In the depths of the immortal domain, Chu Bei swung his sword down, and Ao Sheng separated his head and body.

But Ao Sheng is the Immortal King after all. He immediately returned his head to his position, and then used the Secret Skill to continue it on his neck.

After this time, Ao Sheng did not immediately launch an attack, but stared at Chu Bei very vigilantly, allowing some fear in his eyes.

After a long while.

Ao Sheng looked towards the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and Taishi.

The two Great Immortal kings at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and Taishi looked at each other, and at the same time nodded, they seemed to have made a unanimous decision.

next moment.


In the star dome, a fist carries a dazzling fairy light, crystal clear like jade stone, brilliant like a morning glow, blasting towards Chu Bei’s head, this is Taishi Immortal King Shot.


A big foot followed closely and appeared above Chu Bei in an instant. Fiercely stepped on it, arrogant and domineering. This was the attack of the Immortal King in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Since seeing Ao Sheng being cut off the head by Chu Bei, the eyes of the two Taishi and the early Yuan Dynasty have become fierce.

In the immortal domain, they can be described as a trio, and they agree on everything.

In terms of single player strength, they are all slightly inferior to King Pan, but if the three are combined, even King Pan can only tolerate it.

So, after perceiving Ao Sheng's help-seeking gaze, they immediately took the shot.

Ao Sheng roared, he also shot, and opened his mouth to spit out a hang of Star River, which turned into a sword fetus, like True Dragon dance, moved towards Chu Bei and hacked away.

"Even if the three of you go together, it is still far from enough."

Chu Bei has no expression on his face, and his emotions have not changed from start to finish. In his eyes, it doesn't matter whether Ao Sheng is alone or the other three, it makes no difference.

The calm voice fell, and the frequency of Chu Bei's sword swung faster, and the strands of Golden sword glow began to solidify, as if it had become a substance, stirring the star dome.

hong long long!

Chu Bei stepped on the star dome, holding the Executing Immortal Sword, and killed him.

In the breathtaking rumbling sound, four divine rainbows in the depths of the immortal domain are intertwined.

"The strength of that mysterious Immortal King is too terrifying! It actually forced Ao Sheng Immortal King, Taishi Immortal King, and Yuan Dynasty Immortal King to join forces!"

"The most terrifying thing is that it is not weaker than the three Great Immortal Kings teaming up!"

"Regardless of the outcome of this battle, this mysterious Immortal King will be included in the immortal domain major event. Maybe even if ten thousand years pass, they will still be talked about by the world."

"Since ancient times, no one has been able to rely on the strength of oneself Great Immortal King!"



immortal domain Countless cultivators stared at the distant battlefield in a daze, their pupils shrank suddenly, their throats squirmed, and their faces were terrified look.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe this scene anyway.

Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng and the others have solemn expressions. Although they believe in the strength of Chu Bei, they face three immortal domain Immortal Kings at the same time. This makes them have to worry.

"King of Pan, if that adult loses, please help me." Aofeng and Cognac looked towards King of Pan, cup one fist in the other hand for help.

Panwang nodded: "When it really comes, I will shoot."


A metal trembling sounded from the battlefield.

After that, a streak of divine light flew out of the four divine rainbows that were originally intertwined. It was Ao Sheng Immortal King.

Just when everyone thought he would continue to join the battlefield soon, his body exploded and turned into a pile of flesh and blood.

In the flesh and blood that Ao Sheng has transformed, it seems that a mysterious force is poured into it, preventing his fleshy body from healing.

hong long!

There was another dull bang, and the 2nd divine rainbow flew out. It was the Immortal King in the early Yuan Dynasty. He was struck by the Executing Immortal Sword, and before he even screamed, the Divine Soul and physical body shattered.

Like Ao Sheng, he is not dead. He is trying his best to recover, but he is extremely slow.


In the fierce battlefield, only Immortal King, the strongest cultivation base, is left.

Since Ao Sheng and Taichu have been blasted out of the battlefield, his pressure has doubled and he has lost consecutive defeats.


Tae Shi Immortal King roared, he burned the original blood essence and used the Supreme Secret Skill, rules, order, and avenues roared together, killing Chu Bei , Extremely gorgeous.

Unfortunately, it is useless.

In the battlefield, Chu Bei swung another sword, and the dazzling sword glow instantly landed on Taishi Immortal King's chest.


Tae Shi Immortal King coughed up blood. He flew out, his whole body was cracked and suffered heavy injuries.

But before he could recover, Chu Bei appeared in front of him, stabbing with a more terrifying sword.

With a snort, the Divine Soul and fleshy body of Taishi Immortal King also exploded, floating in the star dome, releasing bright rays of light.


Looking at the scene in the battlefield, the immortal domain cultivator came back to his senses from the trance, looking at each other in blank dismay, careless for each other.

This ending is too shocking for them! Make them a little out of reach!

The mysterious Immortal King of unknown origin not only blocked the siege of the three Immortal Kings of Yuanchu, Ao Sheng, and Taishi, but also severely injured them all!

What a terrifying battle strength this is!

"Master won!"

"I can't think that the senior is so powerful!"

Looking at the three piles of flesh and blood in the battlefield, Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng and Wang Changsheng were stunned, and there was joy and excitement behind them.

"Now it seems that I don't need my help at all."

Pan Wang muttered to himself, judging from his expression, he was also shocked by the result.

He was shocked not only because Chu Bei defeated the three Immortal Kings, but also because he suppressed the three Immortal Kings without the slightest injury!

"You once threatened that Immortal King killed people without a reason, then this seat will start with you!"

Chu Bei's gaze fell on Ao Sheng’s pile of flesh and blood. The sound that is not mixed with the slightest emotion vibrates the starry sky and spreads throughout the immortal domain.

The majestic voice contained terrifying power, shocking all cultivators in the immortal domain, and his body trembled inexplicably.

The voice fell, Chu Bei held the Executing Immortal Sword and pointed at Ao Sheng, ripples at the tip of the sword, and a golden disc emerged from the ripples.


The word indifferent syllable was spit out from Chu Bei's mouth, and the next moment saw the Supreme Divine Order Chain spouting out of the Golden disc.

chi chi chi!

Under the attention of hundreds of millions of cultivators, Ao Sheng's fried minced meat that has not been recombined was dragged into the disc by the Divine Order Chain.

Afterwards, a strange friction sounded in every corner of the immortal domain, like a chewing sound.


"Let me out!"

"What are you going to do to me!"

In an instant Suddenly, Ao Cheng's painful mournful scream sounded from the Golden Giant Bowl, with fear in his voice, as if he was suffering from irresistible torture.

This is a pain that even Immortal King can't bear!

Hundreds of millions of cultivator sucked in a breath of cold air, looking at the disc in front of the Golden long sword in Chu Bei's hand with fear, shiver coldly.

The disc is glowing, especially the center of the disc, with nine-colored fairy lights rising.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

With the passage of time, Ao Sheng’s screaming screams disappeared, and along with that, the breathtaking soul disappeared. The sound of chewing.

"This situation is the same as killing Anlan Yutuo at the time!"

"Their Divine Soul and physical body are all used to feed the disc!"

Looking at this familiar scene, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, Zhao Haotian and the others looked at each other in amazement.

"Master Ao Sheng's voice disappeared! He...Is he dead!"

"Is this disc and the sword in his hand at the same level? Both? Is it the magic weapon of the mysterious Immortal King!"

"Why did I just see a mouth in the disc? Is it my illusion!"


The immortal domain hundreds of millions of cultivator looks dull, with palpitations in the vibrato.

Just now, they witnessed the withering of an Immortal King, the true death!

"It's your two turn." After solving Ao Sheng, Chu Bei looked towards Taishi and Yuanchu.


Looking at the approaching Chu Bei, the two piles of flesh and blood transformed by the Taishi and Yuanchu release the dazzling rays of light, and their fearful voice is Wandering in the starry sky.

"Fellow Daoist, the Darkness era is here, you can't kill anymore!"

Just as Chu Bei was about to do it again, a misty sound came from the immortal domain deeper, and then Six Paths silhouette emerged.

long long long ——

next moment, immortal domain roars, and various road runes flicker.

I saw the deepest part, Six Paths Supreme silhouette, crossing the star dome, majestic breath. Inadvertently, the pressure revealed was breathless, almost suffocating.

In an instant, six terrifying creatures approached the sky above Panwang City, carrying horrible waves like a stormy sea.

"Even you are all out!"

Recognizing the origins of the six creatures, King Pan and the crowd of True Immortal suddenly looked astonished.

These six creatures are all Immortal Kings, from ancient places with different immortal domains. In terms of generation, their birth date was several epochs before Taishi and Yuan, and they can be described as the overlord of immortal domain forever.

"Are they here to boil Sheng?" Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, Zhao Haotian and the others frowned.

"The King of Heavenly Immortal, please help us!"

The Taishi and Yuan Dynasty seem to have found a straw for life, immediately moved towards the youngest among the six. A long white haired old man opened his mouth.

"Friend Xian, Ao Sheng has a grudge with you, and you have already killed him. Taishi and early Yuan are just to help, so let's just leave it." The white haired old man glanced at two piles of minced meat. , Looked towards Chu Bei faintly sighed.

Hearing the words of the white haired old man, the two quasi-Immortal Kings of Aofeng and Cognac frowned and their faces were extremely ugly.

Although this is the first time they have seen the six giants of immortal domain, they have already heard of their names. Even the weakest of them, the strength is still the king. on.

"Let’s not say that they have already started working on this seat. Just wanting to refining Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is enough to kill them tens of thousands of times." Chu Bei calmly looked at the immortal domain six great. Big shots, unaffected by the opposing coercion.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the white haired old man did not answer, but turned his head to look at the five people beside him, and exchanged eyes with each other.

In a short while, the positions of the six Great Immortal kings changed and they surrounded Chu Bei in a ring.

They are all surrounded by chaos, guarding each other, staring at Chu Bei coldly.

"What are the six Old Ancestors going to do? is it possible that, have they done something with this mysterious Immortal King too!"

"From our perspective, this mysterious The Immortal King wants to kill the Yuanchu and Taishi adults of my immortal domain. He should be our enemy."

"But these six Old Ancestors are not going to be together, right? To be honest , I think this mysterious Immortal King’s approach is actually correct, he did it for Nine Heavens and Ten Earths after all."

"This time, Ao Sheng and Yuan Shi’s actions are really too extreme. "


Seeing that the six white haired old man surrounded Chu Bei, the immortal domain was greatly changed by True Immortal and even Immortal King complexion. Maybe next A more terrifying battle is about to happen.

In this brief moment, the cultivator above Panwang City quickly moved away, seemingly for fear of being affected by the aftermath of terrifying battles that might occur in the next.

"Friends Fairy, are you really so persistent?" The white haired old man spoke again, with chills in his eyes, enveloped in chaos, and asked Chu Bei.

"Their ending is doomed from the moment they are shot."

Chu Bei's expression is indifferent, like saying a very ordinary word, calm and composed.

"It is not easy to cultivate Immortal King, Ao Sheng has withered, if they walk the same way, it would be a pity, fairy friends should be compassionate." Another Immortal King giant said.

Chu Bei smiled and looked at the six great big shots of immortal domain. On the cultivation base, the strength of these six people is indeed higher than that of King Pan.

But even the strongest white haired old man is just seven Immortal King Peak that's all.

"Friends fairy, don't be stubborn! The Darkness Era is approaching, and they need to be in charge. You need to have a general view of the situation!" The white haired old man said again.

Chu Bei no longer paid attention to the six Great-Immortal Domain giants, but looked towards the pile of flesh and blood transformed in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

To Chu Bei's eyes, white haired old man brows frowned.

As the coldly snorted fell from the mouth of the white haired old man, there was a loud rumbling, and its behind terrifying method emerged, pushing towards Chu Bei.

At the same time, the images of the other five Great Immortal king giants also appeared, and moved towards Chu Bei approached together.

At this moment, the six principles are intertwined, and the immortal image is amazing.

There are endless stars turning, the Star River is rushing, there is the evolution of the Star Region, and there are avenues of petals falling, and the pure land is full of whispers.

In an instant, in this Star Region, everything in space and time became static, leaving only dead silence.

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