"Are you not putting this king in your eyes."

An Lan spoke in a calm tone. Up to now, even after witnessing the killing of Immortal in a foreign land, There is no mood swing at all.

"You are not qualified!"

The plain syllables fall, Chu Bei lifts up with one hand, behind Splitting Heaven Ax vibrates, and the thick divine glow rises from the axe blade. Like a lava erupting from a volcano, it illuminates the Tianyuan and shook the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the foreign land.

hong long!

There was a loud noise, and thousands of patterns on the handle of the axe released rays of light at the same time, and the universe trembled!

Ten thousand bright rays of light merge with the air of Hong Meng and Myriad Things Origin Energy under your feet, and become a blade of light, the blade of Dao Severing!


The blade cuts through the Tianyuan rules, separates the big dao pattern, cuts out horizontally, and breaks all obstacles!


At the same time, a syllable roar came out from the other side of Tianyuan.

That was An Lan's shout. He burst into an immeasurable murderous aura, which exploded there, vaguely roaring like a king of the world!

The sky is shattered, and the void makes a terrifying sound, just like howling an eternal ghost.

An Lan held Lance in both hands, and slammed into the blade!

"Wang, he actually held a spear in both hands!"

Exotic millions and millions of creatures looked at Tianyuan, especially some veteran Supreme, suddenly showing a look of shock on his face.

"Is the person from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths really strong enough to be so strong!"

"What is his background! Why is there no information about him in the ancient book? Any record!"

"The last time the king held spears in both hands, it was Immortal Ancient Era. At that time, his opponent was the Immortal King on the opposite side!"


Seeing the battle in Tianyuan, the alien creatures were shocked and looked at Tianyuan in disbelief.

An Lan, the king of Immortal, believes in millions and millions of creatures in a foreign land, but now he is forced to hold both spears.

Since the Battle of Immortal Ancient World War I, has An Lan ever been so serious!

Before, even the old man with the red pupil of Number One Person under the Immortal King controlled the immortal city and suppressed him. He has not moved, but now he has a stern look on his face.

Obviously, this Anlan attaches great importance to the person of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

This is a real big showdown!

Extremely ancient!


In the trembling of the metal, blades and spears collided.

At the collision and intersection, the white ripples of the forest spread across the sky, the rays of light are dazzling, and the waves of energy erupt like oceans.

The intertwined divine glow suddenly flooded Tianyuan. The extreme horror made Divine Soul tremble!

weng weng weng!

Tianyuan shook violently.

This abyss that has existed since the fall of the emperor seems to be about to collapse. Fortunately, when it is on the edge of the collapse, there is dark blood flowing from the gap above it like a black hole. This blood does not know where it came from. , Flowing along the periphery of Tianyuan, seemed to reinforce it again.

Even so, the power of Chu Bei and An Lan's collision still has a thread of breath that penetrates the Tianyuan and diffuses away.

In an instant, the endless army of desert millions and millions of creatures fell softly to the ground, trembling with fear, trembling with fear, imprisoned by Supreme's coercion, and almost burst into pieces.

Even Peak Supreme, such as Meng Tianzheng and Wang Changsheng, have their divine force suppressed and cannot be mobilized.

This is still the result of Tianyuan being reinforced by mysterious black blood. Otherwise, the aftermath of the collision of the two Great Immortal King Powerhouse’s attacks would be enough to destroy all the cultivators on the endless desert.

In the Tianyuan, Yu Tuo Immortal King waved towards the foreign sky and played a Dharma Dao Decree, the decree showered thousands of light and rain, as if guarding the foreign army!

Ye Fan of different time and space stepped on Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, used Supreme Divine Ability across the long river of years, and also cast an energy light film on top of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.


In Tianyuan, the metal hits the reverberation, and the two powers confront Supreme Immortal Dao breath hiding the sky and covering the earth.

When the fairy lights dissipated at the collision, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and foreign cultivators awakened from the shiver coldly.

"How...how is it possible!"

"I must be dazzled!"

The eyes of millions and millions of creatures are projected on the battlefield. When clearing a scene in the field, he was startled first, and then his pupils shrank suddenly. Especially the alien creatures, their faces are full of incredible colors, with horror.

In the battlefield, when the ancient spear released gold wrapped in fairy light, a gap appeared on the side of the spear's front, and there was even a small crack on the edge of the gap extending far away.

Immortal King Anlan’s Daoist weapon was broken!

Broken in the previous collision!

In Immortal Ancient Era, this lance hole passes through one of the ten fierce ants, killing countless quasi-Immortal Kings. Even in the fierce duel with the Immortal King, the Supreme Immortal power was still released without any damage.

However, at the moment, this is the Supreme fairy soldier that made a name for itself in Immortal Ancient Era, but it broke a gap in the impact just now.

What a terrifying thing this is!

The alien creatures were dumbfounded, and their hearts were shocked. They opened their eyes wide, and could hardly accept the fact that the golden ancient spear was damaged.

Not only these alien creatures, but also Yu Tuo who is the Immortal King, within both eyes also flashed a little consternation.

Although the Immortal King from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is of unknown origin, the Dao Severing blade it played has disappeared and turned into a rain of light, but it is not physical after all, but from the giant behind it. axe, this horror blade can be regenerated.

In fact, it was true. The Splitting Heaven Ax behind Chu Bei was trembling, and a Dao Severing blade that was exactly the same as before appeared, and even the breath became more terrifying.

"An Lan's weapon is damaged!"

"In the previous match, Senior Chu has the advantage!"

"In this way, Senior Chu He really has the strength to fight An Lan!"


Before the Emperor Pass, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Warrior carnival, the exclamation was full of excitement.

In the Tianyuan battlefield, An Lan had no expression on his face. Even though the Taoist soldiers were damaged, there was still no anger on his face, but he became calmer. His eyes were as deep as the sea, staring at Chu Bei, as if he wanted to see him through. soul!

"Where do you come from."

Yu Tuo on the side asked. He was shrouded in divine glow, dimly incomparable, and shocked Heaven and Earth.

He wondered why this person of unknown origin in front of him had such battle strength in an instant, and he entered the realm of Immortal King directly from the realm of True Immortal.

"Kill him, study carefully, and you will know it."

An Lan spoke again. At this time, the Golden Battle Spear in his hand has automatically recovered, and Golden is flowing from Extract the aura of fine gold from the sky.

This is the Supreme Divine Ability. It recreates the spear and makes it more dazzling. The yellow golden light covers the sky and is extremely dazzling. The peerless Immortal King Armament is unparalleled in the world.

"Study this seat?"

Chu Bei laughed, his eyes turned and the Star River flowed inside.

next moment, fierce breath, out of its sheath like an invincible fairy sword, force people’s souls, a beam of light shoots out, like a world of creatures flying, the vast light and rain gather into arrows, crushing the sky and shooting towards Anlan .

This is just his gaze, terrifying!

An Lan remained calm, his expression becoming colder and colder, and his eyes were as deep as the starry sky, with the destruction of the heavens and the grand occasion of All Living Things to Recover.

He shook the golden ancient spear violently and faced the arrow.

hong long!

The arrow turned into a rain of light and dissipated, An Lan took the golden ancient spear back half a step.

"there is always someone who is better than us! Even if you achieve the Immortal Emperor, you must know that Heaven Above is still heaven!"

Chu Bei's words under the fierce temperament are forcing people The Primordial Spirit, he was arrogant and detached, as if facing an ordinary creature, speaking at will.

At this moment, Chu Bei’s temperament seems to have changed again. The fairy light outside the body not only illuminates the Tianyuan, but also illuminates the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the foreign sky, bursting out Peerless breath, there is a trend of invincibility since ancient times!

He was hung in the void in the sky deep, and never moved, but above his head, nine villains appeared, as if possessing nine Primordial Spirits.

In the hands of these nine villains, each has a Golden disc, and a small Splitting Heaven Ax is suspended in the center of the disc.

"deliberately mystifying!"

An Lan frowned, and his face grew colder with a beating. If the eyes are deep in the starry sky, there are scenes of the destruction of the heavens, and there is also the grand occasion of All Living Things to Recover.

This time, he still holds the golden ancient spear in both hands, but he has changed a kind of waving action, as if fused with Tianyuan, and violently hit the golden lance, moved towards Chu Bei and waved go with.

hong long long!

Under the attention of hundreds of millions of Warriors, in the Tianyuan battlefield, An Lan stabs Chu Bei with a golden ancient spear in his hand, which is stronger than the previous two times.

As for Chu Bei, he still didn't evade, but the nine little figures above his head quickly merged together and became a little one, releasing nine kinds of rays of light on his body.

In the rumbling sound, the villain replaced Chu Bei to face An Lan.


Only a palm-size nine-color villain, holding the Splitting Heaven Ax and swinging it out, the sky rumbling loudly.


Although the ax is small, its surface is derived from nine different laws of terrifying power.

The power of fire, Power of Wood, the power of gold, Thunder Power, Power of Water, the power of earth... and other nine powers intertwine and circulate, blocking the spear of the ancient spear of gold.

The axe in the hand of the nine-color villain continued to slash forward, brave and invincible.

The power of one axe, the nine primordial laws are intertwined, accompanied by chaos, there are thousands of alternate forms alternate, there is the power of splitting heaven and earth apart!

"No matter who you are, I am not afraid of An Lan!"

"Only I am An Lan in the world!"

An Lan roared, all over his body The rune burst out with the power of coercion Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, fully releasing the divine might of the King of Immortal, and resisting the nine-color villain.

"Ignorant child!"

The nine-color villain who was just a palm-sized person actually gave An Lan's response.

With a contemptuous voice, I saw the nine-color villain right hand moves, with a bang. The golden disc that was originally behind Chu Bei suddenly shrunk, and finally fell into his hands, like an incarnation It has become a weapon that can rival Splitting Heaven Ax, and the chaotic mist is surging and shimmering.

hong long long!

Sound of Great Dao is pervasive, and the unusual form above the head of the nine-color villain is diverse.

At this moment, the nine-color villains are holding the Splitting Heaven Ax in one hand and the Golden disc in the other. Although they are all miniature, they each release a Supreme posture that swallows the world.

Looking at the long history of history, if you want to ask the world, who will fight for it!


Two fluttering syllables confided from the small population of nine colors.

In an instant, the Yin-Yang Symbol at the feet of Chu Bei revolved, and the air of Hong Meng and Myriad Things Origin Energy turned into a billowing river, such as the Nine Heavens galaxy rushing, converging to Splitting Heaven in the hands of the nine-color villains Ax and Golden discs.


The two magics were simultaneously beaten towards An Lan by the nine-color villains as weapons.

In an instant, the sky trembles, and the black blood seeping from the black hole burns wildly, seeming to be blocking the power released by the Splitting Heaven Ax and Golden Disk.

At the end of the day, countless black blood flowed from the black hole, which was able to stabilize the dying Tianyuan.

At this moment, Anlan complexion greatly changed, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

It's not just him, but Yu Tuo who is watching from afar has also changed his expression, with a little grave expression between his eyebrows.


The nine-color villain grasped Splitting Heaven Ax, broke through all the falsehood, and hit An Lan directly.

With a deep roar, An Lan was pumped into the air, and his body retreated one after another.

In this process, it was not that An Lan didn't make a defense, but the light of defense was destroyed by Splitting Heaven Ax crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood almost instantly.

"Impossible! How could Anlan's ancient ancestor lose!"

Looking at Anlan, who had retreated, in a foreign direction, millions and millions of creatures were shocked, and the waves in my heart hit the sky, each of my vertebrae Chills.

Since Immortal Ancient Era, the unbeaten King of Immortal, the Sovereign of aloof and remote, the belief in the hearts of all races, has just been smashed by a mini-man!

Not only the alien creatures, the Warrior of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is also stunned.

They are puzzled, what's the matter with that nine-color villain? It was able to repel the King of Immortal!

But they were also confused for a moment, and they shouted in a carnival. They couldn't understand the process, so they just looked at the result.

At least from the immediate perspective, the Boss Chu on their side gained the upper hand!

On the city wall of the Imperial Pass, Ye Qingxian looked at Chu Bei with a look of admiration. This is his Supreme Ancestor Master, a supreme existence that can break the rules of time and wander through all ages.

No one knows his origins, no one knows his Peak battle strength, but even so, the opponent is still suppressed by the cultivation base, and still shakes back a statue without actually taking action. King of Immortal!

As for Shi Hao, his eyes are already showing golden light, and his eyes are full of Chu Bei's silhouette.

In different time and space, Ye Fan looked serious, as if he was observing Chu Bei’s Dao. From time to time, his brows stretched and wrinkled, and then the color of awakening appeared again, as if he was enlightening. studying.

Yu Tuo trembled abruptly, with a terrified look in his eyes. If others could see his expression, he would find that his look was quite strange, with surprise and shock.

"How could this be?"

"Is this little fellow a Primordial Spirit? Why is there such a powerful Primordial Spirit!"

An Lan stabilizes the stature , Murmured in his mouth, and immediately appeared two confusions.

However, without waiting for Chu Bei to confuse him, the nine-color villain had reappeared in front of him, and the Splitting Heaven Ax in his hand was hitting him as before.

In addition to Splitting Heaven Ax, there is also a Golden disc that also carries the Supreme divine might, which is also drawn towards him.

"I am unrivalled throughout the world. Throughout the ages, no one can suppress me!"

An Lan roars, the sky is cracked, the big beckoned, and the five law powers are recalled. The ancient spear of intertwined gold.

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