"The emperor took hundreds of millions of years to bring out these powerful people. But just now, you killed all of them, and even killed the emperor's guardian beast. You, damn it!"

Suddenly, there was an abrupt and compelling low sound of ancient vicissitudes in this chaotic sea area.

The sound is nowhere to be found, but it seems to be everywhere. It sounds clearly in everyone's mind, and it sounds awe-inspiring.

"Who is talking!"

A group of Immortal Kings were shocked immediately, their Divine Consciousness was maximized, and they couldn't detect it. Then, they all looked towards the city. In the direction of the direction, his face became more solemn and vigilant.

"With you, you are not qualified to say this to this seat." Chu Bei remained silent, but stared at the front very calmly.


Two cold syllables echoed, and the sound was too shocking.

Next moment, under the gaze of countless Immortal Kings, a fuzzy silhouette appeared above the city. Although it is impossible to see the appearance of this silhouette, it gives people the direct look of the emperor of the world.

He hovered over the city, Senhan’s eyes swept across the Immortal Kings, and the breath fluctuations he inadvertently released were trembling. It seemed to be stronger than the Immortal King. Divine Soul would be in his mind. Into the powder.

"Is he the emperor of those Darkness creatures!"

"It must be him!"

"Is he the master of this city!"

"Could it be said that the source of the Darkness matter is in this city?"


A crowd of Immortal Kings guessed the blur The origin of the silhouette, allowing some look of dreading one after another, each immediately moved towards the distant retreat.

As for Chu Bei, when he met the Darkness Emperor's gaze, he was still calm, hunting in purple robe, flowing out of the invincible breath overlooking the eternal age.

"Did you see the flame? He is the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, just like us. He has crossed the sea since the Emperor's Fall. What's funny is that he threatened to calm the source of Darkness and go his own way, so It's gone."

The vague silhouette above the city spoke with an indifferent voice: "You, like him, are destined to fall here!"

"What? Emperor Luo The creature that crossed the sea in the age!"

"is it possible that he is the Quasi-Immortal Emperor who left the first line of footprints on the dam!"

"Sure enough, he really Fallen!"

"Could it be said that senior adults will also end this way?"


Hearing the vague silhouette, a crowd of Immortal King looked at the human flame, and at the same time he suddenly realized, his eyes were full of respect and compassion.

This Quasi-Immortal Emperor, in order to calm the Darkness disaster, went on the road alone, but ended up in such a fall.

"Did you say that this seat is the same Quasi-Immortal Emperor like you."

Chu Bei laughed, then faintly glanced at the fuzzy silhouette above the city, and said again : "Let them come out too, and save this seat one by one to kill."

The voice fell, and the Golden Disc returned to the behind of Chu Bei, releasing dazzling Golden rays of light, one This chaotic sea area was instantly illuminated, and the gloomy black fog disappeared, making it extremely sacred.

"They? Could it be that the Emperor of Darkness creatures is not only one person!"

Hearing what Chu Bei said, a crowd of Immortal King Powerhouse expressions started, and then looked at each other in blank dismay, with surprise.

"You really value yourself too much!"

Above the city, the fuzzy silhouette came out coldly snorted, with a killing intent.

The coldly shouted sound fell, and the infinite Darkness symbol spewed out in the fuzzy silhouette, and then only saw a nearly shriveled black giant palm slapped Chu Bei quickly and heavily, driving the monstrous Emperor's power.

Looking intently, there are stars turning in the palm of the black man’s palms, Star River churning, Star Region opening, chaos shrouded, and even a Samsara Road become faintly discernible.

Chu Bei laughed, happy and not afraid, the purple clothes stretched out, and he squeezed his fist and strikes out. Its fists look small, but there are gorgeous rays of light released, strength of Supreme intertwined, like splitting heaven and earth apart, carrying immeasurable imperial prestige.


A shocking collision, the entire Chaos Realm sea was wailing and trembling. The Darkness road collapsed and the sky cracked, forming a boundless Darkness storm.

The aftermath of the horrible collision spreads, the city that has been immortal for hundreds of millions of years, ancient palaces collapsed, boulders flew horizontally, thick pillars were broken, and Darkness fairy gold tiles were broken and scattered. Flying.

Even though this city is guarded by the Supreme Imperial Formation, it still failed to escape the ending of being broken into ruins floating in the sea.

The two Supreme Powerhouses carrying the emperor’s breath shook the sky and sea when they first met.

"Is this the battle of the Emperor."

A group of Immortal Kings are palpitating, especially the Powerhouse watching the battle in different time and space, and the river of years under their feet is suspected to be cut off.

"My name is Emperor Cang."

The deep and hoarse voice sounded, the vague silhouette took a step forward, heavily stepped on it, all around the billowing black mist dissipated.

His body shape can't be considered burly, and can even be described as thin. His blood-filled eyes are like two red lights, or more like two red lanterns on the road to death. Incomparably intimidating. The sharp eyes are enough to tear the Immortal King.

The imperial suit, old and old, looks loose and fat when worn on his skinny physique. On his head, with an imperial crown, flowing nine colors of brilliance, and faintly shrouded with black qi, which is strange and terrifying.

Chu Bei glanced at Emperor Cang faintly, body motionless, black hair fluttering, and his eyes became fierce.

"It's a pity, a sigh, and a sad!"

Emperor Cang shook the head, and the sigh fell, and when he shook, a black shiny bone rod appeared in his hand.

This is a Quasi-Immortal Emperor-class weapon, with the Star Region manifested at the end of the stick and smashed into Chu Bei.

Chu Bei's expression remained unchanged, calmly and calmly, right hand moves, all around strength of Supreme evolved into a thin sword, bright sword glow illuminating this Chaos Realm sea, especially dazzling.

Chu Bei holds a sword in his hand, divine radiance flows, like Immortal Emperor Linchen, with unparalleled aura.

A sword swung out to face Emperor Cang.


The two touched and collided, and the mysterious symbol broke out, splitting the sky, cutting off the river of years, and making this moment eternal!

"Hundreds of millions of years, finally I can meet another person who can make me enjoy it. But unfortunately, your ending is destined to be the same as him." Emperor Cang looked at Chu Bei indifferently, and pointed at the same time. Said with the flame.

"But ants." Chu Bei's mouth is smiling, calm and composed.

"It's really arrogant!"

Emperor Cang is coldly snorted, opening his mouth to spit out a nine-color pagoda, zooming in quickly, and moving towards Chu Bei to suppress it. The scene is terrifying, with the years, shrouded with the strongest Law Power, rushing forward.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

Chu Bei did not answer, but the golden disc behind it vibrated, and the movement method of the bowl mouth turned into a pond, evolving everything and emerging The rules of the heavens guard Chu Bei and make it inviolable.

The nine-color pagoda smashed down, the golden disc greeted it, and the immortal Immortal Emperor's power was sprayed to smash the former away.

hong long long!

The real battle is about to start.

Emperor Cang and Chu Bei's Supreme Seal constantly appeared in their hands, and they smashed each other.

This is the Emperor battle!

A crowd of Immortal Kings who watched the battle kept moving apart. Even though they were the Supreme Powerhouse, they still couldn't stop the mighty power in the aftermath.

Gradually, this chaotic sea is in disorder, and the two figures have opened up their own battlefield, fighting fiercely in the long river of years.


Above the Chaos Realm sea, two figures are constantly changing, opening up new worlds one after another.

I don't know how long this fierce terrifying battle has gone through. Two figures broke the chaos, shattered the sky, and even the sea of ​​boundaries sank.


Finally, Emperor Cang’s between the eyebrows exploded and was pierced by the rapier held by Chu Bei, and the bright rays of light released by the tip of the sword illuminate the ancient and modern future , Peerless.

"The Emperor of the Darkness creature bleeds!"

"Senior Chu gained the upper hand!"

"In this way, Senior Chu gained the upper hand! The source of Darkness!"

"Even our realm is extremely difficult to kill, let alone the Emperor of aloof and remote."

"That’s true, from now on Look, even though the Emperor of the Darkness creature bleeds, it’s impossible for Senior Chu to kill him!"


The Butcher, the King of Yuan Ancient Immortal As well as the shock of the Powerhouse in different time and space, the respect in the gaze that looked towards Chu Bei was even greater.

"I am defeated--!"

Emperor Cang's injury healed instantly, he looked at Chu Bei blankly, and then laughed madly: "You are very strong , Shouldn’t be here now. Maybe if you stay closed for a while, I’m afraid you can really calm down here."

"You have to wait until when!"

Said, Emperor Cang turned his head and looked towards behind, his eyes condensed, and a beam of light shot into the deepest place.

"Be careful..."

At this moment, a weak voice sounded in the minds of all the cultivators in this sea area.

"It is the Quasi-Immortal Emperor of the Emperor's Fall era who is talking!"

"Could it be that he is not dead yet!"

"One hundred million Ten thousand years have passed, and the Quasi-Immortal Emperor still retains Divine Consciousness, what did he experience back then!"


Immortal Kings such as butchers, chicken raisers, etc. Powerhouse all turned their eyes to the human flame on the island. I don't know when, there is an illusory face in that human flame, which is about to dissipate at any time.

weng weng weng!

In the rumbling sound, at the end of the chaotic sea, a purple avenue emerged, rumbling. There are various unusual forms around it, such as Golden Lotus hovering and Divine Bird flying.

Under the gaze of all Immortal King Powerhouse, a creature walked on the Roaming Great Dao. He was wearing a purple crown and a tall figure. Various marks around him surrounded him. The breath of pressure released during his steps. Suffocating.

This is a Quasi-Immortal Emperor who is weaker than Emperor Cang, and it just descended on the battlefield!

"Are there more than one Emperor of Darkness creatures!"

Looking at the newly emerging creatures wearing purple crowns, a crowd of Immortal Kings suck in a breath of cold air, from instinct Backed away again.

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