"6-Star Dou Ling!"

After Nalan Su stabilized the stability, he stared at Chu Bei solemnly and blurted out Chu Bei's cultivation base.

Half a month ago, his cultivation base has been breakthrough to Dou Ling 5-Star.

Although the punch just now was meant to be used to clean up Xiao Yan, his strength has been reduced, but after sensing the power in Chu Bei’s palm, he immediately gathered all the power in his body into the fist. on.

But even so, he was still at a disadvantage in this collision.

"Dou Ling? Are you afraid that you have a misunderstanding about the strength of Boss Chu."

Xiao Yan got out of Chu Bei's behind and sneered at Nalan Su.

"It's you!"

At this time, Nalan Yanran and Ge Ye seemed to recognize Chu Bei and exclaimed.

"Do you know him?" Nalan Su turned his head and looked towards Nalan Yanran and Ge Ye.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhan also cast confused glances.

In their memory, on the day Nalan Yanran visited the door, Chu Bei had not directly dealt with them.

"Daddy, when we left Xiao Mansion that day, this person followed up and threatened that as long as we have money, he can let me defeat Xiao Yan on the 2nd day and wash away this shame."

Nalan Yanran glanced at Chu Bei: "It's just that we thought he was a liar and we drove him away."

I heard what Nalan Yanran said, Xiao Yan, Xiao Zhan And the others' eyes returned to Chu Bei's body, allowing some strangeness in his eyes.

If you are saying:

Boss Chu, you don’t voice very much!

"I just made a joke at the time."

Perceiving Xiao Yan's gaze, Chu Bei gave a dry cough, trying to resolve the embarrassment.

"Yeah, this is quite lively."

As Chu Bei's awkward words fell, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

After that, a silhouette suddenly appeared on the roof not far away.

This is a woman wearing an azure long dress. Although the veil on her cheeks hides most of her appearance, only a few corners of her lips can tell that her appearance is not bad.

At this moment, the azure clothed woman puts her hands around her chest, staring at Chu Bei entire group as if she was watching a play.

"Dou Huang!"

Looking at the suddenly appeared azure clothed woman, the almost solid Dou Qi wings behind him, and the terrifying Dou that makes the void ripples Qi fluctuated, and the pupils of Nalan Su, Nalan Su and the others shrank suddenly.

Xiao Zhan, Great Elder, and Second Elder also glanced at each other, their eyes filled with shock.

"A little Wu Tan City, how could there be a Powerhouse like Dou Huang!"

Ge Ye focused on the azure clothed woman, even if he looked at the entire Jia Ma Empire, Dou Huang Powerhouse can be counted on one's fingers.

Even he, except for Sect Master, normally rarely meets Dou Huang Powerhouse.

But now, in this Xiao Mansion, an unknown Dou Huang Powerhouse suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"It is necessary for the Powerhouse to report to the Master! Maybe the Master knows where she came from!"

Nalan Yanran whispered softly, carefully looking at the azure clothed woman on the roof.

"I have come into contact with a breath similar to her."

At this time, Old Yao's voice rang in Xiao Yan's ears.

Xiao Yan's heart was slightly shaken when he heard Old Yao's words.

From the mouth of Boss Chu, I learned that Old Yao was famous on the continent, and he was not a member of Jia Ma Empire.

In other words, the azure clothed woman on this roof comes from a Super Influence outside of Jia Ma Empire.

"Is she just passing by?" Xiao Yan glanced at the azure clothed woman, allowing some vigilance on her face.

"Don't worry, isn't that Boss Chu is there." Old Yao's voice sounded again.

"I don't know why Dou Huang senior appeared in my Xiao Mansion?" Xiao Zhan moved towards azure clothed woman and hugged cup one fist in the other hand with respect.

"I just happened to be passing by, and I heard some movement here, so I came to see the excitement."

The azure clothed woman waved her hand, just in her smiling voice When he fell, he seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes froze on Qing Lin's body for an instant.

First, he was taken aback for a moment, then his face was full of joy and excitement.

The expression of sudden excitement was like finding a treasure.

It was Qing Lin. When he met the blazing gaze of the azure clothed woman, he took two steps back subconsciously, allowing some fear on his face.

On the roof, the hands of the azure clothed woman suddenly moved, quickly forming a mark.


Only hearing a loud noise, the ground where Chu Bei, Xiao Yan and Xiao Yixian were all around burst open.

next moment, countless large green tree trunks rise from the ground, entwining each other like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, a wooden prison was formed, which tightly sealed the three Chu Beis.

The sudden change made everyone in the field, including Nalan Su, Xiao Zhan, etc., be amazed.

They can’t figure out why Dou Huang Powerhouse, who has a mysterious origin, would make a sudden move.


The crowd hasn't recovered yet, the azure clothed woman rushes out, and the silhouette flashes past the roof.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the ground. With his arms stretched out, he took Qing Lin, who was independent of the wooden prison, into his arms.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded again.

Under the eyes of everyone, the azure clothed woman returned to the roof with Qing Lin.

"It really is Triple Jade-Green Snake Flower Pupils."

Looking up at the three small black dots all around Qing Lin's pupils, azure clothed woman satisfied nodded , Murmured softly.

"You...you let me go."

Qing Lin struggled hard, and the color of fear appeared on her small face, like a frightened bird.

"Little fellow, don't be nervous, I can't bear to hurt you." The azure clothed woman stretched out her hand and gently stroked Qing Lin's face.

"Let go of Qing Lin!"

Xiao Yixian squeezed his fist, staring at the woman in Tsing Yi, black mist faintly appeared outside the body.

"Is your name Qing Lin? It sounds good." After azure clothed woman glanced at Xiao Yixian, her eyes returned to Qing Lin.

"Boss, save me."

Qing Lin bit his lip lightly, looking at Chu Bei in the wooden prison, with pleading eyes.

"little fellow, you are lucky to meet me, I will take you to a place that really suits you."

Speaking of which, azure clothed woman looked towards Chu Bei , And said: "If you follow him, you will only waste your innate talent. Besides, he is just a 6-Star Dou Ling, let alone him. Even if Dou Huang from Jia Ma Empire comes, you don’t want to grab it from me. Go."


When he heard the azure clothed woman, Qing Lin called out again, but seemed to be worried about something, and swallowed again when he reached the mouth. Went back.

"Qing Lin, you are really a sweet pastry."

A smiling voice came out of Chu Bei's mouth.

I don’t know when, Chu Bei’s hand appeared a slender knife similar to a sword. The handle was engraved with weird threads. At the junction of the blade and the handle, there were two intertwined cherry blossoms. pattern.


The blade trembles lightly, and blossoming cherry blossoms are scattered from the blade, moving towards all around and flying.

The cherry blossoms seem unremarkable, but when it touches the wooden prison, it seems to become a sharp blade for an instant, shredding the solid wooden prison in an instant.

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