannonball, and then fiercely hit the meteorite chain. On the ground of the system, a deep giant pit was brought up.

"Who is so bold, dare to hurt me Jin Family Warrior!"

In the sudden change, the leader of the Warrior instantly changed his face, tilted his head and glanced all around, finally his eyes fell on In the strange ripples of the void.

In the ripples, Chu Bei entire group slowly emerged.

"It's you!" Jin Family led the Warrior staring coldly at Chu Bei, with a cold killing intent on his face.

"Don't roll anymore, die!"

Chu Bei stood with his hands behind, and glanced coldly at the remaining three Warriors, his indifferent voice did not contain the slightest emotion.

Hearing this, the leader of Warrior is extremely angry, just about to speak, he noticed a terrifying pressure covering the whole body, and immediately felt a chill in his heart. The curse that had already reached his mouth was born again. Hold back.

"Let's go!"

The leader of the Warrior stared at Chu Bei unwillingly, and then took the other two Warriors moved towards the east and flew away.

"senior, they are the Warriors of the Jin Family. In this imperial city, the Jin Family is the longevity Aristocratic Family, and its ancestor Supreme Monarch Jin is the Highest Paragon that guards the border and is not easy to provoke."

Looking at the direction the three Warriors were flying away, King Moque stepped forward, and said: "In the emperor city, Jin Family is used to dominating. With their character seeking revenge for the slightest grievance, it’s better for you. They will definitely not give up."

"This seat has given them a chance. If they really fail to appreciate somebody's kindness, then this seat will not mind destroying them."


Chu Bei's voice is not loud, but it is full of Supreme majesty, which shook the soul of the surrounding Sects master.

"Many thanks, the benefactor came to help!"

The middle-aged man looked grateful, moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand. After thanking him, his face A little sadness appeared again: "Benefactor, you shouldn't offend Jin Family for us."

"Master, the discipline has a headache, as if there is something to come out."

Suddenly, Shi Hao shook Chu Bei's big hand, just as his immature childish voice fell, between the eyebrows, he suddenly released dazzling crimson rays of light.

next moment, under the attention of everyone in the field, the blood mist filled Shi Hao between the eyebrows, gradually intertwined with an ancient "guilt" word rune, and the middle-aged man between the eyebrows appeared It's exactly the same, but it's even more dazzling.

"Sin...a sign of sin blood!"

"This is the most dazzling sign of sin blood I have ever seen!"

"I never thought that this little fellow would He is the descendant of sin blood! Isn't he the discipline of Boss Chu?"

"putting it that way, Boss Chu is indeed connected with the descendants of sin blood!"


Looking at the blood-colored'guilt' word that appeared in Shi Hao between the eyebrows, a number of cultivators including the king of the devil, the king of gluttons, the gods and other overlords simultaneously showed their expressions of consternation.

The Shi Clan middle-aged man and Shi Clan villagers on the side, with the same surprised face, looked at Shi Hao dullly, focusing on Shi Hao’s between the eyebrows, but they couldn’t came back to his senses.

"Little Wawa, what's your last name?" An old man walked up and looked at Shi Hao and asked first.

"grandfather, my surname is Shi, and my name is Shi Hao." Shi Hao said obediently.

"Sure enough."

The old man is lightly sighed: "The people here don't know your last name, please change your name quickly, and put away the logo between the eyebrows ."

"Change your name? Why do I want to change my name, my name is Shi Hao!" Shi Hao is very stubborn.

"You are still young and you don’t know anything. Our Shi surname represents sinners. There will not be any good ends in the desert. The final outcome is the battle to die on the battlefield." The old man shook the head, There was helplessness in the sigh.

"Why?" Shi Hao was puzzled, holding his head up and looking confused.

"Just because our surname is Shi, we are destined to fight to death! Shi Clan used to be one of the most powerful forces in the city, but now everything has changed." Before the old man said, that The ten-year-old boy named Shi Yu said unwillingly.

According to the boy, in the oldest era, Shi Clan had a large population and was expert as clouds. He had a fundamental right to speak in this imperial gate. But an old case was uncovered, they became the offspring of blood, and the situation changed all at once.

Since then, as long as they set off, Shi Clan must be at the forefront. Clansman has suffered countless deaths and injuries. No matter how talented and expert he is, he cannot stand up to this malicious loss.

Long as time goes by, now, the powerful clansman is gone!

Generation after generation has passed, a big family has fallen, with blood and bones and tears. I can't bear to look back, it's too desolate.

Currently, the Shi Clan population in the Imperial City is only a thousand people. This is the result of some high-level people thinking about the old feelings and trying their best to protect them. Otherwise, the clan would have died long ago.

"Master, am I really the offspring of a sinner?" Shi Hao looked up and looked towards Chu Bei.

"Of course not." Chu Bei picked up Shi Hao and squeezed the opponent's cheek.

"Then what's the matter with the sin word on my forehead?" Shi Hao pursed his lips and asked.

"This is not a sign of sin and blood. It represents brilliance and glory. It is your ancestors who killed hundreds of millions of foreign creatures and gained the honor." Chu Bei smiled.

"Glory and glory?"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the old man on the side browses slightly wrinkle: "Benefactor, do you know the past?"

hong long long!

Without waiting for Chu Bei to speak, birds and beasts in the distant sky suddenly spread their wings and hovered, casting a large shadow, and the mighty Knight was sitting on it.

Soon, these powerful Knights fell into the tribe of Shi Clan.

"That's Jin Family Law Enforcer!"

Looking at the person, Shi Tian suddenly complexion greatly changed, and at the same time, his breath quickly climbed to Peak, ready to fight at any time .

The head of this group of Knights looks very young and has a fair complexion. Although he is a man, he is very feminine and sick.

He sits on the back of a Fire Rhino cow, which is a very extraordinary mount, which lifts up Purple Qi. Shrouded Nanlihuo, at first glance is the sacred ancient beast.

"Why don't you pick up the decree that my Jin Family dropped! Is this going to openly resist the law?"

Jin Zhifei's cold eyes fell on Shi Tian's body, Sen Han There was a killing intent in the voice.

"My son, extraordinary natural talent, can become Supreme in a thousand years! But you want him to go to the battlefield at the age of ten. What does this mean? And who issued the decree!"


To meet Jin Zhifei's gaze, Shi Tian didn't see the slightest fear on his face, only a deep hatred.

In the oldest era, Shi Clan was the first Imperial Family in this imperial city, but now it has fallen to the decree of others and cannot resist!

"This is the decree issued by the ancestor himself! Why? Do you still want to defy!" Jin Zhifei shouted.

"It turned out to be Supreme Monarch Jin!"

The King of Mo Kui was shocked and couldn't help but criticized out in surprise.

Jin Family is the longevity Aristocratic Family, there are many Old Ancestors, but only one is called the ancestor, one of the Highest Paragon that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

In this imperial pass, she has absolute right to speak, even a casual sentence is a Dharma Dao Decree!

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