"Sure enough, it's her again!"

An old Shi Clan clenched his fists, swept away the senile, and an extremely terrifying imposing manner came out.

This turned out to be a Sect Lord Level Powerhouse of Self Severing Realm!

"Ten thousand years ago, my son ignited the sacred fire, and just became the younger generation Number One Person, he was forced to be sent to the forefront until he was killed by a foreign villain! That Dharma Dao back then Decree is also from Supreme Monarch Jin!"

The old man said with a killing intent, glaring at Jin Zhifei angrily, and the green veins were exposed: "When will your Jin Family let me go, Shi Clan? We? Isn’t a clan withered enough! As long as you have an extraordinary natural talent evildoer, you will try to kill him in the cradle!"

Hearing the words of the old man, the gluttonous king, the gods, etc. The newly recruited Powerhouse looked at each other, with sympathy in their eyes, but no one spoke to them.

Shi Clan is a sin-blood clan, and other Imperial families in this imperial pass are naturally unwilling to see Shi Clan's powerhouse rise. After all, this is a hidden danger for the latter.

"Ten thousand years ago, you didn't dare to resist, do you want to resist this time?"

Jin Zhifei sneered and glanced over the Shi Clan people, with disdain between his eyebrows "Follow the decree, even if you die, only the little fellow will die! If you resist the decree, from now on, your entire Shi Clan will be removed from the Imperial Pass!"

Sen Leng’s threat fell, Jin Zhifei Standing up, an euphorbia appeared in his hand, and the terrifying breath permeated.

He is the Law Enforcer of Jin Family, a powerful existence of Self Severing Realm Peak!

"bully intolerably!"

Jin Zhifei's threat sounded in his ears, the old man, Shi Tian and the others had bloodshot eyes, and the killing intent in his eyes wanted to chopped up the other person. ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

"Take me away!"

Shi Yu walked towards Jin Zhifei, and when he passed by Shi Tian, ​​he said: "Daddy, I can't involve the whole Shi Clan! Maybe it's on the battlefield. , I can exchange the lives of ten or one hundred foreign creatures in one life."

"Child, go with you for the father!"

Shi Tian pulls up the stone rain After saying that, he moved towards Jin Zhifei.

"Since you want to die too, then take you with you!" Jin Zhifei was coldly snorted.

"It seems that this Jin Family doesn't need to exist in this emperor gate."

At this moment, a faint sigh floated from the air, and every cultivator in the field Lingering in his ears for a long time.

The moment the sound rang, Shitian father and son, who was originally moved towards Jin Zhi flying away, was inexplicably dragged back by an invisible force.

"Extremely arrogant! Who dares to be so arrogant, really rampant!" Jin Zhifei's face sank.

"Master Law Enforcer, previously he ignored the majesty of Jin Family and killed my three men!"

At this time, a Warrior behind Jin Zhifei pointed at Chu Bei , It was the three Warriors that Chu Bei had let go before.

"This seat is still too benevolent."

Chu Bei shook the head, calm as water without the slightest mood swing, the voice fell, and a beam of eyes swept across the opening. Warrior.


In an instant, the expressions of the three Warriors were distorted and extremely painful. Before they could scream, they exploded with a bang, and their flesh and blood spattered.

"Damn! You dare to kill my Jin Family in front of me!"

Jin Zhifei was startled. After he came back to his senses, his cold eyes stared like a poisonous snake. Got Chu Bei.

Next moment, amazing rays of light burst out from the whole body, especially between the eyebrows and dazzling, like a sun rising, shining brightly.

"Benefactor, Jin Zhifei has a deep Good Fortune. He once got a great good fortune. When he was a child, he ate a rare soul-raising divine grass in the world. Later, he survived the impact of divine medicine. , Survived, and with the help of the expert from the clan, he exercised his soul in every possible way to make his Yuan Divine Spark stronger."

The old man Shi Clan stepped forward and looked at Jin Zhifei solemnly. Remind Chu Bei: "For this reason, he uses Primordial Spirit to kill people, and you must be careful of his Divine Soul attacks."

"Insult my Jin Family, die!"

Cold The voice fell, and Jin Zhifei walked out of a small person between the eyebrows, dazzling, bathed in sacred and flaming light, as if a sky was boiling.


The villain trembled, and instantly caused a violent roar, the void was torn apart, the black hole emerged, and the scene was terrifying.

"What a powerful Primordial Spirit this is, it can cause this kind of destruction in a single thought!"

"If we resist, I am afraid that he alone can kill us. Race!"

Shi Clan Powerhouse looked at Jin Zhifei in horror one by one, the other party was too overbearing and even directly Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body.

The thumping sound brought out by the little man swaying slightly, as if the Xiantian war drum was struck, shocking people's hearts. People with weak cultivation base in the field are complexion pale immediately, and soul is impacted.

Compared to the Shi Clan people, the Powerhouses such as Mokui King and Gods are all Jin Family Law Enforcers who looked at the shot with sarcasm, with pity in their eyes. sympathy.

"Look, he really turned into a round of the sun, this is the embodiment of the perfect Primordial Spirit! Zhigang Extreme Yang, powerful and unparalleled!"

Shi Clan's face heavier The hair became heavy, and under their gaze, Jin Zhifei's Primordial Spirit villain melted and became a round of sun, gradually raised, giving people an urge to worship.

This is one of several unusual forms in the legend. It turns into the sun, which means that Jin Zhifei's Primordial Spirit is strong and strong, and few can compare it.

It can be said that Jin Zhifei’s Primordial Spirit is the most perfect Primordial Spirit unusual form in the Self Severing Realm world!


The icy syllable of the word fell, Jin Zhifei’s Primordial Spirit condensed a Divine Soul lance, snorted, and directly moved towards Chu Bei between the eyebrows and shot go with.

Where Divine Soul lance passes, a terrifying Domain is formed, distorting time and space invisibly.

very terrifying! Can he take the benefactor? ”

Shi Clan old man looks pale, shiver looked at Chu Bei coldly, with a deep worry on his face.

Looking at Chu Bei again, it’s easy to look at Chu Bei from start to finish , There is still a smile on the corner of his mouth, because to him, Jin Zhifei is really no different from an ant.

No need to gather momentum, just stick out, gently swing, a chaotic battle axe easily hits Divine Soul lance was shattered, and then in the unbelievable gaze of countless Knights in gold armor, it struck Jin Zhifei on the body.


The self-confident Jin Zhifei looked like this.


, The expression hasn't changed yet, the fleshy body exploded with Primordial Spirit at the same time, turning into nothingness directly.

"This...how is this possible..."

I witnessed this scene, The remaining Jin Family Knight complexion greatly changed, and there was fear in their hearts.

But before they had time to escape, the battle axe blasted on them.

"It looks like now , The first thing I did when I came to Bianhuang was to wash away the name of sin and blood. As for this Jin Family, it will be destroyed. "

The indifferent voice floated from Chu Bei's mouth, not only echoed in the Shi Clan tribe, but resounded throughout the Imperial Pass.

The voice fell, the Imperial Pass boiling!

"Have you heard? Whose voice is this! Who is talking! "

"Is the person talking crazy?" The matter of sin and blood has become a taboo topic in the customs, and he even threatened to excuse the sinner! "

"What's even crazier is that he even said that he would remove Jin Family! Jin Family is the Imperial Family of Emperor Guan, and there is the Changsheng Aristocratic Family of Highest Paragon! "

"What is the origin of this man!" Provoking Jin Family, is he going to die! ”


In the imperial gate city of several tens of thousands of li, Chu Bei’s indifferent voice echoed.

In an instant, all the tribes were hustling All the cultivators discuss spiritedly, their faces are full of astonishment and surprise.

They can’t believe that there are still people in this imperial city who dare to challenge the majesty of Jin Family!

Shi Clan tribe, the Shi Clan people looked dazed. Some numb looked at Chu Bei in a daze. In addition to gratitude, there was more surprise in their eyes.

Their shock was not only The terrifying power of Jin Zhifei, who killed Self Severing Realm with a single blow from the opponent, was even more due to the opponent's indifferent words that drifted away.

Moque King, Gourmet King, God, etc. A group of Evading Oneness Realm cultivators also showed incredible expressions of surprise.

In any case, they would not have thought that this Boss Chu would have caused such a sensation when he first arrived in the Imperial City!

Not only must the sin and blood be ordinary, but also bluntly to destroy the Jin Family!

"Benefactor, the sin and blood offspring is a foregone conclusion, and we also accept this result. You can't make enemies with those longevity Aristocratic families for us, they are too terrifying! "The old man Shi Clan stepped forward and moved towards Chu Bei bowed.

"This seat is not only for you, but also for the lower realm, for the sin state, and for my precious discipline. "Chu Bei indifferently smiled, the little head of Patted Shi Hao.

"Old Ancestor, this Jin Family has a pivotal position in the Imperial Pass, and is an indispensable force for the frontiers. You can't be impulsive! "

Different from Shi Clan’s worries, the surrounding Sects masters such as Mo Kui Wang seem to be more worried that Chu Bei will weaken the guarding power of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

What the seat said is correct, they have never fought on the front line of the battlefield, they just show off one's military strength that's all in this imperial pass! What is the use of such an Aristocratic Family? It's just a moth! "

"If Peak battle strength is not enough, then this seat will take the place of Supreme Monarch Jin. As for the matter of sin and blood, it is time to be fair to those little fellows of the year. "

Chu Bei glanced at the front calmly, filled with Supreme's indifferent words, and with a wave of his sleeves, the chaotic ripples dispersed.

In a blink of an eye, including the King Moque Everyone including Sect Lord and Shi Clan disappeared out of thin air.


The imperial city is divided into an inner city and an outer city.

The outer city is gathered in the form of tribes, and there are thousands of large and small tribes with different surnames.

Compared with the outer city, the inner city has a much smaller area, but there are There are several Imperial families, and there is no lack of longevity Aristocratic Family.

Because the descendants of the peerless ancestors in the inner city have lived in the inner city since they were born, the inner city is far more than the outer city. It’s very lively.

The gale is whistling, rolling the wind and clouds of the Emperor Pass!

Chu Bei takes the Demon King and the others, and the steps are thousands of miles away. Fragments wherever they pass. Flying, the sun and the moon, the Star River rotates, the scene is magnificent, and the breath is majestic.

"Benefactor, what realm are you? "

Shi Clan the old man hesitated, and the opponent created such an amazing Celestial Phenomenon in one step.

In a flash, their entire group appeared in the vast land of the inner city. Above.

Below, Lu rises from Dragon Snake, Qilin lies on the mountain, and there are flying phoenixes on the cliff, which is full of vigor!

Of course, the so-called Dragon Snake is not a True Dragon, but a giant mountain. , That one after another Heaven and Earth spine-like huge mountain range winding, one after another, juxtaposed together, shrouded the white mist of the fairy family, like Dragon Snake.

As for those great mountains, they are like Qilin. Lying down, Purple Qi is curled up, full of grass, full of peace and sacredness.

The cliffs are steep, like Feng Huang flying one after another, with a detached charm, especially some There is also a Cave entrance on the cliff wall, spewing out colorful light, like wings spreading.

This is one of the most prestigious Imperial Family Cave Mansion in the Imperial Pass. It belongs to the Jin Family and is known as the Longevity Golden Mansion!

In the past years, there have been immortals here, who will not be bad forever, and will be undying forever. In the ancient era, the clan was strong to the extreme, even if this era is still brilliant and splendid.

After a long time, no one dared to come to the wild, even the Imperial Family would not want to provoke.

"Senior, please think twice! Jin Family is a longevity clan! "The Devil King stands behind Chu Bei and keeps talking to persuade.

The land is vast, where ancient wood towers to the sky, various gods and beasts travel, and there are many Divine Birds and devil birds spreading their wings in the sky. , Dance together.

"Mokui, you dare to enter the Jin Family territory! Is it want to die? "At this time, a cold voice came from the mountain range below.

I saw a purple violent ape as high as a hundred zhang, holding a war spear, jumping out of the forest below, and suddenly the ground was on the ground. They all shook.

This violent ape was covered in purple hairs, like cast metal, extremely ferocious, there is no doubt that this is a legacy of Great Desolate, very powerful.

At this moment, its huge eyes are staring coldly at King Mokui, killing intent shooting.

"senior, it is the guardian beast of Jin Family. "The King Mokui glanced at the purple violent ape, moved towards Chu Bei and said respectfully.

Chu Bei slightly nod, calmly looked ahead, there was an ancient defense great spell covering the Jin Family core area. .

"Anyone who enters must die! "

I found myself being ignored, and the purple violent ape roared.

When it fell with a hostile roar, the purple violent ape punched through the void, moved towards Chu Bei entire group boomed. Kill and leave.

Chu Bei glanced at the purple violent ape faintly, without any words, and waved his sleeves.

At the moment, the power of the tenth Level 8 black is especially present, This equivalent to has the power of True Immortal!

Suddenly, a terrible scream resounded across the sky.

That breath-powerful violent ape, blood spout from mouth, his body cracked across the board , There are several thousands li flying out with a boom, disappearing into the sky.

"Oh my God, what kind of old monster is here!"

"That is The guardian beast of Jin Family! It is said that it is already in Self Severing Realm Peak, and it is about to break through, but in front of this person, it is like a puppet being thrown away. What a gap, worlds apart! "

"Who is he! is it possible that he threatened to kill Jin Family earlier! "

"The people behind him seem to be very powerful! In addition to the King Mokui, there seem to be eight terrifying existences of Evading Oneness Realm! "

"Are these people from another longevity Aristocratic Family?" "

"If this is the case, the Emperor Pass is going to change the sky!" ”


Outside the mountain range, one after another strong Great Cultivator poked out his head, with a look of shock on his face, casting his eyes on the Chu Bei entire group. Looking back and forth.

Chu Bei ignored these onlookers, and after solving the purple violent ape, he appeared before the ancient great spell.

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