"Look! That...that's a mouse!"

"Really! Starry sky sword saint Tiron and Sacred Domain Great Demon guide, What they are fighting for turned out to be a mouse."

"Can be snatched by two Sacred Domain Powerhouses. It is definitely not an ordinary mouse."

" Shadow mouse!"

"No matter what kind of mouse it is, it can’t escape death."


See what Tiron is holding. Dongxi, the residents of Wushan Town, including Hogg, Hillman and the others, were shocked and unbelievable.

"little fellow, I originally wanted to raise you, but now it seems that I can only give you a ride."

Tiron glanced at the shadow in his hand The mouse, shook the head, with a touch of determination on his face: "Death!"

As Tyronsenhan’s voice fell, the green light on his left hand all around poured into the Shadow-Eating Rat Of the body.


The scream in the mouth of the Shadow Eater became more and more miserable, and the body became more and more swollen, within both eyes In addition to the thick hatred of accidents, more It is a kind of reluctance, like a nostalgia for a child.

The tears fell, that is to say goodbye to this World, and to bid farewell to my child.


However, seeing the shadow-eater’s body swell to its limit and explode, a wisp of purple glow flashed past Chu Bei’s fingertips.


Next moment, there was a wailing.

This is Tiron's scream. The moment the purple glow flashed, his left hand holding the Shadow Devourer was severed by the purple glow, and blood spurted wildly.

As for the broken hand, it immediately fell into Chu Bei's hand.

After that, Chu Bei waved his sleeves, and the violent energy in the Shadow Devourer instantly dissipated.

"Who are you? Why save me?"

Shadow Mouse looked pale at Chu Bei, his voice was extremely weak, and it seemed that he might die at any time.

hong long long!

Without waiting for Chu Bei to answer the shadow mouse question, the earth-yellow giant controlled by Rudy has changed direction and blasted Chu Bei from his original target, Dilong.


Chu Bei faintly glanced at the earth-yellow giant tens of meters high, and his eyes flashed.

After that, a bright light surged out, and tore the void instantly destroyed the earth-yellow giant.

The violent aftermath swept away, and the target was directed at the Black Dragon in the distance and Rudy on his back.

There was a dragon roar, the dragon scales outside the black dragon body clanged loudly, and the huge silhouette retreated in the painful roar.

From Chu Bei, he cut off Dilong's left hand to rescue the Shadow-Eater, and then destroyed the earth-yellow giant with a palm to retreat Black Dragon and Rudy. It's just that's all between the sparks of calcium carbide.


Rudy opened the distance from Chu Bei in an instant, and he looked towards Chu Bei again with a look of shock, which is more allowable some fear.

As for the star sword saint Dilong, his right hand is even holding his broken left hand, his expression becomes extremely distorted because of the pain, except for the thick killing intent in Chu Bei's gaze. , There is still fear.

"The Shadow Eater was obtained by the benefactor!"

"Really strong! Sword saint Dilong was chopped off his arm, Sacred Domain Great Demon guide Rudy was repulsed!"

"My God, even if they were both Sacred Domain Powerhouses, would there be such a big disparity between them! My lord, he managed to easily control a Sacred Domain Warrior and a Sacred Domain with one person. Great Demon!"

"But then again, is our benefactor a Warrior or a magician!"


The residents were startled Looking at the air in the air, they took a deep breath one after another, and their eyes were filled with astonishment.

The eyes of Hogg and Hillman stayed on the broken arm of the sword saint Dilong in the starry sky, where blood could not stop flowing.

They looked like a bolt from the blue, and they seemed to be showered with a cold spring from head to toe, and they looked at a loss.

This adult of unknown origin is so strong!

It's so powerful that they can't believe it!

When I thought of such a Supreme Powerhouse, I would accept Linley as a disciple. Hogg and Hillman looked at each other, their eyebrows stretched out at the same time, and the color of joy on their faces became more and more intense.

"Did he have surpassed the Sacred Domain realm!"

"This...this is impossible..."

The Panlong ring floated out, glanced at Dilong and Rudi one after another, and then fell on Chu Bei's body, muttering to himself with a trance expression in his mouth.

"God...you are a god!"

Star sword saint stared at Chu Bei vigilantly, his whole body tense like a stone, he couldn't help but say this boldness Thoughts.

His cultivation base has reached the Sacred Domain realm, and even in the Sacred Domain expert, he also belongs to the upper-middle existence!

But just now, the person in front of him with no difficulty actually cut off his arm and snatched the Shadow Eater before he even noticed the reaction.

Rudy is still standing on the top of Black Dragon's head. Although he did not speak, his heart at the moment is sinking as if it was filled with cold lead, extremely solemn.

The opponent's casual blow directly shattered his most powerful tenth level magic.

He thought the same as Di Long, perhaps the mysterious person in front of him was the fifth god of continent!


Chu Bei laughed, his eyes swept across Dilong and Rudy: "There are tens of thousands of cultivation roads, different paths, different cultivation systems, realm The title is also different. The god in your mouth is just a stronger person that's all."

"What do you mean by that?" Di Long and Rudi frowned.

"You also can't be considered to provoke this seat, just leave. If you persist in your own wrong doings again, stay here forever."

Chu Bei Not to say more, the indifferent voice floated from the air, and at the same time, centered on itself, it shot out two extremely powerful pressures respectively moved towards Dilong Rudi.

Almost instantly, Dilong and Rudy complexion changed, their bodies trembled, and there was a dull sound in their mouths.


Dilong and Rudi glanced at Chu Bei again with fear, and moved towards the distance without looking back.

"Star sword saint Dilong and Sacred Domain Great Demon guide Rudy have all left!"

"Are they scared away by adults!"

A crowd of residents looked at the direction that Dilong and Rudi were going away, and they discussed spiritedly one by one.

Unconsciously, Chu Bei had already brought Shadowmouse to Linley's side.

"My lord, the two of them said you are a god just now?"

Hogg looked at Chu Bei respectfully, his voice a little nervous, and asked tentatively.

"If God is above the Sacred Domain in your eyes, then you can really think so."

For the cultivation base realm division of this dragon, Chu Bei still has some ideas. understand.

As for how realm his own Level 16 Peak cultivation base corresponds to Panlong, the system has not yet been given, but it is definitely far above Sacred Domain.

In the cultivation system of Panlong world, this Magnolia continent mainly has two professions, one is Warrior and the other is magician.

Whether it is Warrior or magician, it is divided from one to Level 9 first.

Above Level 9, Sacred Domain Warrior and Sacred Domain magician respectively.

When a Warrior or a magician enters the Sacred Domain, his soul and body are transformed at the same time, and he has the ability to fly.

Sacred Domain Powerhouse Initial Phase, a preliminary understanding of the power of Heaven and Earth; Sacred Domain mid-level, integrated into nature, the power of Heaven and Earth has reached complete mastery; Sacred Domain Peak, a preliminary understanding of the law and mystery; the limit of Sacred Domain , Mysticism comprehend ninety-nine percent, I was just one step short of comprehending a mystery.

On this Sacred Domain is the so-called god!

The realm of this god has a broader scope. A Low God alone has a difference in strength between the strong and the weak, not to mention the Middle God, High God, and even more. A strong presence.

"What? The benefactor is a god!"

"My God! Didn’t it mean that there are only four gods on the continent? Could it be that the benefactor is the fifth god? !"

When they heard what Chu Bei said, a crowd of residents rushed forward and moved towards Chu Bei respectfully, bowing and worshiping, even a group of children's eyes appeared to worship. Light.

"My lord, I heard Linley say, do you want to accept him as a disciple?"

Hogg looked at Chu Bei expectantly, with a little nervousness on his face, as if he was afraid of Chu Bei would shake his head just like.

"Yes, your eldest son is related to this seat, and this seat does have the idea of ​​accepting him as a Direct Disciple. However, he seems a little reluctant."

Chu Bei laughed, put his hands around his chest, and looked at Linley with interest.

"My lord, you are so good at jesting. You can accept Linley as a disciple. It is the blessing that our ancestors of Baruch Clan have accumulated. How can this smelly brat be unwilling."

Hogg hurriedly moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, and looked towards Linley, shouted: "I don’t see the Master yet!"

Linley froze first, then recalled Chu Bei’s previous After taking a deep breath, he puffed and fell heavily on his knees: "Master is on the top, please be worshipped by dísciple!"

"It takes a brief moment to enter the gate of this seat Ceremony."

Speaking, Chu Bei right hand moves, and a proxy ring appears above his palm: "disciple, drop a drop of blood into the ring."

"Yes, Master !"

Linley glanced at the agent ring, and at the gesture of the other party, he bit his index finger and dripped a drop of blood into the ring.

[Host signed a Level 1 agency for Linley successfully]

[Fifteen percent of the opening of level 17 commodity permissions]

[Level 1 agency package issuance 】

When the signing is over, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

"Linley, since you have already called me Master, then I will give you an entering sect gift as a teacher." Chu Bei clicked on the agent package, which is also a crystal clear and near- Medicinal Pill of transparent.

"It smells so good!"

Linley took the Spirit Pill, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and after looking at Chu Bei, he threw it into the mouth.

"Master, what are you eating for the discipline? I seem to be in control of a magical energy." Linley moved his muscles and bones, his eyes widened, his small face filled with excitement.

After speaking, Linley divine sense moved.

After a long while.

"Little Linley, how did he look like this!"

"This, what's going on!"

"My Heavens! Did Linley Young Master become a Magic Beast from a human? Could it be that it was because of the Medicinal Pill!"

"Linley Young Master, are you okay!"

... …

At this time, a crowd of residents shouted in exclamation, and everyone around Little Linley exclaimed.

At this moment, Linley's body is several times larger, and outside his body is enveloped by a hazy light.

Looking intently, he is no longer a human being, but a creature covered with golden scales. As for the specific type of Magic Beast, it is still unclear.

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