After solving the Darkness army, Chu Bei hit several punches one after another, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like smashing all the ancient palaces in the sky.

He then continued on the road.

Passing through the Darkness Falls, three silhouettes appeared in front of the road.

"Look at them! They are the three people!"

"Butchers, chicken farmers, and fake medicine sellers!"

"They actually They are all alive! And, they came here!"

The ancient Immortal King on the island that originally belonged to this time and space saw the appearance of the three silhouettes, and immediately exclaimed.

Not only them, but the Immortal Kings such as Hongtian and Pan King in the immortal domain also showed incredible expressions.

No matter which one of these three creatures is, they have left indelible and glorious deeds in the long river of history.

"Someone is here again!"

These three silhouettes seemed to have noticed something, and opened their eyes at the same time.

They are very powerful, shrouded with a terrifying fairy light outside their bodies, and the avenue symbols are bright, densely packed, guarding themselves.

"I don't know who Fellow Daoist is? Did you avoid those ancient palaces?"

It was a burly man who opened his mouth. He was called a butcher. His skin was bronze and full. The head is messy, the bow and arrows are on his back, and the power released is amazing. It can be said that divine might be world-famous.

Before setting foot in the sea, his cultivation base was already the Ninth Stage Immortal King, and now he is only a little short of becoming the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"The butcher fairy friend, this adult has ruined all the ancient palaces that came directly."

Chu Bei did not answer the butcher’s question, but it was far from Ancient Immortal. Wang answered.


Hearing the words of the ancient Immortal king, the butcher's eyes were incredibly light.

Either he or the other two came here by using ancient methods to avoid those ancient palaces, because they are better than they are not sure to defeat the ancient palace. Those exist.

" are the Emperor!"

The creature who claims to raise chickens seems to have noticed something, and there is temptation in his words.

She is very delicate and pretty, staring at Chu Bei, although she looks delicate, but no one dares to underestimate it. Vaguely, the breath that came out of her body was not weaker than that of a butcher, but it was too restrained.

In Far Ancient Era, she was laughed at as a chicken breeder because she once raised a bunch of True Phoenix in front of the mansion!

"Senior, I have seen you and your dísciple Heavenly Emperor Ye! I never thought you would come to our time and space."

Different from the previous two, that The silhouette of the counterfeit drug seller moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, with an extremely respectful expression.

"What? He is the Master of Heavenly Emperor Ye!"

"Are you talking about the Quasi-Immortal Emperor who met us with the long river against the current!"


Hearing the deterioration of selling counterfeit medicines, the butcher and the two Supreme Powerhouses who raised chickens were shocked, their mouths opened wide, and there was more respect in their eyes when they looked towards Chu Bei again.

"Unexpectedly, you have dealt with Little Child Ye." Chu Bei glanced at the three creatures, his eyes became kind.

"Senior, are you going to quell the source of Darkness?"

The butcher, the counterfeit medicine, the chicken breeder, the three powerful creatures looked at each other respectfully Looking at Chu Bei asked.

After Chu Bei slightly nod, move on.

"Senior, we are willing to follow you!"

The three creatures spoke immediately, waiting for hundreds of millions of years. Their purpose is to calm the source of Darkness.

However, their own strength is not enough. Now that I see an Emperor coming, I naturally want to help him.

"One person in this seat is enough."

Chu Bei's voice is calm. After scanning the three creatures, he swept across the different time and space Powerhouse on both sides of the Darkness Road. A group of Ancient Immortal Kings: "As for you, you can just look at it from a distance."

"Senior, I'm afraid you don't know that the existence at the end of the sea is also an emperor!" The butcher said, his face solemn.

"It is precisely because I know that, so what do you think you can do to help me with your strength?" Chu Bei raised the corner of his mouth with a smile.


When Chu Bei said, one of the three creatures sighed.

In the battle between Emperors, they are indeed not qualified to join the battlefield. Maybe he was killed by the aftermath before he took the shot.

"Senior, can you really do it by yourself? I don't know where your dísciple Heavenly Emperor Ye is now? Can you let him help me against the current?" The three butchers sighed with helpless expressions.

They have been cultivating for a long time, but in the end, they can only watch the Emperor in front of them fighting alone.

Chu Bei laughed, did not answer, and continued on the journey.

The three butchers did not hesitate to follow up immediately. As for the Powerhouse and Ancient Immortal Kings who hesitated for a while, they also continued to follow up, but they obviously distanced themselves.

As time passed, Chu Bei gradually came to the end of the Darkness Road, and the shrouded black mist disappeared.

hong long!

As soon as Chu Bei set foot on the road of Darkness, a terrifying storm struck, and countless avenue symbols swept through, with murderous intention in the rush.

Chu Bei didn't make any movement, a majestic imposing manner came out, directly smashing the storm.

"Is this the end of the road to Darkness?"

At some point, Powerhouse and Ancient Immortal Kings of Different Time and Space also entered the road of Darkness.

After all, there are still terrifying ancient beast attacks in the waters outside the Darkness Road. On the contrary, the Darkness Road has become extremely safe because of the existence of Chu Bei.

The end of the road of Darkness is still the boundary sea, but the sea above it is a cloud of chaos.

There is no vitality here, and there is no vitality, and lifelessness, like a kingdom of death.

The most terrifying thing is that the Grand Dao Law in this sea area is even more bizarre. Even if it is as strong as the butchers, it feels difficult to understand the pressure.

crash-bang ——

Perhaps because of the arrival of Chu Bei and the others, the originally calm waters here are churning up inexplicably.

Gradually, more and more corpses have floated to the surface of the sea from seabed. They don't know how many tens of thousands of years of silence, releasing cold glow bodies, motionless.

But those who can come here are none other than the existence of Peak in Immortal King, and some have even realized the Profound Truth of the Emperor.

There is no doubt that these corpses are here either to explore the end of the sea, or to calm the source of Darkness. It's a pity that the strength is not enough, and finally the hatred becomes a floating corpse in the sea of ​​bounds.

"Look there!"

"An island is floating here!"

At this moment, a distant Ancient Immortal king exclaimed.

It is a small and bare island. The most striking thing is that there is a person sitting cross-legged on the island. He turned into a flame, and his body will no longer exist, exuding this incomparable horror. Power.

"This breath is the Emperor...Emperor again!"

"Is he dead? A Quasi-Immortal Emperor is dead!"

Butcher The Peak Immortal King, the counterfeit medicine seller, felt the power, then looked towards the silhouette that turned into flame, and his face suddenly changed.

"There is another tree!" Another Ancient Immortal Wang Yuanyuan exclaimed.

Looking at it, the Willow Tree on that island also to have a fragmented body to be completely destroyed, only one foot high, sinks and floats in the flames of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"Willow...Willow God!"

Look at the Willow Tree on the verge of collapse in the flame. The Powerhouse on the sea hasn't shown any reaction yet, in the immortal domain. Shi Hao yelled, his emotions fluctuated greatly.

At the level of Immortal King, he can already guess one or two things, and he also knows that the Willow God guarding Stone Village is not ordinary.

But he did not expect that after a thousand years, Willow God has come to the end of the Darkness road, and almost destroy both body and soul.

Fortunately, the flames of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor shrouded it, and it was temporarily in a state of dying, and it would not be completely withered.

Shi Hao silhouette flickered, disappeared in the immortal domain, appeared on the boundary sea, and walked along the road of Darkness.

"The ancestors sacrifice to the spirit!"

"It is still alive!"

"It's a pity, it's coming to an end."

The butcher, the chicken farmer, Hongtian, King Pan, and the other ancient Immortal Kings also recognized the origin of Willow Tree, and surprise flashed in their eyes.

"What happened to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and the ancestor sacrifice spirit?" Immortal King muttered to himself.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

The attention of the Immortal Kings is on the flames of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Willow Tree on that island. When he was on his body, a strange buzzing sound came from the end of the chaotic sea.

next moment, huge and huge buildings floated over, getting closer and closer.

I don't know in which era these buildings were built. The imposing manner is majestic and shocking.

Even creatures at the level of Immortal King, as long as they try to see what is going on, they will be suppressed inexplicably, and they can't help but bow down to acknowledge allegiance.

"Those buildings...are they a city!"

"At the end of the sea is a floating city?!"

"Darkness Is the Emperor in the mouth of the creatures there! There is still alive in the city!"


Looking at the city floating in the distance, the butcher and the chicken breeder , Selling fake medicines, Powerhouse and Ancient Immortal Kings all showed shocked expressions, and at the same time there was a vigilant look on their faces.

This city is huge, and there are endless stars shrouded in it, just floating on the sea. In its all around, billowing Darkness ups and downs, misty churning.

hong long!

Suddenly, with a loud noise, a rune shot out from the pond inside the city and fell into the sea.

Immediately, those floating corpses that had been dead for hundreds of millions of years in the sea slapped Chu Bei.

Unfortunately, before these corpses touched Chu Bei, they were shaken into flying ash by the invisible force of Chu Bei all around, and dissipated abruptly.


At this moment, the rune shot from inside the pond suddenly bloomed with fairy lights, and then turned into Demon Dragon, pitch black like the color of the abyss, roaring and killing Chu Bei burst out of shocking power.

"It's not transformed by the law."

Chu Bei's face is expressionless, and he casually sticks out his right hand, the palm of his palm is spreading with white rays of light, and it gets wrapped up in an instant The body of this Darkness dragon.

After that, Chu Bei's right hand was slightly gripped, and the white rays of light, like a spider web wrapping the Darkness dragon, shrank suddenly, and then only heard a miserable dragon roar.


The sound of dragon roar shook the sky and the sea exploded. Chaos Realm's sea was trembling.

It exploded with the power of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, struggling to break free of Sen white radiance for a short time, opened its hideous mouth and bit towards Chu Bei.

Chu Bei is indifferent, bullying forward, sticking out his big hands, this time directly suppressed with the Golden Disc.

The Darkness dragon roars, frantically struggling with its huge body, but unfortunately, no matter how it releases the power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, it can't break the Golden disk above it.


Finally, the Darkness dragon exploded, and black blood rose up like a volcanic eruption. The Quasi-Immortal Emperor law raged, and even blasted away the chaos and mist above the sea.

"The dragon with the breath of Emperor Dao!"

"Is that the rune created by the Emperor of Darkness creatures?"

"Emperor, that What kind of existence is it!"


Looking at the Darkness dragon that was blasted into nothingness, the expressions of the Immortal Kings suddenly changed, and their eyes turned to it again. The mysterious city.

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