"Is this Sacred Domain Powerhouse in Soul Evocation!"

"Crazy! He might be resurrecting the dead!"

"How is it possible! I have never heard of anyone who has this method!"

"Yes, people are dead when they die, how can they be resurrected!"

"No Wrong! Even our Supreme Pontiff does not have this ability! Let alone him!"


all around After the onlookers reacted from their consternation, they talked about it. Speaking out, what's more, there is sarcasm in the words.

"Master, is he going to resurrect the dead Level 9 stone-eating rat?" Little Linley seemed to have thought of something, his eyes widened, his mouth murmured, and his face was full of astonishment.

Chu Bei ignored the crowd and continued to wave his hands in an orderly manner. Gradually, centering on himself, the spiritual qi between Heaven and Earth began to riot.

hong long!

Another shocking noise!

In the dark clouds, the originally slowly falling thunderdrops suddenly fell like a downpour, and the dense electric current sounded the spiritual qi over the entire Magic Beast forest hundreds of times denser.

Afterwards, in the shocking eyes of everyone, among these rain-like thunderdrops, a piece of blue rune appeared.

These runes gathered together, as if with some kind of magical power, they started to light up the bright rays of light.

weng weng weng!

In the weird rumbling sound, countless points of light that are different from the thunderdrops flooded from all directions until they formed the appearance of a mouse.

"Fuck, what is that stuff!"

"It's not a person, it's a mouse! Oh no, it's the soul of a mouse!"

"Can it be Say, this mysterious Sacred Domain Powerhouse is not resurrecting people, but resurrecting a mouse!"

"Let me just say, even Supreme Pontiff doesn’t have the means to resurrect the dead, how could he do it? Here! Feelings are just resurrecting a mouse."

"What do you know? Even if it is resurrecting a mouse, it will also resurrect a life! These methods are already very dangerous!"

"No, this mouse is unusual! It is a rock-eater, and depending on its soul fluctuations, its strength in life should be higher than me! It is a Level 9 rock-eater!"

"What? Level 9 Magic Beast! Impossible, this is much harder than resurrecting a normal person!"


Looking at in the sky, it takes shape The onlookers first uttered a grinning sigh.

After hearing the words of a Level 8 Warrior, it was confirmed that it was a Level 9 stone-eating rat, and their faces changed suddenly, like thunder and lightning, with terrified look all over their faces.

"My lord...he really brought it back to life!" Hogg and Hillman looked at each other, both with a thick terrified look in their eyes.

Before, they never dared to imagine that there would be someone in this world who could bring the dead to life!

But right now, they witnessed a scene with their own eyes, and it was a powerful Level 9 Magic Beast that was resurrected!

"When I get stronger in the future, can I do it too?"

Little Linley looked at the sky, a strange thing rose in his eyes, like a longing for the future.


Level 9 Shadow Mouse trembled. When he saw the familiar silhouette in the distance, he was taken aback for a moment. After he recovered from the trance, tears burst into his eyes. It went straight down.

Two hours ago, they stayed quietly at home, looking forward to the arrival of the baby.

Unexpectedly, before the baby was born, it ushered in a catastrophe, and the two Sacred Domain Powerhouses had to forcibly accept them as Magic Beast.

As a proud Mouse King, whether it is a Level 9 Shadow Mouse or a Level 9 Stone Eater, they will naturally not agree.

A fierce battle unfolds, but in fact this is simply a one-sided battle!

No matter how strong the two Level 9 Magic Beasts are, they are definitely not the opponents of the two Sacred Domain Powerhouses. even more how, this Level 9 Shadow Mouse is still pregnant.

In the end, this Level 9 Rock-Eating Rat relied on its defensive power to be strong enough. He dragged two Sacred Domain Powerhouses to give the Level 9 Shadow Rat enough time to escape.

For the child in the belly, the Level 9 Shadow Mouse can only leave with tears.

Next, let the child in the belly come early in the Baruch mansion.

However, when it rushed back to the battlefield, all it heard was a bang, and its Husband self-destruct turned into a pile of flesh and blood.

Later, it was Level 9 Shadow Mouse with a killing intent that pounced on the two Sacred Domain Powerhouses, and was eventually captured by the sword saint Emperor Long.

At this moment, on the huge rock, the Level 9 Shadow Mouse kept calling the word Husband in its mouth. Its small body was trembling, and at the same time it could hear the joy in its voice.

The gaze that looked towards Chu Bei was filled with indescribable gratitude.


Chu Bei still ignored the comments of the people below, and the sound of a word in his mouth resounded through the sky.

As the divine glow of Chu Bei’s fingertips tapped into the soul of the stone-eater, countless drops of thunder in the sky suddenly rushed to the soul body, and infiltrated little by little.

In just a few seconds, the soul of the Stone Devourer began to become solid, the flesh and blood gradually formed, and the faintly discernable breath fluctuation began to slowly strengthen.

hong long!

Another muffled sound.

The fleshy body of the Stone Devourer was thoroughly condensed and successfully integrated with that soul.

"First the soul, then reshape the fleshy body!"

"It has come alive in the true sense, just like us!"

Perceiving the vitality of the stone-eater, the crowd was dumbfounded.

"I...Am I not dead."

The resurrected Rock Rat was obviously in a trance, his hollow eyes scanned all around, when his eyes fell on the Level 9 Shadow Rat When he was on his body, a thick color of joy suddenly rose in his eyes.

"Husband, you really came back to life, very good."

Level 9 Shadow Mouse's difficult to calm voice was filled with excitement, and a sneer left a series of words in place The phantom, came to the front of Level 9 Stone Devouring Rat in an instant.

"Child, what happened to our child?"

Looking at the Shadow Mouse, the Rock Rat seemed to realize something, and immediately asked.

"It’s okay, our child is very good."

After that, the Level 9 Shadow Mouse moved towards Chu Bei and bowed: "My lord, you treat our family Great kindness and virtue, we have nothing to repay. If you don’t mind, our family treats you as the master, life and death follow."

"This is that's all for your child and If this seat is destined, let him stay with the seat of the discipline and grow up together.” Chu Bei calmly looked at the two mice opened the mouth and said.

"Everything listens to senior."

Level 9 Shadow Mouse is very respectful, and said: "My lord, my child has no name yet. You are the benefactor of our family, please Give it a name."

"Just call Beibei." Chu Bei didn't hesitate.

"My lord, I am Holy Church Nick Dab, Level 8 Light Element magician. May I invite you on behalf of Holy Church?"

"My lord, I am the Holy See of Darkness Oaks, Level 8 Darkness is magician. On behalf of the Darkness Holy See, I invite you to be a guest."

"My lord, I am the commander of the Finlay Kingdom First Army, Level 8 Warrior. I wonder if you are free?"


When Chu Bei brought two mice to Linley's side, the leaders of the three forces of Holy Church, Darkness Holy See, and Finlay Kingdom came forward at the same time, one after another. send invitation.

People from other forces in the distance naturally also have the meaning of friendship, but because of the first three forces, they can only look away temporarily.

"My lord, even a dead person can be resurrected, and you will surely be able to reshape my fleshy body for me and let me get free!"

Drinkovate looked very excitedly Chu Bei, with anticipation in his eyes, looks nothing like a person who has lived for more than five thousand years.

"This seat can do it naturally."

Chu Bei looked towards Delinco Water, said with a smile: "However, this seat will not help you. You Just wait at Linley's side with peace of mind, wait for him to grow up, and then let him help you."

"My lord is really a good abacus."

Drinker Walter sighed, he naturally understood Chu Bei's intention, wasn't it just to keep him close to Linley.

long long long ——

Just when the people from the Holy Church and the Darkness of the Holy See once again invited Chu Bei, in the dark clouds of lightning above their heads, a huge Suddenly the pitch-black sickle came out of it.

This sickle came from nowhere, but it suddenly penetrated the void, hovering in the sky, releasing a breathtaking breath of horror!

"Look! So...what is that!"

The appearance of the dark sickle instantly attracted everyone's attention. When you felt the breath it released, The sense of fear inexplicably rise in the mind, it feels like it comes from an ominous place, with a curse!

"It's dead, soul has entered the underworld. But you called him back. You violated the rules and you should be punished!"

As everyone was discussing, a sound of tenths came from the sky. The deep voice, which sounded like it came from the abyss of Nine Nether, was chilling.

"Underworld? Where is that!"

"Could that be where we will go after we die!"

"This person who speaks Who is it? He is there again! Is it a living person or a dead person?"


Hearing the sudden sound of Sen Han's voice, everyone was terrified and stared at him. The dark sickle in the sky is trying to find the owner behind it.

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