
Looking at the strongest Fire Element magic that I had cast was disintegrated with no difficulty, the old man was originally aloof and Remote's expression sank immediately, and a strong jealousy appeared in his gaze looking towards Chu Bei again.

At this time, if he doesn't know that he has kicked a hard board, then he is really a fool.

What makes him even more shocked is that through the previous attack of the opponent, he can't tell whether the opponent is a Warrior or a magician!

The old man didn’t think about it for too long. After all, whether the opponent is Warrior or magician, that is the existence of Level 9, and he is not an opponent!

long long long!

The earth roared, and the old man immediately issued an order to the raptor under his feet, and moved towards the direction he came to flee.

"This is all done, do you still want to leave safely?"

However, the Velociraptor has not dashed out 100 meters, and Chu Bei's contemptuous voice with a joke Floating in the air.

next moment, Chu Bei has appeared above the head of the Velociraptor during the step, blocking the old man's way.


Chu Bei a finger pointed, let alone Level 8 magician, even Level 8 Warrior can't stand a blow from Chu Bei.

In the sound of the explosion, the old man's body turned into flesh and blood, floating away.

The seventh-level Magic Beast raptor witnessed the death of the old man, first shiver coldly, and then as if going mad, moved towards the Magic Beast forest and rushed away.

But before he ran far, his body suddenly startedled, as if it had been restraint by an invisible force, and then the limbs seemed to be filled with terrifying energy and exploded into a pile of flesh and blood.

"Dead! The Level 8 magician, and the seventh level Magic Beast Velociraptor, are all dead!"

"haha, we are fine, we are safe!"

"Level 9 Warrior, he must be Level 9 Warrior!"

"No, he should be Level 9 magician!"


Looking at the blood dyed red earth in the distance, the crowd including Hogg and Hillman were stunned and after reacting, they suddenly showed excitement.

After that, one by one moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand to thank you, with a respectful look on his face.

A Level 9 Powerhouse, whether he is a Warrior or a magician, no matter where he is, will be respected by the world.

"really strong!"

Little Linley looked at Chu Bei with admiration.

"Linley, does this lord really say he wants to accept you as a disciple?"

Hogg seemed to have thought of something, and immediately looked down towards Little Linley, his voice faintly excited.

"Yes, Sir Father." Linley is heavily nodded.

"haha, our Baruch Clan is expected to rise!"

Having Linley's confirmation, Hogg laughed, and the whole person seemed to suddenly become relaxed.

hong long long!

Huo Ran, a rumbling sound rang from the sky in the far east.

"Look at you!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, everyone couldn't help moving towards the eastern sky.

In the line of sight, far away from the sky, I saw a Black Giant Dragon with a length of 100 meters circling and winding. Its eyes are like huge wheels, and the black dragon scales on its huge body shone with chilling light.

That pair of huge fleshy wings that stretched out to add up to a hundred meters, every time it waved, it would shake the white clouds all around.

"That's Magic Beast Black Dragon!"

As a member of Baruch Clan, Hogg is naturally familiar with all dragons.

Black Dragon, One of the Overlords in Magic Beast, generally Level 9 Magic Beast. The Powerhouse in its family may even be Sacred Domain Powerhouse.

Of course, whether it is Level 9 Magic Beast or Sacred Domain Magic Beast, it is far from what the previous Velociraptor can mention on equal terms.

"First the seventh-level Magic Beast Velociraptor, then to the Level 8 magician, and now it is the Level 9 Magic Beast and even the Black Dragon of Sacred Domain Magic Beast! My God, our little Wushan Town today What's wrong!"

"You are afraid that you have overlooked our life saving benefactor! He is also a Level 9 Powerhouse!"

A crowd of residents looked east in the Sky's Black Giant Dragon, which is 100 meters long, was shocked.

"There is someone above Black Dragon!" Hillman exclaimed.

I fixed my eyes and saw a gray robe standing proudly on top of Black Dragon's head.

The sky is screaming, and the gray robe is hunting, but the gray robe stands upright like a javelin and is as steady as a rock in the wind.


A sky-splitting sound starts.

In front of the gray robe man and the Black Dragon, a middle age person in green clothes standing on the volley stopped and stood far away from the gray robe man, and behind him carried a long sword.

"The weapon is a sword! He is a Warrior, a Warrior that can stand in the air!"

"This is the sign of Sacred Domain Powerhouse!"

Looking at In the middle age person in green clothes hanging in the air, Hogg, Hillman and the others were full of consternation.

In the previous battle with the Level 8 magician, although Chu Bei also flew in the air, the distance he flew was not too far nor too high. For this reason, in the eyes of everyone, Chu Bei used it Wind Element is only a magic flying technique, which can only stay in the void for a short time.

And the middle age person in the green coat at this moment is different, he is really standing in the air, and at the height of several hundred meters!

"putting it that way, isn't the gray robe man standing on top of the Black Dragon also a Sacred Domain Powerhouse!"

"My God! Two Sacred Domain Powerhouses! There can be several Sacred Domain Powerhouses in the entire Finlay Kingdom!"

The eyes of a crowd are switching back and forth between the gray robe person and the green middle age person, and they have even ignored their life saving benefactor Chu Bei.

"Tiron, hand it over!"

The gray robe man stood on top of the Black Dragon, glaring at the green middle age person, and Sen Han’s voice floated away from the sky. Here, it clearly reached the ears of every resident in Wushan Town.

"Rudy, you are too much! You even grab my things!" The middle age person in green clothes stared at the gray robe man coldly, his face heavy.

"What? They are the star sword saint Tiron and Sacred Domain Great Demon guide Rudy!"

I heard the names of the middle age person and gray robe in green, Hillman, The two of Hogg immediately complexion greatly changed, and their faces were full of consternation.

They are confused, so what exactly are these two great characters vying for!

"Tiron, do you think you will be my opponent?"

As Rudy's indifferent voice fell, the huge Black Dragon under his feet suddenly roared , The huge wings flapped, and a terrifying coercion spread directly.

"Is this draconic power?"

Even if they are far apart, Hogg, Hillman, and the rest of the residents also feel this terrifying pressure, and each of them breathes quickly. The legs gradually softened.

weng weng weng!

Just when the crowd was unable to bear this pressure and was about to faint, a huge mask appeared in their all around. With the isolation of this layer of light shield, a group of people instantly recovered.

"That adult protected us!" The residents seemed to realize something, and moved towards Chu Bei again, bowing and thanking.

"Rudy, do you really think I am afraid of you!"

Tiron yelled, drew out the behind long sword, a sword cry, and brought thunder in between Heaven and Earth echo.

"If you persist in your own wrong doings like this, then I can't blame me!"

Rudy squinted, the cold voice fell, and the Black Dragon at his feet suddenly With a huge mouth open, moved towards Tiron spit a blazing black flame.

The speed of the black flame is very fast, and in an instant it covered Tiron's body like smoke.


The dazzling dark green-colored rays of light lit up on Tiron's body surface, blocking the black flame, and at the same time One Sword Shrouding the Sky swung out.

With a snort, a giant sword glow split open space tens of meters long, fiercely slashed towards Rudy.

long long long!

Far away in the sky, the two Sacred Domain Powerhouses fought fiercely, and all kinds of brilliant brilliance flickered.

I don’t know how long the battle lasted.



Xingkong sword saint Tiron was injured, blood sprayed from his mouth, and his face turned pale.

"Tiron, you still have to hand it over, I summon the ground guard, you are invincible."

Rudy still stands on the top of the Black Dragon, in his Behind is a huge earth-yellow giant floating.

Hearing Rudy’s words, Tiron’s face was ugly to the extreme. It didn’t take long for Tiron to make some kind of difficult decision, and he said sharply: "Rudy, I can’t get it, you too Don't even think about it!"

Hearing the sound, not only Rudy's face changed, but Chu Bei's expression also fluctuated slightly.

At this moment, Chu Bei seemed to remember something, the original expression on his face disappeared, and he appeared directly in the battlefield between Tiron and Rudy during his steps.

"Look! Your lord, he...he has also joined the battlefield."

"What is he going to do."

Chu Bei's appearance in the battle The body suddenly became the focus of everyone in Wushan Town.

"You see, the benefactor can stand in the air!"

"The benefactor is not Level 9, but like the two, he is also a Sacred Domain Powerhouse!"

"But then again, what is the purpose of his benefactor joining the battlefield at this time!"

"Could it be that he is also for the baby that the two are fighting for!"


A crowd of residents talked and speculated.

"I don't know who your Excellency is? Can you come by the name Bao Shang?"

When Chu Bei appeared, whether it was Rudy or Tiron, there was a vigilant look on his face .

The opponent can stand on the volley, apparently also a Sacred Domain Powerhouse.

At this time, when a Sacred Domain Powerhouse appeared, they had to doubt the other's motives.

"Who is this seat, you will know it in the future." Chu Bei glanced over Rudy and Tiron in turn, speaking lightly, with confidence in his words.

"Since you don't say anything, then I won't ask any more. I don't know what your purpose is?" Rudy frowned, then asked.

Chu Bei did not answer Rudy’s question, but turned his head towards Tiron, and said: "Are you holding a Level 9 Magic Beast Shadow Rat?"

"How did you know!"

There was a flash of surprise in Tiron's eyes, and then coldly snorted: "Sure enough, you also rushed to it!"

"Haha, what I can't get, you two can't even get it!"

Tiron burst out laughing, and then his tightly clasped left hand suddenly lit up dark green-colored rays of light.


Looking at the dark green-colored rays of light in Tiron's left hand, Rudi complexion greatly changed.

next moment, with incantion in his mouth, the earth-yellow giant controlling behind flew towards Tiron.

"You can't stop it!"

Tiron's eyes are filled with bloody glow, looking crazy, the green rays of light on his left hand are getting more and more dazzling, and it is vaguely visible that his left hand has a The black and black things swelled up.


A painful scream came from Tiron's clenched palm.

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