"My king has awakened, even Tianyuan would never want to stop it!"

In the battlefield, the foreign Supreme had his eyes locked on Meng Tianzheng and laughed loudly.

It has the torso, legs and hands of the Human Race, but the head is a silver snake head, and there is a thick snake tail at the end of the spine. Apart from this, there is also a pair of silver-white Yaksha wings.

The snake Yaksha, the exotic Royal Family, is extremely ferocious!

After the majestic voice fell from the snake Yaksha's mouth, she then looked pious, and the next moment, the void buzzed in front of her.


Accompanied by a metal tremor, such as a dragon roar, a golden long spear emerged from the void, emitting a dazzling fairy light with a cold voice, Makes soul tremble.

Long spear is about nine feet, showing off one's ability, dazzling, it is a horror weapon that will impress people at the first glance.

It carries Immortal Qi, shrouded and shrouded Xianhui, obviously a Supreme Xianbing!

However, it also has a killing intent, which violates immortal dao harmony, spreads out, and turns into a weapon for punishing the gods.

The mountains and rivers of the gun blade are in an unusual form, the big star turns, it is so quietly horizontal in the void, but there is a horrible breath permeating, as if to suppress the universe!


Exotic Supreme coldly shouted.

next moment, this long spear swishes through the sky and directly finds the Shroud of Immortal King.

Almost at the same time, the Shroud of Immortal King emits bright rays of light, and the sound of pity can be heard vaguely. Facing the long spear is like finding an enemy.

hong long!

When the two collided, they directly found a battlefield in Tianyuan and blasted each other away.

The terrifying power is pervasive. If it weren't for the suppression of the mysterious power of Tianyuan, I am afraid that Huang has already been blown up!

"Meng Tianzheng, how can you stop me from waiting without the battle flag!"

Exotic Supreme stared at Meng Tianzheng coldly, sending out coldly snorted, and then all around The rune flickered, and together with the other two Supremes, they killed Meng Tianzheng.

Meng Tianzheng glanced at the uncontrolled Shroud of Immortal King in the distance, frowned slightly, his fists opened wide, containing the Supreme Great Dao, and greeted the three Supremes in a foreign land.

"Master, they are really strong!"

Shi Hao held Chu Bei with one hand, and pointed at the border desert battlefield with one hand, swallowed saliva and said.

The nodded of Chu Bei indifferent expression, even the weakest Warrior here is invincible when placed in the lower realm.

"Go up and kill the enemy together!"

Looking at the bloody Nine Heavens and Ten Earths cultivator in the field, the devil king, the gods, the palace master, etc. Powerhouse, one by one, also boiled passionately, while shouting loudly, raising their own imposing manner to the extreme, and rushing into the battlefield.

"Kill all these foreign enemies!"

"Guard the border to the death!"

In the battlefield, more and more cultivators fell , Blood soaked the boundless desert.

But even so, there is still no cultivator backing away. There is no fear on their faces, and they all have faith in their eyes.


In the Tianyuan battlefield, an Initial Phase Supreme belonging to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was shaken back by a foreign veteran Supreme.

However, just when the foreign veteran Supreme condensed the Supreme attack to prepare to hit the Initial Phase Supreme, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, a terrifying roar broke out in the battlefield.

next moment, the sky is filled with weird void ripples, and an extremely large chaotic giant palm falls from the sky, grabbing the old foreign brand Supreme.

Afterwards, with a bang, he squeezed it out, not only the fleshy body, but also the Primordial Spirit were squeezed into nothingness.

There is a popping sound!

In an instant, there was a short silence in the Tianyuan battlefield.

Especially the three foreign Supremes who had jointly besieged Meng Tianzheng, they startedled almost at the same time, and immediately turned their heads and looked towards the explosion place, shocked.

Exotic Five Great Paragons, just now, was instantly crushed by the giant palm of the chaotic ripples!

Even, that Supreme didn’t even have time to scream!

"This...this is what happened!"

"Why is the Supreme of the blood sea dead!"

"Where did the azure giant palm emerge from? Yes!"

"Does Nine Heavens and Ten Earths still have True Immortal?"


In the boundless desert, thousands of foreign cultivators are at the same time Staring at the Tianyuan battlefield, his eyes were filled with horror, more surprised and confused.

"Is it the king of the ancient age? Are there still people alive in that era."

As for the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, I was stunned and came out of shock. After back to his senses, I was very happy and excited. One by one, staring at the giant palm of the chaotic ripples, with hope, his body trembled slightly.

"Who is it!"

An exotic Supreme who was closer to Supreme being killed in a foreign land shouted, Divine Consciousness swept across Tianyuan, cold eyes swept all around, full of majesty The Voice of Supreme wafts in the battlefield.


At this moment, a black gap cracked above his head.

In the gap, a chaotic giant axe wrapped in a white radiance and slashed straight down, where a scene of adoration by thousands of people is vaguely visible.

Different from the previous Supreme, this Supreme is obviously well prepared. At the moment when the chaotic giant axe appeared, his whole body burst into the nine-color celestial light, and a dark lance emerged in his hand, and then stepped on the nine-color celestial light, holding the lance to the chaotic giant axe.


However, at the moment of the collision, the dark lance shattered and turned into thousands of light rain, floating and spilling.

The foreign Supreme's pupils shrank suddenly, and a chill surged in his heart. Without hesitation, he raised his hand to respond.

But the chaotic giant axe that fell from crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood did not pay attention to this Supreme's attack at all, and cut off the Supreme's arm like cutting tofu with no difficulty. , And then smashed from his head.


The sound of mournful scream has not yet completely drifted away. The Fleshy body and Primordial Spirit of the Supreme were cut in half by this chaotic giant axe at the same time, then exploded and dissipated in the sky.

In a short while, Tianyuan and the boundless desert were completely silent.

The three Supreme who originally besieged Meng Tianzheng in Foreign Land, after looking at each other, they immediately hugged together, looking at the chaotic giant palm and chaotic giant hovering not far away vigilantly. axe, with a little horror in his eyes.

"It's the king of ancient immortals!"

"It must be the king of ancient immortals!"

"He saw that the frontier was going to be broken, so he shot! "



The Warrior of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths looks at the giant palm and giant axe in the sky, fighting intent high. , The imposing manner becomes more surging.

"How is it possible! Didn't they say that their True Immortal is dead!" The foreign cultivator's face is extremely ugly, heavy to the extreme.


Under the gazes of countless cultivators on both sides, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the Tianyuan battlefield roared.

Ripples of ripples scattered, and a youth man stood with his hand in his hand, like an emperor patrolling Nine Heavens, slowly walking out of it, sweeping his indifferent gaze across the audience.

"It turned out to be you!"

Seeing the appearance of the person who appeared, the pupil of the Initial Phase Supreme who was rescued by the chaotic giant palm was dilated sharply, with thick eyes. Shock. He was the Supreme who first stood on the head of the Imperial Pass and first saw Chu Bei.

"You just saved me?"

Long Heavenly Supreme spoke, moved towards Chu Bei and hugged a cup one fist in the other hand. He was really unimaginable, and Meng Tianzheng brought it back. This mysterious person of, is so terrifying!

"It's him! The man brought by Elder Meng!"

"Did he just shot it? Easily killed two Supremes in a foreign land!"

"True Immortal!"


The cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths stared at Chu Bei in Tianyuan with admiration in his eyes. Muttered to himself.

On the contrary, Powerhouses such as Gourmet King, Heavenly Man, and Demon King don't have much look of shock on their faces. It seems that from the very beginning, they guessed the person who shot it.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, why don't you take it!" Meng Tianzheng moved towards Chu Bei and hugged cup one fist in the other hand, with gratitude in his words.

"You are who again!"

"In these hundreds of thousands of years, why have I never seen you make a move!"

The previous siege of Meng Tianzheng The three foreign Supreme brows tightly knit, their eyes fixed on Chu Bei, and they asked.

"It's you! Destroy the right pupil of the emperor!"

At this moment, there was a roar full of monstrous anger from the other side of Tianyuan, with a strong voice in the roar. Concentrated killing intent.

In an instant, a black mist appeared in Tianyuan.

It is round like a ball, ten thousand zhang in diameter, black and breathtaking.

This is an eyeball!

When it is closed, it is hidden in the black fog and is difficult to find. And when it opened a little, the eyes glowed with red light, like a flame or lightning, directly shaking Tianyuan.

Huo Ran, it suddenly opened wide, and in an instant, its all around turned into a red glow, and it was flooded with blood-colored beams with a murderous intention, as if it had fallen into a blood-colored hell.

"Magic pupil Supreme!"

"Look! It's Magic pupil Supreme!"

Looking at the eyeballs of ten thousand zhang that suddenly appeared in the battlefield of Tianyuan , The foreign cultivator was taken aback for a moment, then his face was excited and shouted wildly.

This is one of the most powerful Three Great Supremes besides Immortal. It can be said that half of them have entered Immortal.

Exotic Immortal, that is equivalent to the supreme existence of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths True Immortal!

Looking at the great Great Cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths again, looking at the eyes of ten thousand zhang, the color of joy is gradually replaced by dignity, and the face is shocked.

They felt a breath that made their heart palpitations from this eyeball, and they were powerless to resist.

"I have blood and deep hatred with this person, let him give it to me, you three continue to take down the other Supreme!"

The calm voice fell, the ten thousand zhang eyes kept shrinking until It turned into a middle-aged man, his body shrouded all around the black mist, but the right eye disappeared, leaving only the left eyeball moving around the stars.

Hearing the words of the magic pupil Supreme, the foreign Three Great Supremes glanced at each other, and after nodded, coincidentally killed Meng Tianzheng again.


Meng Tianzheng was fearless, loudly shouted, and greeted him.

"The enemy of ruining the pupil, the emperor must repay it a hundred times!"

The magic pupil Supreme steps forward, and with each step, the behind unusual form changes, endless billowing black mist like a river The river is surging, giving people an endless gloomy feeling, as if they have come to hell.

In the rumbling sound, a black long sword appeared in the hands of the magic pupil Supreme, the sword body trembled slightly, and the divine force in all the cultivators in the boundless desert stagnated for an inexplicable moment.

"If you were in this seat, it would have been dormant for millions of years, not like you rushing to deliver the door to courting death." Chu Bei looked at the magic pupil Supreme with contempt, with a smile on his mouth.

The joking voice fell, Chu Bei stepped forward, and a huge Yin-Yang Symbol case emerged at his feet. The air of Myriad Things Origin Energy and Hong Meng carried the power of Xiao Hei to riot and evolve.

The former is transformed into a long bow with blue-green rays of light swimming; the latter is transformed into a black arrow, and the arrows are all around chaos.

A group of Powerhouse moved towards Chu Bei, including the king of gluttonous gluttons and the gods, cast their gazes. In this scene, how have you met each other!

"The arrogant! It was defeated at the time because it was just an eye pupil of this seat that's all!" The magic pupil Supreme coldly shouted, and then his body became illusory, and he sank into the long sword. Among.

Human and Sword Unity, turned into a ray of black light, trembling Tianyuan, killing Chu Bei.


Chu Bei smiled knowingly, holding a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other.

Uncomfortably free to draw the longbow and shoot the arrow.

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