"Mieshi senior is the first emperor of Chaos, even if we are in front of him, we are also a latecomer. We need to salute."

In the battlefield , Emperor Cang looked at Chu Bei coldly, coldly snorted: "Should you not greet him when you see him?"

Since the arrival of the gray robed old man, whether it is Emperor Cang or Emperor Yu Or Emperor Hong. The look of dreading that Chu Bei had on the three faces disappeared, as if they had found a backer.

"What? He is the first emperor of Chaos Chukai!"

"Could it be said that this old man has already stood in the peak of the emperor?"

In the Darkness cage, a crowd of Immortal Kings heard Emperor Cang's words, and their eyes suddenly revealed a thick terrified look.

The first emperor of Chaos is too terrifying!

The butcher, the chicken breeder, the counterfeit medicine seller, and Shi Hao looked at each other, and the eyes of Chu Bei looked towards Chu Bei again, because the origin of this gray robed old man is true It's too scary.

"Ninth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor that's all."

Chu Bei looked at the gray robed old man, with a calm voice: "The so-called Chaos First Opening is just from this world Chaos that's all."

"What do you mean! Is there a bigger world?" Upon hearing Chu Bei's words, Emperor Hong frowned.

Chu Bei glanced at Emperor Hong faintly, and did not respond.

"Indeed, after all, I still stayed in this realm, not even Great Perfection, let alone the last hurdle."

"I try I passed, but failed. I lost miserably."

"I just went one step ahead of you and stood on the Ninth Stage that's all."

gray robed old man glanced After passing Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong, their expressions seemed to be reminiscing about the past, and they sighed faintly.

"Ninth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor? Failed? What is the so-called hurdle?"

"Is it true that the realm of their emperor is not the perfect realm of the emperor? Otherwise? Why do you need to talk about a word of'quasi'!"

"But isn't this old man the first emperor of Chaos Chukai? Hasn't his cultivation road come to an end yet!"


Hearing the gray robed old man, the Immortal Kings including Butcher, Hongtian, Shi Hao looked at each other in blank dismay, allowing some confusion and confusion in their eyes , Faintly more suspicion.

"My name is the old man who destroys the world, you can call me senior like them. For today's battle, stop here, join them in the future, and explore the true road to emperor in Darkness. "The gray robed old man looked at Chu Bei said in a tranquil voice.

"Just like them, you have also lost humanity."

Chu Bei looked at the gray robed old man, shook the head, and sighed.

"Destroying humanity? This is really the biggest joke I have heard in millions of years. If you can set foot in this realm, you must have gone through long enough to witness the change of era after era."


gray robed old man moved his robe, looking at Chu Bei calmly: "The so-called Seven Emotions and Six Desires should have been abandoned long ago. The road is merciless. In order to reach the highest summit, you and I have only to break love. If it is. If you can’t let it go, how can you set foot in the realm of the real emperor? Or, your years of baptism are not enough, and your heart has not been vicissitudes of life. When you truly break your love, look back, you will understand that the only way is eternal."

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, none of the three of them were heirs in groups to establish the immortal Major Sect inheritance, but what happened in the end? Those are just illusion, dust returns to dust earth returns to earth, In the end, they all looked away and killed their own tribe with their own hands."

The gray robed old man pointed his hand at Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Emperor Yu in turn, and said slowly.

"Then you broke your relationship and destroyed your humanity, why didn't you have the barrier of breakthrough?" Chu Bei let out a sneer.

"There are still too few creatures to hide and die, and the source of Darkness is not condensed enough." The gray robed old man said.

"Darkness origin? This seat is here to destroy it!" Chu Bei glanced lightly at the gray robed old man.

"Senior, don't persuade you anymore. He is not the same as us, it's useless." Emperor Cang cup one fist in the other hand said.

"that's all, that's all."

gray robed old man sighed, his eyes opened and closed, there was a breathtaking force flowing, two beams of eyes were directed at Chu Bei With the Crimson Willow Tree, the Darkness wherever you go is instantly illuminated.


The scarlet Willow Tree first uttered a painful hiss. Under the light of the eyes, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Willow God separated from the Willow God. Come.

Soon, the former changed back to the human-shaped flame, and the latter changed back to the pale Willow Tree.

Looking at Chu Bei again, its original terrifying breath disappeared suddenly, and the body surface began to release light colored rays of light.

The so-called color is not just a simple common color, but an interweaving of tens of thousands of different shades.

Although his breath fluctuation disappeared, the beam of the gray robed old man's eyes shone on him, but it did not cause any harm to him.

"The Quasi-Immortal Emperor in the emperor's fall era was able to fight the Yu Emperor after fusion with the ancestral sacrifice spirit! But facing this gray robed old man, he has a bunch of eyes I can't take it down!"

"The first emperor of the early Chaos! Who else can defeat him?"

"Have you not seen it, Senior Chu, he's okay!" "


In the Darkness cage, a crowd of Immortal King Powerhouses stared at the battlefield in a daze.

After seeing the tragedy of Willow God, there was sympathy on his face, but when he saw Chu Bei, surprise rose in his eyes, and more of joy!

"Destroy the world senior, why is he..."

Emperor Cang, Yu Di, and Emperor Hong stared at Chu Bei closely, as if they were also at a loss.

The gray robed old man was silent, but the breath in his eyes became more and more horrible, motivating the Darkness power of the entire world, but Chu Bei was still safe and sound.

The gray robed old man frowned, his eyes are already enough to kill the Sixth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor. However, the other party has nothing to do.

Especially what makes him feel weird is that although the breath fluctuation of the opponent has disappeared, his intuition warns that the person in front of him should not be underestimated.

"There is weird!"

I can't see it. Then, the gray robed old man murmured.

hong long long!

However, just when the gray robed old man was about to go up and kill him, a huge river of years rushed forward and extended into the battlefield.

Followingly, three silhouettes appeared at the end of the long river, which appeared above the battlefield in an instant.

These three creatures have come across the river of time. They are in another time and space, but no matter which one, the breath is far stronger than those powerhouses in the darkness cage.

"Someone is coming downstream!"

"Still three!"

The three of Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Yudi frowned, and the years were turbulent. , Countless time fragments surged, and three Jinghong flew from the downstream.

The gray robed old man also stared at it, and noticed the breath of the three, and his expression also changed.

These three creatures are all Quasi-Immortal Emperors, and they are located in the Third Stage like Emperor Hong.

Since the time of the Emperor's Fall, even with this mysterious person of unknown origin, there are no more than six Quasi-Immortal Emperors in total.

But at the moment, three of them suddenly appeared in the lower reaches of the river over the years. Their appearance is very likely to disturb the development of the situation.

Of course, it is not because these three Quasi-Immortal Emperors who came here on the long river of years can threaten the gray robed old man, but because they came from the lower reaches. Shots across time and space can easily lead to big cause and effect.

The long river of years hua hua sounded, and the three thrills were coming in an instant. They were wrapped in Supreme divine light, and the signs on the outside of the body were extremely gorgeous and breathtaking.

These three creatures, two males and one female, are all transformed into human forms, and the breath that inadvertently emits is incomparable and suffocating.

The three creatures stood side by side, glanced lightly at the Immortal Kings in the Darkness cage, and came out with a look of the world.

Afterwards, when they looked towards Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Emperor Yu, their expressions were obviously startled, allowing some surprise.

Especially when you see a gray robed man, it is better than them, the body is slightly trembled, and the eye rises with a vigilant look of dreading.

"The three fairy friends came from downstream and do not belong to this time and space. If they act arbitrarily, I am afraid that it is not just my era, but your time and space will also be overthrown!" gray robed old The man glanced at the three silhouettes from downstream and said.

"We will not participate in your battle. As for us, we are here to find him!"

A downstream creature moved towards gray robed old man nodded, motioned towards gray robed old man nodded, and then came out Pointing his finger in Shi Hao's direction, his eyes condensed, and a thick killing intent burst out.

"Yes, we are just to kill the waste! We will leave after we kill!"

"The waste of this era is nothing but the Immortal King Realm, the cause and effect of killing him by the long river upstream , We can bear it!"

The other two downstream creatures followed suit and cast their eyes on Shi Hao's body together with a cold voice.

"When you arrive at this realm, you are going against the flow of years, and you even dispatched three people just to kill him?"

gray robed old man couldn’t help but look at this one he had never paid attention to. silhouette, frowned: "In your time and space, is he influential?"

Almost at the same time, Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, Yudi and the others also fixed their sights on Shi Hao’s On his body, there is allow some consternation in his eyes.

A person who can make the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors go against the flow of years and endure the cause and effect to be intercepted, how terrifying he should be in the future era!

"What? Those three Quasi-Immortal Emperors are here for him!"

"He is just an Immortal King now! Could it be that the future era has really grown to one Is it difficult to predict the height!"

"He is Senior Chu’s Direct Disciple, and he has such an achievement as it should be by rights!"

"Now, three Quasi- Immortal Emperor wants to act on an Immortal King. Isn’t this destined to end!"


The Immortal Kings, including butchers, chicken farmers, etc., are full of faces. Staring at Chu Bei confidently.

When they first saw the three downstream Quasi-Immortal Emperors, they thought that the other party was here to spoil the situation, but unexpectedly they came to Shi Hao.

"Since our battlefield is not involved, let's do it with you." Gray robed old man said, he didn't intervene.


This is a man, wearing a fairy gold armor cuff, carrying an euphorbia, and full of silver hair. He has terrifying capital and pupils like The blade is generally forcing people.

"Kill the wilderness!"

This is a beautiful woman, wearing a golden dress, and she looks like armor, with compelling extravagance and frightening eyes people.

Three Quasi-Immortal Emperors from the downstream looked at each other, and after making an exchange of eyes, they protruded their crystal palms and slapped them towards Shi Hao. The majesty of the palm, the terrifying extreme, drove the monstrous avenue symbol, hiding the sky and covering the earth, shaking the ancient and modern future.

Under this terrifying imperial power, Shi Hao's whole body immortal strength was immediately imprisoned, and the oppression was impossible to move even a little bit.

However, seeing these three extremely terrifying palms penetrate the space-time barrier and strikes on Shi Hao's body, a layer of colorful ripples rippled over and wrapped the latter.

hong long!

The sky bursts into pieces, the big waves of the boundary sea are boiling, and the power of the emperor is surging.

However, Shi Hao, who was in the center of the explosion, was unharmed and safe. The power caused by the three big palms was completely blocked by the colorful ripples outside his body.

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