hong long!

Another loud bang that resounded through the Imperial Pass.

On the top of the city wall, I saw a portal blooming gorgeous rays of light, among which there were three silhouettes, two old men and a black clothed youth.

"Is this the lower realm? It is really a place of scarcity! It seems that this trip will not go smoothly."

The black clothed youth lowered his head and faintly swept the Warrior, frowned in the Imperial Pass. , His face is a bit ugly.

"We came from the immortal domain, and Young Master came in person, why are you nobody greeted? Right now, where is the strongest person in the lower realm? Quickly let him kneel to welcome you!"

An old man beside the black clothed youth screamed, and the voice spread to every corner of the Imperial Pass, revealing a terrifying breath.

This is a Supreme, a Supreme that has been cultivated to immortal dao breath!

Shoo, hoo, hoo!

After several divine rainbows, Meng Tianzheng, Zhao Haotian, Wang Changsheng and the others appeared, and browse tightly frowns.

hong long long ——

Meng Tianzheng and the others just wanted to speak, the clouds and mist rolled in the sky far away, the divine glow was gorgeous, the thunder was constant, and there was a silhouette walking out of the portal.

One, two, three...

In just a few seconds, thousands of portals were opened, and nearly ten thousand immortal domain Powerhouses were suspended high in the sky, indifferent to the bottom.

"The Great Spell of Nine Li Seals is broken!"

Thousands of immortal domain Powerhouses have come, first of all, after feeling the richness of the spiritual qi of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths , When the gaze falls to Tianyuan below, and perceives the dissipated formation mark breath, the expressions of each one are so wonderful and wonderful, as if they have seen a ghost alive, they are dumbfounded, and their open mouths can be stuffed in. Go fist.

"How is this possible! That is a great spell made by Immortal King for several years!"

"How is it broken!"

"What the hell happened!"

After the shock, immortal domain Powerhouse turned its gaze to Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng and the others, stared at it, and asked.

"The alien crisis has been lifted, and we are fine for the time being. Immortal King's approach can solve the alien problem for us in the short term, but in the long run, it is absolutely detrimental to us."

Meng Tianzheng looked towards the immortal domain Powerhouse in the sky, he said very tactfully.

"Bold! Immortal King's approach, how can you allow you to disobey! Even more how, with your strength, let alone destroy the Jiuli Seal Array, I am afraid that even a corner of it will not be broken. !" An immortal domain Supreme yelled, his contemptuous gaze did not put Meng Tianzheng in his eyes.

Hearing this, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng and the others frowned, but no one responded.

"Could it be that those in the restricted area did it?" an old man with an immortal domain frowned and asked suspiciously.

"I am afraid that only they can do it. If so, this matter can only be reported to Lord Immortal King." Another old man said.

"That's all, do business first."

At this time, a youth wearing a red robe in the immortal domain Powerhouse said: "Our purpose in the lower realm this time is You must select qualified seeds from your younger generation to bring them into immortal domain cultivation. If they are organic, they can even become followers of the descendants of Immortal King."

red robe youth has a strong voice and a sound wave It was accompanied by immortal dao breath, spread all over Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

In an instant, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths seemed to be boiling, and they discussed one after another, and some of the ancient clan people were even more looking forward to it.

"Who among you knows a guy named Shi Hao?" Suddenly, a calm voice floated in the sky.

Looking at it, the person who spoke was a purple-haired man who seemed to be in his twenties. He had his hands on his back and wore a robe of ten thousand animals, surrounded by the terrifying Immortal Qi.

Beside the man with purple hair, stood a woman wearing a long red dress. The breath she released was not weaker than that of the man with purple hair.

"Look! Myriad Beast Palace Palace Lord came in person!"

"And Fairy Jadestorm!"

"By the way, what he said Shi Hao is who?"

"The person who can be named by the Myriad Beast Palace Palace Lord must be terrifying innate talent, and must be the evildoer of the lower realm!"


immortal domain After a group of Powerhouses recognized the identity of the man with purple hair, they showed terrified looks one after another.

Obviously, among these immortal domain visitors, the purple-haired man has an extraordinary position.

"Master Shi Hao? He actually fell in love with Master Shi Hao!"

"Master Shi Hao is Senior Chu's dísciple!"

"This The people who help the immortal domain are so strong, I am afraid that things will not be good."

Hearing the words of the purple-haired man, the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths whispered.

"My lord, the Shi Hao in your mouth already has a Master, and I am afraid he will not be able to enter your door again."

Meng Tianzheng took a step forward and moved towards the purple-haired man holding the cup One fist in the other hand is extremely respectful, and the breath that the other hand shows depresses him, as if he is already in the True Immortal Realm!

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the other party has detained a cultivator from the imperial gate city wall.

"Say, where is Shi Hao!"

The purple-haired man's voice sank, revealing a sense of majesty.

Overwhelmed by the terrifying coercion, the imprisoned cultivator immediately looked scared, shiver coldly, and quickly raised his hand to the largest mansion in the Imperial Pass, and shivered: "Is Lord Shi Hao there? ."

The man with purple hair was coldly snorted, threw the cultivator back on the city wall and turned it into a divine rainbow, and appeared above the mansion in an instant.

"This style of doing things really deserves to be the Lord of Myriad Beast Palace Palace."

"It's too domineering! But it is also true that those in the restricted area can't exist, this lower realm There is not even an immortal dao Powerhouse."

In the sky, under the opened portal, a group of immortal domain Powerhouses turned their eyes to the direction of the purple-haired man. They were also very curious about what Shi Hao is about. Special.


However, just in the immortal domain Powerhouse near ten thousand immortal domain Powerhouse, I heard the purple-haired man's unrejectable command, and looked forward to seeing Shi Hao when there was a loud noise from the sky in the distance.

Next moment, the horrible breath fluctuation spreads.

This breath made their Divine Soul tremble, and felt a kind of fear instinctively.

Immediately afterwards, a huge hand was in their sight, and Myriad Beast Palace Palace Lord was squeezed directly and brutally.


"Myriad Beast Palace Palace Lord is dead! He is True Immortal!"

"There is supreme there existence !"

"Forbidden zone, must be forbidden zone!"

"Could it be said that Shi Hao is related to existence in the forbidden zone?"

Witnessing this scene, nearly ten thousand Powerhouses in a foreign land were stunned, staring blankly at the giant hand above the imperial city that had not yet dissipated, and swallowed subconsciously. Fear rose in his eyes, and he was inexplicably cold. trembling.

All of this was so sudden, it was beyond their reach!

From the appearance of the Myriad Beast Palace Palace Lord on the mansion, to the utterance of the dignitaries, to the explosion by a giant hand, the process is nothing but a spark of calcium carbide.

"The door of immortal domain is open. The purpose of your trip will not interfere with this seat, but if you put your idea on the people in this seat, please don’t blame this seat for ruthless action!"

The calm voice floated in the air. Although the voice was not loud, it sounded clearly in the minds of all Powerhouses in the immortal domain, shaking their hearts.

"Xian...Immortal King!"

Hearing the voice, the immortal domain True Immortal including the woman in the long skirt looked at each other, eyes suddenly shrank, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Perhaps Supreme can't feel the oppression in this voice, but they can actually experience it. This is specifically for the Force of Immortal Dao in their body.

Furthermore, the ability to raise a hand to instantly obliterate a True Immortal can only be done with the supreme existence of the Immortal King!

"Go, avoid here first!"

"Look elsewhere!"

A crowd of immortal domain Powerhouses looked at the emperor again with great fear Cheng, then seemed to have made the same decision, moving towards Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and flew in different directions.

"Fortunately, there are seniors, you can file their arrogance! Otherwise, these guys from the immortal domain, they may be arrogant to what extent!"

Looking at the immortal domain Powerhouse far away, a veteran Supreme issued coldly snorted, which was obviously dissatisfied with the previous attitude of the immortal domain Powerhouse.

These Powerhouses that have descended from the immortal domain are leaving very quickly, and within one hour, they have been distributed in every corner of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

In the next two days, the major clans of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were caught in a frenzied promotion, but all the juniors of the past that were mentioned in the clans were pushed out, and they even tried to steal all kinds of things. Tiancai treasure will also let those in the immortal domain take a look.

In the eyes of these clan elders, as long as they are connected to the immortal domain, even a little bit, their clan can take off.

Unfortunately, the conditions for these immortal domain Powerhouses to select seeds are particularly harsh. Even if two days have passed, the people who are selected by them are only two-handed.

3rd day.

Nearly ten thousand immortal domain Powerhouses are still busy, and no one dares to step into the imperial city.

On this day, in an ancient place, an old fogey woke up, stood tremblingly, and looked at a certain direction.

"Master, why do you always wake up!"

The speaker is a fatty, his name is Cao Yusheng, who was fiercely thinking about pitting Chu Bei a thousand years ago Little Fatty had a lesson.

Today, Cao Yusheng’s cultivation base, although not as enchanting as Shi Hao, has entered the Self Severing Realm, not far from the Evading Oneness Realm.

As for the old man who woke up suddenly, it was Cao Yusheng's Master. He was asleep most of the time, ignoring world affairs.

Just now, he was awakened.

At this moment, Cao Yusheng looked at the old man with a heavy face, full of confusion.

"Fatty, Heaven and Earth have changed, there is a big problem!"

old fogey suddenly sighed, his body looked weak, it seemed that a gust of wind could He blows down.

"Master, don't sell it! What has changed in Heaven and Earth? It's not a good idea! Even the foreign issues will be solved after Boss Chu returns!"

Hearing the words of the old man, Cao Yusheng's face suddenly changed. Although his Master is not strong, he is psychic, Deducing Heaven's Mystery.

Although he can see a corner of the future for some things, he can't say it or do it. Once he speaks out, he will suffer forever. The reason why he has fallen into this step now is also related to his constant divulge the will of heaven back then.

"Fatty, when the Master dies, burn me into ashes and sprinkle me in the river, don’t set a grave for me!"

The old man coughed one after another, It's very laborious and slow. He looked towards a certain direction, his face was full of sorrow.

"Master, what do you mean by this, don't scare me!"

When he heard the old man's words, Cao Yusheng's face turned pale, and he felt that his Master was telling the funeral. Is this Great World really going to change? Fate soon?

"Fatty, you know very little. Darkness is coming, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is over!"

The old man sighed faintly: "The era of Darkness is here, this Life is about to end, and the most terrifying liquidation is coming ahead of schedule!"

This is the last sentence of the old man. After saying that Cao Yusheng's shoulder was patted, he disappeared into a stream of light at the end of the sky.

"Master, you are going to die anyway, so you can't reveal the secret secret again, let me understand it!"

Looking at the direction where the old man disappeared, Cao Yusheng said loudly Shouted: "Darkness Era, what does this mean!"

No one responded for a long time, Cao Yusheng could only sigh, and then a silhouette appeared in his mind, and he immediately flew to the border.

The fourth day.

In the void space, there is a dark and unidentified air current colliding with the space barrier. In the continuous strikes, a gap was opened in the barrier, and a dark air flow began to gush out.

The location of this gap is Ling Realm in Three Thousand Dao Province of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Soon after this wisp of gray air flowed out, Ling Realm changed drastically.


Then the first weird scream came out, and Ling Realm shook.

In a blink of an eye, in the area where the gap is, the clear sky becomes Darkness, and the peaceful breath becomes a billowing baleful aura.

Next, countless screams sounded, one cultivator fell one after another, Divine Soul broke apart, was swallowed by the rolling baleful aura, and disappeared.

When many cultivators have not reacted, the black mist is raging, covering the whole area, mournful scream one after another.

In just a few seconds, there was a dead silence in the area covered by the dark air current, and there was no sound, only Darkness continued to diffuse outward.

When the strongest forces in Ling Realm learned of this, they immediately fell into panic.

But before they had time to evacuate, the black mist had quickly spread to their boundaries.

The same scene was staged, where the black mist passed, everything turned into dead silence, and all people or beasts turned into nothingness.


"Have you heard about it, Ling Realm is gone!"

"Isn't this what happened an hour ago? I don’t know what happened!"

"It seems to have been swallowed by an unknown force!"


The news of Ling Realm's destruction Soon there was a huge disturbance, and every corner of Sanqianzhou was discussing the matter fiercely.

hong long!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the direction of Ling Realm.

In the next moment, it was like a black fog bomb that was ignited, an endless stream of black qi spread wildly, moving towards other areas swept away.

In this brief moment, Gates of Hell was opened!

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