"Look, it turns out that there are not only Darkness creatures in the sea!"

"Immortal King's breath! They are all Immortal Kings!"

"They seem to be in another time and space, they don't belong to our time!"

"Boundary Sea! Senior Chu, where did he come from!"


Looking at the battle in the sea of ​​bounds, Supreme and True Immortal Powerhouse of immortal domain looked surprised. The Immortal Kings such as Pan King and Hong Tian seem to be much calmer, and they seem to have known this for a long time.

"Look! Someone is on the road to Darkness again!"

"Another tired man!"

"I have to say , This Darkness road is indeed the least easy to lose direction, but it is also the most dangerous!"

"Hey, on the Darkness road, there is one more Immortal King bone!"


The sudden appearance of Chu Bei immediately attracted the attention of Immortal King Powerhouse in different time and space in the seas on both sides, and stopped the current battle one after another, each with a playful look on their faces. color.

"I can't see through his breath!"

"What? You can't even see his cultivation base! Then putting it that way, isn't he already Ranked Quasi-Immortal Emperor!"

After a Ninth Stage Peak Immortal King spoke, the expressions of Powerhouses in different time and space changed suddenly, and they looked incredible.

"Maybe he has to go further than the previous Immortal Kings!" The Ninth Stage Peak Immortal King said again.

They live in different time and space. They mainly regard Jiehai as a battlefield, but they also have a strong curiosity about this mysterious Jiehai.

Nowadays, there is a Quasi-Immortal Emperor who has embarked on the road of Darkness. Naturally, they can't miss this opportunity to follow the exploration.


At this time, an 8th layer Immortal King exclaimed. He just stopped fighting and saw Chu Bei's appearance at the first glance , And recognized the other party.

"What? You know him! Quickly tell me what is his origin? What era does it belong to?" In the sea, Immortal King asked by different time and space.

"This is the second time I saw it. The last time I saw it, it was in the northern waters. He killed a Quasi-Immortal Emperor!"

Here, the 8th layer Immortal King suck in a breath of cold air: "Unexpectedly, he came to the road of Darkness when he met this time! Moreover, he belonged to a different time and space these two times!"

"Are you sure?!"

After listening, the Powerhouse of Different Time and Space suddenly asked questions.

"It can't be wrong! He impressed me too deeply!" The 8th layer Immortal King was extremely firm.

"This, how is this possible!"

"Although we can also go upstream, we dare not set foot in other time and space at all, for fear of rewriting the history of that time and space, thereby giving I have caused an indelible disaster!"

"As far as I know, there used to be a Fourth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor who rebelled against the chaos of time and space, trying to strangle his opponent in the cradle. Coming to the catastrophe, it’s hard to enter reincarnation!"

"If what you said is true, didn't this guy set foot in two times and space, and also beheaded the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level! So terrifying! Influence, how can there be nothing at all!"


When the Powerhouse of Different Time and Space looked towards Chu Bei again, the expression was full of astonishment, and there was even more in his eyes. Questions and confusion.

Even if the 8th layer Immortal King has repeatedly assured that what he said is true, it still makes them unbelievable. After all, this has subverted their perception!

long long long!

I don't know when, a storm was set off on the sea, and the billowing black mist churning up.

Chu Bei ignored the different time and space Immortal King Powerhouse in the seas on both sides, and continued along the road of Darkness under his feet.

Above the road to Darkness, hurricane whistled past, destroying myriad things.

The so-called wind is actually a symbol of the avenue. It can be seen that the various Star Regions are ups and downs, but there is no vitality, and the power is unmatched.

Chu Bei looks ahead, with his hands behind his back, stepping on the sea.


Suddenly, in this sea area called the Road of Darkness, an ancient beast emerged, with bone spurs all over the back, and each bone spur was as dark as ink, rushing to the sky, shrouded by countless stars.

It is extremely hideous, like a huge dragon covered with black scales, a huge scarlet within both eyes, and the black mist undulates.

Perhaps after staying in the Darkness Road for too long, this creature has lost itself, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and bit directly towards Chu Bei.

Faced with the ancient beast of the culled flood dragon, Chu Bei's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't even take a second look, raising his hand a finger pointed.


With a loud noise, the ancient beast collapsed, turning into a billowing black mist and dissipating.

It’s not that the ancient beast of the dragon is not strong, on the contrary, its cultivation base has reached the 8th layer Immortal King Realm, and it has swallowed countless powerful creatures in the world.

Even if it is the Immortal King Powerhouse in other time and space, it is probably not its opponent. Unfortunately, it selected the wrong target this time.

No matter how strong the Immortal King is, it will still be the Immortal King after all, and there is an insurmountable gap between it and the Emperor.

It didn't take long for the seabed to have another silhouette staring at Chu Bei.

This is a draconian with disheveled hair, roar, wrapped in Darkness mist, launched a fierce attack on Chu Bei, and suddenly killed him.

His strength is even stronger, and his cultivation base has reached the Immortal King Ninth Stage, which is comparable to Darkness. It's a pity that he was also lost, and he was killed after only supporting it in Chu Bei's hands for less than three seconds.

With these two lessons learned, the terrifying creatures lost in the seawater turned their directions instinctively and moved towards both sides and retreated, giving Chu Bei a pass.

"It deserves to be the existence of stepping into that realm!"

"The existence on the road of Darkness has directly given way! If it were us, I am afraid that we have already died at the first end. The ancient beast is in his mouth."

A group of different time and space Powerhouses looked at Chu Bei's back, muttering to themselves, with envy in their eyes.

long long long ——

The waves are churning, the black mist is rolling, and Chu Bei continues to ride the waves.

Along the way, Chu Bei passed by the islands and saw the Immortal King who had disappeared inexplicably in this time and space.

Of course, these islands are not on the Darkness Road, but on the seas on both sides of the Darkness Road. They were all still alive, each sitting on an isolated island. When Chu Bei arrived, they opened their eyes with surprise on their faces.

"Who is this man!"

"He belongs to our time and space! He did not come from the river against the current!"

"Why haven't I seen him!" Could it be said that he existed before the Emperor's Fall?"

"He actually walked here along the road of Darkness! Didn't he encounter those ancient beasts in the process?"

"Isn't he going to enter the ultimate ancient land through the Darkness Road!"


On the islands, there are far away. The Ancient Immortal King said, they looked at Chu Bei's back with horror on their faces.

In recent days, they have been able to feel the Darkness storm brewing in the depths of the sea, and this mysterious person of unknown origin just went there alone at this time.

Chu Bei glanced over the ancient Immortal King on these islands, and gestured slightly, without making any stops.

After greeting the ancient Immortal kings far away, Chu Bei continued to walk along the road of Darkness.

Except at first, there was no ancient beast in the sea to stop Chu Bei from going.

This calm continued until Chu Bei came to the depths of the sea.

Chu Bei stopped and looked forward calmly, only to see a Darkness waterfall hanging down in the Primal Chaos Heaven space, like a huge ocean rewinding.

Looking at the two sides of the Darkness Road again, you can follow Chu Bei to the Powerhouse in different time and space. The weakest cultivation base is already the Seven Immortal Kings.

hong long!

The Chu Bei right hand swung out, and the dazzling white radiance of the forest turned into a blade glow. With a loud noise, it cut a huge gap in the Darkness waterfall.

At this moment, the sky above the Darkness Falls began to twist, and then one temple after another appeared, bringing the Supreme power to come down.

These temples are connected to each other divine rainbow. In addition to the stunning black fog shrouded, there are also a large number of mysterious runes with imperial breath.

"It turns out that there is more than one ancient palace!"

On the island, the ancient Immortal king who originally belonged to this time and space, stared at the palaces in the sky in amazement , Took a breath of cold one after another.

They have never set foot on the road of Darkness, and this is the first time they have seen so many links to ancient palace.

哧, 哧, 哧, 哧!

Countless Darkness creatures walked out of the ancient palaces. They were shrouded by black mist, and their eyes were filled with blood glow. After just looking at Chu Bei, it was as if they had found their prey, crazy The culling went up.

Quasi Immortal King, rarely seen from the outside world, but in this ancient palace, it has become an ant-like existence.


Densely packed Darkness creatures made a gloomy and low voice.

"This...how did these guys get born!"

"What's the matter with their breath!"

"Could it be that all of this Does it have anything to do with the end of the sea!"


The Powerhouse of different time and space first scans the countless links to the ancient palace, and then looks at the hiding the sky and covering the earth The extremely powerful Darkness army of creatures changed their faces one by one.

As for Chu Bei, he is still extremely calm, his expression unchanged.

With a clang, a golden disc appeared above his head, and a green divine glow spewed from the disc.

Seeing that these Darkness creatures were about to drown Chu Bei, the Golden Disk seemed to become a terrifying giant mouth that was eager to eat.

In the huge mouth, one green thread shoots out, and at the moment it touches the Darkness creature, it immediately splits into a few more, wraps them around, and then drags them into the mouth of the bowl.

Click! Click!

In just a few seconds, these Darkness creatures shrouded by the black mist uttered mournful scream, and even a few creatures that were about to give birth to the imperial path breath could not escape the devouring of the disc.

At the same time, there was a palpable chewing sound in the center of the disc.

The painful screams of the Darkness creature army are getting weaker and weaker until they are completely gone.

"All disappeared!"

"Is that his evangelism Emperor Artifact!"

The powerhouses followed by the long river in different time and space At this moment, he was all numb, and he looked at Darkness Road in a daze with a dazed expression.

Thousands of Darkness Immortal King creatures were swallowed up by the Golden Disc in a few breaths, life and death are unknown!

The ancient Immortal king in this time and space also opened his eyes wide in surprise, his face was full of look of shock, and he felt unbelievable one by one.

Among them, there are also great men. They came here to calm the source of Darkness and solve the problems.

However, the years are ruthless and the reality is cruel. After embarking on the road of Darkness, they realize that with their strength, they are really powerless against the sky.

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