
Witnessing this scene, three Quasi-Immortal Emperors from downstream frowned immediately, looking along the colorful ripples, their eyes fell on Chu Bei's body.

"Who are you!"

The three downstream Quasi-Immortal Emperors spoke at the same time, their faces were extremely ugly.

Chu Bei completely ignored the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors, and even closed his eyes, as if he didn't pay attention to them at all.

Finding that I was ignored, the faces of the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors from downstream suddenly became extremely heavy.

hong long!

They shot again, and the target is still Shi Hao.

Although they really want to solve Chu Bei first, but after a long period of time, if they act on the people in the same realm, they may not be able to bear the cause and effect.

It's just that when their more powerful attack is about to fall on Shi Hao, a similar scene is staged again.

Color ripples rippling, defuse their joint attack.

"Damn it!"

The three Quasi-Immortal Emperor brows tightly frowns glanced in the direction of Chu Bei, and the killing intent shot in their eyes.

"Friends of the fairy, please also help us to kill the waste together, he can't stay!"

The woman in the golden dress looked towards gray robed man, Emperor Cang and the others, looked a little anxious.

crash-bang ——

But as soon as the woman had finished speaking, another huge river of years burst into the battlefield.

"The three of you really passed it!"

On the lower reaches of the long river of years, three more creatures flew up.

At the same time, the person in the front uttered a voice, extremely cold, with boundless anger, and Qi of Slaughter.


great cauldron leisurely, accompanied by Nine Heavens thunder.

A stalwart man stepped on his mother-in-law, with the potential to invade by all means, and stepped on the long river of years to kill on the battlefield.

The great cauldron is majestic, dispersing Myriad Things Origin Energy, every time it shakes, there is time ripples spreading, and hundreds of millions of rays of fairy light fall down.

The behind two figures also carry endless fighting intents and possess a peerless cultivation base. Undoubtedly, they are also Quasi-Immortal Emperor level experts.

"Who are you!"

The gray robed old man's face became more and more dignified, looking towards the man with his motherly feet.

"My name is Ye Fan!"

The stalwart man shot directly, suppressing and killing the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors from downstream with a punch.

hong long!

With a long sound, carrying Nine Heavens thunder and sweeping three Quasi-Immortal Emperors at the same time.

The word Ye Fan shakes the sea of ​​bounds, and the entire sky is vast and powerful.

"Ye...Heavenly Emperor Ye!"

"He and I belong to the same era. In our time and space, he is invincible!"

"Is he here to save that person?"


In the Powerhouse in the Darkness cage, Immortal King recognized Ye Fan and exclaimed. .

The butcher, the chicken breeder, and the counterfeit medicine seller, the three Peak Immortal Kings were taken aback and showed respect. They had seen the Heavenly Emperor Ye from the future within reincarnation!

"Ye Fan!"

The three Quasi-Immortal Emperors who came from downstream coldly shouted, and then one of the men took the lead and exploded towards the sky. The Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron.

weng weng!

At this moment, Ye Fan's backside was shining, the nine-color fairy gold breath filled, and a big bell trembling appeared.

Below the big clock, a man was valiantly tall and straight, his eyebrows were erect, and his eyes were as sharp as cold electricity. He waved his emperor fist and killed him.

"No beginning, I will fight you!"

The second Quasi-Immortal Emperor who came earlier greeted the man with the big clock above his head.

"Huang! Today you must die!"

Seeing her companions greeted Ye Fan and Wu Shi respectively, the female Immortal Emperor wearing golden battle clothes immediately turned her head and killed Shi Hao, the power of the Emperor gathers in the palms, carrying the power of terrifying.


While seeing the golden-haired woman's Supreme Emperor Shushu is about to fall on Shi Hao's body, the river trembles over the years, the waves hit the sky, and a woman appears.

This woman wins snow with black clothed, dancing with black hair, peerless grace and elegance.

She shot and struck the woman wearing Golden battle clothes.

"Fierce person, you guys are really soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!"

The attack was blocked, the woman in golden clothes looked at the black clothed woman coldly, her face was extremely ugly .

"You can only go against the flow of the years!"

The black clothed woman looks extraordinary, and she glanced at the golden clothes woman, with disdain in her words.

"No matter what the price is paid, we will kill Huang here!" The golden clothes woman has firm eyes and strong killing intent.

long long long ——

In an instant, the fierce Quasi-Immortal Emperor battle broke out.

Fortunately, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor battle at this time was in the time and space where Ye Fan and them were.

But even if you watch it over the years, it still makes people feel scared witless.

They killed too fiercely, and all kinds of emperor's treasures appeared in an endless stream, the battle of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and the howling of ghosts.


The first to decide the outcome is Great Empress Ferocity and the woman wearing Golden Battle Armor.

I saw the Great Empress Ferocity surging with immortal light and infinite magic skills. In countless fights, the right palm formed a seal, knocking the golden clothes woman upside down, spurting blood in her mouth.

Afterwards, the battlefield of Great Emperor Without Beginning also separated out. He was unrivaled, holding the Without Beginning Bell and constantly bombarding, all kinds of emperor skills were used in succession, and the shocking opponents kept retreating. Breath disorder.

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor who played against Ye Fan was the strongest among their three people, but it gradually fell into a disadvantage. Ye Fan’s Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron coughed up blood.

"Give it up! With us here, you don’t want to go against the flow of time and rewrite the cause and effect!"

The same Third Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor, in the case of one-to-one, the previous one The three Quasi-Immortal Emperors who are going to kill Shi Hao are obviously inferior to Wu Shi, fierce person and Ye Fan.

But, because they are all located in the Third Stage, it is impossible for Ye Fan and the others to kill the other three.

"Heavenly Emperor Ye, fierce person, Wu Shi, are they all here to save that person!"

"Huang? Could it be that this person is the Supreme of our era? Emperor HuangHeavenly Emperor!"

"My God! Will it really be him!"

"As far as I know, HuangHeavenly Emperor is the same as Heavenly Emperor Ye The door is the senior and junior brothers!"


In the Darkness prison, those different time and space Immortal King Powerhouse, which are in the same era as Ye Fan, seem to associate What happened? When I looked towards Shi Hao again, my mouth opened wide, his face was full of incredible color, and he was very respectful.

With the passage of time, the battlefield of Ye Fan, fierce person, and Wu Shi has calmed down.

The three Quasi-Immortal Emperors, who came here first through the years, stood side by side, and their faces were extremely heavy.

Since Ye Fan and Wu Shi have appeared, they have known that it is not so easy to kill Shi Hao, not to mention that there is a layer of weird colored ripples on Shi Hao's body. .

The fighting subsided, Ye Fan, Wu Shi, and fierce person walked towards Chu Bei along the long river.

"dísciple Ye Fan has seen the Master!"

"Wuji has seen the senior!"

"The fierce person has seen the senior!"

Ye Fan and the three came to Chu Bei and bowed at the same time across the space-time barrier, with extremely respectful expressions.


At this time, Shi Hao also moved towards Ye Fan and hugged a cup one fist in the other hand.

Although he lived in an era before Ye Fan, there is no age difference in the entry level. Ye Fan worshipped the Master before him, so he naturally wanted to call his brother.

Chu Bei slowly opened his eyes, looked at Ye Fan, Wu Shi, and fierce person in front of him. After slightly nod signaled, he closed his eyes again.

Ye Fan, fierce person, and Wu Shi looked at each other, each with doubts in their eyes, but they did not follow up, and in the faint they could also notice that Chu Bei's body was a bit strange .

It’s the Immortal King Powerhouses of the Far Ancient Immortal King, the Powerhouse of Different Time and Space, Hongtian and King Pan of the immortal domain in the Darkness cage. All of them are shocked and bewildered, like a thunderbolt on the clear sky. It seemed that someone poured cold water from head to toe, and was numb.

"Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Emperor Ye are indeed the same senior and junior brothers! Moreover, their Master turned out to be the Senior Chu!"

"Is there any fierce person? Hajime, have they seen him before? They are all so respectful!"

"But then again, whether it is Heavenly Emperor Ye, Wushi or fierce person, their realm has already caught up. That person. Regarding the cultivation base alone, they are already sitting on an equal footing."

"Have you heard that, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor who walked over the years turned out to be Senior Chu’s dísciple!"


"But didn't they come from the lower reaches of the long river? The question is, senior sir, in which era does he belong to?"


Different Time and Space Powerhouse, Far from Ancient Immortal King, Hongtian Pan King and the others, their experiences and understanding are different, and the directions they discuss are also different.

But the same is that their hearts are shocked at this moment.

"Your Master turned out to be him!"

The three Quasi-Immortal Emperors who came here first on the river of years, one by one kept their eyes on Shi Hao and Ye Fan and Chu Bei's body switched back and forth, full of consternation.

In their era, whether it was the Wild Heavenly Emperor or the Heavenly Emperor Ye, they all gained a reputation.

What's more terrifying is that there are rumors that they are senior and junior brothers from the same family. However, they have never seen the Master behind these two people.

They didn't expect, and now they will see it in this counter-current time and space!

At the same time, they are somewhat fortunate that this so-called Master is not the real Immortal Emperor they imagined, but still staying in the Quasi-Immortal Emperor like them, but the realm is better than them. It's just a little higher.

"This...how is this possible! How can you be his discipline!"

If you say that the most shocking person in the battlefield, there is nothing more than the gray of Quasi-Immortal Emperor Ninth Stage. The robed old man has a terrified look.

This man called Heavenly Emperor Ye comes from the lower reaches of the long river of years. In other words, the other person is the person of the future era.

However, judging from the expression of the so-called Master of Heavenly Emperor Ye in front of him, the opponent at this time obviously already knows that he is the Master of Heavenly Emperor Ye!

This is extremely unreasonable!

If the river flows along with the years, even if the Quasi-Immortal Emperor of unknown origin cultivated the Heavenly Emperor Ye in the future, then it should be ignorant at this time.

From the current situation, the other party should have gone to the future through the years and cultivated Heavenly Emperor Ye, and then came to the era where they are now.

Or there is another possibility, that is that this mysterious Quasi-Immortal Emperor originally belongs to the future era. He broke through the barriers of time and space against the current and descended into the current era and cultivated Shi Hao. !

Whether it is first or second, this is fundamentally impossible!

The former is to cultivate seeds in the future. If it is an ordinary person, it is okay, but this person is a Quasi-Immortal Emperor. There is great cause and effect. Even if it is better than his Ninth Stage, it is impossible to do it. !

As for the latter, if it comes from the future, the previous Quasi-Immortal Emperor battles should have already produced great cause and effect. Both time and space should have been overturned. Impossible nothing happened.

"What's going on!"

"Why are you their Master!"

gray robed man stared at Chu Bei and wanted The other party gave him an explanation, but the latter still closed his eyes and did not respond at all.

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