"Is that Immortal King he just shot!"

"How is it possible! Isn't he from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"

"After the First World War, the most powerful person in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is nothing but Supreme. When will the Immortal King appear!"

"Even the Immortal of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths King, I also know why there is no such one in my memory."

"No wonder Aofeng and Cognac were so respectful to him before!"

... …

Following the gazes of the three Immortal Kings, Ao Sheng, Taishi, and the early Yuan Dynasty, the cultivator above Panwang City also fell on Chu Bei’s body, and looked again, one by one. It was full of look of shock, and the words were full of surprise.

Chu Bei ignored these cultivator's gazes, faintly glanced at the three silhouettes in the depths of the immortal domain, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Void roared, Chu Bei stepped forward, and a huge Yin-Yang Symbol appeared under his feet.

Yin-Yang Symbol is intertwined with the air of Hong Meng and Myriad Things Origin Energy. The formation eye is a flower of the avenue. In the center of the petal is a chanting villain, bursting out of the mouth. The mysterious rune.

These runes freeze the void, everything becomes silent, as if time and space are still.

Without waiting for everyone’s reaction, Chu Bei walked on the Yin-Yang Symbol and appeared in the depths of the immortal domain that had been blasted into nothingness by that finger, and interacted with Ao Sheng, Taishi, and the three Immortal of Yuan Dynasty. King is far away.

"From the era of the emperor's fall?" Ao Sheng stared at him and said coldly.

Chu Bei laughed, did not answer, but looked at Ao Sheng calmly.

"No matter who you are or which era was born, if you dare to interfere with this king today, you will surely perish!" Ao Sheng's cold words spread throughout the immortal domain.

Chu Bei still did not respond, just a look of contempt, and the Executing Immortal Sword in his hand began to diffuse a dazzling golden glow.

weng weng weng!

The sword body moved slightly, making a thrilling trembling sound.

At this moment, Chu Bei is holding a sword, giving people an illusion, as if he does not belong to this piece of Heaven and Earth, does not belong to this era, but a creature that has crossed over the years.

"I can’t remember how many epochs someone dared to ignore me like this. Those who rebelled against my king, immortals, and kings, are all dead!"

I noticed Chu Bei’s eyes The contempt in the light, Ao Sheng yelled, murderous aura surging, and the immortal domain shook violently in the depths, seeming to explode at any time.

Ao Sheng was angry and was ignored. He is the overlord of the immortal domain. Since his birth, few people have dared to provoke him.


The word Sen coldly shouted down, and an unusual form appeared above Ao Sheng's head. Tens of thousands of big stars were cracked and burst into pieces. The scene was terrifying, that It is the evolution of his laws.


Ao Sheng stared at Chu Bei coldly, directly raised his hand to kill, the star in his palm turned, the Star Region was shattered, and the Heavenly Might energy was released. Endless Star Dou floats up and down in the palm of Ao Sheng, to swallow Chu Bei in, suppress it, and refining alive.

"But Third Stage Immortal King."

Chu Bei's voice is very calm, facing the endless star battle, there is no wave of emotion.

I saw him swing another sword, a sword glow flew out, and plunged into the giant palm, instantly causing the endless star to shake.

With a bang, the endless stars burst open at the same time, turning into powder, and the evolved Star Region was also divided.

The star battle qi dissipated, Ao Sheng frowned, did not withdraw the attack, but continued to pat down with a palm.

His fleshy body has long been cultivation to the extreme, and the Immortal King can be obliterated by raising his hands. Even if there is no star battle qi blessing, he is confident that only fleshy body can seriously hurt Chu Bei.

"You are too conceited."

Chu Bei's voice was calm, he stood there without any dodge, letting the big hand fall over.

However, seeing that giant hand is about to strike on Chu Bei's body, he raises upwards with the sword to face the giant hand.

chi chi chi!

next moment, this immortal domain only has sharp, ear-piercing sounds, like countless sharp swords rubbing against the black iron stone.


Finally, with a roar, thousands of sword glow pierced through the giant hand and rushed up into the sky.

After that, the giant hand exploded, bloody and blurred.

At the collision, there was Immortal King blood flowing from in the sky, falling down, ten thousand zhang of fairy light, billions of rays of Ruixia.

"Ao Sheng Immortal King actually bleeds!"

"Ao Sheng Immortal King lost in the collision just now!"

"This, this How is it possible! Even among the kings of the immortal domain, Ao Sheng's Immortal King is also the top supreme existence!"

"The mysterious Immortal King from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is already so powerful. Already!"


The cultivator above the city of Pan King, looking at the battlefield deep in the immortal domain, staring at the dripping blood essence of the Immortal King blood essence. , One by one dumbfounded.

As the battle between Chu Bei and Ao Sheng unfolded, strong Great Cultivators appeared everywhere in the immortal domain.

In the beginning, their faces were more confused about the origin of Chu Bei, but when Ao Sheng's palm exploded, only horror remained on their faces.

Compared with immortal domain cultivator, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths's Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng and the others are much calmer, because they have witnessed Chu Bei beheading the alien Anlan and Yu Tuo. There are three Immortal kings of Wushang.


"This king wants you to be buried forever, not into reincarnation!"

Ao Sheng roared, that burst The bloody hands undergo restructuring and healing.

In the roar, his hair is flying, the roots are shining brightly, and his eyes are as deep as the ocean.

At this moment, he seemed to have touched some kind of Supreme Secret Skill, and the breath of the whole person skyrocketed again, and he pinched the seal with both hands.

This time, he appeared directly in front of Chu Bei and killed him with fists and feet.

Chu Bei remained motionless, until Ao Sheng's fists were about to strike him, he would smile, and the left hand that hadn't held the sword clasped his fist and smashed with Ao Sheng.

Two figures are intertwined in an instant, and the endless Grand Dao Rule evolves, transforming into a thunder waterfall, impacting the Quartet, like reopening an endless battlefield.

The low and continuous strikes filled every corner of the immortal domain, shaking everyone's hearts.

However, this collision did not last long before it was overwhelmed by Ao Sheng's painful roar.

hong long!

There was another loud explosion, and the battlefield opened up there collapsed.

Chu Bei stepped on the Yin-Yang Symbol, holding the Executing Immortal Sword in his right hand, and walked out of the battlefield.

After that, Ao Sheng also flew out.

But the moment he appeared in the sight of everyone again, there was a clanging metal trembling, and a golden sword glow swept across his neck.

next moment, Ao Sheng Immortal King staggers backwards, he clutches his neck, and his pupils contract sharply.

That Golden sword glow, as bright as the sky, cut off its head!

"Ao Sheng's head of Immortal King has been cut off!"

I witnessed the next scene, the entire immortal domain was boiling.

If Ao Sheng’s palm was injured before, they can still accept it, but they really can’t believe it now, it’s really shocking!

What a terrifying and terrifying scene this is!

In a blink of an eye, all the cultivators of the immortal domain focused on Chu Bei's body, his mouth opened wide, and his eyes were filled with horror.

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