Coiling Dragon Plane.

Magnolia continent, Finlay Kingdom, Wushan Town.

The town is located in the easternmost part of the kingdom, not far from the Magic Beast Mountain Range. It is small in size, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a large village.

The morning sun rises eastward, and the warm sunlight penetrates the big trees, leaving mottled spots of light on the bluestone brick road.

At this moment, in an empty land, a group of children who have finished their physiques are surrounded by a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is named Hillman, and he is the Captain of Baruch Clan’s guard, a powerful Level 6 Warrior.

"Hillman Uncle, we are all done, you promised to tell us the legendary four ultimate Warriors." A child shook Hillman's arm.

"You all come around."

Hillman moved towards a group of children beckoned, and the half exposed upper body was covered with knife marks and sword marks.

"very good!"

A group of children immediately sat cross-legged together, one by one supporting their chins, with anticipation in their eyes.

"In our continent, Warrior is divided into nine levels. Above Level 9 Warrior is the Sacred Domain Powerhouse. These Sacred Domain Powerhouses are rare in number, but all are famous for their powerful existence! They can make huge The melting of Iceberg made the endless sea roar in rage, the towering clouds collapsed, the city with millions of people was destroyed, and the sky fell endless meteorites! They are the invincible existence, the supreme existence."

Speaking of this, Hillman paused, his eyes swept across a group of longing children, and said: "In front of Sacred Domain Powerhouse, even if dozens of Level 9 Warriors join forces, it is not enough to see. This realm gap cannot be made up by numbers. However, there are special cases among them, that is, the four ultimate Warriors!"

"The so-called four ultimate Warriors are dragon blood warrior, purple flame warrior, tiger warrior warrior and undying warrior! When the Great Ultimate Warrior reaches Level 9, they will have the strength to fight the Sacred Domain Powerhouse! When their realm also reaches the Sacred Domain, then they will be invincible standing in the Sacred Domain!"

… …

The middle-aged man tells the story of the continent’s four ultimate Warriors in an orderly manner under the eyes of a group of children with rays of light.

"Hillman Uncle, how old do you think I can become a Sacred Domain Powerhouse?" At this time, a six or seven-year-old boy stared at Hillman.

"Linley Young Master, Master Hogg called you back, as if there was something important to explain to you." Before Hillman could answer the boy's question, a plainly dressed man ran over.

"What important things will Sir Father find me?"

The little boy murmured, then moved towards Hillman and waved his hand: "Hillman Uncle, wait for me Come and find you again!"

The boy's name is Linley, his full name is Linley Baruch, and he is the owner of the entire Wushan Town, the eldest son of Baruch Clan.

Baruch Clan, a very old clan, used to be very prosperous.

But after thousands of years of decline, there are only three members left in the entire clan, Clan Leader Hogg Baruch and his two sons, Linley and Wharton.

"Big brother, hug."

Linley just returned to the mansion, and a little baby who was only two or three years old and still walking awkwardly ran away with a pair of fleshy hands. Come up.

"Wharton, what did you learn today?" Linley picked up Little Wharton and said with a smile.

"Big brother, I cleaned today. First I wiped the floor with a linen cloth, then the chamber pot, and finally the bowl where Dad eats."

Little Wharton that pure Looking at Linley with no trace of impurities in his eyes, he was very naive.

"Don't tell Daddy about these things." Linley's eyes widened when he heard Little Wharton's words.

Afterwards, after playing with Little Wharton for a while, he ran into the clan hall.

In the clan hall, a middle-aged man was sitting in the first place. On the table beside him, there was allow some tea, as if waiting for who.

"Sir Father, what do you want me to do?"

Linley came to the clan hall and saw the gorgeous robes on the middle-aged man, suddenly a touch of surprise appeared between his eyebrows.

My father usually wears at home, but it is very simple, but why is it so formal today?

"Linley, now you are six years old, you should know about my Baruch Clan."

Hogg got up from his chair, closed the upper sect door, and lit the hall. The rows of candles inside suddenly lit up the clan hall.

Under the shining light, the densely packed spiritual position placed on the counter is particularly conspicuous.

"Sir Father, are you finally willing to tell the child?" Little Linley kneaded the corners of his clothes with both hands, looking a little nervous.

He has asked this question more than once, but his father's answer is always not yet reached. Unexpectedly, on this day when he officially turns six years old, his Sir Father will take the initiative to tell him.

"Linley, have you heard of the four ultimate Warriors in the legend?" Hogg stared directly at Little Linley.

Little Linley is heavily nodded: "The child heard Hillman Uncle talk about. They are Purple Flame Warrior, Tiger Warrior, Undying Warrior and Dragon Blood Warrior!"

"Yes. ! What my father wants to tell you now is that the four ultimate Warriors actually represent the four ancient clans. And our Baruch Clan is the ancient clans containing the noble dragon blood Warrior bloodline!"

Hogg There was a touch of pride on his face, and there was absolute pride in his tone, and he continued to speak loudly: "We, Baruch Clan, have been inherited for five thousand years. Looking at the entire Finlay Kingdom, there is no clan that is older than our inheritance!"

"What? We are dragon blood Warrior clan!" Linley's brain buzzed.

"Linley, now look at what these spirit tablets are written on."

Hogg walked to the counter, picked a few spirit tablets, bit his index finger and dropped them separately. After a drop of blood came up, it was handed to Little Linley.

After a while, the tiny characters on these spirit tablets turned out to be manifesting densely packed, as if they were recording something.

Linley took the spirit tablet and looked intently. At this look, his thin body trembled suddenly.

【Baruch, Magnolia continent first dragon blood Warrior. In 4560 of the Magnolia calendar, Baruch faced the frost giant dragon and the Black Dragon under Linnan City, and finally killed the frost giant dragon and the Black Dragon, name shakes the whole world. In 4579 of the Magnolia calendar, Baruch faced the Emperor Nine Headed Snake on the coastline of the continental Northern Sea. After the tsunami continued, the city collapsed, and the fierce battle one day one night, Baruch finally killed the Emperor Nine Headed Snake. Finally established Baruch Clan, Baruch is the first generation of Clan Leader! 】

【Ryan Baruch, the second dragon blood Warrior on Magnolia continent. In 4690 of the Magnolia calendar, defeated and conquered a Sacred Domain Golden Dragon in the Magic Beast Mountain Range and became the Golden Dragon Paladin! Magnolia calendar 4697...]

[Hazard Baruch, the third dragon blood Warrior on the Magnolia continent. Magnolia was born in 5360. The first battle was in the setting sun mountain range. The Magic Beast blood-eyed mane lion defeated the blood-eyed mane lion. The name shakes the whole world...]


"Sir Father, he...are they really my ancestors!"

Linley stared blankly at the engraving recorded on the spirit tablet. Deeds, I couldn't help but wriggle my throat, from the consternation came back to his senses, the blood surging inside the body.

He didn't expect anyway, his clan will turn out to be the dragon blood Warrior clan, one of the legendary four ultimate Warriors!

"But Sir Father, since our clan is dragon blood Warrior clan, how can we become like this? Are you dragon blood Warrior?" After the excitement, Little Linley seemed to realize What? Asked immediately.

In response to Little Linley’s questioning gaze, Hogg shook the head with a little helplessness on his face. He sighed and said: “We Baruch Clan, if future generations want to become dragon blood Warriors, the main reason is to look at the dragon blood in the body. The concentration of Warrior bloodline. The higher the concentration, the higher the probability of becoming a dragon blood Warrior. However, as this generation inheritance, the bloodline concentration of the children of Baruch Clan will become thinner and thinner. Gradually, Baruch Clan will also decline."

Speaking of this, Hogg looked at Little Linley expectantly, and said: "Of course this is not absolute, and occasionally there will be one or two descendants with a high concentration of bloodline. Linley, now you Already six years old, according to the rules of the family, it is time to test the bloodline concentration."

"How to test? If the bloodline concentration is high, can I become a dragon blood warrior!" Little Linley looked forward to it. With Hogg, be eager to have a try.

"This is the dragon blood needle."

The calm voice fell, Hogg right hand moves, and a slender silver needle about twenty centimeters wide appeared in the palm of his palm.

Little Linley glanced at the silver needle, seeming to know what to do, and stuck out his little white hand.

"My ancestors! If Baruch Clan continues to decline, I am afraid that one day, the dragon blood Warrior will lose its inheritance!"

Hogg looks even better than Little Linley Be nervous and stare at the dragon blood needle that has pierced Little Linley's arm.

Gradually, the dragon blood needle began to red glow, but the red glow only lasted less than five seconds, and then suddenly dimmed, until the red glow completely disappeared.


A faint sigh came out of Hogg's mouth.

"Daddy, is the concentration of bloodline in the child's body not enough to become a dragon blood Warrior?"

Hearing Hogg's sigh, Little Linley held his head up and tightened Fist, biting his lip, seemingly forbearing not to let the tears stay.

Looking at Little Linley’s red eyes, Hogg felt sour, he immediately picked up Linley, and comforted him: "Don’t be sad, even if you can’t become a dragon blood Warrior, as long as you cultivation well, you can become one in the future. A powerful Warrior is like Hillman Uncle."

"Well, the child must work harder! Even if it is not a dragon blood Warrior, he will become a Powerhouse!" Little Linley rubbed his red eyes. Later, heavily nodded.

long long long!

At this moment, a continuous burst of rumbling sound suddenly sounded.

Next moment, the huge Zongtang shook violently, as if there was an earthquake, and the tables, chairs, counters, etc. swayed from side to side.

"Linley, stay here, don’t go anywhere! Go outside for the father to see what happened!"

Hogg frowned, hiding Little Linley in a thick Behind his table, stumbled towards the moved towards the ancestral hall and ran outside.

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