As soon as Hogg left, the ground vibrated more violently, just like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses galloping.

"Huh? This is?"

Suddenly, a dark and swarthy bauble, like a ring, rolled to Linley's feet, covered with ashes.


Linley picked up the bauble, rolled up his sleeve and wiped it vigorously before removing the dust on the surface. After seeing the true face of bauble, he murmured.

The ring is dark throughout, and it seems to be wood or stone, with the Divine Dragon pattern engraved on its surface.

"Sir Father should know about this ring."

Little Linley mumbled, just as he looked carefully at playing with the dark ring, there was a buzzing sound, the void above him diagonally Suddenly a pitch-black gap opened.

next moment, inside the gap, a silhouette neither too fast nor too slow walks out of it.

This is a man wearing an azure robe.

[Task 1: The host signs Linley]

The azure robe man is naturally Chu Bei. As soon as he walked out of the wheel of time and space, the system sound rang in his mind.

"Who are you...Who are you! How come you can appear in my family hall!"

Little Linley looked at the silhouette that appeared out of thin air in horror, facing backwards Shrunk, his small face is full of vigilance.

Hearing the sound, Chu Bei looked back. When he saw Little Linley, his expression was startled first, and then when he saw the ring in Linley's hand, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Little Linley?" Chu Bei asked tentatively.

"How did you know my name? And, how did did you get out of there!"

When Chu Bei uttered his name, Linley grew more and more He became vigilant, and at the same time, he did not forget to point at the unclosed gap behind Chu Bei behind.

"little fellow, don’t be afraid. This seat has a fate with you, hasn’t this come to give you an opportunity? Look, the ring in your hand, isn’t it a gift to you Is it?"

Chu Bei pointed to the dark ring in Linley's hand, calmly said with a smile.

"Is it yours?"

When he heard Chu Bei's words, Linley looked down at the ring in his hand.

"You can call it the Panlong Ring." Chu Bei walked towards Linley leisurely.

"Don't, don't come over!"

Seeing Chu Bei approaching, Linley backed away again.

"little fellow, don't you believe what this seat says? You might as well drop a little blood on the Panlong ring in your hand." Chu Bei stopped.

Linley hesitated for a moment, bit his index finger, and the blood from the fingertip spread to the Panlong ring.

In an instant, the originally dark ring bloomed with brilliant rays of light, and its performance actually shone with a hazy light and shadow.

Gradually, the dim light and shadow condensed until he became an old man with white beard and hair and a kind face in a moon-white robe.

"You...who are you!"

Looking at the white haired old man emerging from the ring, Little Linley's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Little baby, did you wake me up from my deep sleep?"

The white haired old man looked at Linley and said, "My name is Derinkwater , The Sacred Domain Magister of the Puang Empire! Now, it is the ring spirit of this ring."

"The Puang Empire? The Puang Empire that was destroyed more than five thousand years ago! And, you say You are the Sacred Domain Magister!"

Linley looked at Drinkwater with an incredible face, and even ignored the existence of Chu Bei, his head buzzed.

"Why? Don't you believe it?" Delincowater looked at Linley with a smile.

"But isn't this ring his!" Linley pointed his finger at Chu Bei.

At this time, Delincovot focused his attention on Chu Bei. After being frowned, coldly snorted: "little fellow, this is not a joke! Five thousand years ago, this one I got the ring! How could it be yours!"

"Does the little fellow in your mouth refer to this seat."

Chu Bei looked towards Delin Kovot's face gradually became cold, and there was a terrifying imposing manner in his calm voice, full of majesty.

Aware of the terrifying coercion, Delinkwater's body trembled suddenly, and for an instant, a deep color of fear appeared in his eyes.

" are..."

Drinkovart's body trembled. At this moment, he seemed to be inexplicably imprisoned, and he couldn't even return to the Panlong ring. In the middle, once again looked towards Chu Bei with fear in his gaze.

"In 4280 of the Magnolia calendar, you fought with Hamlin, the Sacred Domain Magister. In the clinker battle, another Sacred Domain Warrior sneaked against you in secret. In the end, you lost, but Self-styled soul in my dragon ring.” Chu Bei detained Delincovot and quietly told about Delincovot's past.

"How do you know! Could it be that you are really the owner of this ring!"

Hearing the words in Chu Bei’s mouth, Delincovot’s face was nothing but fear Besides, there was more shock.

The battle between him and Hamlin has been five thousand years. What's more, because of the opponent's temperament, he would definitely not tell the outside world that he joined another Sacred Domain Powerhouse to ambush him.

For this reason, only their three people should know about this battle.

The person in front of Ke Clinker actually spoke out!

When he wants to come, maybe the person in front of him is really the owner of the Panlong ring and has a certain close connection with the Panlong ring. This allowed him to learn about their battle through the Panlong ring!

Moreover, judging from the breath released by the other party, it is absolutely beyond the Sacred Domain realm!

Most likely has become a god!

"Who is this seat, you will know it later."

Chu Bei glanced at Delincowater, and after removing the pressure on the opponent, The latter visibly relaxed and took a long breath.

"Why did you give me this ring?" Linley swallowed, watching Chu Bei become more nervous.

Although he is not very old, from the previous conversation between the other two people, it can be judged that these two people are super old monsters who have lived for more than five thousand years!

"I passed by here and found that I was connected to you, so I wanted to accept you as a disciple." Chu Bei put his arms around his chest and looked at Little Linley with a smile.

"Accept me as a disciple?"

Linley was taken aback, bit his lip and thought for a moment, opened the mouth and said: "This matter will be decided after Sir Father comes back. ."

"Big brother, there is a huge monster outside!"

At this moment, Little Wharton staggered in and seemed to fall down at any time. same.


After Linley glanced at Chu Bei, he quickly crawled out from under the table, and immediately picked up Walton.

Boom, boom, bang!

In a short while, the ground that was stable for a while shook again, and it became rhythmic, like a huge monster stepping forward It was approaching this Baruch mansion.

Because Baruch is located at the easternmost part of the town, there is a continuous mountain range to the east of him, and there is a huge open space where you can only see the peaks.

At this moment, the periphery of this open space is full of people, holding weapons one by one, looking at the distance very vigilantly.

"Big brother, look, it's the monster!"

As soon as Little Wharton was held out of the mansion by Linley, his fleshy little hand pointed in the direction of the mountain range .

It was a Magic Beast that was twenty to thirty meters long and covered with fiery red scales. Each of its scales shimmered with cold metallic luster, which made people feel terrified.

"It's so big! Is that Magic Beast!"

The other children in the town couldn't help it after all, and ran out of the house one by one and came to Linley Beside him, all eyes were cast toward the huge monster in the distance.

"Level 7 Magic Beast Velociraptor! How could it appear in such a remote place!"

Recognizing the identity of that huge monster, Delincovot’s eyes There was a hint of surprise.

"Level seven? Then isn't he stronger than Hillman Uncle!"

In Linley's eyes, Hillman is the most powerful Warrior in town, the most powerful in town People.

"Why did you little fellows come out? Didn’t you all stay at home!"

At this time, a scream floated from a distance, and the person came Hillman.

"Hillman Uncle, just let us have a look here, nothing will happen." A little girl kept Hillman's arm coquettishly.

"Well, let you see. But remember, no one is allowed to leave my side!"

Hillman moved towards after a group of children gave instructions, Then he turned his head and looked towards Chu Bei: "Are you not from the town? I haven't seen you before."

As for Delinco Water, he has returned to the Panlong ring. Even in the ring, it can still know what is happening outside.

"Hillman Uncle, he passed by here, and he has to accept me as a disciple."

Linley hid behind Hillman, and remained vigilant towards Chu Bei.

"Accept you as a disciple?"

Hearing Linley's words, Hillman looked carefully at Chu Bei, his brows gradually frowned.

But when he was about to question something, there was a sudden fierce battle and a thrilling roar from the direction of the mountain range.

"Look, you guys are fighting!"

"There seems to be someone on Magic Beast's back!"

"Heavens! That person can actually surrender Level 7 Velociraptor, how terrifying is his strength!"


A group of children including Linley exclaimed, even Hillman couldn’t help. Holding his breath, he looked at the battlefield far away with incomparable concentration.

There are a total of seven people fighting the Velociraptor. Judging from the combat situation, there are five Warriors and two magicians.

Of these seven people, the leader is a robust man with red short hair, and under his crotch is riding a black iron bull.

"Don't do unnecessary struggles."

The silhouette sitting on the back of the Velociraptor opened his mouth lightly, cold and indifferent.

"Fight to the end!" The seven people said at the same time.

"Then die!"

The magician shook the head on the Raptor's back, the indifferent voice fell, I saw it stick out the right hand and pat the Raptor lightly .


Suddenly, the Velociraptor roar towards the sky, with a mouth open, a huge flame column erupted, and it rushed directly to the seven.

chi chi chi!

Where the flame column passed, the originally empty land was suddenly burnt black, and even some directions were due to thermal expansion and contraction, and even the last tortoise Cracked.

"Not good! The fire is spreading over, everyone quickly retreat!"

"My God! If it is burned by this flame, wouldn't it turn into fly ash in an instant!"

Hogg and the others who were originally in the front saw this flaming flame, immediately complexion greatly changed, and quickly moved towards the back.

In a short while, all the people led by Hogg retreated to the positions of Chu Bei, Hillman and the others.

"Retreat! They are coming!"

On the edge of the clearing, Hillman suddenly eyes shrank, and then immediately retreated with a group of children.

hong long long!

The fierce battle at the foot of the Magic Beast Mountain Range kept moving towards Wushan Town. Amid the roar of the velociraptor, the houses on both sides of the town’s streets shook more and more violently.

In a blink of an eye, the battlefield between the Seven Squad and the Velociraptor came to town.

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