"Unexpectedly broke the blockade of Dou Huang Powerhouse! How could it be!"

Looking at the wooden prison shattered in the cherry blossoms, Nalan Su eyes shrank, full The face was astonished.

From the perspective of the cultivation base, he is also Dou Ling Powerhouse, and he is only 1-star lower than the opponent, but he is absolutely not sure that he can break through Dou Huang Powerhouse's blockade like the latter.

"Daddy, what's the matter with the thin knife in his hand? There is no Dou Qi fluctuation!"

Nalan Yanran noticed the strangeness, and beautiful eyes stared at Chu Bei's hand. Of the knife.

Nalan Su didn't respond, but frowned. It's not clear why.

Xiao Family members such as Xiao Zhan, Xiao Yan, Great Elder, Second Elder, etc. are not too shocked. In their eyes, all this is reasonable.

"You have subverted my perception of Dou Ling, Interesting."

On the roof, the azure clothed woman looked at Chu Bei in surprise, obviously it didn’t. expect The latter can crush his wooden prison.

Don't say it is Dou Ling, even if Dou Wang wants to break his wooden prison, at least he will have to attack for several hours.

Clinker, the former is instantly destroyed.

The voice fell, and the azure clothed woman waved her palm, and a sharp wooden stake covered by the majestic Dou Qi suddenly rose up, moving towards Chu Bei bursting away.

However, before this wooden stake reached Chu Bei, it was hit head-on by a cherry blossom.


In an instant, the sharp wooden pile was crushed into sawdust, and fell from the air.


Seeing this scene, the azure clothed woman frowned, apart from shock, there is a trace of solemnity in her eyes.

After a long while.

azure clothed woman shouted in a low voice, a blue Dou Qi violently surged out of her body full of chills.

Suddenly, the temperature of the entire space dropped suddenly.

At the same time, on the roof, cracks spread rapidly from the toes of the azure clothed woman, and finally spread all the way to the ground.

Several houses connected to each other, on the verge of collapse.

I noticed the power released by the azure clothed woman, whether it was Nalan Su, Ge Ye, Xiao Zhan, Great Elder, all of them became extremely solemn.

They know that the azure clothed woman stepping into Dou Huang realm is serious.

When the rising breath of the azure clothed woman stabilized, her hands stretched out, and ten emerald green whips of thorn energy burst out from her fingers.

next moment, these energy whips are scattered and blasted towards Chu Bei from different directions, completely covering the space where it can dodge.

Chu Bei faintly glanced at the energy whip all around, his face was still calm, just the right hand, slightly trembled, holding the handle of the knife.

Suddenly, with a clear sound, a white ring of light quickly expanded with the blade as the center.


The white ring of light expanded extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it touched ten energy whips made by an azure clothed woman.

A sharp, harsh sound sounded, and ten energy whips exploded at the same time, each bringing a terrifying energy storm.

Nalan Su, Xiao Zhan and the others, immediately move Dou Qi in the body, and at the same time step back quickly.

The energy whip was smashed, and the white ring of light suddenly condensed into a white beam of light with a diameter of half a meter, and shot it towards azure clothed woman.

Looking at the white beam of light coming directly without any Dou Qi fluctuations but inexplicably palpitating, the pupils of the azure clothed woman suddenly contracted.

Without any hesitation, his hands quickly formed a cumbersome seal.


The white beam of light strikes on the azure clothed woman.

Amidst the loud noise, it brought dazzling brilliance.

But under the eyes of everyone in the field, it was not an azure clothed woman that burst apart, but a piece of dead wood.

Pu chi!

When the azure clothed woman appeared in the sight of everyone again, she was already pale with blood on the corners of her mouth.

Obviously, although she avoided the previous white beam of light through a certain secret technique, she also emptied her own energy by casting this secret technique.

"It hurt Dou Huang Powerhouse!"

"How...how could it be!"

Ge Ye and Nalan Su were stunned and waited until they came back When to his senses, he looked at Chu Bei in disbelief.

When the azure clothed woman wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, she looked towards the knife in Chu Bei's hand again, she felt a touch of fear in her eyes.

"Do you still think you can take Qing Lin away?"

Chu Bei looked at the azure clothed woman expressionlessly, his voice indifferent.

The azure clothed woman's face was ugly to the extreme, and after looking at Qing Lin who was still on the roof, her delicate fingers went into the blue yarn and put it in her mouth.

After that, a slightly sharp whistle, carrying a strange sound wave, spread out.

long long long ——

Shortly after the whistle sounded, there was a roar in the sky in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black shadow appeared in the sight of everyone, and quickly moved towards Xiao Mansion approached.

"Look at the sky!"

"What is that!"

very terrifying! "

"It seems to be moved towards us! "

"Damn it! What is it going to do! "


In front of Xiao Mansion, the pedestrians on the street were attracted by the huge movement in the sky. When they looked up and saw the huge black shadow that was getting closer and closer, A touch of fear immediately rises in the mind.

Looking at it from a distance, it is a huge, snake-shaped Magic Beast. Its flying speed is shocking.


I saw the giant tail twisted and swung, it was like a teleportation, and it had reached the sky above Xiao Mansion in a few breaths.

At this time, the whole picture of the gigantic beast was complete. Being caught in the eyes of street cultivation people and Xiao Zhan, Nalan Su and the others, they couldn’t help holding breath cold air one by one.

Magic Beast is dark and painted with colorful lines on the surface, which looks quite Strange. On both sides of his body, there are eight black and purple wings.

On the head, there is a dark spiral sharp horn with a light purple light; The faint colorful lines on the head position vaguely outline the appearance of a crown.

If it is strange, there is nothing more than the triangular pupils with a shrewd and cunning like a human.

"Eight...Eight-Winged Black Serpent Emperor! "

Nalan Su seemed to recognize the giant snake, his face changed suddenly, and he exclaimed.

Ge Ye also changed his face, staring at the giant snake, browsing tightly. knit.

Eight-Winged Black Serpent Emperor, a Magic Beast of extraordinary natural talent. Starting from 3rd-Rank, there will be an extra pair of wings for every liter of First Rank. When it reaches the Eight Wings At the time, it was the 6th-Rank Magic Beast, whose strength was comparable to or even surpassing the human Dou Huang Powerhouse!

"Boss Chu, this big guy looks like that woman's companion! "Looking at the huge black snake, Xiao Yan blurted out subconsciously.

He didn't think that the Eight-Winged Black Serpent Emperor was a mount for an azure clothed woman, because at this First Rank, don’t, Eight-Winged The Black Serpent Emperor already possesses wisdom that is no less than that of humans. The arrogance of the latter is absolutely impossible to succumb to a human of his level.

Eight-Winged Black Serpent Emperor stopped in the body of an azure clothed woman. Behind the side, the giant snake's tail slammed, and the darkening clouds were instantly torn to pieces by the tyrannical imposing manner.

In terms of imposing manner alone, it is still above the azure clothed woman!


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