"Master Tower Peak, why are you free to come over?"

Tafeng just landed with Chu Bei Linley on a flat gorge in the Baruch lineage area Up, dozens of silhouettes flew over in the distance.

I saw the one headed wearing a sleeveless blouse, highlighting strong chest muscles. The brown and black hair was draped in a mess, and there was fine light flowing in those eyes.

"Baruch, I can't think you can't do it on your own, but there is an outstanding descendant." Ta Feng teased the leading man unceremoniously.

"He is Baruch? I am the founder of Baruch Clan? My Old Ancestor!"

Hearing Tafeng's words, Linley looked towards the person headed in front of him, his heart seemed to be The sledge hammer hits.

"Master Tower, what do you mean by this?" Baruch looked surprised.

"This little fellow is from the Magnolia continent, saying that it's your Baruch Clan." Tafeng pointed to Linley.

"Magnolia continent is here!"

Baruch startled, and then showed ecstasy, but soon calmed down, watching Linley cough slightly: "little fellow, If you belong to Baruch Clan, you should know the records about your ancestors in Clan Temple."

"Of course I do."

When I heard Baruch, Linley immediately heavily nodded.

Afterwards, opened the mouth and said: "Baruch, Magnolia continent first dragon blood Warrior. In 4560 of the Magnolia calendar, Baruch faced the frost giant dragon and the Black Dragon under Linnan City, and finally the frost giant dragon and Black Dragon is killed, name shakes the whole world. Magnolia calendar 4579..."

"Good, good, good!"

Listening to Linley telling one record after another, Baruch Excitedly said three good words, and then he hugged Linley in his arms: "Child, welcome home!"

After a burst of laughter, Baruch took out a clan badge from his arms : "Child, it is the proof that you are a part of Clan Reading. Go in with a drop of blood, recognize ancestors and return to the fold."

Linley took the badge without hesitation, and immediately dropped a drop of blood. On the badge.

After a while, he felt the breath fluctuations of other clansman through the badge.

[Linley succeeded in recognizing the ancestor, and the host's mission was half completed]

At this time, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

"Master Tower Peak, who is this?"

Baruch's eyes fell on Chu Bei, with confusion in his eyes.

"This..." Pagoda looked towards Chu Bei, stunned, for a moment he didn't know how to introduce it.

His thoughts were placed on Linley from the very beginning, and he even forgot to ask the Black Tortoise clan gang, where he came from.


Suddenly, the awkward atmosphere was sounded by the ear-splitting horn.

With the sound of the horn, the entire mountain range of the heavenly festival suddenly rioted, one after another divine rainbow rose from every corner of the mountain range, the roar of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.


As soon as he heard the sound of the horn, Pagoda shouted, in an imposing manner, instantly climbed to Peak, rose into the air, and flew to the southeast.

"Is the final battle open!"

"I really want to fight side by side! Kill all the eight clans!"

Looking at the mountain Above the range, thousands of divine rainbows flying by, Baruch, Hahnemann and other Powerhouses from dragon blood lineage from the Magnolia continent clenched their fists, shook their heads and sighed, with hatred and unwillingness on their faces.

"Old Ancestor, what's going on with this horn? What happened? That Master Tower and clansman in the sky, where did they go?" Linley looked at the sky, his brows gradually frowned, eyes Confused.

"This is the battle horn of our Four Divine Beasts clan! Once it blows, it means that all the Middle Gods of my Four Divine Beasts clan and the Powerhouse above them, no matter whether they are injured or not, they need to step on Go to the battlefield to kill the enemy!"

Baruch looked towards the southeast, within both eyes full of bloodshot eyes: "This battle horn will sound only at the last minute. It seems that my Four Divine Beasts clan is in a bad situation. I'm afraid, it's in danger!"

"If our God Sovereign of Four Divine Beasts clan was not dead, how could there be such a genocide crisis! Our God Sovereign of Four Divine Beasts, although it is a lower God Sovereign , But once the four of them play fusion skills, it is comparable to Sovereign!"

Hahnemann took a deep breath, as the second-generation Clan Leader of Baruch Clan, he just became Low God a hundred years ago.

With his strength on the battlefield, he can't even count as cannon fodder, let alone fight.

"You two will follow me. When the second horn sounds, we will quickly escape from the mountain range of the heavenly sacrifice. Then find a plane to hide, and can't let the four beasts clan break the root!"

Baruch kept shaking his head and sighing, but as soon as the words in his mouth fell, a mysterious force swept through his body.

After that, Baruch only felt the scene change before his eyes. When he saw everything around again, he suddenly eyes shrank.

Not only Baruch, Hahnemann, Tulsi, Nibal, and other Powerhouses from the Magnolia continent lineage all showed expressions of consternation, looking down one by one, numbly like one Blockhead.

Unconsciously, they have been taken away from their homes by the mysterious power.

And also came to... the battlefield of Chaos Sea!

"Master, why did you bring Old Ancestor over here?"

A word from Linley instantly surprised Baruch, Hahneman and the others with simultaneous look Throwing at Chu Bei, his mouth opened wide, full of incredible color.

Four supreme planes, hell.

It has a total of Five Great Areas, namely Bauhinia continent, Kalossa continent, Muya continent, Blood Peak continent and Bifu continent.

These five continents are almost connected to form a ring. Inside the ring is a vast ocean called the Chaos Sea.

In terms of area alone, even the Muya continent, the largest of the five continents, is less than one-tenth of it.

At this moment, a fierce battle is taking place above the coast of the Blood Peak continent.

Looking at it, the originally blue water in the sea has begun to turn dark red because of the injection of blood. As the crash-bang of the waves beat, the air is filled with a pungent smell.

There are two factions in the battlefield.

One group is the Four Divine Beasts clan headed by Azure Dragon Reading, and the other group is the eight clan headed by Heaven Realm Bayer.

hong long long!

In the terrible fight, one after another silhouette fell from the air and hit the sea.

The countless corpses, as the ocean current goes away, are startled.

In this battlefield, the four Clan Leaders of Four Divine Beasts clan have reached the realm of High God Great Perfection, but the person headed by the eight major clans is also the strength of Great Perfection.

Due to the uneven number of Peak Powerhouses, this war also has a clear imbalance.

From the current point of view, the situation of Four Divine Beasts clan is extremely bad. Whether it is High God or Middle God, the number of people is obviously less than that of the eight clan.

If Four Divine Beasts clan's own defense is not strong enough, this final battle is probably over.

But even so, by this time, the war has come to an end.

Straight to the top of the battlefield, there are three terrifying silhouettes floating in an imposing manner. One of them was on one side alone. He glanced at the battlefield below his eyes, his face becoming more and more solemn. The other two, they are standing side by side, with allow some smiles at the corners of their mouths.

"Bayer, do you really want to kill to the last one!"

God Sovereign Bloodpeak coldly looked at one of the two figures opposite with Golden wings middle-aged man.

Ten thousand years ago, since the death of God Sovereign of Four Divine Beasts clan, he was entrusted to protect the descendants of Four Divine Beasts clan.

At first, the eight clans really feared him, they just started a small-scale war.

Who would have thought that the former Clan Leader of Bayer clan in the eight major clans would accidentally obtain a God Sovereign grid and also entered the ranks of God Sovereign.

If it were just that, he wouldn't be as indifferent as he is now. However, when the opponent launched this final battle, he even invited another God Sovereign to come and swept the formation.

Even if he faces two God Sovereigns at the same time, he is not sure of winning.

"Blood Peak, don't be nosy. The war with Four Divine Beasts clan didn't start on your Blood Peak continent, even more how Bayer and I didn't take action, just let it go. Helping little fellows fight, this has already given you a lot of face."

The Luke God Sovereign next to Bayer speaks. He is the God Sovereign of God World of Life, because he owed Bayer a Favor, so Will agree to come and help out.

"Four Divine Beasts clan, but Beirut let me take care of it." God Sovereign Bloodpeak glanced over Bayer and Luke and spoke again.


Hearing this name, a flash of astonishment flashed in Bayer's eyes, but he quickly returned to normal: "What about him? Do you think I am now Are you still afraid of him? Even more how, does his real body dare to appear on the Magnolia continent?"

Hearing this, God Sovereign Bloodpeak shook the head, even if one more Beirut does not change the situation in the field .

The four of them are both inferior God Sovereign, and they are not much closer in strength. Even if he and Beirut join forces, they will not necessarily be able to win Bayer and Luke.

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