"Not good!"

The Quasi-Immortal Emperors behind Chu Bei, perceiving the terrifying energy contained in these divided Chaos Realm seas, their faces are shocked If they change, maybe they can protect themselves, but those Immortal Kings will never survive.

Fortunately, the heart palpitations of the Immortal Kings have just risen, and Chu Bei at the forefront, the color ripples spread out from outside.

He stands in the air, and the colorful ripples continue to spread around it, blocking the Chaos Realm sea fragments that are bombarded from all directions.

The two collided, the void buzzed and roared, stalemate, consuming each other.

"Don't go any further, leave."

At this moment, the low and indifferent sound that appeared before once again sounded in everyone's mind, seeming to be admonishing and comforting they.

Chu Bei ignored it, with his hands behind, staring straight ahead, and went on.

Ye Fan, Wu Shi and the others, although they are jealous, they can't stop the curiosity in their hearts. In addition, Chu Bei is there, and they follow closely with vigilance.

hong long!

Suddenly, a black lightning fell from the sky, blocking Chu Bei's path.

The breath carried by this black electric light is more terrifying than the heavenly punishment experienced by the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. It has the power to destroy the world, and the horrible lightning flash falls like a waterfall.

Looking intently, there is a stone tablet in the lightning flash. There are five bright characters engraved on the surface of the tablet, which are clearly visible.

"Opportunity to become an emperor!"

Seeing the five characters on the tablet, Immortal King Powerhouse couldn't help exclaiming.

"Look! Darkness matter has appeared again!"

"What's going on! Hasn't the source been wiped out?"

"is It possible that, the Ninth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor and the rotten wooden box are not the source of Darkness!"


A crowd of Immortal King Powerhouses stared at the stone tablet in the lightning flash, After feeling the Darkness breath released by him, his expression suddenly startled.

The butcher, Willow God, the chicken breeder and the others are also browsing tightly knit, and their faces are extremely ugly.

"If you don't go anymore, you will never be able to go."

A deep, long sigh sounded again, like a certain obsession, echoing in everyone's ears.

At the same time, the all around of the stone tablet showed the scenes of the past.

gray robed old man, Yudi, Emperor Cang, and Emperor Hong have all wandered here, staring at the stone tablet for a long time, and finally felt like they had realized something, leaving with joy.

After that, Emperor Yu and Emperor Cang annihilated their children one after another, ruining a piece of Star Region cultivator after another.

"Do you think this seat still needs the opportunity you gave."

Chu Bei glanced at the stone tablet contemptuously, and the right hand pressed down, with a thud, with With no difficulty, the stone tablet and the billowing lightning flash were shattered.

Whether it is a gray robed old man, or the three of Emperor Cang, Yu Di, and Emperor Hong, they have all been confused by these five characters, and turned to the power of Darkness in their cultivation.

"It has reached the end, there is no way."

After the stone tablet collapsed, a crowd of people followed Chu Bei on the road.

But not long after, the Chaos Realm wall appeared and there was no way.


Just when countless Powerhouses were at a loss, Chu Bei punched out, and with an explosion, Chaos Realm's wall cracked.

In this brief moment, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly. On the other side of this so-called end, there was an island.

On the island, the black mist is surging and surging, and the darkness of the substance is far more dense than the wooden box held by the gray robed old man, and it has almost solidified into a liquid state.

"Could it be that this is the real source of Darkness!" Powerhouses were speechless.

I saw the big rune floating in the black fog, containing the Supreme Profound Truth, which surpassed the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level!

hong long!

There was another loud noise.

The Darkness island trembles, and Immeasurable Light erupts in its depths. That kind of power is heart-palpiting, and it is as strong as the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's full movement. It contains the vitality of the Immortal Emperor, and the divine might surpass the world.

"Could it be said that there is an Immortal Emperor living on that island!"

Ye Fan, Wu Shi and the others have serious expressions. If it is really as they guessed, then all this will be paid. not end yet.

Perhaps, there will be a real Immortal Emperor duel next!

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Fan, Wu Shi, and the others looked at Chu Bei’s back and couldn't help but take a deep breath, allowing some worry in their eyes.

"Maybe you can succeed."

The low voice that appeared many times before resounded again in the crowd of Sea of ​​Consciousness, the difference is that this time appeared in front of Chu Bei A ball of light.

There is a creature wrapped in the light ball, shrouded in haze, he sits there, suddenly opened his eyes, giving people a very mysterious feeling.

"Immortal Immortal Emperor Divine Soul?"

Feeling the breath of creatures, Ye Fan and Wu Shi made a vocal guess.

The opponent's power level is obviously above them, but the energy contained is not far surpassing them. This is why this conjecture was made.

"I am a Remnant Soul, and I am also a wisp of Primordial Spirit."

The creature in the light group spoke, and his eyes fell on Chu Bei's body: "You are very Strong, maybe you can really survive."

Chu Bei laughed, without speaking, stepped onto the Darkness Island.

After a stunned group of Powerhouses, they immediately followed and set foot on the Darkness Island.

For them, in these places, only following Chu Bei is the safest.

Darkness island, the true end of the boundary sea, is also called the ultimate ancient land!

"There are creatures there!"

A crowd of Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Immortal King Powerhouse followed Chu Bei behind closely. They set foot on the island, and this ultimate ancient place violently oscillated. It was like a big earthquake.

After that, Immortal King opened his mouth wide and exclaimed.

I can only see the depths of the island, the Darkness material is rich, and a dim silhouette is vaguely visible. Although the specific appearance is not clear, the outline can be distinguished.

It was a huge humanoid creature, sitting on a black stone, his body was mutilated and motionless.


Chu Bei's sleeve robe waved, boundless colorful light burst, and the Darkness matter of the humanoid creature all around was dispersed in an instant.

next moment, a group of Powerhouses thoroughly saw the humanoid creature. He was completely dark, his body was rotten, and he was continuously emitting a thick black mist.

That is a corpse!

He is very broken, as if torn, starting from the head and spreading to the abdomen. Half of the upper body is missing, such as half of the head, left arm, left leg, etc.!

"Emperor...Emperor corpse!"

"It turns out that he is the real source of Darkness!"

A group of Powerhouses stared at the corpses scattered inside. With the black mist coming out, his pupils shrank suddenly, with amazement.

"No, he is breathing, he is still alive!"

Wu Shi said, he clearly saw that the emperor's corpse's mouth was closed. When it absorbs, it is the breath of life in the major Star Regions, but when it is spit out, it is indeed the breathtaking Darkness substance that erodes the soul.

"You killed them, you should be punished!"

The majestic voice penetrated from the depths of the island, shocking everyone's Divine Soul.

The sound is floating, the island is rumbling, and there is a strange buzzing in the dense black fog.

After that, the emperor's corpse moved, and he raised his head, his eyes shot out two bright beams, red as blood, spraying out like a large red flame, shocking.


When they met two beams of eyes, all the Powerhouses shook their bodies.

Under the terrifying eyes, it seemed that there was a will to control their bodies and kill their Divine Soul.

Fortunately, just when their Divine Soul was on the verge of breaking apart, a breath of fresh air swept across them, clearing the energy in the eyes of the emperor's corpse.

The emperor's corpse looked towards Chu Bei, the killing intent became the essence, centered on itself, the power of darkness burst to the extreme, hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards Chu Bei The direction surged.

Chu Bei has no expression on his face. At the same time, his body all around the colored rays of light shrouded, intertwined into a gorgeous divine rainbow, facing the billowing black mist.

weng weng!

In the rumbling sound, the ultimate ancient land split in two.

The sky above the half where the emperor's corpse was, was shrouded with black mist, and he couldn't see his fingers, and it was so dark.

Chu Bei and the half of the island where Powerhouses are located are flooded with colorful divine glow.

At this moment, the huge ultimate ancient land seems to have become a round sphere, half of which is black glow and the other half is colored light. The two are competing and intertwined.


A metal trembling sounded, a sword fetus shot out from the black fog, and the split sky caused a loud noise, killing Chu Bei.

Where the sword fetus passed, the immeasurable Darkness matter suddenly turned into a shocking storm, in which various chaotic ancient beasts, baring fangs and brandishing claws evolved, and a bomb blasted towards Chu Bei.

"That's the real Emperor Artifact!"

Feeling the fluctuation of breath carried on the sword fetus, the complexions of all Powerhouses suddenly changed dramatically.

The fierce momentum on the sword fetus, even if it is not directed against them, they are still shivering and can't afford any resistance.

As for Chu Bei, he remained silent all the time, glanced at the sword fetus faintly, squeezed his fist directly, and strikes out.

long long long!

In the sound of the explosion, a colorful fist print spread all over the emperor's script and the sword fetus intertwined and collided with each other.

"You...you have also become an emperor!"

"How could this big domain have another Immortal Emperor born!"

The emperor seems to be aware of Chu Bei's battle strength, the cold voice contained some surprises.

"You have slaughtered too much, and you should sleep forever." Chu Bei replied, without the slightest emotion in his voice.

"The only one who offends us is death!"

The emperor corpse suddenly stood up from the black stone, and the gaze looking towards Chu Bei became more and more gloomy.

next moment, accompanied by the roar of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, two golden-bright and dazzling divine rainbows burst out of the eyes of this emperor's corpse. On the creature in the light group not far behind Chu Bei.

"You and I are of the same origin, it's time to be one!" The Emperor Corpse said.

The creature in the light group shouted, he was trying his best to block it, but after only a moment, the two streaks of divine light shot by the emperor's corpse was forcibly dragged into the body.

"I am still me, but you are no longer who I was." A faint sigh sounded, the voice of the Primordial Spirit imprint.

"No matter how we change, we are still one after all. This is an indisputable fact!"

The black light of the emperor's corpse flickered. As the cold voice fell, his body It becomes intact, the rotten parts are repaired, and the breath rises. It is simply a living powerful existence.

"You are also the Immortal Emperor, and you are here to calm the source of Darkness. These Darkness are generated in the body, but you don't know that it is stronger than me and also a victim of Darkness."

This is the imprint of the Primordial Spirit talking to Chu Bei, and when he said this, he slapped the black stone behind him with a palm.

Peng sound, black stone burst, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, Immortal Emperor rune bloom all over the sky.

Just as the black rock turned into powder, thunder was thundered in the muddy sky, and a densely packed Divine Order Chain emerged. Among them, there is a hole, and there is a dark cloud churning in the Cave entrance.

What's terrifying is that there are crystal droplets suspended in the dark clouds, like black blood droplets, which seem to drip down at any time.

[Mission 6 is released, the host opens up the path to God]

[Task reward: After the host opens the level 16 commodity permission, the cultivation base is directly raised to Level 16 Peak]

At this time, the system sound abruptly sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

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