"Who is helping us!"

"Is it because the adults in the restricted area did it?"

"Really Is it them? They have never taken action since the Battle of Immortal Ancient World."

Witnessing a scene in the battlefield, Supreme of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths looked at each other in blank dismay, Swing your head and look all around, as if looking for something.

Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian stood in front of Meng Tianzheng holding the Xuanyuan divine spear and the ten world map respectively, but the rising breath of Meng Tianzheng did not stop and continued.

Although there was a mysterious invisible force that helped him solve the crisis, he did not know the source of this force.

At this moment, he does not dare to bet that that power will not appear again. Only when his own strength comes up can he keep the emperor behind.


"What the hell is hiding the head and shrink the tail!"

The white haired old man headed by Alien, swept by Divine Consciousness all around the void, frowned, with a scream in the mouth.

It can be his perception, but he can't even notice any abnormality.

"Hurry up and stop Meng Tianzheng!"

Seeing no response, the white haired old man turned his eyes back to Meng Tianzheng and immediately issued an order.

After hearing the sound, a group of foreign Supreme's eyes exchanged, and then together holding the Immortal Divine Item, they bombarded Meng Tianzheng.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Looking at the foreign Supremes attacked from all directions and different directions, Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian's faces are extremely ugly. None of these foreign Supremes are weaker than them. of.

"Brother Wang, Brother Zhao, please take another 30 seconds for me!"

With a pleading voice from Meng Tianzheng's mouth, his skin is already green. Protruding, his eyes are bloodshot. His voice fell, and his soaring breath doubled the speed.

"little fellow, you haven't gotten the womb. If you do this, you will not only break your way, but also bury your life. Over the years, I have to take care of my discipline."

When the phantom in the bow in Meng Tianzheng's hand was about to step out, a smiling voice floated from Heaven and Earth.

Although this voice is not loud, it seems to have a magical power, and it sounds clearly in everyone's mind.

"He...he appeared!"

Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian were taken aback when they heard the voice. After the trance, their bodies trembled slightly.

A thousand years ago, they worshipped the owner of this voice, and the fleshy body was destroyed.

But at the moment, they don't have any hatred. In the situation before them, they can hear some familiar voices, and they are inexplicably excited and happy.

At least, if this person is there, the imperial gate behind them is saved!

In this brief moment, Meng Tianzheng's rising breath forcibly was suppressed by a force, the cracked longbow in his hand was repaired, and his skin began to return to its original appearance, and the breath gradually Calm down.

"senior, you are really back!"

Meng Tianzheng took a deep breath, it is difficult to conceal the excitement on his face. The suddenly relaxed expression was as if the boulder that had been crushed in his heart had been removed.

As for the foreign land, a group of Supreme brows tightly frowns headed by the white haired old man, looked at all around the void with great vigilance.

hong long long ——

Huo Ran, the void in front of Meng Tianzheng rippled, and a fuzzy silhouette wrapped in chaos appeared in the ripples.

"Have you heard what he just said to Meng Tianzheng? He is thanking Meng Tianzheng for his kindness in cultivating his discipline! Who is his discipline? Shi Hao!"

As soon as the fuzzy silhouette appeared, the younger generation in the foreign land uttered an exclamation first, and their eyes switched on Chu Bei and Shi Hao.

In the previous ten consecutive battles, they witnessed with their own eyes, Shi Hao severely beheaded their younger generation Powerhouse with an invincible attitude, killing them until no one dared to fight.

"Look! It must be Senior Chu!"

"Haha, he really appeared!"

"putting it that way, our emperor pass Keep it! Everything is okay!"


Nine Heavens and Ten Earths cultivators stared blankly at the blurry silhouette that suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and after reacting, a He was extremely excited, and his face was filled with joy.

"I won’t come back again, can Nine Heavens and Ten Earths still be there."

A voice filled with laughter but full of majesty broke the hustle and bustle of the battlefield sound.

"Go back, go back!"

"Why is he back!"

"My lord, who is he?"

"A thousand years ago, the existence that killed Lord Anlan and Yu Tuo!"


The Supreme crowd in the foreign land panicked, and they didn’t even have time to care about Imperial Clan. The younger generation, one by one, flew to the sea of ​​law.

However, when seeing these foreign Supremes going back to the foreign land with the help of the battle halberd, the phantom wrapped in chaos raised his arm.

next moment, these exotic Supreme’s statures were inexplicably held down by a strange force, and remained motionless, just like a lifeless wooden person.


In the rumbling sound, a white ripples gushes out of Chu Bei's palm, and these ripples are like a breeze blowing across the foreign army.

chi chi chi ——

In the harsh tearing sound, whether it is the younger generation of Imperial Clan or Supreme, or Immortal Divine Item, it turns into nothingness and dissipates in In the sight of a number of cultivators, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"The knot...it's over!"

"That's more than twenty foreign Supremes! It's gone in a flash!"

"What's the matter? It’s shocking, Senior Chu killed the supreme existence of Anlan and Yu Tuo!"

"Don’t say it’s Supreme, even if the Immortal is coming, it’s in the eyes of Senior Chu and his Senior. It’s no more than ants, you can kill them by raising your hand!"


Looking at the alien army that disappeared in an instant, the cultivators of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were stunned, and then raised up. Looking towards that silhouette in the sky with his head, his expression is extremely respectful.

"Disciple, I haven't seen it for a long time."

Chu Bei stature flickered and appeared beside Shi Hao in a flash, with a smile in his mouth.

"dísciple, see the Master!"

The long-lost familiar voice rang in my ear, looking at the silhouette that I missed for a thousand years, Shi Hao took a deep breath, bang With a sound, volley knelt down.

"Get up."

With a wave of Chu Bei's sleeve robe, Shi Hao lifted up.

"It's still the same!"

Looking at Chu Bei, the Powerhouse of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths exclaimed and bowed in unison, with sincere gratitude in his eyes .

"Thanks Senior to help!"

Meng Tianzheng immediately flew to Chu Bei's side, followed by Wang Changsheng, Zhao Haotian and other Supreme.

At this moment, if the expression on the scene changes the most than the blue clothed girl on the city wall holding a purebred Qilin.

"He turned out to be the Master of Shi Hao senior, then if I worship Shi Hao senior, he would not be my Ancestor Master!"

Since Shi Hao called Chu The moment Bei became the Master, the blue clothed girl's complexion turned gray.

The whole person seems to have been hit by the thunderbolt of Nine Heavens thunder, and his face is at a loss, like a clay sculpture and wood carving. In the end, he was even more dumbfounded, staring at Chu Bei with both eyes in a daze.

"Master, where have you been this thousand years?" Shi Hao looked at Chu Bei and asked tentatively.

"Since I left thousands of years ago, I have been enlightening as a teacher until recently I felt the danger of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths before I left the customs."

Chu Bei patted Shi Hao's shoulders "No, I will come to see you as soon as I leave Guan as the teacher."

"Many thanks Master, I’m worried!"

When I heard Chu Bei's words, Shi Hao's face There was a look of joy on it, as if he had returned to the same Shi Hao back then.

"Senior, the Tianyuan that you crumbled back then seems to be a bit weak." Meng Tianzheng stepped forward and said, moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand.

"Don't worry, with this seat here, there will be no accidents with Nine Heavens and Ten Earths." Chu Bei laughed, he naturally understood what Meng Tianzheng was worried about.

long long long ——

The rumbling sound started again, and the battle halberd that had already passed through the Tianyuan trembling, followed by the sea riot of the law. The endless rune flashes rays of light, intertwined with each other, releasing a terrifying breath.

"Come to fight!"

A deafening sound filled with majesty came from the other side of the sea of ​​law.

After that, a silhouette appeared in the shattered Tianyuan. I saw him holding the battle halberd in one hand, letting the power strikes in the sky and not taking a step back.

"Why did Old Ancestor Wushang enter Tianyuan again?"

"Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have been handed over to those Supreme Masters?"

"With the Immortal Divine Item in hand, it stands to reason that Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have been breached!"

"Couldn't something happen over there! Otherwise, Old Ancestor Wushang Why do you need to be so angry!"


In a foreign land, thousands of Warriors stand neatly on the desert, and there are many Immortals among them.

When they saw Wushang stepping into Tianyuan and holding the battle halberd in their hands, they all showed their expressions of astonishment. Brows frowned one by one, with confusion, and some vaguely suspicious voices.

Because of Rule suppression in Tianyuan, Wushang can't directly cross the sea of ​​law, and can only stand in Tianyuan, staring coldly at the direction of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The pair of pupils with purple glow are particularly breathtaking.

Even if you look at him across Tianyuan, a chill will rise inexplicably, which is frightening.

"It's the King of Immortal!"

"Is he going to fight Senior Chu!"

"No-Shang, Xian Gu Yi The battle is known as the existence of the killing machine!"


Looking at the silhouette that appeared in Tianyuan, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths cultivator who was still in the carnival suddenly became quiet again. , His face became heavy, and finally his eyes fell on Chu Bei's body.

"Senior, this Wushang is a generation higher than Anlan Yutuo, and his strength is also higher than them. Right now, he can't cross this Tianyuan, you don't need to fight him. I wonder if you can Can’t we reinforce this Tianyuan?"

When Meng Tianzheng spoke the name Wushang consistently, the unusual form above his head appeared, but the unusual form did not last for half a second before he was The terrifying power released from Chu Bei's body was torn into nothingness.

The reason why he didn't want Chu Bei to fight Wushang was because the reputation of Wushang was too terrifying. In the battle of Xiangu, its prestige far surpassed Anlan and Yu Tuo.

Now, Chu Bei is the backbone of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. If something happens to the other party, then Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will be completely finished.

"Do you think this seat should not fight?"

Chu Bei glanced at Meng Tianzheng, after laughing, his hands behind ones back flew towards Tianyuan.

"Master, you..."

"Don't worry, a trifling Sixth Stage Immortal King, I don't care about being a teacher."

Shi Hao was worried, but he was interrupted by Chu Bei waved before he could finish his words.

"Senior Chu, this is a challenge!"

"Is he going to fight the Immortal King in a foreign land!"

Looking at Chu Bei From the back, the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths took a deep breath, held their breath and started to become nervous.

Compared to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, when Chu Bei appeared in Tianyuan, the expression of Foreign Powerhouse was truly changed by Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Especially those True Immortal Powerhouses, their pupils dilated sharply, and the eyebrows were filled with consternation.

"It's him! The Immortal King who killed Master Anlan and Master Yu Tuo thousands of years ago!"

"No wonder, no wonder Master Wushang will take action!"

"I am afraid that our Supreme has been killed by him!"


Some cultivators in the foreign land recognized Chu Bei and frowned.

"Thousands of years ago, you killed An Lan and Yu Tuo?"

In Tianyuan, Wushang looked at Chu Bei coldly, without any expression on his face. A killing intent condensed into substance shook away the sea of ​​law in front of him, moving towards Chu Bei.

"If you miss them, I will send you to see them."

Chu Bei smiled and looked at Wushang, without any action, let the other party condense. The actual killing intent falls on the body without being affected in the slightest.

In an instant, the Sea of ​​Law surged wildly, forming a huge barrier around Chu Bei and Wushang.

Wu Shang looked at Chu Bei and said no more, coldly snorted fell, and the battle halberd in his hand swept out directly.


The halberd beam weighs hundreds of millions, killing the sky!

In an instant, a terrifying halberd light blasted towards Chu Bei.

Chu Bei doesn't dodge, he points out. The chaotic fairy light filled the fingertips, instantly enveloping the halberd light, followed by a crisp cracking sound, and the halberd light turned into powder.

"Sure enough, it's no wonder that Yu Tuo Anlan would miss."

Without sorrow, Sen Han's voice fell, both of his hands held the battle halberd, and then took it. Raising the top of his head flat, the tip of the halberd pointed directly at Chu Bei.

I saw that his hands were intertwined with the rune, shouting loudly, and he directly threw the battle halberd out.

Chu Bei's eyes condensed and his palm turned into a fist. The strength of Supreme intertwined on the surface of the fist, punched out, and faced the battle halberd.


A cold light shining Nine Heavens, accompanied by a crisp sound, the battle halberd thrown by Wushang was directly broken into countless pieces.

Suddenly, Ten Thousands of Exotic cultivators were stunned.

This scene made them absolute silence, even those Immortal beings trembled slightly, from head to toe giving birth to a cold chill.

Red gold battle halberd, Immortal King Wushang’s weapon of the Dao, penetrated through Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the First Battle of Immortal, and was contaminated with countless Immortal King’s blood, killing the heroes. name.

Just now, in the collision with the man from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, he was shattered by the latter's punch!

"Master Wushang's warrior, how can it be broken!"

Thousands of foreign cultivators stared at Tianyuan with an incredulous face, where pieces of battle halberd fragments It is being swallowed by the sea of ​​law until it disappears completely.

"Does he really stand at the same height as Master Wushang?"

"Thousands of years ago, he killed Master Yu Tuo and Master An Lan, almost I'm going to fight the king."

Thinking about the deeds of the man in the sea of ​​laws thousands of years ago, the horror of thousands of cultivators in the foreign land was relieved, and they began to accept the scene they saw before.

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