In the Tianyuan, Wushang's expression became more and more solemn, and the person he faced at the moment was more difficult than he thought.

"Is there any means to use it as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no chance to use it again."

The corner of Chu Bei's mouth is smiling, and layers of white ripples are like spiders behind it. It spreads far and wide like the web.

Now, he is also a level 19 Peak killer commodity, and his strength is equivalent to Ninth Stage Immortal King Peak!


With a roar, Wushang's body suddenly distorted and swelled, and then it changed from a human form to a terrifying ancient beast that resembled a real sword.

The front paws of the ancient beast transformed by Wushang are shot out, dark and huge, like a small hill stirring a sea of ​​laws.

With this attack, the road rune bloomed wherever it passed, accompanied by terrifying Law Power and moved towards Chu Bei. Its power is still above the previous battle halberd.

Chu Bei still did not shy away, and glanced at the giant claw lightly without fear. Raising his hand again, he shook it hard, and the palm of the palm sent out Ruixia, and the entire Tianyuan shook, as if there was a huge invisible force tearing.


One palm and one claw collided, and the sonorous sound shocked the sky.

In the loud noise, Tianyuan seemed to have been ignited, and the scene was terrifying. Vaguely visible where the two collided, a star fell, burned, and then was swallowed by the sea of ​​law.


Wu Shang once again uttered the sound of beast roar, and then opened his mouth to be a nine-color light beam containing endless terrifying energy.

Two figures are constantly intertwined, fighting fiercely in the shattered Tianyuan. Layers of ripples and the rays of light produced by the explosion mirror each other. In the aftermath, the stars from nowhere exploded and turned into powder.

I stared at it, Wushang's expression became heavier and heavier, and his breath began to become disordered, and his attacks were layered on top of each other. He seemed to want to end this battle sooner.

But no matter how he speeded up his attack, he even started to burn a little bit of the original blood essence, forcibly raising his power to a small level, but he still couldn't help him.

Looking at Chu Bei again, from start to finish, there is no change in his expression, and he has always been extremely calm and calm when he raises his hand and greets him.

"Is this the limit?"

As Chu Bei's joking voice fell, his imposing manner suddenly climbed, with a bang, life and life will be blown away. Go out, and the flesh and blood of the bombardment part fly.

"You damn it!"

Wu Shang stared at Chu Bei, killing intent overflowing heaven in his eyes.

Dreary cold voice falls, Wushang behind reveals the face, and is as high as the sky.

It opens its mouth and breathes, the black sea of ​​blazing flames burning laws, and the exploded stars are like the most beautiful fireworks, making people have one's hair stand on end.

Also in this brief moment, Wushang's body became crystal clear and near-transparent, and purple 氤氲 rose up outside the body.

"This is Lord Wushang’s Innate Divine Ability!"

"It is rumored that Lord Wushang’s divine ability will make Innate undefeated!"

" However, it is said that every time Master Wushang uses Innate Divine Ability, it consumes a lot of his own body. It is reported that the last time he used Innate Divine Ability was when he was competing with Lord Chiwang."

" The Immortal King of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is really terrifying! It actually forced Master Wushang to this point!"


The existence of Immortal in a foreign land seems to have seen Wushang. Shang's body changed, one by one exclaimed, and at the same time he was looking forward to it.

In the Battle of Immortal Ancients, the fundamental reason for Wushang's terrible fame was also with his heaven-defying Innate Divine Ability, immune to all damage.

"You deserve to be taken seriously by me!"

The sound of Wushang is cold, shattering the surrounding sea of ​​laws, and the sound waves seem to be annihilating the world.

Chu Bei remain unmoved, his whole body is wrapped by Senbai rays of light, and the terrifying sound wave emitted by Wushang is annihilated by Senbai rays of light before it touches him.


Without screaming, the purple on the outside of the body is radiant to the extreme, covering his whole body.

After that, he displayed his strongest ultimate move and pounced on Chu Bei.

Xeon attack plus Innate Divine Ability immunity, this is his strongest combination.

"Is this the only time to fire?"

Looking at Wushang coming from the culling, Chu Bei noticed the purple lingering outside of the opponent's body, and did not forget to ridicule him. He raised his hand and waved.

For an instant, he appeared in front of Wushang and greeted him with his punches.


With a loud noise, Chu Bei's fist and purple are intertwined.

The dazzling rays of light deprived thousands of foreign cultivators and Nine Heavens and Ten Earths of the powerhouses' sights. There was only a pale piece in their eyes, and they couldn't see anything.


The rumbling sound that can be collided hasn't dissipated yet, there is a sound of fearless panic from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, with a trembling sound, an extremely large fist print was revealed in the bright battlefield, and then the dazzling rays of light dissipated.

When I re-watched the scene in Tianyuan, all the cultivators including Immortal in the foreign land were stunned, as if they had lost their voice, looking at Tianyuan with horror, the corners of their mouths were moving. , But no sound can be heard.

"How could this happen! Lord Wushang has obviously used Innate Divine Ability!"

"What the hell is going on?! Even Lord Chiwang’s attacks are immune to it, But why doesn't this time work anymore!"

"Is that guy terrifying enough to restrain the Innate Divine Ability of Lord Wushang!"


Finally, someone from the foreign cultivator made a sound, with an incredible voice, full of fear and fear.

In Tianyuan, the purple outside Wushang's body is shattered and shattered, and his body is wrapped in tens of thousands of forest white light.

These rays are madly tearing his fleshy body and soul. Looking along these rays, the source is actually Chu Bei's fist.

"Clearly immune to all attacks, why can you hurt me!"

Wu Shang seems to be impossible to move even a little bit, his expression is extremely painful, extremely unwilling Looking at Chu Bei.

"In the face of absolute power, how can immunity be said?" Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth, and when he finished speaking, he was a finger pointed again.

With a bang, thousands of rays of light tore at the same time, the innocent fleshy body and soul burst apart and dissolved in the sea of ​​law.

"Lost, Lord Wushang lost!"

"After Lord Anlan and Lord Yu Tuo, Lord Wushang was also killed by this person!"

"Retreat, retreat! Report this to other adults!"


Looking at the emptiness in Tianyuan, which is torn into nothingness, thousands of foreigners The cultivator reacted with fear on his face.

Almost at the same time, Immortal in the foreign land looked at Chu Bei, who was standing holding his hand in Tianyuan, with great dread, and immediately issued the order to retreat.

Chu Bei faintly glanced at the foreign army retreating from the foreign land, ignored it, and carefully looked at the shattered Tianyuan again.

With his current strength, although he can penetrate Tianyuan, it takes some time.

"We won, we won again!"

"With this time, I am afraid that foreign land will never dare to launch an attack easily!"

" Yes, they have lost three Immortal kings one after another! Even if they have a deep background, how many Immortal kings can there be?"

"Thanks Senior to take action!"


Under the leadership of Meng Tianzheng, the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths immediately moved towards Chu Bei and bowed deeply.

"Get up all, go back and stay with your family. With this seat, the emperor can't break it."

Chu Bei's light voice fell, the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Looking at each other, they showed joyful expressions one by one.

Within less than one hour, there are only a few people left outside the imperial gate that was originally all over the cultivator.

"Shi Hao senior!"

At this time, a voice like an oriole floated from the city wall, and then I saw a blue clothed girl moved towards Chu Bei and Shi Flew in the direction of Hao.

"Meng Headmaster, why did you bring your precious granddaughter also?" Shi Hao suddenly grew his head when he saw the blue clothed girl.

"Isn't she arguing to worship you as a teacher? She threatened to say that she would not bring her over, she would squat to show me. No, she can only be brought here." Meng Tianzheng She spread her hands and looked very helpless.

"Shi Hao senior, you can accept me as a disciple. My innate talent is good, and I won't be ashamed of you." The blue clothed girl looked at Shi Hao very reverently, Shui Lingling His big eyes are full of expectation.

Shi Hao immediately held up the blue clothed girl who was about to kneel down, shook the head and said: "Ling'er, I haven't learned it by myself. There is still a lot of cultivation along the way that I don’t understand, so how can I Accepting you as a disciple?"

"Shi Hao senior, please!"

Rejected again, the blue clothed girl directly sat on the ground and hugged Shi Hao’s thigh.

"Ling'er, don't be embarrassed..."

"Hao'er, as a teacher and this girl, she will come into your door."

Just when Shi Hao refused again, Chu Bei's voice sounded before his words were finished.

Shi Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then moved towards Chu Bei bowed: "dísciple, please follow the instructions of the teacher!"

"Master is here, please be worshipped by Ling'er! "

Almost at the same time, the blue clothed girl knelt down in front of Shi Hao with excitement, heavily performed three apprenticeships.

After Shi Hao nodded answered, the blue clothed girl walked on her knees and looked towards Chu Bei. When she thought of what she did to Chu Bei on the city wall, her cheeks flushed immediately:" The disciple has offended Ancestor Master before, and please Ancestor Master to punish!"

"The ignorant is innocent, how can this seat care about you."

Chu Bei said with a smile However, Meng Tianzheng on the side looked a little confused, as if Monk Zhang Er couldn't touch his head.


The border desert battlefield happened, and Chu Bei moved into the Imperial Pass under the invitation of Meng Tianzheng.

The same day.

Above the continuous mountain range outside the Emperor Pass, the terrifying Nine Heavens thunder landed, and a silhouette released a terrifying breath wave against the thunder.

This breath fluctuation directly caught up with the veteran Supreme Wang Changsheng, Zhao Haotian and Meng Tianzheng at the moment of breakthrough.

"Shi Hao has become Supreme!"

"My God! It's crazy! As soon as Senior Chu arrives, Shi Hao has a direct breakthrough, and there is no breath at all. Weaker than Headmaster Meng!"

"I heard that Meng Ling'er has come to Lord Shi Hao, I really envy her."

"You are afraid that you don't know Meng Ling'er can It’s thanks to Senior Chu that I came to Master Shi Hao. Otherwise, Master Shi Hao won’t accept her."

"When Master Shi Hao was in Evading Oneness Realm, he was already able to compare with ordinary people. Supreme fights. Now that he has truly entered the Supreme Realm, with his Innate Divine Ability, isn't his strength already above Meng Headmaster? Can even fight True Immortal?"

"Even if it is true , There is nothing to be surprised! He is the Direct Disciple of the adult who killed the three Immortal kings in the foreign land!"


Over the imperial city, one after Another powerful silhouette appeared, looking at the direction of the continuous mountain range, showing a look of consternation.

"Many thanks Master for help!"

After Shi Hao stabilized his breath, he immediately flew to Chu Bei and bowed deeply.

"The road to cultivation is long. Remember to step on Perfection for each step. Only in this way can you go further and reach the end of the road." Chu Bei patted Shi Hao's shoulder blade said with earnestness and earnestness. .

"dísciple follows Master's teachings." Shi Hao looking thoughtful, the originally impatient heart settled down.

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