"The mysterious Immortal King is surrounded!"

Under the attention of countless cultivators, Chu Bei is surrounded by six intertwined methods, as if he were in In an isolated empty space.

hong long!

The six Great Immortal giants headed by the white haired old man, infused with divine sense at the same time, a loud noise, intertwined with a giant web of secrets. Formation seems to imprison Chu Bei.

Chu Bei glanced all around faintly, his face did not fluctuate in the slightest, I saw the Executing Immortal Sword in his hand trembled, tens of thousands of sword glows merged, and the mysterious giant was easily removed. The net blocked.

Looking at the sword glow carrying the terrifying breath, the white haired old man and other six Great Immortal king giants flashed a touch of surprise, but before they could react, the golden long sword was separated from Chu Bei’s Hands.

Golden long sword seems to have consciousness, swinging on its own, densely packed sword glow envelopes the battlefield.

These sword glow swept out, instantly cutting off the giant net.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

Executing Immortal Sword seems to have been provoked by six major phenomena before, and the hilt, blade, and blade simultaneously project a strange touch The rays of light, gathered together to form a long rainbow thread, sweeping in six directions.

bang bang bang!

Where Changhong passed, Six Paths' low explosion sounded one after another.

In a flash, the six principles collapsed.

Pu chi!

next moment, the six Great Immortal giants headed by the white haired old man turned pale, his body trembled suddenly, blood spurted from his mouth, and his feet staggered.

Stumbled back a few steps, the six Great Immortal kings stopped the stature, and once again looked towards Chu Bei, his gaze was full of fear.

"Master Hongtian, they are injured!"

"The six Immortal Kings who have lived forever have joined hands and suffered a loss in the hands of the mysterious Immortal King!"

"What the hell does this mysterious Immortal King come from! Is it the existence before the Emperor's Fall?"


Witnessing a scene on the battlefield, the immortal domain all True Immortal was stunned.

It is precisely because they know the Supreme deeds of the six white haired old man that they show horror and disbelief when they see that they are still defeated at the hands of Chu Bei together.

The King of Pan was also dumbfounded, and the gaze looking towards Chu Bei again became more astonished.

The six Great Immortal kings collapsed at the same time, which means that the real battle is started. This mysterious Immortal King also has the strength to truly obliterate the Six Great Immortal Kings.

"My lord, I am afraid he is already standing at the Peak of Immortal King." Aofeng and Cognac glanced at each other, their eyes filled with strangeness.

The defeat of the six Great Immortal Kings means that the strength of the mysterious Immortal King in front of us is also well-deserved Number One Person in the immortal domain!

long long long!

Chu Bei put his hands behind his back, and walked straight past the six Great Immortal giants including the white haired old man, moving towards Taishi and Yuanchu.

"Master Hongtian, Master Xumi, the Darkness era is approaching, we can still kill the enemy! Save us!"

Looking at Chu Bei getting closer and closer, The sound of fear came from the two piles of flesh and blood transformed by the Taishi and the Yuan Dynasty.

The six Great Immortal kings looked at each other, and none of them acted. In addition to dignity and fear on their faces, there is more of a kind of helplessness.

"Go with Ao Sheng!"

Chu Bei's indifferent voice fell, the golden disc emerged, and the terrifying force of suction was spewing, and it will be the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty in an instant. Absorb went in.

A similar scene was staged again, with the mournful scream of Taishi and Yuanchu in the palpitating chewing sound, until the sound disappeared.

"The Immortal King of Taishi and the Immortal King of Yuan Dynasty are also dead!"

"At this moment, our immortal domain lost three Immortal Kings!"

"If the Darkness Era arrives, I am afraid we will be inevitable!"


Looking at the golden disc releasing the bright rays of light, immortal domains are crowded. Powerhouse was at a loss.

"Friend fairy, you are too extreme."

The six Great Immortal kings sighed quietly. If they can, they really want to save Taishi and Yuanchu.

Even though the other party wanted to refining Nine Heavens and Ten Earths before, they were Supreme Immortal Kings after all, and they played a vital role in the Darkness era.

It's a pity that there is a mysterious Immortal King in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths who can't help them!

They are invincible, so they can only watch Taishi and Yuanchu being obliterated.

"This seat killed the three of you Immortal Kings, and now you two will be returned first."

Chu Bei glanced at the six Great Immortal queens and turned around and said: "Ao Feng, Cognac, come here."

"My lord, what's your order?"

Aofeng and Cognac immediately moved towards Chu Bei and bowed, the attitude is better than facing The king is more respectful.

Since they hit the mysterious Immortal King in front of them and brought them back to the immortal domain, they have recognized each other in their hearts.

"Once a battle, the immortal domain was unfair to you. This seat will give you a chance and return you the pain of homesickness for millions of years."

The calm voice fell, Chu Bei flicks with the finger, two clusters flew out of the golden disc, and landed on Aofeng and Cognac respectively.

"This is the essence of Immortal King!"

I noticed the breath contained in the two groups, Aofeng and Cognac were first taken aback, and then their body trembled suddenly, with great expression. excitement.

"Refining it." Chu Bei said lightly.

"Many thanks!"

Looking at the essence of the Immortal King before him, the excited voices of Aofeng and Cognac trembled a little.

They have no idea how many years they have stayed in Quasi-Immortal King this realm, and they are only a step away from Immortal King Realm.

However, they have been unable to step out of these several millions in the past.

For them, this group of Immortal King's essence as a gift can far make up for the pain of homesickness they have spent millions of years in the lower realm.

Immortal King's essence is in hand, they are sure to truly step into the Immortal King Realm.

To calm the excitement, Aofeng and Cognac took a deep breath and immediately began to absorb the essence of Immortal King.

With the passage of time, the breath of Aofeng and Cognac has become more and more terrifying, and the image of behind has begun to show a terrifying unusual form, in which endless stars can be seen circulating, and the evolution of Star Regions is intertwined.

hong long!

Two roars sounded almost simultaneously, and the immortal domain trembled.

After the breakthrough succeeded, Aofeng and Cognac hurriedly converged their breath, otherwise this area might be turned into ruins under their violent breath.

"Congratulations to the two." Pan Wang immediately said with a smile.

"The grace of an adult will never be forgotten!"

At this time, Aofeng and Cognac fell directly in front of Chu Bei.

"Get up! If one day you dare to do something similar to Ao Sheng and the others, this seat will also be killed." Chu Bei waved his hands to hold up Aofeng and Cognac, deep down His voice is full of Supreme majesty.

"What the hell did he do! What the hell is going on with those two groups? Let Aofeng and Cognac become the Supreme Immortal King!"

"That is the Immortal King Origin! It is the essence of Immortal King's body. It condenses all Immortal King’s insights during his lifetime. Ordinary Immortal King can get it and instantly incarnate as Immortal King."

"So, Immortal Can the King really be built?"

"no! Immortal King's origin is so rare. Only before the Immortal King falls will consider whether to condense the origin. However, the Immortal King exists, I want Encountering the impossible that is about to fall."


Peak True Immortal of the immortal domain and the quasi-Immortal King, staring blankly at the Aofeng and Cognac that have become the Immortal King The two were full of envy.

The six Great Immortal Kings, including the white haired old man, also showed their horror. They didn’t expect that the mysterious Immortal King in front of them had the essence of condensing and killing the Immortal King. !

How unreasonable these methods are!

When I arrived at Immortal King this realm, almost all of them were in their own hands, and there were few alliances like Aofeng, Taishi, and the beginning of Yuan Dynasty.

But right now, the mysterious person in front of him is able to build the Immortal King.

As long as the opponent wants, the opponent can completely kill other Immortal Kings to create an army of Immortal Kings belonging to him!

Thinking of this, the Six Great Immortal King raised his eyes and glanced at the Golden Disk, unable to help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Now, this seat has returned you two Immortal Kings. Darkness is coming. If you still don’t have enough manpower, then this seat will also take action. Now, what are you worried about?" Chu Bei gazes Sweeping over the six Great Immortal Kings, the voice was calm.

Hearing the sound, the sixth Great Immortal Wang Xiang glanced at it, and then moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand at the same time, the silhouette gradually faded and disappeared into everyone's sight.

"The so-called Emperor Falling Era, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and immortal domain are one. Now, they should be together again."

In the Six Great Immortal Kings Soon after leaving, Chu Bei's calm voice sounded in every corner of the immortal domain.

next moment, the Executing Immortal Sword in his hand is across the sky.

In the buzzing sound, the endless sword glow projected down, pouring down the earth and star dome of the immortal domain.

hong long long!

In the thrilling loud noise, the barrier between immortal domain and Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was completely broken, and the two Great Worlds began to merge.

"This, what happened!"

"What a rich spiritual qi!"

"haha, my bottleneck breakthrough! very Good, really very good!"

"Look at the sky, what is that!"

"Our world is merging with them!"

"Immortal domain! That is immortal domain!"


After a long while, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths boiled, and some of the veteran Supremes even exclaimed.

"Is this the lower realm? Spiritual qi is really scarce!"

"Didn't expect in this environment, they even gave birth to Supreme."

immortal domain A numerous cultivators looked at the fusion of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in shock, with amazement in their eyes.

After the two Great Worlds were completely integrated, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, Zhao Haotian and other Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Supreme, their breath began to climb and entered the True Immortal Realm.

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