High in the sky, Martial God, High Priest, Xisai, and Dilin looked at each other, and there was a flash of shock in their eyes.

They are also gods, but it is difficult to easily kill a Level 9 Powerhouse without doing anything!

Boom, boom, bang!

Following Clyde, explosions continued to be heard on the high platform.

First there are two white deacons, then six special deacons, and finally two referees.


Looking at the piles of minced meat beside them, fear appeared on the faces of the three red-clothed Archbishops, and they rose subconsciously into the air.

However, before they fly out a hundred meters away, their bodies are still exploding, horrible to see.

On the square, the crowd watching the Powerhouse became numb, staring at the high platform with distracted eyes.

In just a few breaths, apart from the nauseating flesh and blood on the high platform, only Supreme Pontiff Haitings was left.

At this moment, Supreme Pontiff Haitings shiver coldly, it is not difficult to see his inner fear. Both of his hands were closed in front of the chest, holding a Golden pendant tightly, and babbling in his mouth.

"Linley, do you know why this Holy Church treats you like this?" Chu Bei turned his head and looked towards Linley.

"They have a very good relationship with Clyde." Linley said.

"No, because they were the secret mastermind twelve years ago." Chu Bei said calmly.

"Yes...they killed my mother!"

When I heard Chu Bei's words, Linley's breath suddenly skyrocketed, and the killing intent in the gaze looking towards Haitings skyrocketed: "Why! Why are you taking my mother away! Where is she now? Is she dead or alive!"

"Whether it's dead or alive, you don't even want to see it!"

Haitings suddenly looked up towards Linley. At this moment, the fear on his face disappeared.

The voice fell, and his eyes fell on Chu Bei again. The Golden pendant in his hand was in his mouth, with a pious expression: "Lord, I use myself as a guide. I beg you to come down. Divine Grade Angel!"

hong long!

Just as Haitings’s extremely pious words fell, the high platform was facing a loud explosion sound of Yaoyao Sky.

next moment, a huge halo like the scorching sun takes shape.

"Look! That...that's a seraph!"

Looking at the bright phantom formed in the halo, the powerhouses on the square couldn't help but exclaim. Even the faces of Martial God, High Priest, Xisai, and Dilin appeared a touch of astonishment.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes in the field, the Seraphim walked out of the halo, flew straight down, and finally overlapped with the body of Haitings.

In an instant, Haitings seemed to have changed himself.

Two beams of golden glow shot out from his eyes, six white wings grew behind his back, peng sound, and the high platform under his feet turned into a powder in his powerful imposing manner.

"Haitings used himself as the furnace cauldron to attract Seraphim!"

Looking at Haitings, who flew into the air and released an incomparable terrifying breath, The faces of all the people in the square were shocked.

"To blaspheme the Lord of Light, to destroy the inheritance of our Lord, the crime should be killed!"

High in the sky, Haitings's face is indifferent, like the Spiritual God of aloof and remote, he The voice was low and cold, but not the previous tone.

Obviously, it is the Seraphim who descends that controls Haitings now.

"The Lord of Light?"

When I heard this name, Chu Bei remained unmoved, and his face remained unmoved: "He can't take care of the Magnolia continent, even if the Holy The Church is destroyed, I am afraid he will not care."

Speaking of which, Chu Bei squinted his eyes, his mouth suddenly changed, and his voice became indifferent: "Besides, he really came, if you dare to do This matter is in the early stages, and this seat will also be condemned."

"Bold! What a big tone!"

Chu Bei's words instantly angered the Seraphim, only listening to shouting loudly, holy The rays of light spread out around Haitings’ body.

next moment, the huge square is quiet, and everyone is immersed in the rays of light of this holy step, enjoying intoxicated expressions.

"Domain of God!"

The Sacred Domain Powerhouse, who was still sober in the field, stared at the Seraphim high in the sky, with a sense of astonishment in his words.

Martial God, High Priest, Xisai, and Dilin remained silent, but their eyes shifted from Chu Bei to Haitings.

Speaking of breath, the Seraphim is still above the four of them.

"Go to death!"

Seraphs drifted out of the air, and then the holy rays of light above the square condensed into a huge sword of light , Went straight towards Chu Bei and fell.

Faced with such a sword, Chu Bei was expressionless. He did not even look at the Seraphim. Instead, he set his sights on the four of Martial God, High Priest, Xisai, and Dilin. Body.

"From now on, whenever someone dares to provoke All Heavens Store, Holy Church is its fate!"

Suddenly, an indifferent and majestic voice came from Chu Bei confided in his mouth, centered on himself, spread throughout the city of Finlay, the Finlay Kingdom, and the entire Magnolia continent!

At this moment, the creatures in all corners of the continent trembled inexplicably, and the terrifying sound of terrifying soul reverberated in their minds.

Martial God, High Priest, Xisai, and Dilin were frowned successively, and his expression was a bit ugly. The threatening words of the other party were clearly addressed to the four of them.

But when they were about to speak frigid irony and scorching satire, the owner of the All Heavens Store made a move.


I saw Chu Bei casually a finger pointed backwards, there was a loud bang, and the void behind it was directly distorted and exploded.

The huge sword of light and'Haitings' are almost at the same moment, twisting and exploding as the void is twisted and exploded!

"Dead! Just die like this!"

"Does even the Seraphim who descends look like an ant in front of the Lord of All Heavens Store!"

"My God! This owner of All Heavens Store seems to be stronger than Martial God and High Priest!"


In response to the location where the Seraphim was killed, all the Powerhouses on the square fell into a trance.

"This...this is probably no weaker than the one in the Darkness Forest!"

Martial God, High Priest, Xisai, and Dilin were stunned and stunned. Looking at Chu Bei's silhouette, his eyes turned, not knowing what he was thinking.


At this moment, because of the collapse of Chu Bei's punch, there was suddenly a crisp cracking sound, like a great spell cracked in a ten thousand year seal. .


On the other side.

The Forest of Darkness.

"Lord Beirut, why did you wake up suddenly!"

The three purple mice looked at the silhouette in front of them with confusion.

"I was careless. I didn't expect him to have such strength! This Magnolia continent is going to change!"

Under the blank eyes of three purple mice , That silhouette instantly disappeared from the same place.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha ......

Above the huge square, the collapsed void behind Chu Bei appeared like a second collapse, appeared A weird huge gap.

"haha! Ten thousand years, my Roca has finally come out!!!"

"The air on the Magnolia continent is really fresh! Counting the time, it has been more than one million It’s a year!"

"My wife, child, are you all okay? My Bafeng is back!"

"Beirut, we should settle this account. !"


Soon, tens of thousands of excited voices were intertwined, floating in the sky.

Looking around, I saw that in the huge gap behind Chu Bei, countless silhouettes rushed out like locusts, and then flew towards all directions.

"My friend, did you rescue us? Thank you so much!"

A middle-aged man in a black robe stayed in Chu Bei’s In front of him, after holding cup one fist in the other hand, he stepped out, and it directly shattered the void under his feet, and then disappeared.

"This...these guys..."

The sudden change directly stunned the four of Martial God, High Priest, Xisai, and Dilin!

In these tens of thousands of silhouettes, the powerful breath released, unexpectedly has 90% above them.

Some even exist, and the inadvertent breath alone makes them feel suffocated.

To be precise, not only these four people, but everyone in the square was dumbfounded. They held their heads up with numb expressions, looking at the divine rainbow that went away one after another, and couldn’t bear it. Swallowed his throat.

"My mother, where did these guys come from!"

"They can all stand in the air, which means that even the weakest of them At least it has the strength of the Sacred Domain realm!"

"No, they give me the feeling that it is even more terrifying than Martial God and High Priest!"


The square all around the onlookers, each with their mouths wide open, their heads constantly swinging, they were shocked.


There was another dull sound, and a black robed man appeared above the square.

Recognizing the black robed man shadow, Martial God, High Priest, Xisai, Dilin four eyes shrank, came back to his senses and cup one fist in the other hand at the same time.

"Lord Beirut!"

The four Martial God have respectful faces and their voices are neat.

"It's the adult of Darkness Forest!"

"He also appeared! Was he surprised by the next scene?"

" Even Martial God and High Priest are so respectful to him, he must be terrifying! I just don’t know who is stronger than the lord of All Heavens Store?"



After Beirut appeared, he glanced at Chu Bei, who looked like a matter of no concern to oneself. After being frowned, his right hand stretched out and the huge black palm directly moved towards the cracked gap. Away.

weng weng weng!

The giant palm releases the black glow, and the strange knot is formed in the palm, repairing the broken seal great spell.

For a few breaths, the silhouette that had been rushing out from the gap was like a river blocked, and could no longer break through.

After repairing the seal, Beirut took a long breath and then looked towards Chu Bei.

"This continent has changed because of you!"

Over the square, after Beirut resealed the cracked gap, he turned his head towards Chu Bei and sighed faintly. .

"Lord Beirut, what the hell is going on? There are tens of thousands of Powerhouses, where did they come from!"

Hesai looked at Beirut and asked, he Not long after he became a god, he still didn't have a thorough understanding of this continent.

"His blow not only shattered the void, but also shattered a great spell that sealed another space!"

Beirut pointed at Chu Bei and then looked towards Xi Sai: "The tens of thousands of Powerhouses you just saw, they are from which space."

"The other space?" Xi Sai frowned even more.

"They are from the Gobada plane prison, and I am from there too!" Before Beirut could speak, Dilin next to Xisai said.

"Did you hear their conversation? Gobada plane prison, what is that place! How come there are so many powerhouses that are not weaker than Martial God and High Priest?"

All around the Powerhouse on the square, everyone looked confused, with curiosity and expectation in their eyes.

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