long long long!

In the Star Region, Chu Bei's robe moves without wind, his hair rises slightly, his hands behind his back, and he steps in the sky.

He doesn’t have any energy fluctuations, but if you really treat him as an ordinary person, you will find that there is a kind of inexplicable Supreme power on him. The urge to kneel down and bow down.

As it took one step, the immortal domain that had crumbled into tens of millions of pieces healed again, and the boundary wall reappeared.

"ao ——!"

From that sea, the Supreme creature named You Puppet, whose breath becomes more and more terrifying, continues to spur the nine black purple flames Burn Chu Bei.

However, even without the blue-green mask, these black purple flames still can't help Chu Bei, and they can't do anything.

“It’s a shame that the cultivation has reached this step of yours. Kill it.”

Chu Bei calmly looked at the puppet, sighed, raised his hand and swayed gently, all around yong. The incoming black purple flame disappeared instantly.

next moment, an unspeakable invisible force penetrates the flame like a spider web, instantly tearing the endless Star Region contained in the flame.

In an instant, the blazing black purple flame disappeared in the emptiness star dome.

"Emperor...You really are the Emperor!"

Looking at the calm and composed silhouette, the puppet's face finally showed fear.

Although he is the Immortal King Peak, he has never entered the imperial realm, and there is an insurmountable gap with the powerhouse of the imperial realm.

Chu Bei did not respond to the puppet, just a finger pointed.

In an instant, the puppet let out a scream.

In an instant, the billowing black mist all around it was invaded by the strength of Supreme, directly penetrating its hard scale armor, penetrating into the body, tearing its Divine Soul.

While crying in pain, the puppet twisted his body, his body surface clanged, and countless Star Regions compressed into the palm of his hand exploded, resisting the weird force of Chu Bei.

At the same time, it used the supreme treasure to condense nine black light spheres, connected to each other, and blasted towards Chu Bei.

But these nine black light spheres hadn't landed on Chu Bei's body, and they were easily shot out by the latter without any effort.

"No matter how strong you are! My Emperor is coming, but there is not only one person!"

"There was an Emperor just like you, but he ended up being joined by the Emperor. Suppress, hate the sea!"

The puppet roared, there was a Darkness rune burning outside his body, his hands were shaking frequently, and an ancient strange syllable rumbling in his mouth, there was a Star Region The power roared.

In the desperate situation, he used the ancient method of enlightenment, and formed nine kinds of seals in one breath. Each Dharma seal corresponds to a divine ability, all of which contain terrifying Star Region power. The nine Great Divine Ability blends with each other, blooming brilliant and dazzling light, just like splitting heaven and earth apart, incomparable!

"Fear not to die!"

"My emperor is coming, this king will definitely be resurrected!"

If you are crazy, roar is driving nine These treasures are combined into one.

This is his strongest blow. He has beaten countless Immortal Kings!

Facing the attacking puppet, Chu Bei smiled indifferently, raising his hand, the star dome was frozen, and the puppet Immortal King who was killed with the Supreme treasure was also settled together.

Apart from this, there is a white radiance in the palm of its palm, and hundreds of millions of unusual forms are faintly visible in the rays of light.

hong long!

With a blast, the area where the puppet is located turned into a white glow, and nothing was seen!

At this moment, whether it is an immortal domain cultivator or a Darkness creature, their expressions are frozen, dumbfounded.

"Master You Puppet... is gone!"

"Where is the other person? Where did he go!"

"Impossible! He is the emperor. Number One Person! He will not die, he must not die!"

"Is he really an Emperor? How can immortal domain have an Emperor!"



The powerful creatures who crossed the sea together looked at a piece of white glow in the battlefield in horror. In their perception, the breath of the puppet had disappeared.

Before the introduction of ancient palace, the first group of Darkness Immortal Kings who survived, looked at Chu Bei in horror.

Before the appearance of Shi Hao, they thought that the convenience was the most powerful powerhouse in the immortal domain. When the Ninth Stage Immortal King, the puppet, arrived, they felt that the battle was over.

Clinker, the real strongest person in this immortal domain turns out to be an Emperor!

"Senior Chu won!"

"The broken home was repaired by him!"

"Have you heard the words of the Darkness overlord? Emperor, senior, he is the Emperor!"

"Could it be said that that is the realm that surpasses the Immortal King!"

"It turns out that in the battle of King Pan, he was hiding With his current strength, for Fu Ao Sheng, Yuan Shi, and Taichu, it’s probably just a matter of one thought!"


immortal domain one Numerous cultivators looked at Chu Bei, who was standing holding hands in Tianyu, with a dull expression. When they reacted, they exclaimed one by one, with excitement and joy.

Immortal King giants such as Hongtian and Pan Wang looked at each other, and then smiled bitterly.

At first, they thought that the other person was an Immortal King just like them, and the cultivation realm was a little bit higher than them that's all; now it seems that their idea is just a joke.

"Senior can never see through."

"Yes, even if you say this is not his true strength, I believe it."

Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian looked at each other for a day.

Since the era of the Emperor's Fall, the Darkness Era, which has scared immortal domains, seems to be less terrifying with this Senior Chu.

"What are you going to do!"

Perceiving the indifferent gaze projected by Chu Bei, the Darkness creatures who crossed the sea shuddered inexplicably, and a surge of heart rose. Chill, allowing some fear on his face.

Although their weakest is the Quasi-Immortal King, and most of them are the Immortal Kings who have survived since the Emperor's Fall, but they still unavoidably feel palpitations when they look at that person. After all, they are far away. An Emperor above them!

"My emperor is coming, you can no longer hold on...persist in your own wrong doings!"

An Immortal King took a deep breath with a trembling sound in his mouth, obviously weak.

"You don't have to wait for them to come, I will find them personally!"

Chu Bei glanced across the Darkness creatures, fell with a smile, and raised his hand. Wave.

Immediately, a prisoner with terrifying breath intertwined with strength of Supreme was formed in the sky.

A crowd of Darkness Immortal Kings hadn’t reacted before they were caught Lianyi's giant hand was imprisoned for life, and then thrown into prison.

hong long!

Afterwards, under countless eyes, Chu Bei stepped out. Since the immortal domain disappeared, when it reappears, it seems to have come to the endless seemingly endless The world is on the sea.

What everyone sees is just the picture of the sea projected in the sky.


The sea of ​​bounds is boundless.

It represents eternal death and silence. It is very special. It is clear that the black waves are undulating, but there is a little luster in it, like the rising sun, with brilliance.

Haze bursts, it is essence, spirituality, and some bloody smell, which is left by the fall of Supreme Powerhouse!

Every wave contains the remnant world, which is ups and downs, and there is time for fragments to flow, there are celestial corpses in the sea, there are the skeletons of Supreme creatures, ups and downs.

"Is there the birthplace of Darkness matter?"

"It's weird!"

"What is the end of the sea? There is really a Chengdi Is it a chance for me!"


True Immortal of the immortal domain and the fairy King Level Powerhouse, looking at the boundless sea, muttered to himself.

Different from climbing the critical sea from the Hong Meng Journey to the West plane and climbing the critical sea from the Perfect World plane, Chu Bei first appeared on a dike.

"Sure enough, only the Emperor can leave a trace!"

This time, the Darkness Immortal Kings trapped in the prison were shocked, and Divine Soul trembled.

On the dam, a line of faint footprints emerged, clear and dazzling. Although the footprints were very light, they were actually imprinted on it, which was left by Chu Bei.

He walked along the dam and kept going!

In the era of the Emperor's Fall, a faint footprint also appeared. Even after countless epochs, it still exists.

It is precisely because of the appearance of this line of footprints that countless Immortal King Powerhouses have begun to go deep into the boundary sea, tracking its traces, and want to explore the end of the boundary sea.

"It seems that senior senior is as strong as that of the existence of the Emperor Luo era?"

"By the way, the existence of the Emperor Luo era went to the depths of the sea Is it to calm the origins of Darkness?"

"If that is the case, it should have failed. Otherwise, why have Darkness storms erupted from time to time for so many years? How could there be the current Darkness era?"

"In that case, will Senior Chu's trip..."

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense! Senior Chu will be fine!"


immortal domain All the Immortal Kings seemed to think of something, and one by one looked at Chu Bei's back with a look of worry on his face.

The Emperor of the Emperor's Fall era never returned, life or death is unknown; now, Senior Chu, who is also the Emperor, has also set foot on this road, making them feel uneasy.

According to the Darkness Immortal King, there is their Emperor on this road, and the number is not one.

Thinking of this, their hearts naturally become heavy.

Although from the current point of view, the Darkness Immortal King that struck the immortal domain is all imprisoned, but the Emperor behind the scenes is still survived in the world.

If this trip, this unknown but powerful Senior Chu will never return, and their immortal domain will inevitably go to extinction.

"Senior, he must be able to do it!"

"We have to trust him!"

Immortal King clenched his fists and talked to himself, very serious, very solemn .

Since Chu Bei appeared and killed the Peak Immortal King puppet, he was recognized by all cultivators in the immortal domain including the Immortal King, and became the hope of the immortal domain.

crash-bang ——

Churning in the sea, Chu Bei stepped over the dam, suspended on the breathtaking sea, his eyes lightly swept all around.

At the moment, the sea area where Chu Bei is located seems incompatible with other sea areas. It is more like a passage, extending far away, as if leading to the end of the boundary sea, with billowing black fog above the sea surface. shrouded.

As for the sea areas on both sides of this passage, it is a terrifying battlefield.

It's just that the creatures fighting in these tens of millions of battlefields are Supreme Existence, they come from different time and space.

Looking intently, each battlefield seems to be isolated, and they are not affected by each other.

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