"If the sky is really broken, do you say that mysterious True Immortal can stop the alien Immortal? Immortal too terrifying!"

"Don't forget , Our True Immortal of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is the same realm as Immortal! That True Immortal senior should not be a problem against Immortal, I am just worried whether he is the opponent of the creature in war chariot."

"Yeah, that's the King of Immortal who will worship even the foreign Immortal!"


The cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, first glanced at it Chu Bei then cast his gaze to the other side of Tianyuan, each with a solemn expression.

The powerhouse looked towards Chu Bei, such as the king of gluttons, the gods, and the Palace Master. It was also the first time that Chu Bei's gaze was vacillating. It was not that Chu Bei was weak, but what the other party might have to face next was The king of the foreign land.

The King of Immortal!

Immortal Ancient Era is an invincible existence!

Luan bells are long, Golden-backed Old Ox is pulling the ancient war chariot, slowly approaching, and gradually approaching Tianyuan, the people suffocated!

From start to finish, there is no movement or words in the car, as if everything in this world, millions and millions of creatures, the splendor of the heavens, and the endless red dust, are not in his eyes.

Finally, war chariot is near, and it has truly come to the bottom of Tianyuan!

At this time, Barbaric Ox on the gold back seemed to be suppressed by Tianyuan, his speed slowed down, and finally stopped in front of Tianyuan, making it difficult to move forward for half a step.


Suddenly, the war chariot exploded, and a ray of Supreme light gushed out of it, seeming to come from the hands of the person in the war chariot, as if it was going to penetrate directly through the sky and break Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. .

"Don't be afraid of life and death, only this battle!"

However, when the Supreme light in the war chariot penetrated into the sky, the huge black hole above the sky was misty. There was a roar in the haze, and the sound was moving across the sun and the moon, very tragic.

"Have you heard it! Whose voice is this again!"

"Is it possible that there are living people in Tianyuan?"

"is it possible That is the Supreme Powerhouse of our Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"


Hearing the sound, the body of the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths trembled suddenly.

next moment, under their horrified gaze, a huge city emerged in Tianyuan, casting a large shadow, covering the sky, and releasing rays of light with a weird and complicated rune.

With the appearance of the giant city, countless cultivators in the foreign land are stunned by mistakes. Obviously, they don't know that there is such a existence in the heaven.

"Could this be the immortal city controlled by the seven kings of Xiangu!" A Supreme seemed to know something, looking at that Giant City in the abyss with excitement.

It is recorded that in the age of immortal, seven kings drove an immortal city to guard the border, and defeated the foreign land after killing them many times.

For some reason, this immortal city disappeared in the long river of years.

It seems that it has always been there, and it is in this heavenly abyss that shocks the alien Immortal.

"Don't be afraid of life and death, only this battle!"

The same voice echoed on the battlefield again, shocking Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and all the creatures in the foreign land.

In that city, the murderous intention of the world is surging, and the fairy light is the symbol of immortal dao, terrifying boundless, shaking the ancient and modern future, and illuminating the boundless desert.

"It's the old man with the red pupil!"

"It turned out to be him!"

"Number One Person under the Seven Ancient Kings!"

See clearly the appearance of the one-armed old man above the giant city. Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Supreme including Meng Tianzheng also criticized out in surprise.

Looking at the one-armed old man, Chu Bei brows slightly wrinkle, the breath of this one-armed old man is very strong, far surpassing that of the Immortal in a foreign land.

However, his breath gives people a feeling that the wind and rain will be annihilated at any time, as if Zhu Huo has come to the end of his life.


The silhouette of the one-armed old man moved and stood at the head of the city, controlling the immortal city moved towards the foreign land.

"It turns out that there are remnants! Your kings died in battle, is it possible that you still want to stop this king?"

The first time it came out in war chariot The voice is extremely calm, with disdain, that is the pride of looking down at Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

After that, the war chariot buzzed, and a hand came out of it, although it was slow but very powerful, moved towards Gao Tiantuo.

hong long!

The immortal city crashed and fell, the immortal dao symbol flickered, the void exploded, and the murderous aura erupted.

However, these immortal dao symbols cannot hurt the palm that protrudes from the war chariot.

What's more terrifying is that afterwards, that hand actually held up the entire immortal city, seemingly possessing the strength of Heaven!

"Is this the King of Immortal in a foreign land!"

"It's just a hand, it actually supports the immortal city controlled by the Seven Ancient Immortal Kings!"

"What should I do now? Is it possible that the King of Immortal from a foreign land can really cross the Heavenly Abyss?"

"Is this Heavenly Emperor really going to be broken!"


In Tianyuan, the immortal city's immortal light burst out, but it was difficult to shake An Lan's hand.

Seeing this scene, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths cultivator have one's hair stand on end!

Immortal Ancient Era's red pupil old man is still alive and has appeared.

He is known as the Number One Person under the Seven Kings, but even if he manipulates the immortal city, he still cannot stop the pace of An Lan, the king of the alien Immortal!

"The city is here, the city is dead, the city is dead, kill!"

Above the city, the one-armed old man roared sadly, a pair of red pupils turned, and red and black pupils appeared in the pupils. flame.

However, these flames in his pupils did not burst out, but burned his physical body and the crystal-like skeleton.

"What is the old red pupil doing!" Supreme frowned.

"He has little life, burning his exhausted body, trying to mobilize the strongest Rule Power in Tianyuan, and control the immortal city to burn both jade and stone with An Lan." Chu Bei said lightly.

"Can it succeed?" Meng Tianzheng looked towards Chu Bei, and asked with his eyebrows.

Chu Bei shook the head: "The difference in strength is too big."

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Meng Tianzheng clenched his fists, and the complexion slightly changed: "Is there any way to stop him? Is it?"

"This is his last long-cherished wish, please satisfy him."

Chu Bei raised his eyes and looked at the one-armed old man burning with black flame in Tianyuan, sighing.

"hong long!"

With a roar, the immortal city shines, especially in the center, a monstrous beam of light pierces the heart of Tianyuan, driving immeasurable mana, and immortal power. .

In an instant, the Tianyuan burned, emitting a Heavenly Immortal aura, turning into a flame, turning into a rune, and fitting in the immortal city.

One immortal dao law after another, descending from the bottom of immortal city, like a divine rainbow, Immortal Immortal, gods block then kill gods, if the Buddhas block, then kill the Buddhas, destroy all souls!

"Ant, but a needless struggle!"

An indifferent sound of disdain, a decree flew out of Anlan war chariot, rays of light shined Hengyu, with invincible Breath, lock the universe, and meet the ten million immortal dao laws!

The old man with red pupil burned his exhausted body and mobilized the power of Tianyuan to launch a Supreme attack with the help of immortal city.

An Lan, the King of Immortal, played a Dharma Dao Decree to meet him.


The two collided!

Suddenly, heaven falls and earth rends, ghosts are crying and howling.

Above the boundless battlefield, the sky is far away, as if reopening and being refining, especially the breath with the King of Immortal, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth is invincible, looking at the past and the present!

At this moment, Heaven and Earth are constantly reorganizing and shattering. The most terrifying thing has happened here in Tianyuan. The kind of fighting outsiders cannot imagine, shaking the past and the present.

Ordinary people cannot understand, that is the highest level of confrontation!

In the end, only a piece of chaos was left in everyone's sight.

I don’t know how long it took, everyone was suffocated, Divine Soul became stiff, the boundless battlefield was only clear, and the scenery gradually became recognizable.

The desert, still there, has not been destroyed.

It can only be said that whether it is the old man with red pupil or An Lan, they are unmatched in the world, but all their attacks are restrained to the extreme and did not cause any accidental injury.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the millions of foreign troops are all intact.

"If you go further, this king may take it seriously. But after all, you have stopped, and you are still ruined." A sigh came from the war chariot.

The previous big collision has had results, especially the decrees. The immortal city is also intact, but it has dimmed, and the bright Immeasurable Light disappeared.

On the city’s head, the one-armed old man turned and looked down at the behind Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. His flesh and blood had been burned out, and only one skeleton was left. There were two scarlet eyes on his head and eyes. Light, revealing sadness.

Reluctant eyes moved away from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and landed on Anlan war chariot again, becoming cold and severe, with killing intent.

He took a step, Heaven and Earth trembled, making a weird buzzing sound like crying.


The skull bones shattered and turned into a black flame. The flame expanded sharply, and finally shrank into a terrifying black Fireball.

It was transformed by the old red pupil. He rushed towards Anlan war chariot with his last Life Power.

However, with a faint sigh in the war chariot, a giant palm lightly patted the black Fireball.


Black Fireball is annihilated.

"Is the old man with red pupil sublimated."

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths tens of millions of cultivators stared blankly at the black Fireball that turned into nothingness, and his face gradually paled.

For a time, all the cultivators were unmoved, and a sense of sorrow was inexplicably rising in their hearts, moved towards that direction and worshipped piously.

They didn't know the old red pupil before, even if they knew it, they just glanced at it from the ancient book.

But, just now, they witnessed with their own eyes that a one-armed old man burned his last life and guarded the emperor gate until the blood of his life was drained, and he did not shrink back!

The song of life bursts into anger, he uses his body to express his will and does his last effort to protect the emperor to the death.

"Master, is that grandfather dead?" Shi Hao took Chu Bei's big hand, his eyes blurred.

Chu Bei nodded, took a deep breath, a little melancholy: "This is his long-cherished wish, and his destination is this wasteland, the same as those Immortal Kings of Xiangu."

A group of Supreme looked at each other, and then looked at the immortal city that was still hovering in the sky in the abyss, and their faces were extremely ugly.

"Are there any remnants of that year?"

In the foreign war chariot, An Lan's voice once again pierced through the sky and scattered Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths did not respond and fell silent.

Chu Bei naturally noticed that countless eyes were cast on him in the battlefield. He also understood the expectations these Warriors had on him and hoped that he could stand up.

However, even with so many encouraging eyes, Chu Bei did not make any statement.

Before that, he had to make sure that An Lan on the opposite side could really ignore Tianyuan's suppression.

After all, the right to use Level 19 products is still precious.

"Are you dead?"

An Lan's voice sounded, and the war chariot trembled again, but this time it was not a giant palm, but a big fist.

This fist blasted directly towards Tianyuan, wherever it passed, the Star River flowed and the big star collapsed.

weng weng weng!

Tianyuan trembles, that huge black hole releases incomparable Devouring Power, this is Tianyuan’s Law Power, it is resisting that huge fist with all its strength.

For a long time.


With a crisp sound, Tianyuan cracked a thin crack, and a strand of breath on that fist penetrated through the crack and came to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.


In a flash, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths wailed and screamed.

The cultivator closest to the strand of breath exploded and died; the farther cultivator was cracked all over, like being cut by an invisible blade, and his face was terrified.

"Retreat quickly!"

Meng Tianzheng immediately issued the order, with the same horror on his face.

Although it is just a breath of breath, the level of strength and the Profound Truth contained in it, even the Peak Supreme, is hard to resist, and can't help but kneel down and worship.

"Is this the strength of the King of Immortal? With a punch, even Tianyuan can't be blocked!"

"Once Tianyuan is penetrated, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are dead!"

"Is this day still here?"


The cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths looks at Tianyuan The fists in each face were panicked, and there was horror in their eyes.

As for the exotic cultivator, he was extremely excited, and shouted in a carnival.

Time goes by every second.


There was another loud noise.

The big fist penetrated the sky and descended on Nine Heavens and Ten Earths with a Supreme imposing manner like destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

In an instant, the border collapsed, ghosts were crying and the stars were dim.

Looking at the fearful expressions of countless cultivators in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Chu Bei divine sense moved, but when he had redeemed the strongest Level 19 killing goods to meet An Lan’s fist, the void roared .

Followingly, a drop of blood appeared out of thin air, blooming with a dazzling red light glow, wrapped the Anlan fist, and wiped it out.

In a flash, everything returned to calm.


At this moment, the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths cast their eyes in one direction, with horror in their eyes, and an incredible and unbelievable face. The scene I saw earlier.

It was a drop of blood, bright red like a fire diamond, bright red and translucent.

As soon as it appeared, the gods rushed into the sky, revealing an unpredictable coercion.

What's more terrifying is that it actually obliterated the Anlan fist that even Tianyuan could not stop!

If it weren’t for this drop of blood just now, I’m afraid the entire Imperial Pass and even Nine Heavens and Ten Earths would have been destroyed!

"This seems to be the drop of blood from Immortal Grave!"

The five overlords such as Gourmet King, Xiandian Palace Master, and Laotian Ren looked at each other, and they were shocked at the same time, They all cast their gazes in Shi Hao's direction.

They clearly remember that this drop of blood finally sank into the body of the little fellow.

At the same time, the exotic cultivator is standing up, looking at each other in blank dismay, with a trance.

What blood is this?

Just one drop, it actually blocked their Immortal King's attack!

The two strands of Primordial Spirit of Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian on the head of the Imperial Pass were also dumbfounded, and they were shocked.

Countless line of sight focused on a drop of blood, it is amazing!

What makes Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the exotic cultivator feel incredible is that this drop of blood has no murderous aura, just like a drop of harmless blood.

Although it feels so, but inexplicably it gives people a kind of terrifying pressure that is difficult to contend with.

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