"Underworld? Is that the highest plane!"

Drinkovart, who is located in the Dragon Ring, seems to know something, his face suddenly changed.

"The Husband has come alive, no one wants to take it away!"

Level 9 Shadow Mouse raised his head and looked at the dark sickle, with determination in his voice.


No sound came from the sky, but the huge black sickle moved.

It split open space and appeared above the heads of Level 9 Shadow Rats and Rock Rats in an instant.

"No...Don't hurt the Husband!" Level 9 Shadow Mouse roar.

However, just as the spiritual power in its body was surging and preparing to resist, the dark sickle vibrated, and a ray of black glow poured down, which directly suppressed it, making it impossible to move even a little bit.

At this moment, the tip of the dark sickle was aimed at the Level 9 Stone Eating Rat.

Feeling the horrible breath on the sickle, the Stonechewer Rat has some helplessness on its face. Under the suppression of its absolute strength, it has no resistance at all.

"Ellie, take care of Beibei."

Level 9 Stone Chewer finally looked at the Eyeshadow Mouse, then glanced at the dark sickle above her head, slowly closing her eyes, It's like welcoming something.

"My lord, please... please help Husband!"

At this time, Level 9 Shadow Mouse seemed to think of something, and quickly moved towards Chu Bei hoarsely. Begging.


Seeing that the tip of the sickle was about to fall on the Stonechewer Rat, a fist mark appeared out of thin air and then swept out.

With a metal roar, the dark sickle was directly blasted into numerous fragments by the fist marks, and finally dissipated above the head of the Stone Devourer.

After that, the terrifying pressure that enveloped the Level 9 Shadow Mouse disappeared.

"Thank you, thank you sir..."

Level 9 Shadow Mouse moved towards Chu Bei again and thank you, she knows that the other party must have made the move. No one can do it except him. Arrived.

"Who are you!"

The dark sickle shattered, and a huge pitch-black gap was cracked in the sky far away, and the same low voice as before came out again in the gap.

Immediately afterwards, a silhouette of his body covered in black mist slowly walked out.

"Standing in the sky, how come another Sacred Domain Powerhouse!"

"Is he from the underworld!"

"He is The living or the dead!"

"After I go back, this matter must be reported immediately to Lord Supreme Pontiff!"


Looking at the sky In the silhouette of the black mist that is already opposite to Chu Bei, a crowd of onlookers sucked in a breath of cold air, their expressions become more and more horrified.

"Trifling the messenger of the underworld, let alone you, even if Death Sovereign is here, I don’t want to take people away from this seat."

Chu Bei calmly looked at it. The silhouette wrapped in black mist, with contempt in his eyes, as if he didn't put the other party in his eyes at all.


Hearing Chu Bei's words, the messenger of the underworld immediately shouted.

next moment, tens of thousands of crows formed out of thin air in front of him, thumping and killing Chu Bei with the breath of death.

However, these nether crows hiding the sky and covering the earth densely packed have not yet approached Chu Bei, they seem to be hit by a terrifying invisible force, and disappeared directly with a thud.

While witnessing this scene, the dark mist shrouded eyes of the messenger of the underworld shot out two beams of blood light and fell on Chu Bei's body. After being frowned, his hands crossed and danced.

"Ming Puppet!"

With the shouting loudly in the mouth of the messenger of the underworld, the sky over the entire Magic Beast Mountain Range suddenly changed.

The dim sky, which was already dark clouds, has added a palpitating bloody rays of light.

"This...is this really the method Sacred Domain Powerhouse should have!"

The onlookers of all influences such as Holy Church and Darkness were shocked and stared at the sky in a daze.

The scarlet rays of light just flooded the sky, and the front then is of the messenger of the underworld condensed into a huge giant as high as ten thousand zhang.

This giant is also shrouded by black mist, and can't see his appearance. He holds a blood-colored giant axe tightly in his hand.


A roar resembling a great roar from the ancient Great Desolate, emanating from the huge population of summon, the messenger of the underworld, resounded in the sky. Terrifying sound waves echoed in the mountains, and the forests shook to pieces.

It is like a Great Desolate savage beast that is hungry and unwilling to eat. Its roar is full of heartbreaking cruelty and tyranny, full of endless destruction and killing.

It seems that the source of this roar is the most terrifying disaster in the world.

The roar came up again, the black giant moved, and two red light shot out from his eyes. After coldly sweeping the onlookers below, he finally froze on Chu Bei.

The sound of friction sounded all over his body, and a fierce and violent breath of horror permeated.

"Even if Supreme Pontiff meets this big guy, I'm afraid I won't be pleased."

Feel the horrible breath fluctuations released by the Black Mist Giant, not just Holy The people of Church, all the onlookers below, including two Level 9 mice, all complexion greatly changed.

long long long ——

The black mist giant is walking on air, and the void is twisted everywhere.

In an instant, his extremely large stature appeared in front of Chu Bei.


The blood-colored giant axe, which is nearly ten feet long in the hands of the black mist giant, waved, and at the moment it was cut, the blood-colored rays of light above the Magic Beast forest At the same time surging, injected into the axe blade.

The blood glow splashed, and the hearts of all those who watched the battle trembled.

At this moment, under the violent breath of the blood-colored giant axe, their bodies were actually suppressed unable to move even a little bit, a sense of suffocation rose inexplicably, extremely depressed.

But in the face of such a terrifying axe, Chu Bei in the sky doesn't seem to feel any crisis.

Seeing that the blade of the axe was about to fall on Chu Bei's head, he casually clicked a finger.

Ka-cha, the blood-colored giant axe shattered from Chu Bei's fingertips. The gap spread quickly until it reached the giant who was wrapped in black mist.

hong long!

Not only the blood-colored giant axe, but also the black mist giant with the ten thousand zhang high exploded.

In an instant, the black blood mist spread out like raindrops in the sky, which made people palpitate.

Pu chi!

In an instant, the underworld messenger below the gap spit out a mouthful of blood from the black mist, and the breath became chaotic.

"How...how could it..."

The black mist outside the body of the messenger of the underworld surged, and the words were trembling with fear.

The blood eyes that looked towards Chu Bei were incredibly colored, and he didn't expect to encounter such existences on this Magnolia continent anyway!

"If you don't leave again, even if Death Sovereign comes, it won't save you."

Chu Bei suddenly looked towards the messenger of the underworld, a beam of light shot out, and it was a direct blast. Disperse the black mist shrouded outside the body of the messenger of the underworld.

This is a middle-aged man with a scar on his face. His eyes are bloody, and the last glance is scary.

"You have violated the rules, no matter who you are, this matter will not be easily revealed!"

The messenger of the underworld finally glanced at Chu Bei with great fear, and his body returned to the gap. In, disappeared.

"Is that man in the underworld defeated!"

After a while, all influence onlookers such as Holy Church and Darkness came back to his senses, looking at them in a trance. Looking at the disappearing pitch-black gap in the sky.

At the same time, Chu Bei behind unusual form disappeared and fell beside two Level 9 rats.

"Husband, it's all right, we're all right."

The Level 9 Shadow Mouse embraces the Level 9 Stone Eater, and once again moved towards Chu Bei and bowed down.

"My lord, on behalf of Holy Church (Darkness Holy See), I extend an invitation to you..."

"There is no time for this seat, you can go back wherever you come."

Without waiting for the words of the Holy Church and the Darkness of the Holy See, Chu Bei interrupted them with a wave of his hand.

After that, Chu Bei raised his hand and took Linley, Hogg, Hillman and the others to the Baruch mansion.

Looking at the back of Chu Bei's departure, Holy Church, Darkness Holy See and the others complexion became ugly up.

On Magnolia continent, their status is so high that no one has dared to refuse their request. But the person in front of him didn't even let them finish their words.

If they hadn't witnessed the strength of this person with their own eyes, I'm afraid they would be angry on the spot.

"Go, return to the Holy See!"

The leaders of Holy Church and Darkness gave orders at the same time, and then left quickly.

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