"Where is that place!"

A group of Powerhouses stared at the dark Cave entrance above their heads in amazement, where endless terrifying rules came out. There is a trembling breath.

hong long!

With a loud noise, a stone tablet in the Cave entrance hangs down, with 16 clear characters printed on it.

[Heaven Above, eternal lasts, reincarnation is difficult, Supreme land]

"Back then, after setting foot on the Immortal Emperor, I came to the end of the sea But because the realm of the emperor is not yet stable, the drop of blood invades the body. It is stronger than me, and it is also blackened.” The Primordial Spirit mark continued.

"What? This imperial corpse is not the source of Darkness!"

"Even he was eroded by Darkness!"

"Then this Darkness Where is the source of this! Is it the Cave entrance?"

"Heaven Above? What kind of existence is there!"


Hearing what the Primordial Spirit imprint said, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Immortal King Powerhouse instantly showed incredible colors.

When they looked towards the breathtaking dark Cave entrance again, they couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air and felt terrified.

If what the other party said is true, then this drop of black blood is too terrifying!

Lianxian Imperial Capital can erode!

"You have said enough, you can shut up!"

Huo Ran, the indifferent sound of the emperor's corpse overwhelmed the sound of the Primordial Spirit imprint, and at the same time, a strong killing intent Flock to Chu Bei.

"Offend the Emperor, die!"

This is the emperor's corpse talking, his pupils turned into black, black holes, just a glance, better than Immortal King Lost the mind, extremely terrifying.

With a buzzing sound, the sword fetus flew into the hands of the emperor's corpse, and the Immeasurable Light burst out, emitting the Immortal Emperor Qi.


The word Senhan syllable fell, and the emperor corpse held the fetus in both hands, and moved towards Chu Bei suddenly cut off.

In an instant, the ultimate ancient place that was originally roaring and noisy was quiet.

A group of Powerhouses, including Ye Fan, Wu Shi and the others, immediately flew out of the ultimate ancient land, located in the distant waters to watch, for fear of being affected by the battle between the two Immortal Emperors.

In fact, this is not the case. This is mainly because the Emperor Corpse and Chu Bei compressed their own power on this ultimate ancient land, otherwise there is no safe place in the entire boundary sea.

hong long long!

The sword is bright, and its fierce momentum tears the Primal Chaos Heaven above the ancient land. It is extremely powerful. At the tip of the sword, there are years and long rivers shrouded, and various Immortal Emperor runes are intertwined!

This is the real power of the Immortal Emperor, with great power and unpredictability!

Faced with this Immortal Emperor sword, Chu Bei did not evade, he calmly greeted him.

At the same time, a long sword appeared in his hand. The hilt is intertwined by the strength of Faith, and the sword body is intertwined by hundreds of millions of Profound Truths, various unusual forms. Present.


Two Great Immortal Emperor Artifacts collided, causing a brilliant sword glow and destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

There has been a stalemate for a long time.

Ka-cha made a crisp sound, and a crack appeared in the fetus of the sword.

At that moment, the emperor corpse had one's hair stand on end, and a trace of cold sword edge touched his body.


The right arm of the emperor's corpse was cut open, blood splattered, and the sky was crushed. It was his Immortal Emperor blood.

The face of the emperor's corpse became more and more ugly, and the fairy light outside the body became more and more shining. He retracted his sword fetus and once again blasted the long sword in Chu Bei's hands.

But this time, at the moment of the collision, the sword fetus in the hands of the emperor corpse broke. After that, the weird long sword in his sight pierced directly.

The heart of the emperor's corpse sank, as if feeling the threat of death, its silhouette immediately disappeared from the place and appeared at the end of the sea in another direction.

However, what made his heart palpitations was that the long sword also followed.


The pupils of the emperor's corpse shrank suddenly, and the power of his Immortal Emperor surged with his fists to resist the long sword.

But it turned out to be very weak. The long sword easily cut open the fists of the emperor's corpse, and then cut it in the waist, splashing blood light.

What made the emperor's corpse more and more frightened was that before he could reorganize his separated body, an invisible Immortal Emperor force forcibly dragged him back to the ultimate ancient land.

Afterwards, a silhouette appeared in front of him, squeezing his fists.


Chu Bei punches quickly, and every punch fiercely falls on the emperor's body, which contains the power of the terrifying Immortal Emperor.

In just a few seconds, the emperor's corpse was completely blown up by Chu Bei, and his body was all split up and in pieces, continuously bursting into flesh and blood, entrained in the rain of blood, and exploded towards the surroundings.

The aftermath of the fierce battle occasionally spreads a little to the ultimate ancient land, dazzling, no matter how hard it is for a group of Powerhouses to stay in place, they can only continue to retreat and find a safe place.

"Senior Chu... good terrifying!"

"Is the same Immortal Emperor, will there be such a big gap!"

"Fortunately, Senior Chu has the advantage. Otherwise, the consequences are really unpredictable!"


After a group of Powerhouses saw the situation on the battlefield, they looked at each other and looked at each other. in blank dismay.


Finally, the emperor's corpse let out a painful roar. His minced meat began to rise into a black flame, among which the Immortal Emperor Divine Chain soared into the sky.

Extremely sublimated, he got rid of Chu Bei's continuous bombardment and reorganized his body.

"You damn it!!"

The killing intent of the emperor's corpse has become so strong that it can't be added.

Obviously, he felt the threat from Chu Bei, and he even burned the essence of the original blood, just to raise the battle strength again!

"The power of the emperor is restored, let's fight again!"

The dark eyes of the emperor's corpse are firmly locked on Chu Bei, and his voice is indifferent.

At this time, under the burning of the original blood essence, his body became more and more Darkness, and the power of the Immortal Emperor surging out was immense and boundless.

If it weren’t for Chu Bei to stop him, the Boundary Sea would have been completely turbulent, and everything would have been killed!

The emperor's corpse shot again, and he directly transformed into a Darkness giant palm and patted Chu Bei.

This is his strongest blow with the power of the Immortal Emperor!

"It's over."

Chu Bei's voice is very flat, still not mixed with the slightest emotion, as if it is narrating an irrelevant thing.

As the indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei's body became blurred, incarnate into billions of silhouettes, densely packed, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Look carefully, these billions of silhouettes are all Chu Bei's appearance, but their breath is different.

"What a divine ability is this!"

"How...how is it possible..."

The Darkness giant palm transformed by the emperor's body has not yet strikes in Chu On Bei's body, he made a sound of horror.

But by this time, he has nowhere to escape, and has no choice but to continue to bombard and kill.

At the same time, the countless Chu Bei silhouettes in all directions, carrying different Immortal Emperor breath, pinched the fist marks from different directions, and killed the giant palm together.

long long long Long!

With a burst of terrifying strikes, the Darkness giant palm changed back to the appearance of an emperor's corpse. He was knocked down and flew out, constantly coughing up black blood.

The bombardment continues...

This scene is too scary!

Over time, the body of the emperor's corpse was penetrated. Some fists blasted out of his body, bringing out large swaths of black blood, and some fists hit his face and penetrated His head.


The breath of the emperor's corpse began to become disordered, and in addition to the killing intent, fear was added to the stern roar.

He didn't expect anyway, this latecomer was so terrible!

Even though he was burning the essence of blood, he was still not the opponent's opponent.

"Let me see who you are!"

The voice of the emperor's corpse was full of unwillingness. He used the emperor technique to start deducing Chu Bei's past and present.


The emperor corpse muttered to himself, and the look towards Chu Bei showed an incredible color of consternation.

He couldn't evolve and infer the other party's past. There was a big cause and effect preventing him from exploring, and he couldn't see anything.

"Can you have a last word?"

I don't know how long it took until the blood essence of the emperor's corpse was finally burned out, and his life was really coming to an end.

"many thanks."

This time, it is no longer the emperor's corpse that speaks, but the imprint of Primordial Spirit that I encountered most at first.

He was thanking Chu Bei, and he seemed to be relieved.

weng weng!

The golden disc was horizontally empty, and the center of the disc was facing the pile of emperor corpse pieces, and huge suction force gushed out.

Click, click!

In the disc, a mouth emerged. It was chewing on the minced emperor corpse. The chirp was very enjoyable.

"It's over."

"It's really over."

Looking at the Golden Disk, a group of Powerhouse subconsciously swallowed saliva and said, muttering to himself.

Wang Yuan Ancient Immortal Powerhouse and Yuan Ancient Immortal in different time and space stared at Chu Bei in the sky and the dazzling golden giant bowl with shock on his face.

They followed all the way from the Jiehai Dyke, witnessing the other side embarking on the Darkness Road, breaking countlessly to lead the ancient palace, and seeing him fighting with Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Emperor Yu.

At first, they thought that the other party's cultivation base was roughly the same as the Emperor Cang trio, or slightly stronger, until the appearance of the gray robed old man.

The clinker is actually a real Immortal Emperor!

After that, they continued to follow, came to this ultimate ancient place, and witnessed the ending of the battle of the two emperors with their own eyes!

They have gone through countless epochs, and their moods have long been turbulent, but this follow-up has made their emotions ups and downs, difficult to calm down, everything is too shocking!

long long long!

Under the attention of all the Powerhouses, Chu Bei retracted the Golden Disk, his eyes indifferently swept across the broken sea, his hands intertwined, endless runes swept out of his palms, flying To this place everywhere.

In the rumbling sound, the broken sea is repaired, and the endless Star Region begins to recover.

In the immortal domain, those cultivators that had been eroded by Darkness gradually recovered their minds, and the dead cultivator fleshy body reorganized and soul regrouped.

"Huh? Am I not dead?"

"I remember being killed by the Darkness creature, what happened!"

" Alive, I’m alive!"

"It’s really good!"

"It’s Senior Chu! All this is because of Senior Chu! It’s him who resurrected our companion !"


Looking at the comrades who once fought side by side came back to life, numerous cultivators of immortal domain exclaimed in excitement, and then moved towards Chu Bei in the picture of Tianyu. Knocking in gratitude. .

"Master, that's it?"

Ye Fan walked along the river to the front of Chu Bei, pointed at the Cave entrance above the Ultimate Ancient Land and couldn't help but ask .

I saw black blood drops up and down in the Cave entrance, and the breath made his heart palpitations, which was extremely shocking.

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