"An Lan ancient ancestor and Yu Tuo ancient ancestor have also lost their joint efforts!"

"Can't two ancient ancestors join forces to win!"

Looking at the situation in the Tianyuan battlefield, foreign millions and millions of creatures pupil shrink, with fear in horror.

In Tianyuan, the nine silhouettes are linked, regardless of the attack frequency or strength, they are exactly the same.


An Lan was besieged by four silhouettes. Even though his body was Blood Essence Combustion, he still fell into danger, flew out, his arms burst into pieces!

Yu Tuo was besieged by the five silhouettes, one attacked the long spear in his hand, and the other four attacked from the side, hitting his shoulders and back, making him stagger.

For a moment, a ray of red appeared at the corner of his mouth, and even he could not bear the fierce blow of the same level Powerhouse.

This is the battle of immortal dao domain kings. At first, it is already a peerless battle, and the blood light splashes in an instant.

"Is this the method of Senior Chu!"

"Strong terrifying!"

In the direction of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, countless cultivators exclaimed, their faces Excited.

The invincible An Lan and Yu Tuo were suppressed by their lives today, and the myth of invincibility was broken.

Foreign creatures trembled with worry in their eyes.

hong long!

In the Tianyuan, nine Chu Beis went forward together to kill, invincible!

An Lan and Yu Tuo keep retreating. Even if they are Immortal Kings, they can face opponents whose same level is even stronger than them. This kind of killing is also extremely passive.

What's even more hateful is that in terms of numbers, the opponent still has an advantage.

Amidst the roar, nine Chu Beis burst into invincible power, and the two Anlan and Yutuo were beaten to blood.

With a snort, a Chu Bei split An Lanlance open and penetrated his chest.

With another roar, another Chu Bei slid close to Yu Tuo's behind, and smashed his back with an axe, exposing the thick bones.


An Lan and Yu Tuo had Golden's blood on their mouths, allowing some jealousy in their eyes, with panic in their eyes.

They cannot believe that there is such a terrifying existence in this world!

But the facts are in front of us, if they continue to fight, they might really have to drink their hatred in this heaven.

The nine people who have differentiated from the mysterious people in front of them, each of them has a strength that surpasses them, that kind of weird immortal strength too terrifying!

Break the body again and again, even if it is stronger than them, it can't stand it.


An Lan and Yu Tuo were hit again. Suffering a heavy blow in their bodies, they flew around, coughing up blood, and were seriously injured.

Everyone was stunned. Chu Bei showed his power, and the nine incarnations chased An Lan and Yu Tuo, shocking everyone!

For a time, the boundless wasteland was silent, absolute silence!

This is too impactful.

They are the two Immortal kings, but today they are bleeding all over their bodies, suffered serious injuries and were chased by others, and are extremely embarrassed.

"Do you think you can go?" A flat voice sounded from the sky.

Next moment, under the gaze of millions and millions of creatures, the nine silhouettes in Tianyuan stopped chasing Anlan and Yutuo. They gathered together, and at the same time made a fist and moved towards the sky to shoot a bright beam.

Nine light beams of different colors are intertwined, there is a loud roar, the strange swastika rune flashes, and then the sound of immortal dao fills.

A golden disc full of textures emerged from it.

Under the joint urging of the nine Chu Beis, the Golden Disc vibrated and ripples came out.

At this moment, Tian Yuan buzzed, shaking like never before. Even the black hole far above was affected, and the black blood flowing in it had a tendency to solidify.


The ripples swept across, An Lan and Yu Tuo trembled suddenly.

In an instant, the pupils shrank sharply and turned and looked towards the nine Chu Bei gathered together. There was fear in his eyes, which was a kind of panic from the heart.

They are the kings of Immortal, and the ancient immortals are invincible existences, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, they regard all spirits like ants!

For millions of years, at this moment they finally felt an emotion called anxiety.

They looked at the golden disc above the nine Chu Bei in horror, and their bodies trembled inexplicably.

There, there is a force that they have never touched and detached from them, it is irresistible!

Under this force, even if it was them, they were also restrained alive, and the flow of immortal strength in the body was extremely slow.


"I An Lan is not afraid of anyone!"

An Lan roared, and the roar shook the edge of the desert, forcibly keeping himself calm .

At the same time, the blood essence in its body burns wildly, squeezing vitality to break free from the restraint of the Golden disc.


But it turned out that, before An Lan got rid of the restraint, a sacred cloud swept out of the Golden Disk.

With a bang, An Lan's body exploded.


An indifferent syllable was spit out from Chu Bei's mouth, and then I saw the Supreme Divine Order Chain spouting from the Golden disc, blowing An Lan into a slow combination The body was dragged into the mouth of the bowl.

chi chi chi!

Under the gaze of millions and millions of creatures, An Lan's explosive body was dragged into the Golden Disk by the Divine Order Chain.

Immediately afterwards, a strange rubbing sound resounded in the ears of all beings, like a kind of chewing sound.


"Let me out!"

"What the hell are you!"

In the Golden Disk An Lan's painful mournful scream came out, and there was fear in the voice, as if she was suffering from irresistible torture.

The pain that even the King of Immortal can't bear!

millions and millions of creatures sucked in a breath of cold air, looking at the Golden Giant Bowl in Tianyuan with fear, shiver coldly.

The golden disc is shining, especially the center of the disc, with nine colors of fairy light rising.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

In a few breaths, An Lan’s screaming screams disappeared, and then they disappeared with the breathtaking Chewing sound.

"This...how is this possible!"

"Anlan Old Ancestor's fleshy body is gone, all gone!"

"Could it be that Old Ancestor Has he fallen?!"

"What's the origin of that disc!"

"How did I just see a mouth in the center of the disc? Is it my illusion? !"


Exotic millions and millions of creatures collapsed to the ground, trembling with palpitations.

Just now, their beliefs, their king, were taken away by the Golden Disk, and they were still unclear.

"Red King! The enemy is coming, wake up, save me!"

In Tianyuan, Yu Tuo looked directly at the Golden Disk, with fear in his eyes.

An Lan is dead, he can't feel An Lan's breath anymore!

In panic, he condensed his whole body's immortal strength, and a bunch of colorful clouds flew out between the eyebrows, and with its vigorous sound, he sank into the deep earth in a foreign direction.


next moment, a loud noise came from the depths of the foreign land, and a majestic breath permeated, causing the World Mysterious Anomaly.

In the depths of the foreign land, I saw a huge silhouette emerge, opened my eyes in the sky, like is a terrifying creature awakened from a deep sleep.

He looked in the direction of Tianyuan and reached for a giant hand. The black river rushed in his palm, but when he looked closely, there were thousands of stars floating in the river.


The golden disc trembled, and a ripple shot out, facing the giant hand crossing from the depths of the foreign land.

The two stalemate there, Heaven and Earth are all frozen.

"No one can stop the one who wants to kill!"

In the Tianyuan, the nine silhouettes merged into a Chu Bei again, and glanced at the awakened from the depths of the foreign land After that silhouette, his gaze fixed on Yu Tuo's body: "Come!"

The word shouted fell, and the Divine Order Chain gushed out from the golden disc again, instantly piercing Yu Tuo's body and firmly holding it. Wrap around.

"Red...Red King, save me!"

Yu Tuo's eyes are full of panic. He doesn't move. He gathers the immortal strength all over his body and makes a powerful sound, which spreads deep into the foreign land. Place.


A loud roar came from the depths of the foreign land, and another giant palm was photographed, superimposed on the previous giant palm.


Seeing that the ripples from the Golden disc were about to break, another layer of ripples superimposed.

The two stalemate again.

Looking at Yu Tuo again, the Divine Order Chain has been dragged into the disc with a panic scream.

Click, click!

Similar chewing sounds sounded again.

Yu Tuo's scream of pain and sorrow was accompanied by it.

This scene is very similar!

"You...Look, it has appeared, has appeared again, the huge mouth in the center of the disc!"

"It's not an illusion! This is a cannibal disc! "

"A disc that even the King of Immortal can swallow!"

"Does Yu Tuo Old Ancestor follow in Anlan Old Ancestor's footsteps?"

"How can such a terrifying guy appear in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths! The King of Immortal shoots, sorrow!"


Exotic millions and millions of creatures look blankly Looking at the Golden Disc in Tianyuan, looking at the huge mouth that constantly eroded Yu Tuo, the strange chewing sound echoed in his ears, and everyone was terrified.


As soon as Yu Tuo's scream disappeared, the silhouette in the depths of the foreign land was completely angry, and the killing intent was like a river rushing into the sky.

At the same time, a wide silver knife crossed the void and appeared directly in the Tianyuan, moving towards Chu Bei with a blazing light rain.

Prestige of a Single Blade seems to be able to penetrate the barriers of time and space. Even Ye Fan, who is watching the battle in different time and space, can't help but frown.

"It's time for this seat, otherwise you will be killed!"

The indifferent voice floated from the sky deep and spread to the depths of the foreign land.

Afterwards, with a metal hum, Chu Bei recalled the Golden Disc, swung the Splitting Heaven Ax towards the silver wide knife, and knocked it back into the hands of that silhouette in the depths of the foreign land.

"Crash for me!"

Flying the silver wide knife, Chu Bei stepped on the Golden disc, and the Splitting Heaven Ax that returned trembling behind it, it came to the most in Tianyuan. In front of the black Cave entrance above.

With the roar, Golden Disk and Splitting Heaven Ax blast forward at the same time.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the black hole exploded.

The black blood in it has turned into a waterfall with the red rule orderly, and then turned into a bloody ocean, grandiose, hanging down.

In an instant, Tianyuan, which was originally smog-like, became a method of ocean, and order divine light permeated,

"Not good! Tianyuan collapsed!"

Looking at the transformed Tianyuan, foreign millions and millions of creatures came back to his senses from the fear of Anlan Yutuo being killed, shouting successively.

The Tianyuan collapsed, and the two world Heaven and Earth vibrated, completely isolated.

This scene is too amazing. One after another big stars exploded like firecrackers at the collapsed place, and the energy fluctuations made people frightening.

The immortal city that was once controlled by the Seven Frontier Desolation Kings flew up, disintegrated in the ocean of law, turned into fragments and dissipated.

"It's over, Tianyuan bursts its dyke and becomes the sea of ​​primordial law!"

"It won't pass, I am afraid that at least a million years will be hopeless!"

Exotic creatures, several powerful Supremes murmured while looking at the collapsed Tianyuan.

hong long long!

At this time, the wide silver knife turned back, with an even more terrifying breath, fiercely hitting the collapsed sky.

However, the law power of Tianyuan, which is filled with black blood and is like an ocean, is far stronger than the previous one by a thousand times.

The silver wide knife slashed again and again, without any effect.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, before the Emperor Pass.

Ten million cultivator stared blankly at the peaceful young man who descended from the sky, stood with his hand held hands, and was silent.

At this moment, Chu Bei, behind the Splitting Heaven Ax and the Golden disc disappeared, and the Yin-Yang Symbol at the foot disappeared.

His breath has changed, and it seems to have returned to what it was before.

"It collapsed, Senior Chu smashed Tianyuan!"

Finally, there was an exclamation that broke the silence in the field. With the beginning, thousands of cultivators have reacted.

For a time, the emperor's gate was filled with excitement and frantic shouts.

"Exotic Anlan Yutuo is dead!"

"Tianyuan collapsed, no longer have to worry about this group of exotic dog thieves invading!"

"haha , Don’t have to fight again! Everything is calm again!"

"I can return to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, I haven’t looked back for a long time!"


Thousands of cultivators looked at Tianyuan, which became a sea of ​​laws, and hugged each other with excitement.

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