"Are you ignoring this seat?"

The voice with a smile floats in the chaos in the sky, Chu Bei swings a sword, incomparable Strongly stopped the three Emperor Hong.

"Damn! What a trouble!"

Under Chu Bei's pressure, the Emperor Hong trio had to give up their attack on the island.

Gradually, the flame of the human form became more and more condensed, and the Willow Tree was also reborn, dark green and flaming, with surging vitality.

Under the gaze of the Immortal Kings, the two began to merge. When they completely fuse together, a huge Quasi-Immortal Emperor coerced out.

At this moment, the hateful Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Willow God of the Emperor's Fall era merged into one, releasing the breath of Emperor Hong and Yu Emperor in the battlefield.

"When I was in Stone Village, I thought you were just an Immortal King, and clinker you turned out to be an emperor." This is Willow God talking.

"Does the emperor in your mouth refer to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor."

After Chu Bei punched Emperor Cang back, he looked back at Willow God, laughed, and then nodded. It was said hello.

"Willow God! Are you okay!" Shi Hao called out.

"I can't die for the time being." Willow God looked towards Shi Hao, with relief in his eyes.

"My two teams can only help you block one person, and time is limited."

At this time, the person who spoke became the Quasi-Immortal of the Emperor Fall era. Emperor, he was talking to Chu Bei.

The sound fell, and the crimson Willow Tree combined into one appeared on the battlefield.

"This emperor will suppress you again!"

Yu Emperor shouted, broke away from the battle with Chu Bei, and carried the spear to the Crimson Willow Tree.

"When I was one-on-one, I was not weaker than you!"

The cold and deep voice sounded, and the crimson Willow Tree shook with chaos and boundlessness. With the blazing fire, a few chaotic willow branches were pulled out and swept towards Yu Emperor.


The crimson Willow Tree and the Yu Emperor are intertwined, and both parties spare no effort to use the strongest treasures, killing extremely fiercely.

As for the other side of the battlefield, Emperor Hong and Emperor Cang obviously felt the pressure on their bodies soared after losing the Emperor Yu. Suddenly the situation was retreating, and they could only be in a defensive state.

Chu Bei's offensive is really too fierce, one wave is not flat, one wave after another, continuous, terrifying to the extreme.

hong long long!

The vast Chaos Realm sea, under the impact of the five Great Emperors, was turbulent.

The ancient beast in the sea below is a long-dead escape, and the emperor’s breath swept through the sky, surging.


As time goes by, the silhouette of the Red Willow Tree begins to fade, as if it is going to disappear slowly.

Look at Emperor Hong and Emperor Cang again. They have already begun to bleed, and they have been defeated by Chu Bei. From time to time, parts of them burst open, turning into a avenue of light and rain.

"Emperor Yu, come and help!"

The breath of Emperor Hong and Emperor Cang has become disordered, and they have begun to burn the original blood essence to resist Chu Bei's attack.

Hearing the sound, Emperor Yu frowned. He also wanted to help immediately. But his battle is not over yet, he can't get out of his body, he is powerless.


Emperor Cang coughed up blood, and Chu Bei pierced his chest with a sword, where the flesh exploded, the skeleton crackled, and black blood spilled out.

"Sacrifice Exterminating All Living Things!"

Emperor Hong roared, black light burst out all over his body, distorting the space, causing the chaos to collapse and collapse into his Source Power. The wings behind Yin-Yang Energy flowed and evolved, evolving the divine ability of powerhouses such as Kunpeng, True Phoenix, and Lei Di.

At this moment, the wings of Emperor Hong are waiting for the black and white, yin and yang of Heaven and Earth, which are the manifestations of opposites, and they are powerful!


However, this ultimate move of Emperor Hong was just taken out and it was split by Chu Bei with a sword.

Next moment, accompanied by a deep voice, Emperor Hong’s wings were blown away, bloody and horrible to see.

An independent battlefield above the Chaos Realm sea.

Black clouds are surging, the star dome is cracked, countless stars are shattered, and the roar and explosions are endless.

This is the crimson Willow Tree transformed by the Quasi-Immortal Emperor who was hated in the era of the Emperor Falling against the Yu Emperor!

The battle is getting fiercer and fiercer. Maybe it's a long Xeon fight, and the Crimson Willow Tree has gradually become transparent.

"Look at how long you can last! You weren't my opponent back then. Now, with a ray of soul and a ruined Willow Tree, you still want to block me?"

The Emperor Yu smashed out True Fire, and the power of Darkness spurted all around his body. He was very strong, and he was the most powerful powerhouse among the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

The cold and indifferent voice of the forest fell, and the spear in Yudi's hand pierced, and the spear pierced countless Star Regions, and appeared in front of the Crimson Willow Tree in an instant.

"What happened back then, do you still have a face to mention it? It's ridiculous!"

The red Willow Tree coldly snorted, the body that has begun to become transparent is rejuvenated again, chaotic branches Draw it out and hit lance, clanging, releasing a dazzling light.

At the same time, the flaming flame turned into the Divine Order Chain and blasted towards the real body of Emperor Yu.

"This time, you will surely die!" The sacred wings of Yudi flapped behind him, and the wind was strong.

"Maybe I will come to the end, but you will die in front of me." Crimson Willow God let out a laugh.

Hearing the sound, Emperor Yu frowned and looked towards the other battlefield.

There, the bodies of Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong continued to explode and reorganize, and the fluctuation of breath became more and more disordered.

"Emperor Yu, when can you come to help!"

In that battlefield, the voices of Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong came, with anxiety and fear.

In the conventional sense, at their level, there is no such thing as death.

However, if hundreds of millions of them are bombarded and killed, their emperor's origin will eventually be exhausted, and then it will be the time of true death.

At the moment, when Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong face Chu Bei, their hearts cannot help but feel chills. This feeling is like death already beckoning them.

"Can't drag anymore, please destroy the world senior!"

Emperor Cang was once again blasted into meat with a punch by Chu Bei. After reorganization, he immediately pulled away from Chu. Bei's distance, and looked towards Emperor Hong.

The two looked at each other, making eye contact as if they had reached a unanimous decision, and then both hands tied the weird Supreme Purple Red Seal knot at the same time.

hong long!

As the two purple Red Seals submerged into the end of Chaos Realm sea, a terrifying sound rang at the end of the sea, and at the same time a brilliant ray of light.

Also in this brief moment, in the dead sea area, a corpse originally floating on the surface of the sea, eyelids moved, slowly opened his eyes.

"The same kind of people, why bother to kill each other, why bother."

Next moment, the corpse made a sound, resounding through the entire sea, gloomy and low.

At the end of Chaos Realm, the sea is dead and cold.

Since the time of the Emperor's Fall, there has been no sound for hundreds of millions of years, but the sound of this sound has changed dramatically.

The brilliance projected from the eyes of the corpse is presented by the Star River and intertwined with the Star Region. The power of Emperor carried by the eyes alone is comparable to or even surpassing the powerful blow of Emperor Hong and the others. Extremely intimidating.

crash-bang ——

The Chaos Realm sea seems to be completely detonated, not only is it surging, but the sea is even more gusty, and even shrouded into a black flame.

Above the sea, countless brown and purple lightning bursts in Darkness, presenting various terrifying unusual forms.

"Is there a more powerful Emperor on the Darkness side!"

"It seems to be related to the seal issued by Emperor Hong and Emperor Cang!"

"And listen to their name, the person who speaks is still above them!"

"How could this happen! The current situation is already very confused, if the person who speaks joins in again , Senior sir is in danger!"


The Immortal Kings in the Darkness cage immediately looked towards the end of the Chaos Realm sea, and their faces were extremely solemn.

"Destroy the world senior, we have no intention of disturbing your dormancy. It is really compelled by circumstances at the moment, please don't blame it!"

Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Yu Di three, immediately moved towards cup one fist in the other hand, the words are extremely respectful.

"Like a corpse!"

"No, it's a living creature!"

Butcher, chicken farmer, fake medicine seller, etc. A crowd of superb Immortal Kings, seeming to see something clearly, exclaimed.

"At this level, what else do you have to miss? For a bunch of ants to kill each other, is it worth it? You know, we are the same kind."

At the end of the Chaos Realm sea, the gloomy low voice floated again, shaking everyone's heart.

At this moment, the corpse on the sea at the end slowly got up, and stared indifferently in the direction of Chu Bei, Emperor Hong and the others. His dry body began to rejuvenate, with lifeform signs.

Looking intently, he has only one leg and one arm, and the hair on his head is withered like weeds, giving people a direct look that has gone through the vicissitudes of life after years of precipitation.


I saw the corpse raised its one arm and pointed to the north, and there was a hum. In a bloody ancient land, an arm rose in the air to meet the body of the corpse. Together, the reorganization is complete.

Almost at the same time, the waves in the south were soaring, and a broken leg tore through the sky with blood and was also reorganized with the corpse.

In just a few seconds, the body of the corpse became intact. As his body recovered, his robe hunted and hunted, exploding a monstrous black mist.

In an instant, the entire boundary sea was covered by black clouds, which is the source of the rich, insoluble Darkness!

This is a gray robed old man, his body is thin and long, but his eyes are extremely flaming, dazzling and frightening.

"He's coming!"

Under the horrified eyes of the Immortal King, the gray robed old man stepped forward, with boundless coercion, directly descended on Chu Bei is in the battlefield. The sea below it exploded directly, forming a vacuum zone.

"His breath is still above Emperor Cang and Yudi!"

Gray robed old man appeared on the battlefield, butchers, chicken farmers, etc. Immortal King also really felt the terrifying breath of the former, his face suddenly changed, making it hard to see the extreme.

The crimson Willow Tree Human Transformation looks like, frowning.

Such a gray robed old man that suddenly appeared, the Darkness power in his body is really too vast, even surpassing the sum of Emperor Cang, Yu Di, and Emperor Hong!

As for Chu Bei, his expression still hasn't changed much, just a faint glance at the gray robed old man.

"Destroy the world senior!"

Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Yu Di immediately came to the gray robed old man, very polite.

"Needless to say, I also know the purpose of his trip."

gray robed old man glanced at the three Emperor Cang, slightly nod signaled, and then fixed his gaze. Chu Bei's body.

The old man’s voice fell, centering on himself, the mighty power rippling, the oppressive sea of ​​turbulence, the turbulent waves, and the universe.

In an instant, the boundless sea of ​​bounds was flooded with the power of Darkness, and the darkness became more thorough.

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