"My lord, what happened to Linley?" Hogg immediately looked towards Chu Bei, with an anxious look on his face.

"Sir Father, child is okay, don’t worry. Child is full of energy now!"

Not waiting for Chu Bei to speak, Linley’s report came out of the group of rays of light. sound.

next moment, a loud explosion sound, the light ball exploded, followed by a loud dragon roar.

"This...this is dragon clan!"

Looking at the Five Clawed Golden Dragon flying above, the residents of Wushan Town exclaimed, including Hogg and Hillman. Everyone of's was stunned!

"Is that dragon made by Linley Young Master!"

"It's amazing!"

"dragon clan, that's The Imperial Family in Magic Beast! However, why haven’t I seen the dragon that Linley Young Master became in the ancient book? I actually have four pairs of dragon horns and a crown!"


When the residents were suspicious, Hogg's body was already shaking.

"Dragon Transformation, Baruch Clan finally has another Dragon Transformation..."

Hogg's eyes gradually moistened, looking at the Five Clawed Golden Dragon flying in the sky, muttering in his mouth , Weeping with joy.

Their Baruch Clan, due to the difference in bloodline concentration, has three forms when transforming into a dragon blood warrior.

First, the appearance has not changed at all, but power within the body has a slight increase that's all. Second, dragon scales are born in some parts of the body, and the strength is greatly increased. The third form is the form of a fully transformed dragon, and the one with increased strength is the most terrifying, capable of skipping grades to kill!

Before the chaos began, he used a dragon blood needle to test Linley's blood concentration, which was completely below the standard for transforming into a dragon blood warrior.

Clinkable, the appearance of this mysterious adult not only made Linley successfully transformed into a dragon blood warrior, but also the strongest form among dragon blood warriors.

The only difference is that this transformed dragon is very different from the double-winged dragon transformed by his ancestor Baruch Clan.

"Linley Young Master, have you become stronger? Let us all take a look." The residents were curious.


Linley nodded, who turned into a Five Clawed Golden Dragon, flew to a huge rock nearly ten meters high, and slapped it with a paw.

hong long!

With a roar, the huge rocks exploded and the sky was splashed with rubble.

"Okay...really strong!"

Looking at the huge rocks that have turned into countless rubbles and splashes, the residents of Wushan Town are in a daze, and they are almost speechless.

"My uncles, this is the power I have now."

Linley flung the dragon tail, a little excitement in his words.

"My lord, what exactly did you give Linley Divine Pill? His paw just now has to be Level 3 Warrior!"

Hogg looked at Linley blankly. The expression was a little petrified, and came back to his senses and then said: "My lord, do you still have this Divine Pill? It can make us Baruch Clan directly transform into a Dragon blood Warrior in the form of a Third Layer!"

"What? It turns out that Lord Hogg's family is dragon blood Warrior!"

"Is it the four ultimate Warriors in the legend!"

Hearing Hogg’s words, The complexion of Wushan Town residents has greatly changed, apparently they did not know Baruch Clan's deeds before.

"What you see is not a dragon blood Warrior, but the inheritance given to the discipline by this seat, Ancestral Dragon inheritance!" Chu Bei glanced at Hogg faintly, saying in a tranquil voice.

"Ancestral Dragon inheritance?"

Hearing this, Hogg, Hillman and the others looked at Chu Bei in confusion.

However, Chu Bei did not say any more, but looked towards Linley: "disciple, I really feel the power of being a teacher inheritance from you. When you develop this power to the extreme, you This is the strongest person between Heaven and Earth."

With a sound of dragon roar, the Five Clawed Golden Dragon became Linley again, kneeling down in front of Chu Bei again, with excitement on his face: "disciple Many thanks to Master inheritance, I will cultivation the strength of Dragon well in the future!"

"Linley, congratulations, you can have such a powerful Master." A group of children looked at Linley enviously.

"Master, what did you just grab from them?" Linley seemed to think of something, and looked at Chu Bei curiously with his head up.

"A Level 9 shadow mouse."

Chu Bei spreads out his palm, and has a mouse lying in his palm. He has lost consciousness.

With the divine glow blooming in Chu Bei's palm, strands of rays of light poured into the body of the Shadowmouse, and gradually, the breath of the Shadowmouse became stronger.

"child...my child..."

Level 9 Shadow Mouse opened his eyes, making a weak voice, with anxiety on his face.

He even forgot to thank Chu Bei, cut through the sky with a sneer, and moved towards the Baruch mansion.

"Master, how did he go to our house?" Linley's eyes widened as he watched the direction the Shadow Eater flew away.

"Let's go, its child is your future partner." Chu Bei smiled.

"Little buddy?" Linley frowned deeper.

However, Linley’s perplexed tone barely fell, an invisible force supported him to fly into the air with Hogg, Wharton, Hillman and the others, and in a blink of an eye they landed on an old house in Baruch’s mansion. In front of the house.


Linley, Hogg and the others followed Chu Bei and they just appeared in front of the house. They were all stunned, their eyes hooked. Looking at the corner of the room.

At this moment, the previous shadow mouse is licking a mouse who is still trying to open his eyes soon after he was born.

"Master, is that her child?"

Linley looked towards Chu Bei, for some reason, besides being able to feel the thick In addition to maternal love, there is another kind of determination, which seems to be the final farewell to its child.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sadness rises in the mind.

"Benefactor, many thanks for your life-saving grace."

Level 9 The shadow rat came to Chu Bei with a newborn mouse in his mouth: "The two killed me Husband, I must take revenge for him! Please also take in my poor child."

The bleak voice fell, and the Level 9 Shadow Mouse knelt down, moving towards Chu Bei and knocked his head again and again. , With pleading in his eyes.

"With your strength, do you think you can kill two Sacred Domain Experts?"

Chu Bei glanced at the Level 9 Shadow Mouse and said: "You Husband How long have you been dead?"

"One hour."

Level 9 Shadow Mouse took a deep breath, the killing intent in the words is strong, and it seems that I can’t wait to cramp Dilong and Rudy to drink blood .

"Take this seat to the place where your Husband died." Chu Bei said calmly.

"Benefactor, you..."

Level 9 Shadow Mouse was confused and puzzled in his eyes.

"Lead the way, you'll know in a while." Chu Bei put his hands behind his back and didn't say much.


Level 9 Shadow Mouse does not understand what Chu Bei intends, but thinks that the other party is her benefactor, and she also entrusts her child to The opponent, after hesitating for a while, turned into a changhong moved towards the Magic Beast forest and flew away.


Above the Magic Beast forest about 30 kilometers away from Wushan Town.

Level 9 Shadow Mouse, Hogg, Hillman, Linley, and Delincowater all floated out of the ring, each looking at the front with incomprehension but concentration.

Chu Bei hovered in a void, his eyes swept all around, slowly closing his eyes.

hong long!

After Chu Bei was silent, he suddenly pointed out his hand, a finger pointed.

Next moment, a Five Clawed Golden Dragon phantom as long as ten thousand zhang appeared on his fingertips.

Looking at its appearance, it is the same as the Divine Dragon that Linley had previously transformed, but it is billions of times stronger than the opponent in the imposing manner.

Under the line of sight, the Golden Dragon in front of Chu Bei suddenly opened a huge mouth to the sky, and suddenly Heaven and Earth changed color.

long long long!

In the rumbling sound, the originally clear sky of the distant sky was shrouded in dark clouds in an instant.

In a short while, the entire Magic Beast forest was shrouded in dark clouds, giving people a sense of horror, as if they were in hell.

The Wild Beast in the forest crawls on the ground, looking at the sky in fear one by one, shiver coldly.

This is a kind of instinctive fear, as if their emperor came to the earth.


Divine Dragon phantom waved its tail, and thunder resounded through Heaven and Earth.

The thunder master kills and kills, and life and death accompany each other, can destroy the soul, and can also Soul Evocation.

In Shrouding The Heavens plane, he used Power of Thunder to resurrect Cai Yun Fairy.

"What realm is this person! He can actually influence the weather by the strength of oneself!" Dlingerwater looked at Chu Bei's back in a daze, with shock in his eyebrows.

"Sir Father, look, it's raining!" Linley pointed to the sky.

"No, this is not rain! When have you ever seen rain glow? This is simply thunder!"

Hogg took a deep breath, watching all around, pattering The lightning flash of raindrops, sucked in a breath of cold air.

"It's really lightning! Your lord is really amazing, what exactly does he want to do!" Hillman also looked at Chu Bei in awe.

"Sir Father, this thunderdrop doesn't seem to have any formidable power, it really looks like a raindrop when hit on the body." Linley reached out and let the thunderdrop strike.

"Not only is it harmless, but it is also great for cultivation! I tried to incorporate these thunderdrops into the body, and the whole body cells were stretched out. Realm that has been stagnant for many years has a tendency to break through!" Hillman's voice was excited.

Delling Kovot, Level 9 Shadow Mouse remained silent, but his eyes were firmly locked in the unusual form of the sky, browses slightly wrinkle, as if thinking about something.

Ta Ta Ta!

At this moment, there were bursts of rapid footsteps from far to near, and several silhouettes of birds came in the sky in the distance.

"That's who! What is he doing!"

"Standing in the sky, he is Sacred Domain Powerhouse!"

"What's the matter with this raindrop?" It’s actually shining! And, there seems to be a kind of magical power in it!"


Team after team gathered, some of them wearing armor and holding big There are sword imperial soldiers, Sect forces dísciple who have come out to experience, and merchants who take shortcuts.

Obviously, no matter which wave of people it is, it is attracted by the movement made by Chu Bei.

Among these people, the strong have even reached Level 8 Warrior and Level 8 magician, and the weak also have two Level 3.

"My God, he did this thunder unusual form! Why in my impression, I never remember such a Sacred Domain Powerhouse!"

A group of people who came, with a look of consternation, looked at the rolling thunder in the sky, and then looked towards Chu Bei, who was standing with their hands, swallowed saliva and said. These methods are simply not man-made.

"Those are the people of Holy Church and Darkness! And the soldiers of Finlay Kingdom!"

Hillman quickly recognized the three waves of people who came, and couldn't help but exclaim. Aloud, with surprise.

"The soul is back!"

Huo Ran, under the attention of hundreds of people, Chu Bei danced his hands in an orderly manner, and immediately two heavily syllables sounded like a thunder-like self. The sky is floating.

Hearing the sound, all the onlookers including Delincowater, Hillman, and Hogg trembled suddenly, staring at the sky without blinking.

Especially the Level 9 Shadow Mouse seems to have guessed something. It suddenly squeezed its paw, its expression changed suddenly, and it became extremely nervous.

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