At the end of the sea, everyone, including Wu Shi, fierce person, Willow God, butcher, Shi Hao, etc., glanced at the Cave entrance after hearing what Ye Fan asked. Then looked towards Chu Bei, with confusion and curiosity in his eyes.

"The way to Heaven Above."

The calm voice fell, Chu Bei moved towards Ye Fan and Shi Hao nodded signaled, and then put his hands behind behind and flew towards that Cave entrance with black blood dripping up and down.


"It's a living thing!"

The moment Chu Bei entered the Cave entrance, the powerhouses on the ultimate ancient land He opened his mouth in astonishment.

I saw that Cave entrance suddenly seemed to come alive, and scarlet blood appeared in it, flowing slowly, like a river, like a lake, and like a vast ocean.

In the blood water, countless large tombs float, and on each large tomb there is a terrifying breath, the weakest fairy King Level.

Chu Bei stands on the blood, shrouded with colored ripples on the outside of the body, both of his hands bear behind, and calmly glanced all around.

Following his coldly shouted, the big graves in the blood water that had approached him instantly moved towards the distance, and there was a faint neigh of fear inside the big tomb.


Chu Bei punched out.

Amidst the crackling sound, the huge Cave entrance collapsed, all split up and in pieces.

"Are you not dead yet!"

At this moment, the black blood quivered violently and shook wildly, and there was a coldness filled with majesty. sound.

next moment, the terrifying blood and water began to riot. I saw countless large tombs exploded one after another, and violent creatures began to rush out, carrying the incomparable terrifying breath, and weird shouts were made in the mouth.

Not only in these tombs, countless creatures began to appear in the blood.

"Are those creatures from Heaven Above?"

Looking at this scene in the Cave entrance, the fierce person muttered to himself without beginning. As for the butcher, Willow God, and other Powerhouses who don't know why, they are shocked.


Chu Bei was punched out again, and the black blood drops exploded.

There are endless Darkness breath swept out, these Darkness substances are even more terrifying than the breath released from the emperor’s corpse, but soon, these Darkness breath were released by Chu Bei The colored ripples crumbled into nothingness.


The cold and majestic voice came again.


Chu Bei's expression remained unchanged, and the third punch was blasted out.

This time, the Cave entrance disappeared, and there was a bright avenue leading to nowhere.

"A corpse still has such strength!"

Suddenly, a silhouette stepped forward at the end of the bright avenue.

This is a middle-aged man wearing brocade clothes. Since the moment he arrived, the blood underneath was churning, and the bloody water spouts rushed into the sky.

The middle-aged man glanced at the ultimate ancient place below his eyes, Ling Li's gaze faintly swept across the powerhouses below, his brows gradually frowned.

"Who is this person!"

"Is it from the so-called Heaven Above!"

"What kind of place is that? !"

"Not good, my power is imprisoned by him!"

"How is this possible! Just a ray of light!"

"His breath is still above the old man!"


The moment a group of Powerhouses met the middle-aged man's gaze, their body trembled suddenly, and then their faces There was a look of fear on it.

A terrifying force shoots out from the middle-aged man’s eyes, and instantly penetrates into their body, confining their immortal strength, making them impossible to move even a little bit.


When a group of Powerhouses looked at the middle-aged man on Bright Avenue in astonishment, the latter suddenly let out a surprised voice.

"The corpse of the emperor has disappeared!"

The middle-aged man seemed to have noticed something, and a trace of strangeness flashed in his eyes, but he soon muttered to himself: " Yes, after countless epochs, it is time to die completely."

"Are you a delusion to leave here? I am the guardian of this great realm. The suppression is here. Don't be delusional! Don't leave again, don't blame me to kill Er Deng here!" The middle-aged man's voice is indifferent and full of majesty.

"The imprisonment is gone, I'm free again!"

"Here in his mouth, does this refer to the world where we are now? Then the departure in his mouth, again Where is it going? Heaven Above?"

A group of Powerhouses did not leave, looked at each other in blank dismay, and then turned their eyes to Chu Bei on the other side.

At this time, the middle-aged man also discovered the existence of Chu Bei.

At this look, his face immediately became serious. In his soul, there is no such person!

But the eyes told him that this person was right in front of him and existed before he came.

"Were you strikes before?"

The middle-aged man frowned, his eyes locked on Chu Bei, and he asked.

Chu Bei glanced at the middle-aged man, laughed, and did not answer the other party’s question, so he was about to strike again.


Seeing this, the middle-aged man immediately yelled, with a violent anger, he stopped in front of Chu Bei in an instant.

In an instant, the golden light on the bright avenue below it surged, and the creatures in the blood water below gave out a scream of fear, immediately fleeing away.

The middle-aged man is out.

A wide knife emerged, the blade carrying the emperor pattern, swept across, and the target was Chu Bei.

Senhan's blade glow swells like waves, spreading far away.

The powerhouses on the ultimate ancient land are better than the butcher, Willow God and other Quasi-Immortal Emperors, and the heart is chilled, and the biting chill rises.

This is an instinctive sense of fear.

Fortunately, the blade glow that made their heart palpitations did not come from moved towards them, otherwise, with their strength, I am afraid that it would turn into nothingness in an instant.

Although they have not been targeted at them, they are still not well. The soul and the physical body are like being stripped away, which is extremely painful.

"But Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection."

Chu Bei told the cultivation base of the middle-aged man, and then directly reached out to face the wide knife.


With a sound of metal trembling, Chu Bei clamped the blade with only two fingers.

In this brief moment, the terrifying emperor's breath on the wide knife disappeared, and it was difficult for the blade to make a difference.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man's gaze condensed, and before he could react, the wide knife shattered and turned into countless fragments.

"Xian...Immortal Emperor!"

The middle-aged man came back to his senses, his pupil shrank suddenly, and the complexion greatly changed.

"I won't kill you, let me go." Chu Bei looked at the middle-aged man indifferently, and said calmly.

When this guardian appeared, he did not kill Ye Fan, Shi Hao and the others, but gave them a way to survive and let them go.

Chu Bei is the same, and also gives the other side a way out.

"That emperor corpse..." The middle-aged man seemed to think of something.

"I was extinguished by this seat." Chu Bei's voice was flat.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the middle-aged man took a deep breath, allow some jealousy appeared in his eyes, and then he gave way.

He is the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection, the Number One Person under the Immortal Emperor, but facing an Immortal Emperor, he still has no strength to fight back, and he cannot rise to the heart of a battle.

Back then, the emperor's corpse also came here before his death.

But at that time, his realm was not stable enough, and there was black blood dripping here, directly eroding it.

But for the person in front of him, the black blood drops not only didn't have any effect, they were also shattered by the opponent.

As for the owner of this black blood drop, although he is the guardian, he also does not know its origin.

Finally, Chu Bei appeared at the end of the dazzling passage.

At this time, a chaotic and unreal world appeared in the sight of the Powerhouses on the Ultimate Ancient Land.

"Is that Heaven Above!"

"It seems to have a look!"

"You said, with our strength, we have reached Heaven Above , What level will it be at!"


A crowd of Powerhouses stared at the end of the dazzling passage, hustling and noisy, with excitement on their faces, like searching It's the same as the new continent.

Chu Bei looked at Chaos World at the end of the passage. Just as he was about to enter, an inexplicable resistance blocked him from outside.

Even though he is the Immortal Emperor, he still can't take a step forward.

[The host calms down the source of Darkness, opens up the path to God, and the mission is completed]

[Ten Level 6 Commodity Permission Opened]

[Host cultivation progress to ten Level 6 Peak 】

【If the host wants to open the 17th level permission, he needs to go to the Cooling Dragon Plane】

After several attempts to enter Heaven Above without results, Chu Bei had to give up.

At this moment, the system sound sounded in his mind.

At the same time, Chu Bei's Immortal Emperor's power from the system disappeared, but his own cultivation base has climbed a big step.

Ten Level 6 Peak, with the cultivation system of Perfect World, has been equivalent to Supreme Great Ascension.

"Master, can you take us to Heaven Above to take a look?" Ye Fan pointed to Chaos World behind the shining road and couldn't help but opened the mouth and said.

"Wait for your strength, go and see for yourself."

Chu Bei pretends to be profound, after speaking, he glanced over Ye Fan and Shi Hao: "This trip , It’s time to be a teacher, and it's time to leave."

The voice fell, Chu Bei's sleeve robe waved, and the wheel of time and space appeared.

Afterwards, under the eyes of countless Powerhouses, Chu Bei stepped in and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Panlong is the world."

Chu Bei stands on the river of time and spends his free time to review the panlong.

After Chu Bei left, Shi Hao, who was still in the ultimate ancient land, glanced at the guardian in Tianyu, and squeezed his fist: "One day, I will defeat you, and then enter the Heaven Above!"

"Why does a trifling Immortal King have the right to say this? You know, even Heaven Above only has thirty-nine Immortal Emperors! Don't talk about Immortal Emperors, I'm afraid you are even Quasi-Immortal The Emperor can't enter!" The middle-aged man glanced at Shi Hao coldly snorted and said disdainfully.

As the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection who is still short of entering the Immortal Emperor Realm, the middle-aged man is indeed qualified to contempt Shi Hao, he has seen too many evildoers.

In the great realm of the heavens behind him, let alone a thousand years, he has seen the enchantment who entered the Immortal King three hundred years ago, but in the end, the other party has not passed through countless epochs or failed to enter Immortal Emperor Realm.

"At most in a thousand years, I will come to fight you!"

Shi Hao looked directly at the middle-aged man, his voice fell, and he turned and left.

After that, the butcher, Willow God, the counterfeit medicine seller and the ancient Immortal kings finally took a look at the middle-aged man and left.

Ye Fan, Wu Shi, fierce person and other powerhouses in different time and space, and then they have successively disappeared into the time and space, returning to their own time and space.

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