9990 on the Magnolia calendar, July 23.

In the early morning of this day, there was a vast crowd in All Heavens Store.

"Holy Church Dab came to congratulate the establishment of All Heavens Store!"

"Finlay Kingdom Commander Nile came to congratulate the establishment of All Heavens Store!"

"The Kingdom of Ike congratulates the owner of All Heavens Store for the establishment of All Heavens Store!"

"The Kingdom of Xiluo congratulates the owner of All Heavens Store for the establishment of All Heavens Store!"

"The Kingdom of Tees, congratulations All Heavens Store owner established All Heavens Store!"

"Dawson Chamber of Commerce congratulates All Heavens Store owner established All Heavens Store!"


Not only Only people from Holy Church and Finlay’s Imperial Family came to the All Heavens Store to congratulate them, and other kingdoms in the alliance sent people to come.

Of course, there is no shortage of Great Influence in the alliance, like the three Chamber of Commerce.

"Master, there are so many people!"

In the All Heavens Store, Linley stayed beside Chu Bei, looking at the endless stream of people who came to congratulate, Xiao With a little tension on his face, it was obviously the first time he had experienced such a big battle.

Fortunately, Hillman and the residents of Wushan Town help to receive them, otherwise I am afraid it will be a mess.

[The wheel of time and space is activated, the host is about to enter the experience time]

Before Chu Bei stepped forward to greet these Holy Alliance Great Influence people, the sound of the mechanical system was in his mind. Sounded.

"Here again."

Listening to the experienced system sound, Chu Bei frowned.

As soon as the helpless sigh fell, the wheel of time and space appeared, and a suction force that even he could not resist instantly dragged it into the wheel of time and space.

At the last moment of leaving, he only heard Linley's anxious shout, asking where he was going.

This is not the first time he has entered the Wheel of Time and Space. The energy contained in the Wheel of Time and Space is really too terrifying. Even if he is already Level 16 Peak, he still feels heart palpitations.

If this wheel of time and space is advertised as a weapon, his level is probably not lower than the Immortal Emperor weapon, even higher than the latter!


weng weng weng!

What makes Chu Bei happy is that he did not feel too long during this time of experience.

When his experience ended and he left Tian City, All Heavens Store was still the All Heavens Store.

It's just that the memory before the experience is still the vast crowd, the voice is full of people, and it is extremely lively; but in front of me, it is the opposite, a lifeless appearance.


hong long long!

In the area on the north side of the All Heavens Store, buildings are constantly collapsing, dust is rising, and gravel is splashing.

Obviously, there are people fighting and fighting there.

Chu Bei immediately let go of Divine Consciousness and noticed that behind the scene that the area was going through, his face instantly became heavy.

At this moment, on a ruin north of the house door, there are several silhouettes fighting fiercely.

One of them is seven silhouettes that are indistinguishable in black robe.

The spiritual power and breath of these seven people are exactly the same, and they seem to cultivate the same Qi Method. From the point of view of the moves, it is obvious that they are all Warriors, and the breath has reached Level 9.

Look carefully, they all have the same pattern printed on the back of their black robe, which is a winding blood purple snake.

On the other side, there is a middle-aged man and two mice!

"How come the All Heavens Store provokes the Purple Snake Organization!"

"One of the four major Assassin Organizations! Maybe it is not All Heavens Store that provokes the Purple Snake Organization, but someone paid a high price to move the Purple Snake Organization to destroy All Heavens Store."

"Anyway, All Heavens Store is in danger!"

" Where did Linley go? Why hasn’t there been any news in these two days! It’s like disappearing from the face of the earth!"

"That said, this Linley’s innate The talent is really terrifying! At only sixteen, he turned out to be a Level 9 Warrior! And after transforming into Ancestral Dragon, he can even fight against the ordinary Sacred Domain Powerhouse without being weak!"

" What about strong? Now All Heavens Store is at stake, but others don’t know where to go. If they don’t come back, everyone in All Heavens Store will probably die in the hands of the seven members of the Purple Snake Organization."

"Ten years Previously, All Heavens Store was established. But on the 2nd day of its establishment, the All Heavens Store Sect Master disappeared and became the number one joke of this All Heavens Store. If one day he comes back, he sees a ruin, and again How will you feel."


The ruins are all around, and more and more people come from afar, looking at the fierce battlefield, one by one sighing. There are sympathetic ones, those who take pleasure in other people's misfortune, and those who are indifferent to the right to watch a play.

hong long!

In the chaotic battlefield, a loud noise exploded, three silhouette fiercely hit the ground, a piece of blood soaked the earth.

"Hillman Uncle!"

Wharton is now twelve years old. He is no longer the shaky little doll that walked, he ran forward anxiously. With worry on his face, it is more hatred for the seven silhouettes.

"young master, I'm fine."

Hillman wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up again, staring coldly at the seven people in the purple snake organization.

In the past ten years, Hillman has become a Level 9 Powerhouse through cultivation Nine Heavens.

Different from human cultivation, Shadow Rats and Rock Rats still stay at Level 9, but distance to breakthrough is not far from Sacred Domain.

If they meet the ordinary Level 9 Powerhouse, the three of them can fight, but the seven killers who are facing each other, their Qi Method of cultivation have the same origin, there is no cooperation with each other. weak spot.

Seven people join forces and can even fight Sacred Domain Powerhouse.

"Taking people's money and helping others to eliminate disasters, I can only blame you for your bad lives."

Seven killers of the Purple Snake organization stood side by side, their voices were cold, and they were facing Hillman at the same time. Approaching two Level 9 mice.

"Did Clyde let you take the shot?" Hillman was expressionless, his eyes cold.

"Clyde? What a familiar name!"

"That...that's the king's name!"

"What? These killers are kings Your Majesty invited it!"

"Impossible! Why did the King Your Majesty start the All Heavens Store!"

"Hush! If you are not sure, don't guess!"


Hearing the name in Hillman's mouth, all around the onlookers were first taken aback, and then their faces were full of astonishment.

Only because of the significance of the name Clyde in Finlay Kingdom is so extraordinary, he is the emperor of the kingdom!

"Don’t disclose customer information, this is the basic rule of killers."

Sen Han’s voice fell, and the seven killers of the Purple Snake Organization looked at each other and then danced at the same time. stand up.

Their paces are the same frequency, and their transpositions are constantly intertwined, as if they have become a whole.

"Snake Sword Dance!"

Seven killers from the Purple Snake Organization drank together, and threw the long sword in their hands. In the hum of the clang, the seven long swords overlapped. Unleashing fierce breath.

The terrifying sword qi stirred the sky and rubbed against the air to make a chilling sound. The target was Hillman and two Level 9 rats.

"Really strong combo skills!"

"It is worthy of being one of the four major Assassin Organizations!"

Looking at the sharp sword glow, all around onlookers An inexplicable chill rises from the back of the person.


However, when the sharp sword glow was about to sweep Hillman and two Level 9 mice, a bright divine glow suddenly appeared.

The divine glow passed by, first annihilated the seven-handled long sword in one bite, and then appeared in front of the seven killers.

The pupils of the seven killers shrank suddenly, but before they could make any response, they were penetrated by the dazzling divine glow.

When the divine glow dissipated, the seven killers followed and disappeared.

"Fa...what happened..."

Looking at the scene that happened suddenly, all around the onlookers startled, and instantly fell into a daze.

One by one looked straight ahead in a trance, and fell silent. It was a long time before he came back to his senses from the loss of his soul, and looked around, as if looking for something.

"Look! Someone shows up!"

"He...he is who!"

"Is the wiping just now his method? He killed the Qisha of the Purple Snake Organization?"

"He is Boss Chu!"

"The All Heavens Store Sect Master who disappeared for ten years is back!"


Above the ruins, a youth man appeared with an expressionless face and a face with allow some heavy.

A crowd of onlookers all around the ruins stared straight at the Chu Bei who appeared. They were taken aback for a moment, and when they recognized the identity of the other party, they exclaimed. The voice was full of thick Thick stunned.

"Boss, you...you're back..."

Looking at the silhouette that was exactly the same as ten years ago, Hillman returned to his senses, and there was a vibrato in his words, extremely excited.

Those All Heavens Store dísciple who had stayed far away, under the beckoning of Hillman, ran to Chu Bei one after another, bowing down and saluting.

Of course, some of them have never seen Chu Bei's dísciple, and their faces are worried.

"Boss Chu, Lord Hogg is dead. Linley Young Master is probably in a bad situation now. The seven killers must have been sent by Clyde. Linley Young Master has disappeared for two days. , It must have something to do with Clyde." Hillman's face was anxious.

"Has it been ten years."

Chu Bei muttered to himself, looking at Hillman calmly.

"Sect Master, Linley Young Master’s mother didn’t die because of Wharton’s dystocia. His wife was pregnant, but because of the poor medical conditions in Wushan Town, Mr. Hogg took his wife. Finlay City. But on the way back when the wife gave birth to Wharton, a group of mysterious people appeared and snatched her. Lord Hogg was outnumbered and only saved Wharton, but according to Lord Hogg, he saw the arm of one of the murderers. It bears the mark of Starscream."

Speaking of which, Hillman took a deep breath and said: "Master Hogg, as the heir of Baruch, the dragon blood Warrior clan, has always chosen to prevent clan from breaking Forbearance. Until you appeared, the All Heavens Store was established, and Linley Young Master was accepted as a discipline. Master Hogg had no concerns anymore. On the same day you left, he started investigating the matter. Later, following the Starscream mark After checking this line, Master Hogg finally found the person behind the scenes who robbed his wife."

"The person behind the scenes of the group of people back then was now the King of Clay of Finlay Kingdom Your Majesty. My younger brother-Duke Paderson! Unfortunately, Lord Hogg failed the assassination, but was encircled and found me with serious injuries. Before he died, he told me so much that he had to wait for Linley Young Master’s cultivation. Only after the base breakthrough reached Level 9 did he tell him the truth of the matter."

"Just half a month ago, Linley Young Master’s cultivation base successfully broke through. When he learned that Lord Hogg was dead and he knew that year. The truth about the mother’s death, when even looking for a chance to behead the Duke of Paterson. On the 2nd day, when he came back, he told me that the real indicator behind this was not the Duke of Paterson, but the current King Clyde of Finlay. !"

"Two days ago, Linley Young Master left quietly, but as of now, he hasn’t returned! If I’m really right, he’s leaving this time, he must be looking for Ke Ryder!"

After speaking, Hillman looked at Chu Bei anxiously: "Boss, now these two days have passed, Linley Young Master has not returned yet , I'm afraid something is wrong. "

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