Battlefield, Northwest.

Baruch, Hahneman and many other dragon blood warriors from the Magnolia continent looked at the fierce battlefield below, each with their mouths open and their faces full of incredible colors.

" brought us here!"

Baruch came back to his senses from consternation, shrouded what Linley said, took a deep breath, The movement of eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body.

It's not just him, all the dragon blood Warriors including Hahneman, Sikeyo, and Joker are staring at Chu Bei.

Apparently, they were also frightened by Chu Bei's methods!

Previously, they were still planning how to safely escape from the mountain range of the Heavenly Festival so as to leave bloodline inheritance for clan. Unexpectedly, they were brought to the battlefield of Chaos Sea by this mysterious person of unknown origin before they escaped. .

This is just between in a flash!

Chu Bei glanced at Baruch faintly, without saying much, his gaze continued to fall on the battlefield, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Kill them all! Even if you die in battle, never back down!"

In the Tianji mountain range, more and more silhouettes have joined the battlefield. Eight of them are The Warrior, who had been seriously injured in the battlefield and returned to heal, could join the battlefield even with injuries after hearing the horn sound.

But even if there are nearly ten thousand Warriors in the Four Divine Beasts clan, it still can't make up the gap with the eight clan.

At this moment, Four Divine Beasts clan has been completely surrounded by the Powerhouse of the eight major clans, and with the increase in the death toll, this encircled circle is shrinking.

"Odin Bell, see how long you can hold on! Now that we have Bayer God Sovereign and Luke God Sovereign sitting in town, don't expect Blood Peak to save you anymore! Today, just It's the day when your Four Divine Beasts clan completely disappeared from hell!" The leader of the eight major clans sneered.

hong long!

However, when they were proud of the tone barely fell, a shocking roar sounded in the battlefield.

next moment, a huge bright golden light beam blasted down from the sky, just shrouding the Four Divine Beasts clan surrounded by eight clans in the middle.

pēng pēng pēng ……

Also in this brief moment, those of the eight clans who originally moved towards Four Divine Beasts clan Warrior attacked but finally landed on the bright beam, One by one, as if being hit by some kind of invisible terror force, they were shaken out in an instant.

Among these flying silhouettes, there is no lack of High God, and even the two eight clan Clan Leaders who have reached the High God Great Perfection cannot escape being bombarded.

"Could it be that God Sovereign Bloodpeak did it!"

"He is not afraid of Bayer God Sovereign and Luke God Sovereign!"

After the two eighth clan Clan Leaders that were blown out had stabilized their stability, they immediately turned their attention to God Sovereign Bloodpeak.

It's not just the two of them. Almost at the same time, all the Powerhouses on the battlefield turned their heads to look over.

"Even if the opponent has two great God Sovereigns, God Sovereign Bloodpeak hasn't given up on us yet!"

Four Divine Beasts clan tens of thousands of Warriors, Looking at the golden beam of light that suddenly fell from the sky and wrapped them firmly, the gaze that once again looked towards God Sovereign Bloodpeak was filled with deep gratitude.


Bayer and Luke, the two God Sovereigns, frowned at the moment the Golden beam appeared, because they knew that the shot was not Blood. Peak.


Bayer and Luke said at the same time, swinging their heads and looking around.

The Divine Consciousness of the two was maximized, but they did not find anything unusual.

It's not just the two of them, but Blood Peak is also watching all around, looking like looking for something.

"Could it be said that God Sovereign Bloodpeak didn't make this mask that protects us?"

"Who would it be then! Can fly Great Perfection High? God's, it must be a God Sovereign."

"There are so many God Sovereigns, who will it be? Is it because we owed us Old Ancestor's kindness? Now see us Four Divine Beasts Clan is on the verge of a crisis, so he shot?"


I heard the voices of Bayer and Luke, coupled with the somewhat dazed expression of Blood Peak, Warrior of Four Divine Beasts clan They seemed to have guessed that the person who shot was not Blood Peak, and they all showed expressions of consternation and confusion.

In the current battlefield, apart from Blood Peak, they really can't think of anyone else who will help them Four Divine Beasts clan at this time.

After all, this means standing on the opposite side of Bayer and Luke God Sovereign at the same time!

In their opinion, the person who secretly shot must have owed the kindness of their ancestors, otherwise, how could he act?


shouting loudly, the eight clan Clan Leader from the Thunder Element god plane shot, I saw him incarnate as a lightning flash, tore the void, and strikes there On the dazzling golden beam of light enveloped the Four Divine Beasts clan Warrior.


Along with a muffled sound, the Golden beam collided with only a ripple.

On the other hand, the Thunder Element clan Clan Leader who took the shot suddenly flew out, a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, his face pale.

"Clan Leader, as long as we stay in this, we are safe! Even the Great Perfection's full strength attack can't break it!"

Looking at the seriously injured Thunder Element Clan Leader, Four Divine Beasts clan Warrior are overjoyed.

"Bayer, what do you want to do? Didn't you agree not to intervene?" Perceiving the fluctuation of Bayer's breath, Blood Peak brows frowned.

"The agreement was based on the premise that God Sovereign did not take action! But at the moment, the person in the dark is obviously the same as us! This agreement will naturally not hold!" Bayer looked towards the battlefield coldly, Right hand The horrible energy fluctuations in the palm of the hand rippled.

Hearing what Bayer said, the Warriors of Four Divine Beasts clan instantly changed their faces.

If Bayer takes the shot, no matter how amazing the defense of the Golden Mask is, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist. After all, the opponent is God Sovereign!


At this moment, Bayer took the shot.

In his palm, a blue blade of light penetrated the void, and in an instant it fell on the mask. Wherever it passed, the terrifying aftermath cut straight through the chaotic sea below.

Kang Dang!

However, what shocked everyone was that when the blue lightblade strikes that condensed the power of God Sovereign were on the mask, the result was the same as the attack of High God falling on it, only with allow After some ripples, it rebounds in an instant.


Looking at the turning blue light blade, Bayer immediately raised his hand to meet him. But the energy contained in this light blade seemed to have been strengthened, and it actually shook it back.

"How could it be like this!"

"Can't even Bayer God Sovereign help this mask!"

"It must be that Bayer God Sovereign did not come out Do your best! If Bayer God Sovereign does its best, this mask will collapse in an instant!"


Looking at the retreated Bayer, one of the eight clans, one His face changed in shock, showing an unbelievable expression.

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