
In the battlefield, clear sounds sounded.

The black gloom transformed by the magic pupil Supreme was completely penetrated by the arrow in an instant.


Amidst the screams, a silhouette flew out of the black gloom, which wanted to escape.

But without waiting for the shadow to go away, the arrow that had originally penetrated turned back.


Arrow back, the shadows shattered.

"Damn you! My king will avenge me!"

The thick and unwilling voice floated in the sky and spread to the entire boundless desert. The magic pupil Supreme didn't die until death. t expect This guy is already strong enough to kill him with one arrow!

"Dead, the magic pupil Supreme is dead!"

"This...this is impossible! He is Number One Person under Immortal, how could he fail!"

"Is that guy really the immortal over there!"


The unwilling voice of the magic pupil Supreme sounded in the ear, in the boundless Desert battlefield, A group of exotic cultivator complexion greatly changed, looked at each other in blank dismay, horrified.

"Everyone listens to the order, retreat immediately!"

The magic pupil Supreme was killed, and the three Supremes who besieged Meng Tianzheng not far away were taken aback, came back to his senses, After looking at Chu Bei with great trepidation, he immediately moved towards tens of millions of cultivator and issued an order.

"Since I'm here, why are you still leaving."

Chu Bei's calm voice without the slightest mood swing uttered from Chu Bei's mouth.

He faintly glanced at the three Supreme Supreme, all around Primal Chaos Qi evolved three arrows, and put them on the bowstring at the same time, drawing the bow and shooting.

These three arrows seem to have the ability to confine the void, and they can also automatically lock the target, pu' sound, under the gaze of countless line of sight, respectively penetrated the bodies of three Supremes in a foreign land.

There was a uniform rumbling, and the last three Exotic Supremes also exploded. Fleshy body and Primordial Spirit were all destroyed!

"Dead, Supreme is all dead!"

"Kill, don't let these foreign dog thieves go back!"

"Kill all Light!"

"Boss Chu is mighty!"


The Warrior of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths recovered from the shock and cheered immediately.


At this moment, on the other side of Tianyuan, belonging to a foreign land boundary, there was a long howl, shaking the border.

"Exotic Immortal!"

I noticed that breath, Meng Tianzheng and the four Initial Phase Supreme complexion greatly changed, which is very heavy.

Chu Bei's brows were also frowned, and he looked towards the other side of Tianyuan. In the foreign sky, there was like a silver light spot, and he was staring at Bianhuang.

Chu Bei can feel the killing intent contained in the silver light spot, which is specifically for him.

hong long!

Exotic Immortal breath is pervasive, with supreme fluctuations and mighty, overwhelming heaven and sweeping the desert.

The incomparable Immortal coercion is like a billowing river coming from a foreign land. It wants to blast towards Chu Bei. However, when passing through Tianyuan, the originally peaceful source of heaven suddenly becomes a swallowing sky that people want to eat. The huge mouth effectively swallowed the Immortal coercion.

"Sure enough, once the Immortal is shot, Tianyuan will stop it!"

In the desert battlefield, a crowd of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Warriors cheered, and then continued to chase those exotic Coming enemy.


Across Tianyuan, a misty syllable of the word came from a foreign land.

Next moment, I saw a finger appearing on the foreign sky. It was golden-yellow, crushing Heaven and Earth, with some meteorites falling, and then moved towards Tianyuan directly.

This scene is very terrifying, such a huge Golden finger, like a supporting pillar, rumbling and ears. Watching its course of action is exactly where Chu Bei is located.

"Immortal has made a move! Does he want to ignore Tianyuan and fight against that True Immortal?"

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, a number of cultivators shocked, about the various deeds of Tianyuan They have heard of it, even if it is better than Immortal, if they are not careful, they may be swallowed and taken away.

At this moment, the Immortal in the foreign land is sitting high on the sky, and actually hits the mysterious True Immortal on their side.

Chu Bei stared at him, silent, he was hesitant to use Level 19 products now.

After all, his current ten Level 8 black power is equivalent to Realm of True Immortal. It is not easy to kill the opponent's Immortal.


However, as soon as the golden finger of Immortal in the foreign land touched Tianyuan, Tianyuan shone with a flaming light, and the golden finger was wrapped in an instant.

chi chi chi!

Under the eyes of countless creatures, the finger of Immortal in the foreign land turned into a dry bone in an instant, and all the flesh and blood disappeared.

Furthermore, the blazing light released from the Tianyuan also extended along Golden's fingers to the Immortal who was sitting high in the sky in a foreign land.


Even through Tianyuan, you can still see the Immortal in a foreign land surrounded by blazing light, extremely painful.

Even though his whole body releases fairy light, it still seems unable to stop the mysterious encroaching power of Tianyuan.

"What power is there in this Tianyuan!"

"Who built it! Even the legendary existence of Immortal can hurt, too terrifying!"

"Fortunately, there is Tianyuan! Otherwise, there is Immortal in the foreign land, and we have not had True Immortal before, and we have already been taken over by those foreign dog thieves!"

"Who said We don’t have True Immortal? Then mysterious senior is True Immortal!"


The cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths looked at the alien who was tortured by the power of the heavens. Immortal, cheating on his face.

"You are careless."

Suddenly, another calm voice came from the foreign land.

Next moment, I saw a ripple lightly sweeping the Immortal in a foreign land, and the power of the sky that had erode him was broken away inexplicably.

At the same time, the Luan bell rang, even if the vast desert is vast, even if there is the protection and isolation of the heavens, whether it is Nine Heavens and Ten Earths or a foreign land, all the creatures have heard that there is a copper bell between Heaven and Earth. ring.

And, no matter how far away, even without Heavenly Eye, all creatures in the border can see the end of the alien horizon.

There, a war chariot is approaching slowly.

It carries all kinds of marks, which are left by weapon attacks, such as axe marks, sword marks, knife marks... The mottled surface describes the glory of one battle after another!

This is a war chariot, pulled by an Old Ox, walking slowly, moved towards Tianyuan and crossed over!

The bull is huge, with dark red fur, but the back is Golden, as are the two horns, like gold, it is responsible for pulling the cart.

"Many thanks, my king will help!"

The injured Immortal immediately moved towards war chariot in the foreign land and bowed, with gratitude in his words.

"Knock to my king!"

As the war chariot stopped, all the cultivators in the foreign land knelt to the ground, looking up at the ancient war chariot one by one, extremely pious.

"Who is in the war chariot!"

"Why do you even worship the foreign Immortal!"

"The king? The king of Immortal! That's it! What a existence!"


The cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths looked towards the ancient war chariot across the Tianyuan, one by one, suck in a cold breath, and the whole body was cold, It feels like falling into an ice cellar.

"Is the king of Immortal in the foreign land!"

Meng Tianzheng muttered in his mouth, and looked at each other in blank dismay, his complexion was extremely dignified.

"The King of Immortal wakes up, is he going to knock? Can this Tianyuan really be blocked?"

On the city wall of the Imperial Pass in the distance, there are two extremely powerful Primordial Spirit floated, staring blankly at the other side of Tianyuan, Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian.

"That is An Lan war chariot." Chu Bei said calmly.

"What? The people in the war chariot are An Lan from a foreign land!" When the Supreme heard the name, they were shocked.

The name of An Lan, even in the ancient book of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, has historical records of blood!

Immortal Ancient Era, whose name shakes the whole world!

Stepping on the corpses of countless Powerhouses to build a reputation, shaking the old illuminating the new, sweeping Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

Back then, there were indeed people who could fight him, but in the end, they were all gone. They were buried for an era, and blood was soaked in the loess.

An Lan, a prestige that moves the world, frightens the world, horizontally and horizontally forever, and pushes enemies from all walks of life.

"Unfortunately! Back then, my Immortal King from Nine Heavens was outnumbered. I had no chance to fight him alone. Otherwise, this war chariot might not appear in this era." A Supreme seems to know something. What, whisper softly.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, in your opinion, do you think it is possible for the King of Immortal to break through Tianyuan?"

Meng Tianzheng looked towards Chu Bei, he is located Supreme Peak, farther than ordinary people can see. He can feel the power of Chu Bei. In his opinion, the opponent should be the old True Immortal.

However, even if it is Great Ascension True Immortal, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the King of Immortal.

For this reason, he did not expect Chu Bei to defeat the King of Immortal, but pinned his hope on Tianyuan, hoping that Tianyuan could stop the King of Immortal.

As for the question of Meng Tianzheng, Chu Bei shook the head and remained silent.

The appearance of An Lan, if he does not use Level 19 merchandise, he can only use the current ten Level 8 black power, and he is not the opponent of the other party.

After all, the King of Immortal is too powerful!

In the desert, the ringtones are crisp, melodious and melodious, coming from the end of the horizon, very beautiful.

However, listening to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths cultivator is like a soul-stuck song from Nine Nether!

The sound came from the war chariot, the Luang bell was not high, but it spread clearly throughout the desert, through the imperial gate, to everyone's ears.

Listening to the ringtone, the Emperor Guan cultivator only feels that the scalp is exploding, and the strands of hair seem to be as heavy as a thousand catties. You must tear off the scalp and cool it from head to toe.

The King of Immortal comes, who is the enemy?

The desert is endless, and you can't see the end at a glance. The ancient war chariot is still at the other end of the desert, not under the abyss. I shouldn't be able to see it, but the reality is clearly in everyone's eyes.

Gold-backed Barbaric Ox is sturdy and powerful, with Chaos Energy and golden horns, neither fast nor slow.

The ancient war chariot it pulls with mottled traces of war, like a living history book, records the once peerless war. The hooves fell on the ground, as if stepping in the hearts of everyone in the Emperor Pass.

"Ant, my king is here, Tianyuan is unstoppable! When Tianyuan is broken, I will cut you!"

Foreign land, that Immortal creature, full of silvery white, full of The violent killing intent's cold voice condensed into silk, penetrating the sky and sounded in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, a number of cultivators, scared witless.

One by one involuntarily looked towards Chu Bei's direction, they knew that the words of the foreign Immortal were aimed at this mysterious True Immortal.

Immortal is hanging on the other end of the desert, far apart, but the imposing manner, the majesty of looking down at Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, comes through, which makes people feel humiliated.

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