"Previously, the king was worried about rewriting the years so as not to be harmful to himself. Now, the king is not afraid of death, burning blood essence to completely mobilize time Source Power, who can stop me!"

In the battlefield, the Red King is crazy and hideous, moved towards Chu Bei roar.

After that, Chu Bei was overwhelmed by the ocean of time, and his hair turned white and his body began to grow old.

"Not good! King Chi is desperate!"

"My lord, he is in a bad situation!"

Seeing the situation in the battlefield, Aofeng, Cognac Two Immortal King complexion greatly changed, Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng and the others are full of worries.

"go die for me!"

The Red King is crazy, his body is burning with blood essence, and he is wrapped in scarlet flame.

With the dreary cold voice falling in his mouth, the scarlet stove reappeared in his hands, becoming more and more terrifying, exuding Chaos Energy, the ripples of the years.

However, when the Chi Wang furnace was about to strike on Chu Bei’s head, the white hair of the latter suddenly turned black again, and the skin instantly returned to its original state, as if Power of Time disappeared from Chu Bei's body.

At this moment, Chu Bei smiled, his whole body was wrapped in Golden sword glow, and then his body merged into Executing Immortal Sword. The golden glow surged, mysteriously unpredictable, and gave birth to the Profound Truth. .

hong long!

There was a huge noise, unusual form!

Chu Bei and Executing Immortal Sword were combined into one, which broke the Red King Furnace first, and then fiercely strikes on the chest of the Red King.

In an instant, the red king's chest was pierced and he staggered backwards, and the flaming flame of Blood Essence Combustion, the origin of his body, went out.


The red king roared, his roar was full of unwillingness. It couldn't accept the strongest time attack after burning blood essence, and it couldn't hurt the opponent!

The lavish consumption of the original blood essence made it transform into the body, which is red, the head of the dragonfly, the body of the lion, and the blood-colored scales, which are ferocious and ferocious.

"Stop struggling needlessly, let's end it here."

Just as the Red King was preparing to fight again, Chu Bei's voice came from the Executing Immortal Sword.

In the next moment, the Executing Immortal Sword freezes over the red king’s head. The endless golden sword glow is like a surging river, and the time fragments outside the red king’s body are annihilated in a flash, and then strikes are here. On his body.


In the screams of sorrow and pain, the Chi King was wrapped in the golden sword glow, as if turned into a silkworm chrysalis, twitching constantly.

At the same time, Chu Bei walked out of Executing Immortal Sword, and a disc appeared in his palm.

The golden glow is released from the center of the disc, which absorbs the red king.

Crack, crack!

This time, in addition to the crisp sound of chewing in the center of the disc, there was a strange baby's laughter.

"How to be afraid of death!"

"My emperor is coming, and you will eventually perish!"

"Even if it is you, in front of my emperor It's no more than an ant! This king is you at Samsara Road High Level!"

The sound of the red king hysterical roar came from the center of the disc.

"You can't enter the reincarnation."

As Chu Bei fell with a playful voice, the golden disc trembled suddenly, and then the red king's voice disappeared.

"Master Chiwang was killed!"

"Isn't even Chiwang his opponent! How...how could this happen!"

"Retire , Go back!"

Looking at the dazzling Golden Disk, the foreign army came back to his senses from the trance, and when they looked towards Chu Bei again, the expression on their faces became more and more frightened.

However, before they could return to the torn gap in the boundary wall, a strand of sword glow swept past.

With a boom, the foreign army turned into nothingness, without any trace.

"It's dead, the foreign army is all dead!"

"Is this the mysterious master's method? It's too terrifying!"

" It's no wonder that the six adults are not his opponents!"

"But then again, who is the emperor in the last mouth of the red king! Is it the Immortal Emperor of the legendary illusory?"


"Is there anyone in the foreign land above the red king?"

"This emperor does not necessarily refer to the foreign powerhouse, but may also be the Darkness creature."


While the immortal domain cultivator was discussing fiercely, Chu Bei stepped out of the immortal domain opened up there.

"Many thanks, your lord!"

Led by the Immortal King, the cultivators of the Star Region moved towards Chu Bei and bowed in gratitude.


On this day, the immortal domain multilateral Star Region boundary wall broke open, and Darkness creatures broke in.

Fortunately, these Darkness creatures who lead the team seem to be just tentative attacks. After encountering a strong opponent, they will immediately retreat.

As for Chu Bei's bombardment of the alien Crimson King, it quickly spread throughout the vast immortal domain.

"What the hell is going on!"

"Seven cities have already been attacked as far as I know! Fortunately, those Immortal King adults took action in time, otherwise the consequences It is unimaginable."

"It is said that the Darkness creatures who came this time are much stronger than the one million years ago. Every wave of the first creatures is a fairy King Level. Don’t!"

"Then you have heard about the foreign army coming? Or the team led by the red king!"

"What? The red king! The foreign giant who is not weaker than the grandmaster Hongtian !"

"But rest assured, the Scarlet King and the foreign army have been beheaded by the mysterious Immortal King from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"

"So there is still this thing. Ah! But how come these Darkness creatures and foreign troops come to commit immortal domain on the same day?"

"Couldn't it be true that people in foreign regions are descendants of Darkness creatures, right?"

" p>


With the passage of time, the immortal domain gradually calmed down, and every corner began to fiercely discuss the scene that happened a day ago.

2nd day.

Immortal Kings, headed by six Great Immortal kings such as Hongtian, each guard a Star Region and stand by.

With the lessons of the previous day, all cultivators in the immortal domain have entered a state of combat readiness.

The Supreme, True Immortal, Quasi-Immortal King, and even the Immortal King who were originally in retreat all woke up and joined the army of preparations.

3rd day.

hong long long ——

The immortal domain vibrates violently.

No matter which direction it is East, South, West, North, it is shaking, as if it is suffering from continuous strikes.

"immortal domain cultivator, all ready to fight!"

At this moment, Hongtian's majestic voice sounded in every corner of the immortal domain.

"This sense of vibration is several times more terrifying than it was one million years ago!" Immortal King was amazed.

Soon, all the great Great Cultivators frantically poured their immortal strength into the barrier, trying to stabilize the immortal domain.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

But even if they tried their best, the boundary wall still burst into a crisp cracking sound, it can be seen that one after another slender crack began to spread like a spider web.

"Not good! Darkness matter has penetrated in!"

As the first panic and exclamation sounded, more and more strong Great Cultivator yelled out. Come.

At this moment, the boundaries of the immortal domain in all directions began to be invaded by Darkness matter.


After a long while, there was another explosion, and the immortal domain boundary completely collapsed.

next moment, the original vast Star Region is completely shrouded by Darkness, and it is clear that those great Cultivators in Darkness that release their own brilliant fairy lights.

long long long!

The immortal domain barriers shattered, and every corner was quickly filled with billowing black fog, accompanied by a thrilling buzzing sound.

Immediately, pairs of dark green-colored eyes emerged in the black mist, and endless Darkness creatures emerged from the black mist, rushing towards the immortal domain cultivator.

Most of these Darkness creatures in the black mist are based in Self Severing Realm and Evading Oneness Realm. Although they do not pose a threat to the Supreme and True Immortal levels of the immortal domain, they do some benefit the Supreme's cultivator has caused an incalculable disaster.

In an instant, the originally peaceful and peaceful immortal domain turned into the Asura field of hell, filled with fierce fighting, including panic screams.


The battlefield of all parties shouted to kill the sky. It was the cultivator of the immortal domain fighting against the Darkness creatures, killing them crazy.

Immortal Kings in immortal domains such as Hongtian and Pan Wang did not join the battle, but instead looked towards a higher heaven.

There is a breath volatility that makes them feel unclear.


With a blast, Tianyu twisted, and Shufang Star Region was twisted together by a strange force, and then it seemed to form a huge black hole.

Ripples, an ancient palace that releases terrifying breath emerges. It is extremely large and magnificent.

"A new era has arrived! After today, the immortal domain will no longer exist!" A cold and gloomy voice came from the ancient palace.

After that, a terrifying creature with arms covered with scales walked out of the ancient palace, and a pair of cold eyes immediately found the position of Hongtian, shooting a bright divine glow.

In a short while, several more silhouettes fell from the ancient palace, all with terrifying breath, covering the star dome.

Some Spirit Physiques resemble Barbaric Ox, with lion heads, and densely covered with azure scales;

Some spirits are shining, like silver casting, and their eyes are shrouded and frightening. The black glow of the soul;

Some creatures are wrapped in black flame, and the avenue rune flashes in his body all around;


Undoubtedly, these All terrifying existences are the Darkness overlords of the Immortal King Level. At this moment, their eyes are locked on the Immortal Kings in the immortal domain. Their faces are expressionless and their eyes are cold.

"King Pan, fight again!"

With a scream, a scarlet war spear shot at the Star Region where King Pan was located. How many thousands of miles, burst out the light of infinite killing, baleful aura is monstrous.

This is a Darkness creature of the fairy King Level, and its body is shrouded with endless billowing black mist. Looking intently, it looks as majestic as a magic mountain, unattainable.

Compared to three days ago, his breath is more terrifying.

The Pan King browses tightly frowns and directly opens up a battlefield to fight the Darkness Immortal King.

hong long long!

At the same time, the other Darkness Immortal Kings also found an immortal domain Immortal King and launched a peerless battle.

At the level of Immortal King, they both had concerns. They did not use the immortal domain as a battlefield, but each opened up a new world as a place to fight.

At the same time.

There is no dead zone for life on one side.

"My lord, Darkness creatures have attacked!"

Aofeng and Cognac looked towards Chu Bei respectfully, with a solemn expression.

"You guys go and help first."

Chu Bei glanced at Shi Hao who was in Transcending Tribulation, moved towards Aofeng and Cognac and waved.

At the moment, Shi Hao has experienced 999 failures, and this time is also the most promising one.

At this moment, it is Shi Hao's most critical moment!

To put it bluntly, the life and death of others in the immortal domain has nothing to do with him. He only cares about Shi Hao and naturally will not leave at this time.

chi chi chi!

The sky of this Star Region floats down and the flowers of the avenue are falling.

This is Immortal King Tribulation, which is a mixture of all the Immortal King Tribulations that have been recorded, and also a lot of mysterious and weird Immortal King Tribulation!

In every avenue flower, there is a terrifying incomparable catastrophe.

I saw Shi Hao bathing in this avenue of flower ocean, with petals falling in front of him from time to time, and every petal will evolve into a terrifying Immortal King Tribulation.

Among them are Nine Heavens thunder strikes, the power of the Star Region smash, there are the heavenly Immortal king miniatures gathering, and the Emperor Artifact carrying the emperor’s breath...


Shi Hao roar towards the sky, his hair was up, and he was crazy, and he almost died in the catastrophe many times.

Behind him, there are three silhouettes, together with him resisting the only Immortal King catastrophe!

A silhouette with a great cauldron, all around Nine Heavens thunder shrouded, strikes the flower of the avenue; a silhouette with a big clock, a mixture of the powers of the heavens and Star Region; a silhouette, wearing black Clothed, with long hair fluttering like a black hole, the horrible Devouring Power is released between the hands and feet.

Otherwise, Shi Hao transformed the three existences seen within reincarnation!

With the passage of time, the number of flowers on the avenue began to become scarce; on the other hand, Shi Hao turned from a crazy state to calm, sitting cross-legged in the sky, closing his eyes, it looks like What is feeling.

Until the end, the flowers of the great avenue floated around him, but they did not evolve any catastrophe.

During this process, Shi Hao's breath began to climb, and when he reached a critical point, there was a loud bang, and his three free silhouettes returned to his body.

At the same time, the flowers of the avenue all around merged into his body.

Suddenly, this Star Region fell into dead silence.

For a long time.

Shi Hao slowly opened his eyes.

"many thanks Master guard!"

Shi Hao moved towards Chu Bei bowed deeply and stepped into the Immortal King Realm, he was finally able to vaguely judge Chu Bei now Strength.

"Immortal King Third Stage, not bad."

Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded, looking towards Shi Hao with approval in his eyes.

The Immortal King Tribulation of the other party is really terrifying, after the breakthrough, it jumped directly to the Immortal King Third Stage realm!

This kind of strength is no longer weaker than the three people of Taichu Yuanshi who were beheaded by him before.

"Master, this shouldn’t be your true strength, right? dísciple has met brothers in within reincarnation. He seems to have touched the realm of the emperor. According to him, you are old The strength is far above him." Shi Hao stared at Chu Bei and asked tentatively.

"Your cultivation road is still very long."

Chu Bei lightly patted Shi Hao's shoulder, said with a smile: "Let’s go, look outside What's going on."

Next moment, Chu Bei master and disciple disappeared in the star region where there is no vitality.


hong long long!

Three hours have passed since the immortal domain boundary collapsed.

At this moment, the immortal domain is completely devastated, and it is beaten up.

Of course, what caused this scene is not the existence of those Immortal Kings, but True Immortal and Quasi-Immortal Kings.

As for the supreme existence of the fairy King Level, they form a battlefield on their own.

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