
In the Tianyuan battlefield, Splitting Heaven Ax took the lead and hit Anlan’s golden ancient spear, striking the latter with a spear. The other direction.

When he saw this, An Lan trembled and staggered back, but before he could withdraw far, the nine-color villain followed him like a shadow, and the Golden disc in his hand struck him again.

This time, the power is even stronger!

The golden disc blooms with mysterious rays of light, and thousands of unusual form phantom hiding the sky and covering the earth flood into An Lan's body.

After that, with a bang, it exploded with An Lan.

"Why is this happening!"

"An Lan ancient ancestor was blown up!"

"Not all Immortal Kings of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths died Are you in Xiangu! Why now, there are still people who can hurt my king!"


Looking at the blood and flesh in the sky, foreign millions and millions of creatures, it’s almost impossible Crazy, their faith was blown by a little life.

Although these flesh and blood quickly regrouped into An Lan's appearance, the previous scene did indeed happen!


"Useless struggling."

The nine-color villain seemed to be not afraid of An Lan, who was mad, and once again clinging to Splitting Heaven Ax and Golden Disc to beat him over.

An Lan screamed and blocked it with the ancient spear of gold.

A similar scene happened again. No matter how he urged the Force of Immortal Dao in his body, he still couldn't change the ending of the ancient spear being knocked into the air.

In the end, I can only watch Splitting Heaven Ax and Golden Disc alternately lashing.


An Lan flew, his body burst again, and then regrouped.

"Who the hell are you!!!" An Lan roar.

He is the Immortal King, who overlooks the ages and looks down upon the world, but now he is in big trouble!

The attack from this nine-color villain, with the power of Grand Dao on it, suppressed him, and he was struggling to fight. This kind of helplessness has never happened even in the Great War. .

At this moment, whether it is Nine Heavens and Ten Earths or a foreign land, Ya Que is silent and dead.

All the creature cultivators were shocked, staring at Tianyuan in a daze, without saying a word, only a terrified look was left on his face.

Even if Supreme Peak is better than Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, etc., it is still in a trance, with a wide open mouth in a daze, and it is difficult to close it.

In the sky deep, An Lan, the king of Immortal in the foreign land, exploded, reorganized, and exploded again and again under the lash of the nine-colored villains.

For a time, only the rhythmic dull explosions in Tianyuan and An Lan's unwilling roar were left in Bian Huang.

"I An Lan will live forever, you kill undying me!" An Lan restructured, glaring at Chu Bei in the distance.

The roar was floating, a decree appeared in his hand, and his mouth spurt blood was spit on the decree, and the blue flame of the decree was burning.

hong long long ——

Suddenly, a dark gap appeared above Tianyuan, accompanied by lightning, and then under everyone's attention, a pure black shield monument emerged.

"That...that is the shield of the Blackstone Immortal King!"

Supreme in a foreign land recognized the pure black shield and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Have you really been forced to this point?" Yu Tuo Immortal King glanced at the nine-color villain, his eyes fell on An Lan's body, and muttered to himself.

The Blackrock Immortal King, like them, was once one of the Supreme Immortal Kings in the foreign land. However, he died in the Great War and entrusted Proving the Dao Tool to An Lan before his death.

In terms of defense, this black stone shield is well-deserved Ranked 1st among the Immortal King.

However, because An Lan was proud enough, he never used this shield even in the Battle of Immortal Ancient World.

But right now, he summoned this shield monument.

Obviously, he has reached the point where he can do nothing when facing these nine-color villains.


The nine-color villain lashed over again, and An Lan did not hesitate to block with a shield in one hand and a spear in one hand.

This time, An Lan just retreated, but his body did not explode.

Clang, clang, clang!

The nine-color villain deceives himself, holding Splitting Heaven Ax in one hand and Golden disc in the other, and he beats several times in succession. However, because of the resistance of the Black Stone Shield, it would be difficult for him to break An Lan.

"My king took it!"

"With the shield of the Blackstone Immortal King, Anlan Old Ancestor can resist the attack of that villain!"

The situation in the Tianyuan battlefield has improved, and foreign millions and millions of creatures have swept away the haze on their faces.

However, the smile between the corners of their mouths has just risen, and the situation has changed again.

The mysterious person who was originally standing in the distance disappeared suddenly, but when he reappeared, he had already come to the front of the nine-color villain.


The nine-color villain and Chu Bei release the nine-color rays of light at the same time.

After that, under everyone's eyes, the nine-color villain sank into Chu Bei between the eyebrows.

Return, blend together!

In an instant, the Chu Bei breath climbed, and there was a world-class majesty in the universe!

Chu Bei waved his axe himself, simple and straightforward.

With a single blow, many big stars turned, with majestic coercion, suppressing An Lan.


An Lan looked serious, and while shouting in her mouth, she first blocked her with a black stone shield, then stabbed a golden ancient spear and pointed it directly at Chu Bei's chest.


Chu Bei smashed the black stone shield stele with an axe.

First, there was a stalemate for about three seconds, and then suddenly there was a crisp cracking sound in the dead silence.

next moment, the shield monument was blasted to pieces, and the Splitting Heaven Ax in Chu Bei's hand continued to sweep forward, smashing An Lan's chest.

Pu chi!

This axe split An Lan's chest and took Golden blood.


Different from the previous burst of body, An Lan made a painful roar at this moment, killing intent overflowing heaven in the roar, as if he was suffering hard to torture pain of.

This is incredible.

The king standing on immortal dao Peak actually screamed in pain, unimaginable!

In the roar, An Lan swept across Lance and immediately distanced herself from Chu Bei.

Looking at the split chest, An Lan tried to use immortal strength to repair it, but what made his heart palpitations was that the wound had the other's immortal strength preventing him from repairing it.

"The black stone shield was broken!"

"It was the strongest defensive device in the world, and it was actually broken by that guy's axe!"

"Is he really above Anlan Old Ancestor?"

"If this is the case, who else will be his opponent in this world!"


Looking at the rubble floating in the sky, the foreign millions and millions of creatures are terrified, and their eyes are full of fear.

hong long!

Tianyuan is shaking!

Chu Bei waved Splitting Heaven Ax again, smashing An Lan, with extreme domineering.

Raise your hands and feet, like the immortal Domain God slaying Hengkong, suppressing the courtiers at will, no one can resist!

Looking at it, Chu Bei's body seemed to be fused with the rays of light released by Splitting Heaven Ax. Between the axe, grand and magnificent, An Lan was fixed there and restraint.

This Second Ax slashed on An Lan's shoulder, and suddenly split his right arm.

The Third Mansion smashed An Lan's head, and half of his head was blown into froth.


Chu Bei slashed with one axe after another.

An Lan screamed bitterly, and he couldn't heal the broken parts.

For the first time in hundreds of years, he appeared panic, as if he felt the coming of death.

"Ah——blood sacrifice!"

Finally, when Chu Bei's tenth punch fell, An Lan seemed to have made some kind of decision, and roared unwillingly. Sky dome.

Next, I saw that all the fleshy body smashed by Chu Bei burned, and then broke free from the restraint power of Chu Bei, and regrouped again.

"Yu Tuo, are you just watching the battle like this? If I am killed, do you think he will let you go!"

An Lan's body is covered with blood essence, Wrapped by the raging white flame, he is squeezing vital functions.

Even if he wins this battle, he will sleep for at least a million years!

Hearing An Lan's words, Yu Tuo glanced at Ye Fan in different time and space, and the long spear in his hand trembled.

Since he noticed that An Lan was weak, he wanted to make a move, but the breath of that guy in Different Time and Space has been locked on him.

As long as he makes a move, the opponent will definitely make a move!

For this, he has been watching.

But now, the current situation seems that he has to help An Lan. Otherwise, An Lan might really die in this heavenly abyss.

"Master, let the discipline fight with you this time!"

In different time and space, above the long river of years, Ye Fan is stepping on Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, behind Nine Heavens thunder surge Moving, it looks like a begin to stir.

"Little Child Ye, don’t you believe in the strength of being a teacher."

Chu Bei smiled and looked at Ye Fan: "You are worried that being a teacher will be Are you at a loss? Even if they both go together, what are you afraid of being a teacher. As for you, continue to stay there and watch."

With a smile, Chu Bei's body suddenly Shaking, nine colors erupted, and then his body was divided into nine.

In the next instant, nine identical'Chu Bei' surrounded An Lan and Yu Tuo in a ring shape.

"Five senior Chu who are the same but different!"

"Sure enough, what I saw at first was not an illusion. He can really be divided into nine people!"

All the creatures in Bianhuang looked at Tianyuan dumbfounded, with a look of error.

They are a little confused, how did this Boss Chu become nine all at once, and the breath feels like have nothing common with each other.

In Tianyuan, the nine silhouettes stand in one position and surround Anlan and Yutuo in a ring shape.

hong long!

Nine Chu Bei moved at the same time and made the same action, holding the Splitting Heaven Ax in one hand and the Golden disc in the other, from different directions Whipped out.

While the nine silhouettes were shaking, Tianyuan shook and trembled for it!


An Lan and Yu Tuo looked at each other with serious expressions, and at the same time they made a strong attack.

An Lan held the golden ancient spear and swept out, Yu Tuo stabs forward, sending out the most gorgeous rays of light.

Whether it is An Lan or Yu Tuo, they are very strong. They are Peak to Powerhouse, overlooking the eternal ages, and dominating the world.

But right now, the moment they played against the five Chu Beis, their complexions changed at the same time, and they became more dignified and heavy.

These nine Chu Beis, although their breaths are different, none of them is weaker in battle strength, or even above them!

As soon as the battle began, An Lan and Yu Tuo were suppressed by the nine Chu Bei Shengsheng, and they retreated again and again.

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