"Using this discipline as the furnace cauldron, do you think you have a long life!"

Suddenly, a cold voice filled with endless killing intents from the sky Floating away, echoing above the square, the air instantly stagnated.

"Who! Who is talking!"

In the huge square, everyone was uncontrollable and shivered from the cold.

The cold wind from nowhere blows over their bodies, making them feel like they are in an ice cave.

Especially the surging killing intent everywhere, it makes their heart palpitations.

Countless Powerhouses are swinging their heads and looking around, seeming to be looking for something.

Soon, several silhouettes appeared in their sight.

At this brief moment, everyone in the square cast their eyes on the youth man headed by several silhouettes.

The youth man's complexion is heavy, there is no mood swings on his face, and the coldness in his eyes is faintly transmitted.

weng weng weng!

Suddenly, the void trembled, and the earth began to shake violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

After that, a deafening roar and explosion sounded in the ears of the crowd.

"Fa...what happened!"

The people on the square tried their best to stabilize the stature, and their words were panic.

"Look at you!"

"This...this is impossible!"

Some Powerhouses located on the periphery of the square and above the Sacred Domain vacated At first, when they saw the scene of all around clearly, their expressions froze, and the eyebrows were filled with a thick color of consternation, as if they couldn't believe what they saw before them.

Looking at the face of the Sacred Domain Powerhouse flying high in the sky, more and more people on the square began to climb the heights. The magician of Wind Attribute directly performed the flying technique, and stayed there for a while. In the air.

When they saw what happened in Holy Church, their expressions were no different from those of Sacred Domain Powerhouse, even more exaggerated.

One by one was dumbfounded, the brain seemed to have lost the ability to direct words and deeds, standing still like a wood, staring at the front with stunned eyes.

Holy Church is located in the West Side of Finlay City, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres.

At this moment, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering explosions occurred inexplicably in every corner of Holy Church. Under the explosion, a piece of building turned into nothing and dissipated directly in the sky.


Far far away in the sky, a low stepping sound rang out, shaking everyone's hearts.

With the fall of Chu Bei's foot, the tens of thousands of acres of Holy Church directly burst into dazzling dazzling rays of light, faintly hearing the miserable screams of countless people, for a moment Fleeting.

When the bright rays of light disappeared and the crowds on the square could see everything around again, the involuntarily held breath cold air became numb.

"Holy Church is no... no more!"

"It is him, it must be him!"

"Who is he!"


Looking at the tens of thousands of acres of Holy Church, to be precise, it has become a ruin of tens of thousands of acres. After a group of Powerhouses came back to his senses from the trance, they all looked at the same. Frozen on that silhouette in the sky, the look of dreading appeared in each eye, with horror.

Holy Church, one of the Magnolia continent Peak forces, turned into a ruin in an instant. All this happened so suddenly and unexpectedly that they were completely unprepared!

Even more how, today is the most important missionary day of Holy Church. Who would have thought that in such a day, the huge Holy Church would be gone.

Those tens of thousands of believers living in the Holy Church have also been turned into ruins along with the buildings. The pungent bloody smell can even be smelled in the air, which is disgusting and terrifying. .

"Master Supreme Pontiff, the Holy See is gone..."

The complexions of the red-clothed Archbishops turned gray for a moment, not just them, but others on the high platform All the high-ranking members of the Holy See were like a thunderbolt on a clear day, and they looked at a loss, as if thunder and lightning were like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

"You...you are the master of All Heavens Store!"

"The Boss Chu!"

Supreme Pontiff Haitings came into the air and glanced at Eyes all around the dusty ruins, after a long breath of air pressure restrained the throbbing in his heart, he stared at Chu Bei vigilantly.

At this moment, Haitings's body is as tight as a stone, and his heart sinks as if it is full of cold lead.

"The lord of All Heavens Store, it turns out that he is the lord of All Heavens Store who has disappeared for ten years!"

"How is it possible! Not that the lord of All Heavens Store is just Sacred Domain Powerhouse? Look, is this what Sacred Domain Powerhouse can do?"

"Could it be that he, like Martial God and High Priest, has become a god!"

"If this is the case, Haitings and the others are in danger!"


Confirming the identity of Chu Bei, the consternation on the faces of the crowd on the square What's more, it was full of incredible color.

In the sky, Hillman, Level 9 Shadow Rats, Rock Rats, and a group of All Heavens Store dísciples, bowed their heads and swept across the ruins below, wriggling their throats. Obviously, they were the first time they saw Chu. Bei's such means.

"Daddy, mother, you are here!"

The slap mouse hiding in the distance flew to the side of the Level 9 shadow mouse with a swish.

"Babe, this is Boss Chu and the benefactor of our family. If it weren't for him, your father and I would have died ten years ago." Level 9 Shadow Mouse said.

"My boss is good."

Beibei glanced at the barren ruins below her eyes, and when she looked towards Chu Bei, she was obviously a little restrained, but she seemed to have thought of something again, and pointed immediately Linley, who was still twitching and tumbling on the high platform, looked anxious: "Master Boss, please save the leader! He is in a very bad situation!"

At this moment, flying from the Panlong ring Delincovote who came out hadn't come back to his senses. He still had a dazed expression with a dull expression. He looked at Chu Bei dumbfounded, without blinking his eyes. The other party's methods really surprised him.

Chu Bei ignored the gaze of all around people, his gaze fell on the high platform.

I saw a wave of his right hand, and a strong wind burst out of his palm, and in an instant he struck Linley's body.


A screaming screamed.

It's just that this scream was not Linley's voice, but a sharper neighing sound.

Next moment, under the horrified eyes of countless people, a translucent silhouette flew out of Linley's body.

To be precise, he did not fly out, but was detained from Linley's body by an invisible force.

"That...that's a four-winged angel!"

"Is this the angel who originally wanted to take possession of Linley's body!"

"According to me According to the information in the ancient book, the strength of the four-winged angel has reached the limit of the Sacred Domain, and it is only one step away from becoming a god!"


I saw that translucent Shaped silhouette with four wings on the back and a round ring of light on the head.

When I went to the square to watch the Powerhouse recognize his identity, one by one suddenly exclaimed.


However, everyone just started to discuss that a giant palm was formed around the four-winged angel.

The giant palm squeezed sharply, followed by a loud explosion.

The four-winged angel didn't even have time to scream, before being pinched into nothingness by the giant palm.

All this happened between calcium carbide sparks!

"It's dead, the four-winged angel died like this!"

"That's Sacred Domain Peak! But even if it's as strong as this, it still remains in front of the Lord of All Heavens Store There is no power to fight back!"

"Don’t think about it, this Lord of All Heavens Store must have become a god!"

Looking at the four-winged angel transformed into nothingness, on the square The crowd of Powerhouses held their breath one after another.


On the high platform, Five Clawed Golden Dragon has changed back to Linley's appearance, and at this moment he is still a little weak.

After seeing Chu Bei, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and bowed down and saluted immediately.

"Linley, you are suffering. Next, leave it to me to be the Master."

Chu Bei's eyes fell on Linley's body, and his tone was slightly relaxed. Waved, a wisp of divine glow enveloped the latter.

In the blink of an eye, Linley's injuries were all healed, his pale face became ruddy, and his breath returned to Peak.

xiū xiū xiū 咻!

At this moment, the sound of four breaking air went from far to near. After a while, there were four more silhouettes on the high platform.

The Number One Person who appeared here has long red hair like blood, with his eyes open and closed like a blade light shooting out. The overbearing imposing manner unintentionally released made all the Powerhouses in the field feel for a while. asphyxia.

The second person, with long silver hair and a green mask, slender figure, can hardly distinguish between men and women.

The third person, wearing a dark Golden robe, looks like a strange youth. What's strange is that besides the normal eyes, there are four eyes on his forehead. There are six eyes in total.

The fourth person, dressed in a gray and black robe, stands with his hands behind his hands. In terms of breath, he seems to be slightly weaker than the first three, but there is not much difference.

"Master Martial God!"

"Big...High Priest!"

See clearly the appearance of four silhouettes in the sky, O'Brien Empire Powerhouses above Level 8 of the Magnolia Empire were dumbfounded almost at the same time.

After the reaction came over, the first two people in the air moved towards the sky and knelt down.

"What? They are Martial God, Bu Laien, and High Priest!"

Looking at the Two Great Empires Powerhouse and bowing down at the same time, the rest of the Powerhouses on the square were first taken aback, then Can't help but exclaim.

There are three gods on this Magnolia continent. They are beyond the Sacred Domain and stand on the Peak of the Magnolia continent.

First is the spiritual pillar of O'Brien Empire, which is Martial God. The second place is the spiritual pillar of the Magnolia Empire, which is High Priest. As for the third place, it is the one from Darkness Forest.

"Why did the other two people come from? Could it be that one of them is the god of the Darkness Forest?"

In a crowd of Powerhouses, they suspected that the third person and the third person in the sky When they were four people, Martial God spoke: "Dilin, I didn't expect you to escape from Gobada Prison. And you Xisai, didn't expect you to become a god too."

As soon as Martial God said the words, the square became noisy again.

"Gobada Prison? What is that place! Why have you never heard of it!"

"Listen to Martial God, maybe these two people are also gods!"

"My God! So, the four of them plus the Darkness Forest, don't we have five gods on the Magnolia continent now!"

"Wrong! If you add this The Lord of All Heavens Store is the six gods!"


Martial God, High Priest, Xisai, and Dilin all ignored the comments of the people on the square. Soon, they glanced at the Holy Church, which had been turned into ruins, and finally their eyes fell on Chu Bei's body.

When they released Divine Consciousness and swept Chu Bei, they frowned one after another, allowing some dignity on their faces.

Chu Bei only glanced at Martial God and High Priest faintly, then his eyes fell on Supreme Pontiff Haitings and Finlay King Clyde on the high platform.

Facing the gaze of Chu Bei Senhan, Clyde's eyes were a little dodged, and his body trembled from instinct, subconsciously moved towards Haitings.


But when Clyde just walked behind Haitings, his body seemed to be suddenly squeezed by an invisible force.

Afterwards, it exploded directly with a bang, blood and minced meat splashed, falling on Haitings, red-clothed Archbishop and the others.

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses on the square wriggled their throats, and there was extremely silence, and no one made a sound.

King Clyde of Finlay died so inexplicably. Although they did not see the initiative of the All Heavens Store, they were absolutely sure that the other party did it!

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