"Hillman Uncle, you just said, daddy...he is dead! Not true, it must not be true!"

"Mother is not because of I was born and I died. Why didn’t you and the big brother tell me!" Hearing what Hillman said, Little Wharton's eyes were red, his fists were tight, and his head looked towards Finlay’s Imperial Palace. , His eyes were filled with monstrous hatred.

"I heard that right? Clyde Your Majesty sent someone to arrest Linley's mother!"

"No way, why did Clyde Your Majesty do this! Isn’t it? Say, what is special about Linley’s mother?"

"And, Linley’s father seems to have died under the hands of Duke Paderson!"

"If this is the case, then It makes sense! It turns out that the death of Duke Paderson was caused by Linley, and he is taking revenge!"

"In that case, Linley has not been seen in the past two days. Could it be that he was killed by Clay? De Your Majesty was arrested or killed?"


Hearing what Hillman said, the ruins all around all around the crowd of onlookers suddenly showed surprise expressions. , It’s like hearing an unimaginable story.

However, the tumultuous discussion just unfolded, and there was a sudden riot in this space.

In the sky, the void split into patches of light and rain, like fragments of time and space.

Under everyone's gaze, these time-space fragments moved towards Chu Bei flooded, and finally formed four pictures in front of it.

"Look at you!"

"That...that's Linley! And Clyde Your Majesty!"

The people all around in the ruins, instantly Attracted by the four pictures formed in front of Chu Bei, one by one looked at the content flowing in the pictures with shock and concentration.

Hillman, Level 9 Shadow Mouse, Stone Eater, Little Wharton, and the eyes of the All Heavens Store dísciple cast on the screen, with a deep surprise.

These pictures are the result of Chu Bei's stimulating years. Fortunately, the strength of the characters involved in the pictures can't be considered. Otherwise, even if they are stronger than him, they may not be able to reproduce the scene at that time.

1st screen.

That is a luxurious and exquisite room with three silhouettes in the room.

One person wearing dragon robe is King Clyde of Finlay, one person is General Ransom, and one person is Linley.

Compared with ten years ago, Linley is now a young man, and he looks very capable in every gesture.

"Linley, what can you do with Your Majesty so late?" The military commander Ransom looked at Linley, frowning gradually.

However, just before the general commander tone barely fell, a black shadow flashed by with a snort.

This is a mouse-shaped Magic Beast with the size of a slap. The opponent is very fast and appeared in front of Ransom in an instant.

The mouse-shaped Magic Beast sharp claw swiped it and directly slit Ransom’s throat. The latter didn’t even have time to issue a mournful scream, his eyes dimmed completely, and his peng sound fell down. On the ground, blood was flowing.

"Linley, what are you doing!"

I glanced at the palm-sized mouse that easily killed Level 8 Warrior Ransom and landed on Linley’s shoulder, Clyde was shocked, his face changed suddenly, and at the same time he stepped back, his face full of alertness.

"Clyde, can you still remember that twelve years ago, you let Padeson send someone to kidnap my mother!"

Linley looked at Clay indifferently De, Sen Han's voice echoed in the room, and his eyes were filled with thick killing intents.

"What? That woman is your mother!"

Clyde was taken aback for a moment, and then allowed some fear on his face: "You killed Padson!"

"It seems that you have a good memory, and I haven't forgotten things twelve years ago!"

In Linley's eyes, the baleful aura galloped: "Say, where is my mother now? She is born. , Or die!"

"So that's how it is, is this why you came to kill me?"

Clyde suddenly laughed: "I did make Pa Desen sent someone to catch your mother, but after catching it, I gave her to another person. One that I cannot afford to offend, you also cannot afford to offend!"


2nd screen.

This is a huge courtyard.

At this moment, fierce fighting is taking place in the courtyard.

To be precise, it was a group of powerful generals who were jointly besieging a Five Clawed Golden Dragon tens of meters long and a mouse that was not palm-size.

hong long long!

In the battle, although those generals had the advantage in numbers, they were vulnerable in front of Five Clawed Golden Dragon and mice.

This is a unilateral slaughter, one military commander after another falls, and blood flows all over the place.

In just a few seconds, these generals were killed.

"Clyde, what else do you have to rely on? Today, I must torture you to death! In return for the blood and blood of father mother!"

Full of terrible killing intents The voice fell, Five Clawed Golden Dragon changed back to Linley's own appearance, but his hands were still Dragon Claw, cold glow shooting everywhere.

weng weng!

Linley arrived in front of Clyde in a quick step, Dragon Claw fiercely waved it, and directly moved towards the latter's waist and abdomen.

But when Dragon Claw was about to penetrate Clyde's body, it seemed to have received a strange resistance.

Next moment, I saw a transparent ripple emerging out of thin air, easily blocking Linley's claw for Clyde.

"Is this your last support?" Linley frowned, his face extremely ugly.

"It's the reward I got when I sent someone to catch your mother back then! With it, even if you transform into Ancestral Dragon, you can't kill me!" Clyde stared at Linley blankly , The cold words are proud of.

"If I don't kill you, my hatred is hard to dispel!"

Linley once again incarnates as Ancestral Dragon, with a powerful breath erupting, claws fiercely towards Clyde's body Wave away.

weng weng weng!

Twenty-one claws in a row, each claw falls in a different position. But no matter where Linley's attack falls, it will eventually be blocked by the transparent ripples.


The third screen.

It's still the courtyard soaked in blood.

At this moment, Clyde has been battered and exhausted, and the transparent ripples on the outside of the body are almost dissipated.


Finally, under Linley's continuous claw swings, accompanied by a clear sound, Clyde's surface defenses finally broke completely.

"old fellow, look at you undying this time!"

Linley laughed, frantically, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes.

His hands became Dragon Claw again, moved towards Clyde and waved his head.

But when Linley’s claws were about to smash Clyde’s head...

At this time, there was a lanky man in a white robe above Clyde. When he appeared, he stood in the air, looking at Linley below indifferently like Heavenly God.

hong long!

The man in the robe has taken a shot, and the method is extremely powerful.

In just two rounds, Linley was seriously injured, and finally Linley was taken away under Clyde's grateful eyes.



"No, Linley’s mother was really caught by Clyde Your Majesty!"

"You didn’t Did you hear what Your Majesty said? He was just to please the people behind the scenes!"

"By the way, as Clyde Your Majesty, who else needs him to please him like this!"

"That Linley actually went to kill Clyde Your Majesty!"

"Yes, if it wasn't for Supreme Pontiff in the end, I'm afraid Clyde Your Majesty really Linley will kill him!"


After watching the third picture, a crowd of onlookers around the ruins could no longer help but exclaim. .

"Sect Master, did Linley Young Master fall into the hands of Guangming Supreme Pontiff Haitings!"

Hillman looked towards Chu Bei, with confusion between his eyebrows: "This ten Over the years, although the relationship between my All Heavens Store and Holy Church can't be considered, there have been no conflicts. Since Supreme Pontiff Haitings has prevented the killing of Linley Young Master, why hasn't he been returned? "

Chu Bei didn't speak, but just gave a look and motioned Hillman to continue watching.

4th screen.

This is a huge main hall, mostly decorated in Western style.

At this moment, there are two figures in the great hall, one of them is Bright Supreme Pontiff Hettings, and the other is red-clothed Archbishop Gilmer.

"Master Supreme Pontiff, how do you say we should persuade Linley, after all, this Klein is the king of the Finlay Kingdom. If he dies, the kingdom will not be messed up." Gilmer looked at Haiting. Stow.

"No need to persuade, this kid will either end up for my Holy Church or die." Haitings said indifferently.


When Hearings answered, Gilmer was obviously surprised: "Master Pontiff, this Linley Master is also a Sacred Domain expert. Ah! We have always been with All Heavens Store everyone minds their own business, and there is no need to get rid of his enemies for Clyde!"

"Gilmer, do you know why Linley killed Clyde Is it?" Haitings turned his head and looked towards Gilmer.

Gilmer startedled and said: "Isn't it because of the vengeance of killing his mother?"


Heatings nodded, continued: "Then do you know who is Linley's mother?"

Gilmer shook the head: "I haven't investigated this."

Haitings squinted half his eyes , With a serious expression: "Linley's mother is the woman Clyde gave us twelve years ago."

"What? It's her!"

I heard Heating Gilmer's expression changed abruptly at the words of Si, and he suddenly remembered, because this woman had a great influence on their Light God Palace.

"Master Pontiff, what are you going to do with Linley now?"

Gilmer's face is a bit solemn. The innate talent shown by Linley is really too terrifying. At only sixteen years old, he has already breakthrough to Level 9!

Throughout the history of Magnolia continent, there has never been such a young Level 9 Powerhouse!

What's more, not only that, this Linley also has a Secret Skill that can turn into a dragon.

In the state of the dragon, he is already able to fight the Initial Phase Sacred Domain Powerhouse.

He knows that a genius like Linley must either receive and use for oneself, or there should be no grudges. But if there is really a grudge, then this threat must be removed while the other party has not fully grown up!

"Tomorrow is the day of mission, and it is also the time when the Lord of Light's glory is most dazzling. At this time tomorrow, I will pray that the Lord will give him the light of God." Haitings said in a tranquil voice.

"God-given light?"

Gilmer quickly understood Haitings’s thoughts, but anyone who accepts God-given light, his future achievements may be Restricted, but it will no longer pose a threat to Holy Church.

The so-called light of God is nothing more than a strand of strength of Faith from the Lord of Light. It can completely wash a person's soul and make this person absolutely believe in and loyal to the Lord of Light.

"What if it fails?" Gilmer opened the mouth and said again.

“It’s okay to fail. His physique is so strong that it can be used as a high-quality furnace cauldron to attract a powerful angel!” Supreme Pontiff Haitings grinned, with a touch of sinisterness. .

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