In the long-term bombardment and collision, whether it is the overlord of the Darkness creatures or the giants of the immortal domain, they have all suffered severe or minor injuries.

After Chu Bei entire group returned to the immortal domain, Shi Hao appeared directly in the endless battlefield where King Pan was, because the latter was being besieged by two Darkness creatures at the moment, and the situation was very bad. .

"King of Pan, see how long you can last!"

I saw a scarlet war spear shrieked from the chest of King Pan in the endless Star Region Withdrawing it, Golden blood poured out all over the sky, crushing the void.

"Even if you two go together, this king is not afraid!"

The king of Pan was shouted, and there are endless bright fairy lights shrouded around his body, and then he is free to follow One position grabbed a Star Region and repaired the wound on the chest.

At the moment, although King Pan's qi and blood are still vigorous, it has obviously become disordered, as if he is being strong.

In the beginning, he only needed to face a Darkness Immortal King, and he could handle it. But since adding a Darkness Immortal King, the battlefield situation instantly turned one-sided.

His cultivation base is in the Immortal King Third Stage, but his opponents two Darkness Immortal Kings are also in the Third Stage!

In the uninterrupted fighting, every move between them is fighting. Although he also injured the other two, he was not hurt so badly.

"Still trying, but an arrow at the end of its flight that's all."

Another Darkness Immortal King sends out coldly snorted and kills again with a black long spear. Came up, carrying a monstrous baleful aura.

"Even if this king is killed in battle, he will definitely take you two as a companion!" The blood energy of Pan King's whole body is diffused, and it begins to penetrate outside the body.

hong long long!

However, when King Pan made a decision to burn the essence of blood essence, a silhouette appeared on this battlefield.

Where this silhouette passes, there are pitch-black cracks behind it, densely packed like a spider web.


Looking at the silhouette wrapped in hazy air, a Darkness Immortal King asked.

At this time, it seemed that Darkness creatures in the distant battlefield were aware of the terrifying breath contained in that silhouette, and another Darkness overlord appeared on the battlefield of King Pan.

In short, there are three Darkness creatures with fairy King Level on this battlefield today!

"Pan King, give them to me the three people, you can stay aside to heal your injuries!" An illusory voice sounded.

Pan Wang was stunned, his expression was a little tranced, this voice was very strange to him, he had never heard of it.

But through the hazy air, the other party gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it somewhere.


Without waiting for King Pan to speak, that silhouette killed the nearest Darkness Immortal King.

"You are all going to die!"

With a loud bang, the Darkness Immortal King collided with that silhouette, and countless Divine Order Chains were intertwined and entangled together, billions of Wan Daoguang beams. Bloom, each path can cut through the universe and become eternal.

Immortal King fights, it's horrible!

Perhaps because the number of Darkness Immortal Kings in the battlefield of King Pan has reached three. For this reason, it has gradually become the focus of all battlefields, and more and more eyes are projected over.


With a stern roar, blood was spilled at the collision.

In the first fight, Darkness Immortal King's palm exploded, and his body was shaken by the shaking, and the huge law collided through the star dome.

"Don't be entangled, we will help you!"

Seeing this, the other two Darkness Immortal Kings immediately appeared next to the injured Darkness creature, releasing the terrifying spirit together. Prestige.

clang clang clang!

The Darkness Immortal King that came last had hundreds of millions of sword lights blooming on his body. It was too dazzling. It was his secret technique.

"What about the three of you going together, I am not afraid!"

Looking at the three Darkness Immortal Kings who came up at the same time, the one surrounded by the misty air Silhouette's voice is still calm and calm.

After that, a low groan uttered from the mouth of that silhouette, and in an instant it filled every corner of the immortal domain.

"Eternal years are faint, he turned into a Willow God!"

The first voice fell, and a silhouette emerged above that silhouette's head, walked out and stood side by side with him.

It is the most powerful powerhouse of peerless grace and elegance. Its vague appearance is similar to Willow God, with huge trees behind it.

"He has no beginning!"

The 2nd voice fell, and another silhouette appeared beside that silhouette. Behind it is a big bell, the bell is lingering, and the power of the infinite Star Region is permeated.

"He turned fierce person!"

The 3rd voice fell, and the 3rd silhouette appeared beside that silhouette. It was a black clothed woman with a peerless look, her eyes flickering like an endless black hole, and there was a terrifying Devouring Power inside.

"Brother Hehua!"

The 4th voice fell, and the fourth person appeared. He stepped on Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, and the Nine Heavens thunder emerged behind him, and his breath was suffocating.

As the low groan of that silhouette sounded, four silhouettes appeared around him, standing side by side with him.

"These methods..."

Looking at the scene before him, King Pan sucked in a cold breath, he was really surprised by the other party's methods.

These four people are not phantoms, but real daoist, and any of them has a stronger breath fluctuation than his allow some, and has reached the fourth stage!

The three Darkness Immortal Kings looked at each other, frowned one after another, their expressions becoming heavy.


The one-word syllable without the slightest emotion fell, and that silhouette and the four people it turned into killed three Darkness Immortal Kings at the same time.

long long long ——

The fierce battle unfolds.

In terrifying rumbling sound, this battlefield has become the focus of all cultivators.

Even the other Immortal Kings and Darkness overlords who were still fighting temporarily stopped fighting and cast their eyes.

The battle intensified, endless light and rain, various Divine Order Chains and bright fairy lights intertwined.


Before everyone reacted, another Darkness Immortal King roared in pain. His head was cut off and his body all split up and in pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the third Darkness Immortal King screamed. Under the continuous strikes, he became a pile of minced meat.

Three Darkness Immortal Kings uttered unwilling roars one after another, with deep hatred, killing intents!

However, before their broken limbs were reorganized, a divine rune releasing a strange breath was suppressed, and the mysterious power in it directly penetrated into their Divine Soul and body.

Next moment, the three Darkness Immortal Kings discovered that the reorganization was inexplicably cut off!

What's more terrifying is that a mysterious force that is difficult to understand that they have never touched is tearing at their Divine Soul.


The cold voice without the slightest emotion sounded, and the hazy air outside the silhouette of that silhouette dissipated, revealing the appearance.

He picked up the heads of three Darkness Immortal Kings and banned their Divine Soul. Almost at the same time, the four silhouettes he had transformed returned to his body and disappeared.

"Shi...Master Shi Hao!"

"It turned out to be him!"

Look at the appearance of that silhouette and recognize his identity, Nine The cultivator of Heavens and Ten Earths took the lead to change their complexion, one by one, it seemed like a thunderbolt on the clear sky, and it seemed that someone had been poured cold water from head to toe. They couldn't help exclaiming, and their whole body was numb.

Aofeng, Cognac, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, etc. have dealt with Shi Hao and even the Powerhouses that have only met each other. They also held breath cold air and looked at a loss, like thunder. Bangdian switch is like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

Shi Hao's appearance, and the display of his strength, made them completely unprepared!

" could it be you!"

Pan Wang was dumbfounded. He was also shocked, as if he had lost the ability to think, like wood. Chu did not move, staring at Shi Hao with both eyes stunned.

He didn't expect anyway, the person who saved him would be the dísciple of Senior Chu!

Because of Chu Bei, he once glanced at Shi Hao, but because of the opponent's strength only a trifling Supreme Realm, he just glanced at it.

But who could have expected that after only a few days, the opponent's strength was actually above him, and it was so powerful that it was so terrifying!

To calm the throbbing heart, King Pan took a deep breath, moved towards Shi Hao and hugged a cup one fist in the other hand: "many thanks Shi Xianyou life-saving grace!"

Now that the opponent's strength is still above him, he naturally wants to be treated as a fellow man.

Look again at the Darkness creatures who stopped fighting, staring at the three heads in Shi Hao's hands with unbelievable faces, their whole body tense like a stone, and their hearts sinking. It's like being filled with cold lead.

As for the Darkness Immortal Kings on other battlefields, their expressions are also ugly to the extreme.


In the eyes of countless Darkness creatures and immortal domain cultivators, Shi Hao carried the heads of three Darkness Immortal Kings in his hands, and appeared in Chu Bei during his steps. In front of him, he bowed deeply.

Chu Bei looked at Shi Hao, satisfied, nodded, and then flicks with the finger, a golden disc emerged, swallowing the heads of three Darkness Immortal Kings.


Suddenly, three mournful screams sounded, with fear and heartbreaking shouts. It sounds inexplicably chilling, as if being suffering from some kind of intolerable torture.

With a squeaking sound, the screams of the three Darkness Immortal Kings disappeared completely.

"According to my guess, the promotion of Shi Hao's cultivation base must be related to that adult!"

"It must be so! That is the three Darkness Immortal Kings, just like Shi Hao Master Hao was killed! You must know that a few days ago, Master Shi Hao was still Supreme."

"How the hell did that lord do it!"


gradually, immortal domain The eyes of True Immortal and Immortal King shifted from Shi Hao's body to Chu Bei's body, and their eyes were filled with deep surprise.

Hongtian and the six Great Immortal kings looked at each other, and then looked towards Chu Bei at the same time, all of them were only astonished.

From Shi Hao's previous shots, the opponent's own strength has caught up with them. Even, under the other side's terrifying tactics, if they really meet each other, I am afraid that they might also lose.

"My emperor is approaching and destroy the immortal domain!"

At this moment, the Darkness Overlord, who had fought fiercely with Hongtian, let out a low roar.

hong long long ——

As the roar of the Darkness overlord fell, the Darkness creatures who were still immersed in shock came back to his senses, once again released terrifying breath, culled To the immortal domain cultivator.


"Sworn to the death to protect the immortal domain!"

Immortal domain cultivator returned to his senses, his shouts shook the sky, and the imposing manner was monstrous.

For a few breaths, the Darkness creatures and the immortal domain cultivator started a chaotic and fierce battle, with all kinds of brilliance intertwined.

Those fairy King Level battlefields are also fighting again. Various Supreme laws collide, and a piece of Star Region evolves and explodes.

Shi Hao glanced at Hongtian's battlefield, and once again he interpreted in his own way.

With a loud noise, Hongtian added five more silhouettes on the battlefield, all with the strength of the Immortal King Fourth Stage.

With the addition of Shi Hao, the balance of the battlefield situation was instantly broken.

Shi Hao is very strong, and the four Supreme Powerhouses that are at ease with him have bombarded the Darkness overlord from different directions.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the body of the Darkness Overlord exploded a hundred times, and even a few times it was almost torn apart with Divine Soul.


The roar of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry resounded through the star dome.

The Darkness overlord turned into the main body, with large wings and dragon heads on its back, but its limbs are like White Tiger, as if it were formed by the fusion of multiple gods.

"Go back to ancient palace! Prepare to take the emperor!"

The body of the Darkness overlord was torn apart by Shi Hao again. He no longer loves fighting, and escapes from the battlefield. Back to the ancient palace in the distant sky.

At the same time, after seeing Shi Hao, the other Darkness overlords stopped fighting each other and returned to the ancient palace.

weng weng weng!

Shi Hao glanced at the ancient palace in Tianyu, shattered the battlefield with a punch, and stepped into the air.

However, just as he took the four powerhouses to continue killing the Darkness overlord, the ancient palace suddenly shook and shook.

next moment, the ancient palace raised a raging fire, sounded the weird Sound of Great Dao, and the terrifying breath was mighty.

Since then, the vast domain where the immortal domain is located has undergone strange changes. The endless starry sky seems to have become transparent from Darkness, and the distant world of this large Foreign Domain can be faintly seen.

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