[Host integrates immortal domain, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths successfully, mission completed]

[Task 3: Host calms down the Darkness era]

[During the mission, the host can use level 20 goods once]

When Chu Bei satisfactorily looked at the fused immortal domain, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the system sound sounded in his mind.

"Level 20..."

came back to his senses, Chu Bei whispered to himself, and the corners of his mouth rose inadvertently.

Currently, the Absolute Kill Sword Executing Immortal Sword, the strongest Level 19 mobilized by it, has equivalent to the strength of Ninth Stage Immortal King Peak!

Does this twenty level mean above the Immortal King!

After a long while.

After Chu Bei calmed down the heart of begin to stir, his eyes fell on Shi Hao: "disciple, I will give you a good fortune as a teacher!"

The voice fell. With a wave of Chu Bei's sleeve robe, bright rays of light enveloped them, including Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, Aofeng, Cognac and the others.

hong long!

With a loud noise, Chu Bei entire group disappeared in this star dome.

As they marched, they kept passing many Star Seas, crossing one starry sky, and the journey was endless.

After piercing through the star dome one after another, the Chu Bei entire group finally came to a desolate starry sky, descending on an ancient and dry star.

This star is very weird. It is surrounded by a rich Immortal Qi, but there is no sense of breath of life in it, and there is dead silence.

"Is this Land of Transcending Heavens!"

Aofeng and Cognac seemed to recognize this place, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Land of Transcending Heavens?" Meng Tianzheng was confused.

"In the record, there is a mysterious place in the immortal domain called Land of Transcending Heavens. In the Immortal King, there is a legend that it can connect the past and the present and experience endless years. Some people say that it can See the future."

"Hongtian, Panwang, Taishi, Yuan primary Immortal King, they have all been here! However, they have not been able to enter. It is said that the passage of time is relative to the outside world. It’s more eternal."

"As far as I know, a True Immortal in the Emperor's Fall era entered this Land of Transcending Heavens by chance. He dreamed back to the Third World. When he came out, The cultivation base soared directly to the realm of Quasi-Immortal King!" Ao Feng took out what he knew.

"There is another place so mysterious!" Hearing this, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng and the others were shocked.

"But if you want to enter this place, everything depends on good fortune. Otherwise, it will not be as strong as Hongtian, Panwang and the others." Cognac added.

At this moment, Chu Bei's left and right hands have been on the surface of the stars respectively, and then shouted in a low voice.

With a hum, Death Star Chen forcibly was torn open a crack.


Looking at the scene before him, Aofeng and Cognac looked at each other, and they were speechless for a while.

One second, they were still saying that no matter how powerful they are, they would not be able to break through without chance, but the next second they would be ruthlessly slapped in the face.

"This is the Land of Transcending Heavens, also known as the Land of Transcending Heavens."

Chu Bei looked towards Shi Hao: "Let's go in as a teacher. It depends on you how good you can get I'm myself."

After speaking, Chu Bei took the lead into the cracks filled with Chaos Immortal Qi, Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng and the others follow closely from behind.

Into the crack, it is a avenue intertwined with fairy lights, and at the end of the road is a stone chamber.

long long long ——

The entire group has not yet approached the stone chamber, this space trembles violently, shaking constantly.

"Master, it seems to be summoning me!"

Shi Hao's face was astonished, and he pointed to the stone chamber in front of him, his body gradually fading.

At this time, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng and the others heard mysterious scripture sounds, resonating with the stone chamber, just like the sound of heaven.

"Go find your opportunity." Chu Bei slightly nod.


next moment, Shi Hao's silhouette disappeared from here.


Almost at the same time, Aofeng, Cognac and the others opened their eyes wide, staring at the stone chamber with incredible faces.

I saw Shi Hao already standing in the stone chamber, and a vague silhouette similar to it stood in front of him. The vague silhouette seemed to be telling Shi Hao about the past and present, and it seemed to teach him the Supreme Dao Law.

"senior, Shi Hao, he..." Meng Tianzheng looked towards Chu Bei.

"This is his good fortune, and it depends on how much he can get." Chu Bei said indifferently.

Gradually, the stone chamber gave birth to an unusual form, the chaotic light shone, the fairy fog was dense, and it began to become hazy.

At this moment, Shi Hao in the stone chamber is like a wooden figure, motionless. However, there was flowing brilliance in his eyes.

Look carefully, in his eyes, there is the birth and death of the universe, and the long river of years, which is terrifying!

He seems to be experiencing something, sometimes frowning, sometimes stretching, sometimes surprised, sometimes fearful.

"He is at ease, he prepares for me through the ages, or makes a wedding dress, one day, I will come back..."

In a moment, Shi Hao His lips moved, and there was a sound of send cold shivers down one's spine. The sound was very ethereal and very far away, as if it had crossed the ages.

"Is he in reincarnation? Is he really a creature of that era? Or, he just crossed the river from here to that era!"

Looking at On the battlefield manifested above the stone chamber, the expressions of Aofeng and Cognac suddenly changed, and the description turned out to be the era of Emperor Fall! In that fierce battlefield, there is a supreme existence exactly like Shi Hao.

In the stone chamber, Shi Hao, standing like a wood, has also changed at this moment. His appearance is no longer the appearance of a youth man, and his blood energy is withered, as if he is entering his old age, just like the setting sun that day, dying old.

In the eyes of the outside world, Shi Hao is motionless, and only he knows that he is living in a strange world on the other side and has reached the end of his life.

Soon, he was born again, returning to his youthful state, blood energy is rolling, Essence, Qi, and Spirit are extremely vigorous!

This is the second life, he cuts away the decay, a Tao seed blooms in his body, and the essence flows.

"I want to become a fairy!"

When the second life is about to come to an end, Shi Hao seems to wake up briefly.

With shouting loudly, Shi Hao began his third life.

This life, he is exhausted, he has been rushing through the barrier all his life, riddled with scars.

In the fifth life, he picked countless Immortal Medicines and swallowed refining.

In the sixth lifetime, during the long life, he did not practice penance, but chose to comprehend various Heaven and Earth arrays.

In the seventh life, he began to immerse himself in the development of Gura Gura no Mi, searching for its mysteries, and gathering the essence of Innate with an array to nurture the opportunity for regeneration.

this life, Shi Hao has lived for three million years!

Next, the eighth and ninth lives...

Shi Hao's methods are getting more and more against the sky, and his life essence is greatly increased every time he passes through.

This is a process that repeats itself again and again.


I don't know how long it took, the stone chamber burst into an explosion with a shocking roar.

A youth man stepped out, and he followed several silhouettes behind him. Number One Person has a great cauldron on its feet, all around Nine Heavens thunder; the second person has its feet on the big clock, and the Star Region shrouded between the hands; the third person is a woman with a grimace mask in her hands.

“Again... another senior!”

Looking at Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, Aofeng, Cognac and the others were all shocked. .

They were shocked not because Shi Hao’s breath became stronger, but because the last silhouette that followed Shi Hao out of the bursting stone chamber was exactly the same as Chu Bei, but the breath fluctuation was weaker. a lot of.


Chu Bei looked at the silhouettes behind Shi Hao with a playful look.

"Master is here, please be worshipped by the discipline!"

Shi Hao's breath has changed, the whole person is more calm, and he knelt down in front of Chu Bei.

"This is how he feels at ease! He even became a teacher." Chu Bei said with a smile.

"He is at ease?"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng and the others once again looked towards Shi Hao behind those silhouettes, with a color of thought on their faces.

"Don't blame me Master."

Shi Hao hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, and the silhouettes of his behind flew into his body.

"How many lives have you experienced?" Chu Bei said with a smile.

"Back to the Master, the eighteenth century." Shi Hao replied.

"Immortal King, it's still a step forward."

For Shi Hao's current cultivation base, Chu Bei calmly gave a comment.

"Quasi Immortal King!"

"This Land of Transcending Heavens is really amazing!"

"Unfortunately, this good fortune belongs only to a destined person."

Detecting Shi Hao's breath fluctuations, the two Immortal Kings, Aofeng and Cognac, suddenly appeared astonished.

At this moment, the breath that Shi Hao inadvertently revealed is no longer weaker than the breath before their breakthrough Immortal King.

Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, Zhao Haotian looked at each other in blank dismay and smiled bitterly at each other, feeling helpless.

This little fellow who was born less than a thousand years ago has a cultivation base far ahead of them.

"Master, there are still many insights in the discipline that have not been verified, and I want to take this opportunity to try to impact Immortal King Realm. If dísciple encounters an irresistible catastrophe, I hope Master will help me." Shi Hao pondered. After hesitating for a moment, moved towards Chu Bei respectfully said.

"Let go and do it, everything is a good teacher." Chu Bei gave Shi Hao a look with a smile on his mouth.

At the same time.


Youlan City.

This is a quasi-Immortal King city, which is located at the northernmost part of the immortal domain.

Of course, the city here is not city in the traditional sense, but refers to a Star Region.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the Star Region was shaking.

Afterwards, a huge black gap was cracked in a boundary wall, and then a big hand came out vaguely from the gap, it was as black as ink, and a finger was much bigger than a star.

This big hand hasn't penetrated the immortal domain completely, an endless billowing black mist has penetrated in.

"Not good! The barrier is broken!"

"Darkness material strikes, Darkness era is here!"

"Go to report, Sir! ”


In the city, the powerhouse complexion that was the first to find the billowing black mist greatly changed, while sucking in a cold breath, they screamed in fear!

Different from the Darkness attack of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, most of the cultivators in this Star Region are Supreme or even True Immortal Powerhouse. Even if they are contaminated with the dark mist, they will not be a big deal. .

It's just that, in these billowing black mist, a pair of dark green eyes began to appear, which are powerful creatures of Darkness.

zhi zhi zhi zhi!

In the breathtaking and strange neigh, these Darkness creatures culled to the Powerhouse in this Star Region.

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