The next day.

The cultivator in the Imperial Pass is still immersed in the joy of victory in the war.

Suddenly, Yaoyao Sky above the frontier battlefield trembled violently, followed by a weird buzzing, and then a mysterious glare emerged.

After that, a beam of light in the glare fell straight down.

hong long!

At this moment, the shattered Tianyuan seemed to be ignited by this beam of light. In a flash, the sea of ​​laws in it was boiling.


The upper part of Tianyuan cracked open, as if Immortal Sect was opened, dazzling, as if to illuminate the past, the present, and the future.

Force of Immortal Dao pouring, rules into pieces, endless flying fairy light rain, falling from the highest point, covering the sky.

"This...what happened again!"

"Could it be said that the people in the foreign land still refuse to give up? They are trying to attack again?"

"No, this is different from before, not a foreigner!"

"Anyway, first go to report Meng Headmaster, and Senior Chu!"


Looking at the unusual form that suddenly appeared above Tianyuan, the cultivators patrolling on the city wall of the Imperial Pass were shocked and dumbfounded. After reacting, someone immediately moved towards the city and flew away, very frightened.

"Look! That turned out to be a door!"

"Could it be that it leads to somewhere?"

"Wait for Meng Headmaster is here, everything will be clear! Even if he doesn’t know, Senior Chu will definitely know."


Amidst the discussion, the portal above Tianyuan took shape, among them The Divine Order Chain is dense, tens of thousands, gushing endless fairy light, releasing breathtaking breath.

"That's the immortal dao domain rule!"

A veteran Supreme who is the closest to arrives, just glanced at the fairy lights in the portal, and showed a look of astonishment. color.

Shoo, hoo, hoo!

Following this veteran Supreme, several divine rainbows have emerged. The Supremes in the Imperial City are here, among which is included Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, Zhao Haotian and the others.

"Headmaster, is this?" A cultivator from Evading Oneness Realm asked.

"It is related to the immortal domain!"

After a long while, Meng Tianzheng took a deep breath and said with eyebrows.

"Elder Meng, what is the immortal domain you mentioned!"

"Why have I never heard of it for tens of thousands of years?"

"As long as it's not a foreign domain."


I heard the word immortal domain in Meng Tianzheng's mouth, but all cultivators below Evading Oneness Realm are confused, but The powerful existence on the top of Dunyi showed expressions of astonishment one by one.


Without waiting for Meng Tianzheng’s response, the portal above Tianyuan burst into layers of rune, which resembled an array of seals and landed on Tianyuan Inside, there is the power of imprisonment, which traverses Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and foreign land.

After a few breaths, there was a sacrificial sound from the great spell.

The sea of ​​law is surging, and several vague phantoms appear in them. They seem to be building a city or building a wall, and the town is sealed in the center of Tianyuan.

Gradually, the sound of the sacrificial rites disappeared, and a numerous cultivators were surprised to find that the originally broken Tianyuan had become solidified, as if it had turned into a solid wall monument that could not be crossed.

"Could it be said that under this mysterious force, Tianyuan really separated us from the foreign land?"

Supreme uttered, and then took out to prove Magical Artifact, tentative Throwing towards Tianyuan.

In the past, their Magical Artifact would directly sink into the sea of ​​law, but this time it was different. The Magical Artifact fell as soon as it touched Tianyuan and was blocked.

"The immortal domain has the highest Rule Power, are they really helping us?" Zhao Haotian's eyes were deep, staring at Tianyuan, unable to see what he was thinking.

"Really sealed forever?!" Wang Changsheng brows tightly frowns.

"Look, there is something coming out of Immortal Sect!" You Dunyi Powerhouse exclaimed.

I stared at it and saw a monument flying out of Immortal Sect, with eye-catching immortal inscriptions on both sides.

The front of the stone tablet: [Tianyuan will be sealed forever, and the foreign land will not be crossed for a million years. As this formation absorbs the power of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, millions of years later, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will also wither and be destroyed.]

The reverse side of stone tablet: [The door of immortal domain will open soon]

A celestial monument, the front and back sides add up to no more than a few crosses, but it directly shocked everyone in the field.

"Very good, Tianyuan will be sealed forever, and it will be fine for a million years. We don't have to worry about crimes from foreign countries anymore!" Self Severing Realm cultivator reacted and laughed happily.

"Shut up!" A Supreme scolded immediately.

"Although it is peaceful now, in a million years, the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will sink! The best case is, Dharma End Era, none of us can cultivation. The bad case is Yes, the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will be destroyed by then!" Another Supreme said.

"What the hell are these immortal domain guys doing? They don't show up at the moment of the crisis. Now that the crisis has been lifted by the senior, they just came out like this!" Wang Changsheng frowned and said with anger .

Immortal domain doing this is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

Year after year, even if there is no alien invasion, this piece of Heaven and Earth is also being weakened, and the infinite source power absorbed by the array.

Millions of years later, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will eventually come to an end and reach the end. Maybe they can spend their old age in peace, but what about their offspring? Where should I go!

"Don’t disclose this matter for now!"

Just as the Supreme resentment, Meng Tianzheng said: "The door of immortal domain will open, and there will be someone in that world. Come, we will discuss this with them when that time comes!"

"Senior, I wonder what your opinion is?"

Meng Tianzheng turned and looked towards Chu Bei, with an extremely respectful expression.

Chu Bei laughed, he has appeared above the great spell in Tianyuan during his steps. He shot out with a palm, and the terrifying power of his palm spurted, releasing a terrifying breath like destroying heaven and extinguishing earth.

next moment, with a loud bang, the seal of the great spell collapses directly, transforming into a rain of light and dissipating.

After that, the solid wall in Tianyuan disappeared and returned to its original appearance.

At this moment, the portal above Tianyuan exploded, bright and dazzling, just like brilliant fireworks blooming.

"Senior, you..."

Seeing Chu Bei's practice, the Supremes including Meng Tianzheng and Wang Changsheng were stunned for an instant, and all of them fell into a trance. in.

The cultivators of Evading Oneness Realm and below were also dumbfounded, staring at Chu Bei in a daze, with their mouths open.

"Is it difficult to decide? is it possible that you want to watch your homeland be eaten away? You only care for yourself, but not for future generations?" Chu Bei smiled and looked at the Supreme.

"Of course not."

After a group of Supreme shook their heads categorically, they frowned again: "It's just that senior, if you do this, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction with the immortal domain."


"Do you think this seat will care about immortal domain?" Chu Bei smiled.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the Supreme looked at each other, and then thinking about the strength of the other side, they killed three Immortal kings in the foreign land. Even if they were placed in the immortal domain, it was another existence at Overlord level. Right.

"Thanks Senior to take action to protect my home."

Thinking of this, the Supreme moved towards Chu Bei again and bowed, with gratitude in their eyes.


At the same time, the corner of immortal domain.

"My lord, the gateway to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths has disappeared!" A silver-haired old man said, frowns.

The so-called adult in the mouth of the silver-haired old man is a man with purple hair who looks less than 20 years old, with his hands on his back, wearing a robe of ten thousand animals, and surrounding the terrifying Immortal Qi.

"What's the matter?" The man with purple hair browses tightly frowns.

"It should be those old fellows who can't come back and are polluted."

Rather than waiting for the silver-haired old man to speak, a woman in a fiery red dress came over. Although she seems to be young, from the breath she released that is not weaker than that of the purple-haired man, she is also an old fellow who has lived for an unknown number of years.

"It seems that we can only reopen one more. When it comes, we will check the person who broke the door!" The purple-haired man coldly snorted, half-squinting his eyes, and the cold light flickered.

The voice fell, and the purple-haired man spouted Light of Immortal Dao inside his body, and his hands were constantly intertwined, gathering Light of Immortal Dao, developing and evolving in the sky.

"I don't know what good seedlings Nine Heavens and Ten Earths can have at this time, but don't let me down."

Full of smiles for women in long skirts, The slender hands are also intertwined with fairy lights, helping the man with purple hair build a new portal.

"As far as I know, there is a guy in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths called Shi Hao. His innate talent is terrifying and he has the ability to leapfrog. Especially the divine he has mastered. Ability is even more weird." The old servant spoke respectfully.

"Shi Hao? Innate Divine Ability? Interesting, I wrote down the name."

The purple-haired man's eyes condensed: "When the new portal is formed, I will go and see Last time, if it really caught my eyes, I would take him back to Myriad Beast Palace."

"There are not a few guys going to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths this time. They are too late, but not necessarily It's yours." The woman in the long skirt said with a smile.


3rd day.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Emperor Guan, border waste.

In the weird rumbling sound, the distant sky above the sky is shining brightly, one after another vague portal phantom appears.

weng weng!

Thousands of portals emerged from the top of Tianyuan, and several silhouettes were faintly visible in each portal.

"Look at the sky!"

"The gate of immortal domain has opened again!"

The cultivator in the imperial city looked at the portal of the distant sky, a He was dumbfounded, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

About the immortal domain, few people know about the immortal domain in the past long years. It wasn't until the day before Tianyuan was abnormal that Paragon Dao came out of the immortal domain.

The news spread like wildfire, and the speed was so fast that it spread to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in less than a day.

More and more cultivator know that there is a huge immortal domain on top of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

There is True Immortal and the truly invincible Powerhouse, which is the ancestor and source of many Taoist traditions.

immortal domain is countless times larger than Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

"The door of immortal domain is open. Will I have a chance to go there?"

"If I go there, do I no longer have to worry about foreign invasions? And it is said, The spiritual qi of immortal domain is far more than ten times that of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"

"Don’t be delusional, the door of immortal domain is opened, just let those people in immortal domain from our Nine Heavens And Ten Earths chooses disciples that's all, and only chooses the strongest seeds."

"It’s no wonder that those old-fashioned clans have moved so much recently, and even used Heaven and Earth Treasure spoil things through excessive enthusiasm. I’m afraid they are all I want Junior in my clan to be favored by people in the immortal domain, so I can follow along."


Nine Heavens and Ten Earths countless cultivators discuss spiritedly.

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