"Here is another one? Don't say two, no matter how many more, this Heavenly Emperor is not afraid!"

In different time and space, Ye Fan stepped on the tripod, His eyes swept over An Lan and Yu Tuo, there was invincible power.

"The battle across the years, do you want this world to fall apart!"

Yu Tuo coldly snorted: "If you don't leave again, don't blame me. People join hands to wipe you out!"

The cold voice fell, and a loud roar sounded in Tianyuan. It was Yu Tuo’s imposing manner. The immeasurable murderous aura erupted, and it exploded in Tianyuan, like an overwhelming monarch. Howl!

Even the different time and space where Ye Fan is located has been affected. The universe is shattered, and the terrifying sound of the void is like howling eternal ghosts.

"But the ants, you can kill them!"

Ye Fan confided in the eight characters, and then held the great cauldron in both hands, moved towards An Lan Yu Tuo smashed away.

"Are you really afraid of this king? Then destroy the two time and space!"

An Lan seemed to be irritated, and no longer tolerate, the gold ancient spear in his hand stabbed out, this time It is facing Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron.


The sound of yo-yo metal collision wafted at the barriers between the two time and space.

The time and space where Ye Fan was located was trembling over the years, and the stars in the river burst and began to crack.

weng weng!

In the rumbling sound, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the foreign sky began to shatter, and the original small cracks directly turned into gaps, as if the end is coming.

"No, don't!"

"Vitality is passing!"

"Help me!"


In an instant, there was a cry of horror from Bian Huang.

At this moment, whether it is Nine Heavens and Ten Earths or alien creatures, their silhouettes are becoming more and more faint, as if they are about to disappear out of thin air.

"Little Child Ye, stop! Across the years, you are not suitable for fighting. If you continue to mess around, the two time and space will really collapse."

At this moment, a faint sigh resounded through the border and penetrated into the sky.

This is an unusually calm voice, extremely abruptly resounding in this boundless wilderness that is about to collapse.

It spread across the boundless desert, across Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, across foreign lands, infiltrated into the heavens, and finally to another time and space.

Hearing the sound, Ye Fan trembled slightly, and immediately stopped.

His sleeves waved, the great cauldron of Myriad Things Origin Energy disappeared, and the ups and downs of the heavens and stars disappeared; the great cauldron all around the surging Nine Heavens thunder also returned to his in vivo.

When I look at Anlan again, I also put away the golden ancient spear, and recovered the terrifying energy that entered the different time and space.

Then, time and space buzzed between the two parties.

The long river of time and space where Ye Fan is located has gradually calmed down from turbulence, and the stars in the river will no longer break.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the foreign sky began to heal, and the huge gap that was like the end of the day began to shrink into tiny cracks, until it was completely repaired.

At the same time, those billions of cultivators whose silhouettes had become dull, became solid again.

"It's okay!"

"The vitality doesn't go away anymore!"

millions and millions of creatures seem to be aware of the disappearance of disasters, face by face It was fortunate, and that lose one's head out of fear and the expression of joy was like walking away from the gates of hell.

After the excitement, millions and millions of creatures thought of something, and unanimously cast a simultaneous look at the source of the previous sound, the city wall of Emperor Guan!

In Tianyuan, the eyes of the two Great Immortal Kings An Lan and Yu Tuo also fell on the city wall of the Emperor Pass.

As for Ye Fan, he bowed towards the city wall with respect.

"Little Child Ye, if you don’t stop by your teacher, are you really going to break the river of time?" On the city wall of Emperor Guan, Chu Bei stood with his hands behind and looked at Ye Fan calmly .

Ye Fan scratched his head in embarrassment. At this moment, he is no longer the Heavenly Emperor Ye who is invincible in the world, but is more like a child who has made a mistake: "Master, in fact, the original meaning of the discipline is not enough. It was to frighten the two of them, trying to force them to make a blood oath. Unexpectedly, they would rather break down the years with the discipline than make an oath."

"that's all, let's leave it to Be a teacher, just stay there and watch." Chu Bei said lightly.

"Master, isn't your cultivation base restricted?" Ye Fan asked.

"Do you think you can stand by as a teacher right now? is it possible that, really want to watch you break down the long river of years and break the two time and space?"

Chu Bei look Turning to Ye Fan, he said: "Using the Secret Skill for the teacher has mobilized a little strength. Although the cultivation base is still less than one-tenth of the Peak period, it is enough to deal with these two little dolls."

With a smiling voice falling, Chu Bei on the city wall stepped forward.

In an instant, Chu Bei had already arrived in Tianyuan.

In an instant, its body glowed, and behind it appeared a giant axe wrapped in chaos.

The axe handle is engraved with dozens or hundreds of strange patterns. These patterns are the same in thickness, but the color and shape are all kinds of strange things, each with its own characteristics.

giant axe trembles lightly, and in the humming sound, thousands of different shades of colors rippling from the sky above, changing into various shapes from time to time. An extremely rich, relaxed and joyful breath of fresh air diffused from the axe blade, rippling on the frontier battlefield, changing into a magical image, which is surprising.

The axe handle pattern flickered, staring at it, each of them contained thousands of stars, like a Star Region on its own.

This is Splitting Heaven Ax, Splitting Heaven Ax of real deal!

In addition to Splitting Heaven Ax, at the feet of Chu Bei, a huge Yin-Yang Symbol case appeared, and various immortal dao runes flickered.

The center of the Yin-Yang Symbol is a blooming immortal dao flower. The Qi of Hong Meng and Myriad Things Origin Energy are so solid that they are about to become liquid.

A Golden disk is horizontal above Chu Bei’s head, and the center of the disk is sprayed with blue-green rays of light; in the rays of light, you can vaguely see the worship scene of millions and millions of creatures from different worlds. With a pious face, the blue-green rays of light come from their worship, which is the Supreme strength of Faith.


"Do you think that the feeling of True Immortal senior seems to have changed!"

"I feel it too, But I can’t tell where it has changed."

"What did he say before? Don’t let his strong Eldest Disciple take the shot, and then give it to him?"

" Although he is very strong, he is still True Immortal. What he has to face now is the two Immortal kings of the foreign land, can he do it?"

"No, since he is the Immortal King of Different Time and Space Master of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, how could it be True Immortal!"


The cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths came back to his senses, his eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body with a face At the same time, confused and worried in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, I can't feel the fluctuation of his breath."

Looking at Chu Bei's back, Meng Tianzheng muttered to himself, a little trance.

It is not just him, Wang Changsheng, Zhao Haotian and other Supreme also showed dazed expressions. Before that, they could still feel the energy fluctuations of this Boss Chu.

But at that moment, the breath fluctuation of the opponent disappeared.

"Is this the Supreme Ancestor Master." Ye Qingxian took Shi Hao's white tender hands, muttered to himself, and looked forward to his eyes.

Chu Bei stepped out in one step, so he went straight out of the Imperial Pass and came to Tianyuan.

Whether it is the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, or the exotic millions and millions of creatures, their eyes are all focused on Chu Bei's body. While confused, their faces are full of surprise.

In their opinion, Chu Bei seems to be more ordinary. If it is placed in the army, it will even be the kind of little role that can't be found.

However, the other party appeared in Tianyuan at the moment, looking at Immortal King Anlan and Yu Tuo, but did not give people that sense of disobedience, as if they were standing at the same height.

But if you watch for a long time, you will find that Boss Chu’s temperament is extremely fierce, the pupils are piercing, and the light that is emitted is like a fairy sword, which makes people unable to look at each other. Crush the universe.


In different time and space, Ye Fan walked on the tripod, standing at the end of the long river of years, moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand.

"You have changed."

An Lan glanced at Chu Bei, with a solemn expression, divine glow in his eyes, and a faint comment.

"Immortal King or Immortal King, do you think this is the end of cultivation?" Chu Bei's voice was flat.

"Regardless of the past or the future, I am An Lan, invincible in the world!" An Lan spoke, filling the Supreme power.

"Invincible? There are invincibles, so how can there be an era of emperor fall! Since ancient times, which dare to speak undefeated? How much do you know about this World!"

" Perhaps it is only in the Peak period of this seat that you dare to claim undefeated! Even if it is this seat at that time, it also needs to temper the invincible body."

Chu Bei stood with his hands in his hands, his words were sharp, and there was another one. This feeling of vicissitudes, as if an emperor came from remote ancient times, witnessed the mulberry field after recovery, and asked the sky.

"You guys, what's up!"

At the end, Chu Bei glanced at An Lan and Yu Tuo, coldly snorted, with disdain in his voice.

"Arrogant! Who do you think you are!" An Lan's eyes were cold and quiet.

"Raise your hand to suppress you!" Chu Bei said every word.

The sonorous sound came from the Tianyuan, resounding through the boundless desert.

Suppression of An Lan, fluttering syllables were spoken from Chu Bei, the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths before the Imperial Pass was silent, absolute silence, and then boiling with passion.

On the other hand, foreign millions and millions of creatures are also angry. A person who only stepped into the realm of immortal dao not long ago actually said that he raised his hand to suppress An Lan?

That is the Immortal The king is Supreme Existence and their belief!

Whoever dares to underestimate the taboo will kill him!

"He who offends my king, kill!"

Without waiting for An Lan's response, Immortal from Alien Land took the lead in coldly shouting, and his body surface was surging with fairy lights, and the rune flickered.

He shoots out with a palm, pointing straight at Chu Bei, the big stars in the palm of his hand are swirling, in an unusual form.

If it hadn't been for Tianyuan's resistance before, he had already attacked the opponent. How can you let the other party be like this, so offensive to the King of Immortal, it is really bold!

The other party's arrogance should be skinned and boned, and its soul should be suppressed into the eyes of Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Although he has also noticed the changes in Chu Bei, in his opinion, the opponent is absolutely impossible to reach the domain of the king!

Chu Bei glanced at the foreign Immortal, shook the head, sighing, there is a kind of breath swallowing mountains and rivers, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, but my domineering spirit, let me give you someone!

The black hair dances, the eyes are like lightning, and it is difficult for the stabbing person to look at him. It makes people feel trembling with fear!

hong long!

The Star Region in Chu Bei's eyes is reversed , His eyes condensed.

In an instant, the foreign direction is like heaven falls and earth rends, the sky is cracked, the desert is sinking, and the gaze is even more terrifying than the void.


An Lan shot, and the golden ancient spear swiped lightly to block the sky, but it was too late.


This beam of light fell on the body of the foreign Immortal, and the giant palm it photographed disappeared before it entered the sky. As for his body, it was cut in two instantly, and the scene was very terrifying.

The sound of mournful scream just came out of the mouth, and the two bodies together with the Primordial Spirit turned into a ball of blood mist.

The fairy light dissipates, and the alien Immortal is dead!

"Immortal Lord is dead!"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

"That's supreme existence in the realm of immortal dao! How could it be! It's so easy to be killed!"

"A beam of gaze, is it possible that he has also stepped into the domain of the king!"


Looking at the blood mist dissipating in the sky, the body of foreign millions and millions of creatures trembled suddenly, and each of them fell back on Chu Bei's body, full of panic.

They couldn't imagine that an Immortal would be killed by a beam of gaze.

Here, too terrifying!

Looking at the Warriors of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths again, each of them looked exactly the opposite. After being stunned, they reacted and started to cheer loudly and excitedly.

The mysterious senior who was on their side was actually strong enough to kill the alien Immortal with a ray of light.

Exotic Immortal, that is equivalent to True Immortal's supreme existence, undying figures who have survived from the ancient immortal to the present, have a prestigious name in historical records!

"Is this the true strength of Boss Chu? Or, it is just the tip of his strength!"

"What is the realm at the end of the road to cultivation!"


Evading Oneness Realm cultivator looked at each other in blank dismay.

Along the way, this Boss Chu gave them too much shock.

Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, Zhao Haotian and the rest of Supreme looked at the back in Tianyuan in a daze, their expressions a little dazed.

Especially for the latter two, their expressions are full of strange expressions. Not long ago, they even fought against each other and even put down cruel words. Now it seems that it is a joke!

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